sciaus · 4 years
Hi do you know where I can watch sci episode 3 with english sub?
hello! I’m sorry I couldn’t answer sooner!
@mypheralside acutally has a great masterpost up, which you can find here (x)
I checked for episode 3 in particular and that episode is up and running! Have fun! ♥
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sciaus · 5 years
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where you hit I bleed red (ao3)
(Bai Yutong/Zhan Yao, 5/? chapters, 14565 words)
Zhan Yao is enjoying his peaceful life as an university professor. That changes when his co-worker Jiang Lin finds out about the anonymous letters, threatening him, and signs him up to a self defense class. Reluctantly he agrees, certain it would only be a one-off kind of deal. That is until he meets the self defense teacher - Bai Yutong.
Bai Yutong is the owner and head-teacher of his own gym. Things start getting interesting when one of his students, Jiang Lin, brings in a newbie. Bai Yutong immediately feels drawn to the man, who looks like he’d rather be anywhere else. He’s always liked a challenge.
What neither of them know: Some dangerous people are after Zhan Yao. Soon the two find themselves in the firing line of some powerful masterminds. Can Bai Yutong protect Zhan Yao and help him reveal whatever is behind this? Will they be able to come out of it alive?
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sciaus · 5 years
Zhan Yao makes a return & Bai Yutong is forced to go to a lecture & enjoys it, in spite of himself.
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sciaus · 5 years
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where you hit I bleed red (ao3)
(Bai Yutong/Zhan Yao, 5/? chapters, 14565 words)
Zhan Yao is enjoying his peaceful life as an university professor. That changes when his co-worker Jiang Lin finds out about the anonymous letters, threatening him, and signs him up to a self defense class. Reluctantly he agrees, certain it would only be a one-off kind of deal. That is until he meets the self defense teacher - Bai Yutong.
Bai Yutong is the owner and head-teacher of his own gym. Things start getting interesting when one of his students, Jiang Lin, brings in a newbie. Bai Yutong immediately feels drawn to the man, who looks like he’d rather be anywhere else. He’s always liked a challenge.
What neither of them know: Some dangerous people are after Zhan Yao. Soon the two find themselves in the firing line of some powerful masterminds. Can Bai Yutong protect Zhan Yao and help him reveal whatever is behind this? Will they be able to come out of it alive?
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sciaus · 5 years
Chapter 5 is finally up!
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sciaus · 5 years
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YaoYutong - supernatural creature AU
Bai Yutong (x)
Zhan Yao
If you would have asked Zhan Yao a few weeks ago, who and what he is, his answer would be irritated but quick. What else than human and scholar should he tell you? Are you asking for his family’s history? For his status? For his studies, which have brought him to New York, London, Jena and now back to Hong Kong?
But things have changed. Back in his hometown, he’s met numerous people, but none had left such an impact as Bai Yutong. Never has he felt such a kind of remembrance for a person, who he surely hasn’t met before?
He has yet to discover the true world his new friend calls his own - and has so for centuries. A world, carefully hidden from Zhan Yao’s eyes. Up until now. Everything changes and his well put together world gets ripped apart, as he is sucked into this new world, after someone attacks him, trying to kidnap him or worse. Why, he is not sure, but he knows it’s connected to his friend, Bai Yutong.
Yet, unknown to both of them is Zhan Yao’s ancient past. He’s of supernatural blood, once prince of fae’s, but now stripped of his memories. His powers sealed within; powers so great, his enemies couldn’t strip them from him, but had to bind and put them to slumber, deep within the darkest parts of his soul. For they would never come to the surface again and he to never return. But some part of magic has gone astray, and once slumbering powers start to awake once more.
But what will they bring him in the end?
Love, freedom and peace?
Or death, pain and doom?
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sciaus · 5 years
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YaoYutong - supernatural creature AU
Bai Yutong
Zhan Yao (x)
In his long life Bai Yutong has seen many things. He has met common or strange supernatural creatures from all over the world, passing through his hometown Hong Kong. Has fought some, helped even more. He has seen the rises and fall of regimes, the development of world and people alike. He has seen the quick rises of power-hungry high born creatures to the top of their society. And their even quicker downfalls.
Being one of these high borns himself, it would be easy – and expected –  to follow those power drunk ones on their way to success, in the twilight of codex and doctrines. But Bai Yutong? He prefers to follow his own accords, instead of being a slave to some shady codex. His life starts to get a lot more interesting, when he meets Zhan Yao, a mere human, so we believe, who just came back from a long journey. Back home. Back to Hong Kong. To the city, Bai Yutong calls his home, too.
