saltwater--veins · 1 year
what is meant for me will never miss me
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saltwater--veins · 1 year
ode to a carhartt jacket
11.28.22; 6:30pm i gasp in the dark at the thought of your lips; my head on your chest; your warmth;
your smell.
your breath on my hair at 4 in the morning keeps me grounded,      yet lifts me higher              than anything else.
what has lain hollow for far too long now full of life and love and the taste of your skin.
it’s funny, really, like comedy central, how i thought i knew it all.
how i swore up and down   it was just me.     it is just me.       it’s always been just me; that i felt in my bones i’d be alone forever;            didn’t think i had another half.
but when we met i recognized you instantly; found a comfortability i swore up and down didn’t exist.
as if our souls had met before being brought to this earth. as if it weren’t just me.
your voice is honey and your skin is velvet. and your arms feel just like home.
life moves too quickly, yet our time is so short; i’d sell my soul to hades himself if it meant i’d spend it all with you.
i’m falling faster that angels shot out of the sky;               than leaves in the wind;         than sand in the ocean; i love you whispered to a sleeping lover has never felt so good.
you are lightning in my lungs and sugar in my veins; the sweetest soul i’ll ever be lucky enough to know by heart.
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saltwater--veins · 1 year
my rapist got married
7.2.21; 7:07pm though i removed all pathways to see it today, i know it’s there. the marriage of my rapist to the woman he now calls his. i know it’s there because i remember it, less than a year ago, flashing itself across my facebook feed and engraining itself in my retinas. it’s disturbing to know someone so horrid so apathetic so vile can wriggle their way into someone else’s life so effortlessly so flawlessly, or so one would think. lord knows what happens on the other side of the door, but history has shown me even angels can fall to hell; my eyes roll back into my head willing the memories away: it gets easier with time.
so today, 689 days since i decided i was leaving you, i write this poem for you rather than myself. because it is time to lay it to rest. to never utter your name again; to lower the casket of this trauma and liberate myself from the grips of regret. you will never apologize or acknowledge the pain you’ve caused, but today i have decided to forgive you my soul deserves peace.
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saltwater--veins · 3 years
january 24, 2021; 12:25am i can not pinpoint what it is about them that brings my mind back again and again, but i think often of your hands.
but my body longs for your touch;
for your fingertips to linger in places i wish they could remain forever; for your unyielding grip pressing just enough around my neck;
for your broad shoulders to wrap your arms around me, fingers pressing themselves into my arms late into the night.
my thighs moan and my breasts ache, crying out for the caress of your palms.
indulge me.
rip me apart.
tear into my soul.
i know you desire every inch of me.
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saltwater--veins · 3 years
how to not move on from something you still miss
january 14, 2021; 1:43am i can feel your sadness quake through my body:
the ache of a love not yet come to fruition.
ink-stained fingertips trace my spine in the dark.
a man in mourning, i hear you cry into the night for a life that’s still to come.
longing drips from your fingertips, formulating the work of a genie on paper;
how can you miss something you haven’t yet had?
beg for the beginning of something new?
long for the return of something that’s yet to even arrive?
tell me, boy of many words,
what do you whisper to yourself alone at midnight, when no one is near to wipe your eyes?
who holds your hands in the dead of winter, keeping them warm and granting your wish?
who do you want to?
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saltwater--veins · 3 years
a open letter
january 9, 2021; 2:46am i read a quote once that said ‘maybe the wolf is in love with the moon and it cries every month for a love it will never touch;’
i understand, for my tears have run dry, i have cried for you so long.
i want to try you on for size; your sadness is my favorite shirt i’ve ever worn.
this is an open letter to you, boy of many words.
i do not need someone who will pour worlds into my ears, or whose kiss feels like a sunrise and touch feels like lightning;
but i want it.
and i know you do too.
i have the strength for any journey worth taking;
just wait for my fingers to trace your silhouette.
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saltwater--veins · 3 years
in love and in mourning: rekindled
november 9, 2020 1:36pm we look into the eyes 
of someone that we think with all of our being
 that we are in love with, 
and we see     f i r e . 
we see ourselves in them.

