sakura-chans-blog · 2 years
Welp...I've majorly forgotten about this! I'm so sorry to anyone who has yet to have their request filled, life got insanely crazy and I didn't have any time to post which was very painful for me given Tumblr is a way to escape the craziness of reality. I'll get started on finishing the request that I have to write still, but please feel free to send in requests since my boxes for anything listed in my bio are open. I'm very sorry again and I'll write out the requests I've missed soon!
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sakura-chans-blog · 4 years
Oh my goodness! Celeste looks amazing!!! Thank you so much @mofuyuu ! You're art is so beautiful! 💗🌸💗
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more twst ocs! these belong to @sakura-chans-blog , @octavinelle-mafia , @just-patchy , @thetwstwildcard , @pseudo-lily and @severnrsstuff !
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sakura-chans-blog · 4 years
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idea for vil :3c
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sakura-chans-blog · 4 years
Reblogging this! Thank you again!! 💚💚💚
Hello there! If it's alright, could I please request a Sebek x Reader where he surprises her with a nice little picnic date he prepared in secret? Thank you! 💗
ιи σтнєя ωσя∂ѕ нσℓ∂ му нαи∂
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[Of course it's okay! Besides Sebek needs more love and might as well take on the task! And thank you for the request, I hope this one-shot was to your liking!!]
~~Sebek's P.O.V.
It had been a few months, since (Y/n) came into Night Raven College. Despite being human, they were able to outsmart enemies that were more powerful than them.
At first I thought it was dumb luck, but the more time I spent with them. I found myself admiring their cleverness and their adorable smile that brightened the room around them.
I didn't know what my beating heart and the blush on my cheeks meant, but later on Lilia-sama teased me about my feelings toward (Y/n).
In the beginning, I reacted in denial, but slowly found myself thinking about my feelings towards them.
Soon I fully accepted that I had romantic feelings for (Y/n). I wanted to tell them how I felt, however the obstacle was on how should I tell them.
Unsure of how to go about it, I asked Lilia-sama given he's probably had some experience with romance.
"So you finally accepted that you like (Y/n) and want to them how you feel?" Lilia-sama said with a knowing smile, I nodded. "Is there any advice you can give me?" He hums and nods, giving me a couple of options.
I wasted no time with planning something special for (Y/n) and had to make sure that they didn't find out.
~~(Y/n)'s P.O.V.
It was starting to get warm outside, flowers were starting to bloom, but I was a bit more concerned about Sebek's odd change in behavior as of lately.
He'd skip lunches, avoid eye contact and whenever I asked if he was okay, Sebek would say. "Yes, never better." or "No need to worry about me."
I felt conflicted to say the least, I had a feeling he was either hiding something or probably the worst case scenario, didn't want to be around me anymore.
However as I kept playing our very small interactions on repeat, it seemed like he was hiding something. Sebek's never been a good liar or at hiding stuff for too long.
"You okay, (Y/n)? You've been spacing out more than usual." Grim asked. "Yeah, I'm just worried about Sebek..." I mumbled and as I was walking towards my next class, Lilia appears out of nowhere in his usual upside down position. Scaring both me and Grim.
"Ah! You scared me, Lilia-senpai!" I held my heart, knowing that I'll never get used to magic in this type of world. "What was that for?!" Grim asked gripping onto my shoulder.
He simply chuckles at our reaction and asks. "I've noticed that you've kinda quiet lately, is everything alright?" I sighed softly and told him about Sebek's recent behavior.
When I was done telling him all of that, he had a grin on his face as if he knew something. "Don't worry too much, you'll see very soon." His answer was pretty vague, leaving me confused, but reassured.
I decided to do things normally, waiting for Sebek to talk to me and soon that moment came.
"Where are we going, Sebek?" I asked him as he told me to leave Grim with Ace and Deuce. "Do–Do not worry, we'll be there soon." Sebek stuttered in an unusually flustered manner, holding my hand.
We reach under a large tree with nice shade with a whole picnic setup was there, which made me put two and two together. Preparing all of this, must've made him that busy.
We sat down and he soon unpacks the basket which had sandwiches, prepared iced tea and a couple of cupcakes. I smiled and said. "Awwwe, Sebek you didn't have to treat me to this..." I couldn't help, but smile at such a kind gesture.