Wihtout intention, Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao’s path keep crossing. There’s something special about this young man, Bai Yutong notices soon enough. Something strange. He can’t shake this odd feeling of remembrance, like both of them have once known each other. But that can’t be. Through the course of the last centuries, Bai Yutong has met thousands of faces. But never Zhan Yao’s. He would remember this face! He’s sure about it.Then why can’t he get rid of this feeling of connection?
He lacks an answer and decides to keep his distance. But this decision is not his to make. Life finds a way and keeps on throwing them into each other’s pathway’s. Like gravity does to comets and stars and planets. Something begins.
It’s when an overly motivated hunter mistakes Zhan Yao for one of Bai Yutong’s and attacks, that is the moment Bai Yutong has to make a decision.
But what if, saving his new found friend Zhan Yao doesn’t only mean, bringing himself into great danger, but also threatens the existence of the whole underworld? Is he willling to risk it all? And does he really know this man, enough to make such a call? Does this man even know himself?! What powers and mysteries may slumber within his alleged human form?  Does he know about the dark, pumping through his veins and the ancient stories embedded in his blood and flesh? And how will it endanger Bai Yutong?
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sciaus · 5 years
Hi there! September 3rd any ship of your choice, please?
I may have went a little over board with this one? I wanted to post a little 10 lines idea pitch and suddenly this came to life. Whoopsie~ I hope you enjoy it @somewhatavidreader! thanks for asking ^^
send me a date and ship
YaoYutong - meet cute neighbors
Zhan Yao didn’t see itcoming. How could he? After all, the 25kg liveweight crashing against him fullspeed, came from behind. Sitting on the dusty park ground, an unpleasant stingpiercing through his bum and lower back, he isn’t sure what to expect,looking up from the ground at whatever just brought him down.
But a pair of ice blue eyesstaring down at him, isnt’ it.
Keep reading
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sciaus · 6 years
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YaoYutong story pitch – meet cute
Bai Yutong, former professional swimmer, loves his new work at the pool. After stepping back from competing himself, he now enjoys training future athletes and beginner classes. When one day he comes home after practice and finds one of his students, Zhan Lei, sitting all alone in front of his neighbor’s door he can’t help but question the parents’ attitude. This first impression falters only a tiny bit when Zhan Yao, the seeminlgy very worried and also very attractive putative father comes home a little later.
Zhan Yao, self proclaimed bachelor, is working hard to be self-sufficient and minimize the contact points to his family to break free from their control. But when his parents leave for another trip abroad, he can’t just stand by and watch his little sister go back to the well hated boarding school. He takes it upon himself to step in. The only problem is, Zhan Yao barely knows how to keep himself alive, let alone take care of a child. And then Lei Lei’s swimming coach makes an appearance as well, making everything even more chaotic, putting not only Zhan Yao’s sanity but also his heart in danger. Zhan Lei loves her big brother. She’s probably the only person on this planet, who believes him to be cool but she’s adament about it. So, when he lets her stay at his place, while their parents are out of town, it’s a dream come true! Being at her brother’s place is the best, even if they always eat burned rice. But like her brother always says, when two bright minds come together, problems can get solved. Even burned rice.
But can their brains also solve the problems Lei Lei’s confusing swimming coach Bai Yutong is causing Zhan Yao’s heart? Will they manage to overcome the family’s burden, looming upon them? And what role will Bai Yutong play in all of this?
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sciaus · 6 years
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when the nightmares come (ao3 x)
Zhan Yao suffers from nightmares and can’t find a night’s sleep. At least, not until Bai Yutong has just the perfect idea:
“Physical closeness throughout the night helps the brain dealing with the stress presented by nightmares.”
Bai Yutong tells Zhan Yao.
He’s right.
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sciaus · 6 years
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YaoYutong SCI - Actor AU
May we introduce you to Zhan Yao, newcomer in the actor-world but already the paparazzi’s favourite starlet. He is well loved by his ever increasing fanbase for his prince-like appearance and aura, although often misunderstood by colleagues. And what would an up and coming celebrity be without his right-hand man: Bai Yutong.
Bai Yutong, who has started out as Zhan Yao’s personal assistant, quickly becomes way more than that. He is his manager, bodyguard, personal chef, chauffeur, spokesperson and his best friend. And on top of that list, Bai Yutong also is the person Zhan Yao has fallen hopelessly in love with.
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sciaus · 6 years
YaoYutong matchmaker Bai Chi AU - story pitch
Bai Chi tightens his grip on his bag, thrown half way across his shoulders and takes a deep breath. He can hear the whispering behind him and he’s trying to ignore it, he really is. But he can’t.
“Have you seen the new coach?”
“He’s super handsome!”
“And athletic! Have you seen his arms?”