and we see them in every single damned thing we do.
                                                                                                       every thing i do.

 everywhere that i go,
 all of the people that i spend my time with now,
             i see pieces of you in them.
i would give up the idea of infinity 
just to touch you; to feel your arms          hair   face       lips             chest one last time,
    because i am in love with so many things, and a poem can only take up so many pages.
i am in love with words
 and i am in love with the way that they are
 one of the very few things 
that can make people feel s o m e t h i n g .

 i am in love with the way
 that your eyes
 said everything i ever needed wanted to hear. 

because this is an open wound
 i thought would seal up 
  and heal and go back to normal,

 but at night,
        when we lie side by side
  all too awake in the dark
 and we're trying to rekindle
 all of things that we used to feel 
we find that some breaks 
are far better left u n-m e n d e d .

 my heart is dead
 and my tears have run dry
 and i do not i can not feel anything for you anymore. 

i am in love
 and i am in mourning
                                    and i am unsure as to which i prefer.

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saltwater--veins · 3 years
He is exactly the poem I wanted to write.
Unknown (via monarchie)
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saltwater--veins · 3 years
fragment #12
kings and queens kings and queens they beg for more than the finer things:
love and rubies and diamond rings; kings and queens kings and queens
jester, jester jack of all trades come rest your crown upon this stool
i am the queen and you are the fool jester, jester jack of all trades
queens and kings queens and kings allow yourself to make no mistake:
take this day as nothing but fate queens and kings queens and kings
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saltwater--veins · 3 years
my rapist asked his new girlfriend to marry him
july 6, 2020 11:12pm there it is. staring me in the eye again. blinking red, saying that
“jane doe is engaged to john fuckface.”
it’s facebook official; it happened two days ago.
i see cheers, likes, smiles, and congrats, but it may just be that none of these people know.
none of these people know how it feels to want to carve your own skin open for some sense of release.
none of these people know the pain of three years of lying, saying all’s fine and well, while screaming inside for someone to notice.
none of these people know how it feels to be so close to your gaslighter; your manipulator; your rapist.
none of these people know how it feels to wake to someone’s fingers; tongue; penis inside of them.
i don’t really know how to feel.
it took eight months of telling myself that there’s no way this was all there was for me; there was no way that all life had in store for me was living and sleeping in fear of the man i shared a bed with.
and as it’s been almost a full year since i ran, i’ve learned i don’t need to forgive to move on. i can have PTSD and still move on. i don’t have to know how to feel to move on.
i just need to love myself the way i deserve to be loved;
the way i have always deserved to be loved.
she deserves to be loved too.
i hope she finds it. ple
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saltwater--veins · 3 years
choking on sunshine.
november 9, 2020 12:20am clocks fill the air;  tick     tick        ticking.
my patience is nearing its end, like the blood that flows between heart and head.
i know loss: like every stitch in my sheets and every smudge on my pillowcase. i know regret: like the crunch of knuckles to a cheekbone.
i know heartbreak: like the rise and fall of my own chest, gasping for air in the middle of the night.
boys with razor tongues grow into men with iron lungs; who are you to tell me how to breathe?
but still day after retched day i find myself locked in crowded rooms of hot bodies and rancid breath; screaming at the top of my lungs,
yet no sound escapes. clawing at my throat, dying to take in what i’ve not been given.
we’re all looking for that person who can see into the dusty corners of our minds; where we hack and choke on words that could have been.
someone who calls at four in the morning because they know you’re not asleep, but gagging and heaving into the dark.
i am glass feet, paper lungs, porcelain skin; shatter me with the weight of your chest.
what if i never find the one who makes me feel as if they hand-crafted the sun themself, just for me, to one day inhale its light? ple
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saltwater--veins · 4 years
sticks and stones, skin and bones
in the beginning, everyone is gentle: the man in the corner gas station; the cool girl in sixth grade; the woman in aisle 12; the boy from your college english class; your mother; your father.
6 times throughout my life i have gotten up late for a glass of water; a midnight snack; to tell my mom i had a bad dream; and happened across my parents mid-divorce.
unfortunately, i didn’t see until i turned 17 what their hatred was doing—