"I–I insist, please dig in." Sebek stiffly said, grabbing a cup and pouring me some tea. I sipped the cold beverage and took a couple of glances as we ate. Sebek explained that he wanted to reward me for my efforts and planned it all in secret so that I'd be surprised.
After we ate, Sebek wanted us to just relax, which was very rare. He was always ready for the next thing to do, never really slowing down.
I admired that about him, Sebek maybe loud, but he always meant well. "(Y–Y/n), there's something else I must confess..." I looked at him and was taken aback by what I saw.
His olive green eyes looked away from me, his cheeks a bright shade of pink and had a shy expression on his face.
His shaky hands gently held mine as he's struggling to get what he wanted to say out. "For the longest time, I've felt something for you. At first I didn't know what it was," I blushed, feeling my heart beat faster. "Then as time went by and learned more about you, the more I found myself enjoying your presence."
'Come on, Sebek... You can do it...' I pleaded in my head, wanting to hear the words I thought I'd never hear.
"I–I've fallen for you, (Y/n)! I don't care if you're human, that doesn't stop me or my feelings towards you!" Sebek said finally looking at me and seeing that I was blushing too, unable to hold back. I quickly kissed his cheek, making him freeze.
I slowly pull back and smile sheepishly. "The feeling's mutual, Sebek."
Soon we both shared a couple of laughs and smiles, unaware that Lilia watched all of it unfold from afar. "Seems like my job is done." He said walking away to sit with the rest of his peers.
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sakura-chans-blog · 4 years
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Take a screenshot to see which of the teachers in NRC would tutor you 👀
Reblogging is appreciated ♡
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Teachers need some love too in that case im a simp for u crewel🤭
Instagram: @darlingbelphie_
Twitter: @darlingbelphie & @darlingbelphie_
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sakura-chans-blog · 4 years
OMG I'm actually crying! This is so cute!!! Thank you so much for using Celeste! I never thought that someone would use my OC for their art 🥺
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@sakura-chans-blog I drew your boy Celeste with my boy Nerites! I was bored and thought of this scene in my head. I hope you don’t mind ^^
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sakura-chans-blog · 4 years
Oh don't mind me, I'm just sobbing in my corner 😭 lol
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sakura-chans-blog · 4 years
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Why am I so entertained by Jamil's surprised face? 😂
And yes, I may be posting quite a few things with Scarabia because I'm loving Episode 4, but I'll tag it for spoilers! I don't think this screenshot spoils anything major, but I'll tag it in case!
...also I spy a hidden mickey
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sakura-chans-blog · 4 years
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...Any theories I had about Crowley being evil are gone. This is both funny and adorable for some reason...mainly funny! 😂
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sakura-chans-blog · 4 years
Oh...my... God. They are related...And Checa is like, five maybe? I've seen a lot of disgusting ships in my days, but this one is the sickest so far!
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im gonna tell it anyways.
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sakura-chans-blog · 4 years
I saw some other TW blogs doing these get to know me meme things, so i thought I'd tell you all a bit about myself! since I really haven't said anything...
1. What do you prefer to be called namewise?
Sakura works just fine!
2. When is your birthday?
I'd rather not say, but I will tell you that I am a Libra!
3. Where do you live?
4. Three things you are doing right now?
Writing (Both requests and my own works!), Playing Animal Crossing, and just trying to get through my work!
5. Four fandoms that have your peak interest right now?
Twisted Wonderland, Fire Emblem, Obey Me!, and Uta no Prince Sama!
6. How has this pandemic been treating you?
It's been one hell of a ride so far, and let's just say my anxiety is through the roof!
7. A song that you can't stop listening to right now?
The Other Side from the Greatest Showman,
The entire Anastasia musical soundtrack,
And Kakusei by Superfly!
8. Recommend a movie?
Promare and Howl's Moving Castle!
9. How old are you?
I'm not going to answer this, but one day I will!
10. School, university, occupation, or other?
Again, for now I would like to keep this private!
11. Do you prefer heat or cold?
I hate the heat, but I can't stand being cold! That's why spring is my favorite season; on certain days the temperature is just in-between!