“I wonder if he…”
A snort escapes Bai Chi, who’s been careless for a second. Surprised by his own public reaction, he quickly covers up his mouth with his hand, looking around mortified. When he turns, he can see his classmates staring at him. A wicked grin appears on Zhi Ruo’s face. Normally Bai Chi likes Zhi Ruo and finds her presence in class pleasant. Right now, though, she’s scaring him a little with the grin around her lips and mischievous shine in her eyes. He tries to make a run but it’s too late.
“Ah! Bai Chi! Come over here!” Zhi Ruo waves him over to the little group of her two best friends and her. Bai Chi would love to decline the offer, but he knows when he has lost. Besides, it would be rude to not go over. They beckon him to sit down and he follows, pressing his bag against his stomach, as if it could give him strength.
“So”, Zhi Ruo starts looking at her friends, “tell me, Bai Chi, you’ve been away some time with your internship. Have you met the new coach yet?”
“Coach Bai!”, Ying Yue quibs excitedly. The other girls nod.
“Wh-Why?” Bai Chi asks, trying to avoid looking at any of them.
“Bai”, Zhi Ruo begins letting the name roll off her tongue, “Bai… it’s not that common name around here, is it, Ying Yue? Funny, don’t you think Bai Chi?”
“I don’t know, Zhi Ruo.” Bai Chi says, looking down at his backpack and starts counting the rills off its zipper.
“Anyway, have you seen him, yet?” Zhi Ruo asks again.
“You work as a student employee, don’t you? So, you are around the offices a lot, right? Maybe you’ll meet him there”, Ying Yue adds, grabbing Bai Chi’s arm excitedly.
“So, you could ask him about his family!” The third girl in the group, Nian Zhen, says.
“And if he’s single!” Ying Yue tightens her grip on his arm.
“I don’t need to ask him that. He’s my cousin.” Bai Chi’s eyes go wide as he notices what he just said. Panic rises within him, only worsened by the looks the girls give him now.
Hell breaks loose.
“WHAT?!!” “NO WAY!” “TELL US EVERYTHING?!” “Can you get me his number?”
Bai Chi doesn’t know which question to answer first.
He presses his eyes shut, shaking his head. “Y-Yes, No, No, I’m not gonna give you his number!!”
Zhi Ruo makes a clicking noise with her tongue, leaning back a little. “Of course, he won’t give you his number, Ying Yue. Besides, I’m pretty sure Coach Bai’s with our literature professor, anyway.”
“Or soon will be”, Nian Zhen adds.
“Professor Zhan? Really?” Ying Yue sighs, a pout forming on her lips. “Oh well then.” She finally lets go of his arm.
Bai Chi just stares at them.
What? Professor Zhan? Really?
His cousin doesn’t really talk about his love life a lot. He doesn’t talk about it at all, Bai Chi corrects himself. But he is sure that he would have noticed, if his cousin was in a relationship at this point. Or would he?
Bai Chi is so lost in his thoughts, he doesn’t notice Zhi Ruo’s eyes focusing in on him again. “So, do you know anything about that, Bai Chi?”
“He’s your cousin after all.”
The girls look at him expectantly, nodding eagerly.
“What- No way! Have they even met yet? A-a-anyway, I thought Professor Zhan would be off campus for another week?”
“Ah, no I’ve seen him!” Nian Zhen exclaims. “If I remember correctly, he even showed Coach Bai around the campus!”
“They looked rather friendly”, Zhi Ruo nods.
“If tension and bickering is friendly to you”, Nian Zhen says, shrugging.
“It can”, Zhi Ruo says. A beep from her bag catches her attention, making it possible for Bai Chi to properly breath for the first time in minutes.
Zhi Ruo gets out her phone and opens whatever message she just got. Bai Chi looks away, not wanting to intrude. That’s why he’s not prepared for Zhi Ruo to squeal out loudly at whatever is on her phone. He thinks about finally breaking free from this conversation, when a phone display is shoved into his view.
On the screen is a picture of two men walking side by side. Professor Zhan and his cousin. It’s a normal picture, harmless, really, but there has to be something hidden there. Something Bai Chi can’t grasp if the downright embarrassing reactions of his classmates are anything to go by. Both Nian Zhen and Ying Yue are bowed over the phone, making high pitched noises. Zhi Ruo next to him is basically buzzing with energy. Bai Chi tries to scoot away discretely but is stopped by another outburst of his classmate.
“Bai Chi!”
Despite being slightly prepared, he jumps, sitting up straight, bag pressed so tightly against his chest it makes it hard to breathe. “Ye-Yeah?” He doesn’t dare to look at Zhi Ruo.
“You’ve got to help us!”
“Help you?” Now he’s completely and utterly confused.
“You got to keep us updated!”