they branded their war on this skin bag of a girl, raised their weapons and aimed blindly taking me down in their wake.
it’s not nice when girls die, and it’s worse when it’s by their own hand; by their own tongue. by their own vomit.
who could love a girl with mangled skin? with arms and legs and a belly so thin one gust too big and she’s dust in the breeze?
i am the space between my thighs, daylight shining through.
when i was five years old, i told my mother that i never wanted to die. that i wanted to last forever and ever and never see the sun set on my final day;
that i wanted this and every moment that i'd yet to know to last until the end of time.
but i am just a raggedy doll put here to show people that god really exists.
my mind is tired from carrying this weight; my soul is tired from all of this hate; my body is tired from being run dry.
i’m tired of being tired of being tired of being.
i understand why depressed people kill themselves: they need the rest. ple
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saltwater--veins · 4 years
i was on the evening news last night, interviewed about my work with domestic violence and my experience as a survivor of intimate partner rape.. and honestly, part of me wants my ex/rapist to see the interview on tv about my experience with intimate partner sexual violence and be like “oh…she’s still suffering and i did something terrible.” but even more of me doesnt want him to see it at all.
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saltwater--veins · 4 years
my rapist has a new girlfriend.
there it is. staring me in the eye. blinking red
“jane doe is in a relationship with john fuckface.”
it’s facebook official even!
and i don’t really know how to feel.
i can feel myself: staring off into space for a little longer than need be.
i can feel myself: cracking from the inside out, more emotions than i can explain spilling onto the floor the chair my cheeks.
i can feel myself: wishing for an accident or a tragedy or her strength or even his death.
is it wrong to wish for the death of someone else who killed you inside over and over and over?
because my doing nothing to warn the general population of a
“RAPIST! RAPIST! this man may seem wonderful to all of you but i promise you he is a RAPIST!” makes me feel as if somehow i am at fault.
but would it have made a difference?
brock turner got three months and he didn’t even know chanel miller.
austin wilkerson got off scoff-free for sexual assault and unlawful sexual contact.
donald trump is the god damn president of the united states for christ sake.
and i. oh, i. i dated my rapist for three years.
lived in the same lonely apartment for a year, and slept in the same bed as him for months and months and months.
would it have mattered if i never wanted to have sex? or if i did maybe once every two months, but not every two days?
or would it have mattered that most of the time i awoke to this man this monster this rapist entering me while i slept?
i have walked the path of darkness— sliced my feet on every bitter word i tried to choke down. i have given all i had to pry myself out of the bear trap that was my relationship with this man.
but no matter how safe i feel now nothing compares to the bear in my stomach ripping me apart at the thought that someone new will someday awake to the same horror. ple
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saltwater--veins · 4 years
i’ve been thinking about killing myself for four weeks now
i’ve been thinking about killing myself for four weeks now and i’m not sure why. or at least, i can’t pinpoint one specific reason or person or thing.
there’s work and class and financial insecurity,
boys and depression and my dad,
there’s stomach fat and chemical imbalances and weekly rape that i endured for three years,
and maybe most importantly there’s the future.
the never-ending, forever-impending doom that is the future.
i fear i’ll be homeless and alone and won’t age well and will go bankrupt and won’t be able to have children and will never get married or ever fall in love again or never wake up again or never enjoy life again or never enjoy the sunshine again or never see you again.
life is so hard and i have had so many bad habits before that could make it so much easier again.
   - smoking;         - drinking;  - nameless sex;      - slicing my thighs;             - breaking things throughout my room; texting you until all hours of the night.
i have loved and i have lost and i have felt everything in between,
but nothing will compare to the pressure of your lips.
i’m still trying to write my pain away with poems,
but sometimes my mind explodes and words tumble out, flopping about on paper like fish out of water;
and sometimes it only writes of missing you. ple
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saltwater--veins · 4 years
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Aphrodite Made Me Do It, Trista Mateer
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saltwater--veins · 4 years
i really fuck with a “let’s make it work” type of person
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