sakushadow · 1 month
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Houseki no Kuni, Chapter 107
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sakushadow · 2 months
Hello, world!! I am sakushadow, student of Saint-Petersburg State University. I'm going to be a teacher of Russian language as foreign and also russian literature, culture, art and history. I also write poems, prose, music, draw (very bad and not very often to be honest'':)) and learn English, Belarussian and Japanese, plan on German/Swedish/French in future. You can follow me to watch my activities and observe what philological faculty does to simple Russian girl~
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sakushadow · 5 years
Couple words about dubbing ("It")
I watched " It " 2017 in English. In the Russian voice acting did not fully convey the tragedy of the scene of Georgie's death. When the Russian version Pennywise drags Georgie into the drain, it gives out some unintelligible frightened muttering, and in the English version of Georgie shouts "Billy!". Damn! This at times sadder! Dubbing for what?! W H Y?...
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