“Wh- what?”
“Oh, yes, Zhi Ruo!” The other two girls agree eagerly. “This is promising to get interesting!”
Bai Chi just looks from one girl to the others, still completely lost.
“Thi-this is ridiculous!” He finally exclaims, jumping up, backpack still pressed against his chest. “You are acting like little schoolgirls!”
“Oh, Bai Chi! You are no fun!” Zhi Ruo calls after him, as he hurries away, feet scampering on the ground. This is ridiculous, downright ridiculous. Bai Chi shakes his head.
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sciaus · 6 years
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YaoYutong SCI - Actor AU
May we introduce you to Zhan Yao, newcomer in the actor-world but already the paparazzi’s favourite starlet. He is well loved by his ever increasing fanbase for his prince-like appearance and aura, although often misunderstood by colleagues. And what would an up and coming celebrity be without his right-hand man: Bai Yutong.
Bai Yutong, who has started out as Zhan Yao’s personal assistant, quickly becomes way more than that. He is his manager, bodyguard, personal chef, chauffeur, spokesperson and his best friend. And on top of that list, Bai Yutong also is the person Zhan Yao has fallen hopelessly in love with.
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sciaus · 6 years
YaoYutong cursed AU - story pitch
Bai Yutong’s arm is wrapped around him. With his back pressed against Bai Yutong, his head is resting on the outstretched arm underneath him. Zhan Yao takes in the warmth. The closeness. The familiarity. He lets his fingers run over Bai Yutong’s arm, drawing little patterns into the skin absent minded.Trying to calm his nerves.  
“Don’t worry”, Bai Yutong says, breaking the silence. “We’ll find a way to break this curse.”
Zhan Yao can’t fight the sad smile blossoming on his face. He wishes he could feel just a tiny bit as sure as Bai Yutong sounds. With a swift motion he turns around, burying his face in Bai Yutong’s chest and breathes in deeply. He’s so close he can feel the steady heartbeat underneath his ears. Can feel the subtle rising and falling of Bai Yutong’s chest. Suddenly there are fingers carding through his hair, scraping down softly. He leans into the touch. Eagerly. It’s almost like nothing is wrong, like this is just a normal day.
Zhan Yao wants to secure this memory in his brain, wants to remember it forever.
But he can’t.
He won’t remember.
Nothing. Not this moment. Not the things they’ve talked about. Nothing. Zhan Yao will forget everything.
Everything. Even Bai Yutong.
He screws his eyes shut. Shutting his eyes from the inevitable. Just like a small child unwilling to face what he doesn’t want to acknowledge. But he doesn’t care if he’s childish, not tonight, he thinks and presses himself closer against Bai Yutong.
“Don’t worry.” Bai Yutong whispers into his hair, arms tightening around him.
“Don’t worry. I’ll take care of it. This will end.”
Zhan Yao gets cursed to loose his memory (over and over and over again) But who has cursed him in this world of unknown powers and wild intrigues undermining the oh so secure established order?
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sciaus · 6 years
Zhan Yao has to take up self defense lessons. But nothing could have prepared him for instructor Bai Yutong (chapter 1-4)
I did the follow ups all including the first attack, so if you feel like diving into this AU, be my guest
(it’s currently at 7k … how?!)
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sciaus · 6 years
SCI fic - Where You Hit, I Bleed Red  [1391 words]
Private self defense coach Bai Yutong gets a new student.
you can boil this AU down to this
‘Oh, no’, Zhan Yao thinks, not being able to stop staring at Bai Yutong. He’s got a problem.
@mypheralside @frankisthegod I tried?
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sciaus · 6 years
5 for Yutong and Zhan Yao
I’m talking all the classical tropes like. Fake marriage of convenience. Bed-sharing. Zhan Yao slowly falling for Bai Yutong who has been in love with him since day one! Mutual pining!! Misunderstandings!!! DESPERATE CONFESSIONS OF LOVE IN THE RAIN!!!!!
But like, okay, consider this - Bai Yutong asks Zhan Yao to marry him because if his mother keeps holding balls in the hopes of some pretty girl or pretty boy catching Yutong’s eye, Yutong is going to go crazy. Besides, Zhan Yao is always the prettiest person in attendance, how is Yutong ever supposed to look away?
Zhan Yao’s never really gotten along with his family, and he just. Wants to leave the household, honestly. And what better way than through a marriage? There’s no way his dad would object to Zhan Yao marrying above their station. And Yutong’s family is loaded, and Yutong will probably agree to send Zhan Yao away to further his studies so that they can keep living separate lives while still being married, WHAT COULD GO WRONG.
Zhan Yao could fall in love, that’s what.
send me a fandom/character/ship and a number for a headcanon
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