12. Name one fact about out that others might find unusual:
Well, for people that aren't into anime/videogames, I'm actually a cosplayer! I've done four characters so far (All male) and am hoping to add a fifth once the pandemic is over!
13. Are you shy?
Yes I am! Both shy+anxiety! But I am trying to get over it the best I can! My biggest problem with my shyness is that I second guess everything I write or say. I talk very different online than I do in real life (And by that I mean I don't stutter online)
14. Do you have preferred pronouns?
15. Biggest Pet Peeves?
Cosplay wise, people saying that I shouldn't cosplay as boys. Normal life wise, people coming up to talk to me when I'm visibly busy.
16. What is your favorite -dere type?
Tsundere and Kuudere!
17. Rate your life 1-10. 1 being crappy, 10 being amazing:
An 8! I say 8 because my shyness and anxiety hold me back too much.
18. What is your main blog?
This one is!
19. Lost your side blogs and what their used for:
I have a Twisted Wonderland OC blog! It's @twisted-flames-oc-blog and I'll be posting a new character tomorrow!
20. One thing you think people should know about you before they become your friends?
As stated above, I am a very shy and anxious person and that hinders me when it comes to meeting new people. I'll eventually come around, but it will take me awhile. One of the reasons as to why I cosplay is to build my confidence! But I'm really nice and am pretty excitable once I'm comfortable around new friends! I do run out of energy quickly around too many people though.
I tag anyone who wants to do this! It's fun to learn more about the people in the same communities as you!
But I would like to thank @octavinelle-mafia for starting this question meme and both her and @piraticusdorm for giving me the idea to post this when I saw theirs!
I'll see you all in the next post! 💗
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sakura-chans-blog · 4 years
Can I get a matchup? I’m pretty shy and apathetic at first, but once you get to know me, I’m basically a crackhead. If I really don’t like something/someone, I tend to be brutally honest, but most of the time, I’m pretty formal/straight-faced. I don’t really like being controlled/restricted. I guess I’m academically smart, but I make horrible life decisions. I tend to procrastinate and get distracted easily. I like cooking, reading, drawing, gaming, and the internet.
Hello! Thank you for the ask!
Your heart shows me...Ignihyde!
Your hobbies and fair academic smarts makes you a perfect fit for the Ignihyde dorm! Idia, although nervous, would be welcoming to you when you first arrived at the dorm. Once you would become comfortable, the other students would be rather surprised at the loss of your shyness but would get used to it rather easily and would think it to be rather refreshing. Your brutal honesty can either be a good thing or a bad thing depending on the person you talk to in this dorm. But since your more formal/straight-laced, you shouldn't run into many problems! You wouldn't have very many restrictions in Ignihyde as everyone simply goes about their day, but the only thing would be is watch after Ortho if Idia is unavailable. As for procrastination, it wouldn't be frowned upon here as everyone does their own thing. Since you have a fair grasp on your academics, that wouldn't be any problem here as everything about this dorm is technological. Speaking of tech, you would have access to many computers in the Ignihyde dorm as they value researching with advanced technologies rather then by book. You would also most likely be able to find quite the supply of games in the dorm as the prefect is obsessed over gaming! Even if many things are online, you'll still be able to read normal books if that's what you prefer or you can find them on the computer. As with cooking and drawing, those can still be enjoyed without a computer in hand. You'll be able to enjoy your hobbies to your heart's content in this dorm!
Here's what Idia and Ortho think of you!
Idia, as stated above, was nervous when he first met you but still offered a warm welcome while also giving you space to adjust. When you became more comfortable with them and your shyness/apathy faded, Idia was the most surprised but got used to it quickly and thought it was nice to have someone a bit different in the dorm. Your brutal honesty can be harsh with him, as he tries to get out of leaving his room any way possible, he'll end up complying to you and leaving his sanctuary to go to class. Idia does like how formal and straight-laced you are and asks you your opinion on certain topics if needed. He wouldn't try to control or restrict you in any way as that's just not how things work at the dorm. If he saw you procrastinating, he would offer to help via online. Idia is fine with how your academics are as long as it isn't failing, and if you needed help, he could help over video chat if needed. If you make a decision that wouldn't be the best, he would try to steer you away from it as much as he can to avoid a disaster. You two became quick gaming buddies and meet up online a LOT. Idia enjoys watching you cook and sometimes comes out of his room to help you in the kitchen. When he learned that you like to read, he slowly began to meet up with you and exchange books with each other for new reading materials. Idia also likes to watch you draw and could easily be mesmerized by simply watching your hands at work. If he would ask you to draw anything, it would be a skull with blue snake's appearing from it. You two would become slow, but close friends with each other after the two of you get to know each other!
Ortho was excited to meet you, but was a little pouty when Idia told him to tone it down as you were shy. That doesn't mean he stopped visiting you though! Any chance he got, Ortho would knock on your dorm door just to say hi and chat for a bit. When you opened up to everyone more, Ortho was very happy and began to talk your ears off more than he already did. He appreciates your brutal honesty, especially when it comes to getting his brother out of his room for meetings and classes. Ortho likes that your formal and straight-laced, but also wants you to let loose and have fun with him sometime! He understands that you hate being controlled and restricted, so he's glad that there aren't many restrictions in Ignihyde so you'll be happy there! If he finds you procrastinating, he would warn you against it and try to help, but he only knows so much. Ortho admires your academic smarts since he is very curious and would ask you many questions on what your learning in class. If you are about to make a bad decision, he would do everything possible to stop you but can't control what happens after his attempts. Ortho likes that you became a gaming buddy with his brother and plays some of his own games with you as well when there is time. He likes watching you cook and asks to taste test anything you make, whether he likes it or not he will still said you did good. Whenever he catches you reading, Ortho would ask you to read what you are reading to him to pass the time if he's bored or just lonely. He loves to watch you draw and he brings his own crayons and paper to try and draw with you. If he would ask you to draw anything, it would be a blue flame with a cute face in the middle. The two of you would become close friends once you get more comfortable!
I hope you enjoy your stay at the Night Raven College!
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sakura-chans-blog · 4 years
I’m back!! May I please be sorted into a dormitory? I try to be friendly and polite to strangers and to acquaintances. My rule is to show respect until they give me a reason no too. To my close friends, I become a lot more vulgar and loose lipped. I’m the friend that people go to when they need advice or when they need someone to vent too. I like feeling useful. I hate seeing people being upset. Is it obvious that I want to become a therapist? Psychology is pretty cool. (1/3)
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Hello!  Thank you for the ask and thank you SO MUCH for your patience!
Your heart shows me...Heartslabyul!
Your creativity and friendly nature makes you a perfect fit for Heartslabyul!  Riddle was pleased to find that you were not only respectful, but also were good at following rules which is very important in this dorm.  Your friendliness is appreciated in this dorm, not only by Riddle, but for those that are afraid of the prefect.  Many students go to you for emotional support and counsel as there really isn’t anyone else they can go to (the school should really look into hiring a counsler now that I’m thinking about it).  Although there are strict rules about diets, those are only on special occasions that you would have to eat differently, so you wouldn’t have a problem with finding food you already know!  As for your small temper, it isn’t a problem as it seems that the other students seem to have tempers as well.  Since you try to follow the rules most of the time, you’ll be okay if you have to bend one or two as long as Riddle won’t catch you!  Being emotional is perfectly fine as well, there is nothing against being emotional in this dorm.  As for the procrastination, as long as the work would get done in time, no one would have a problem with you waiting to do your work (I don’t think there is anything in the Queen’s rulebook about this, but correct me if I am wrong).  You having a messy room wouldn’t be a bother, although Riddle or Trey might mention that it would be a good idea to tidy up a bit if they see it.  It is great that you excel in history, science, and art classes, ESPECIALLY the art class!  Someone needs to help Cater painting roses after all, so that would be a perfect side job for you!  It’s alright that you aren’t good at P.E or English, none of the Heartslabyul dorms tasks have anything to do with those.  Your creativity is very appreciated by any who would get to see your work as can be a breath of fresh air from the normal colors that they see everyday!  Although the rules may be hard to keep up with, you’ll definately have a great time at this dorm!
  Here’s what Riddle, Ace, Deuce, Trey, and Cater think of you!  (This is going to be very long, so I’m sorry in advance!)
Riddle, as stated above, was glad to see that you show respect and know to follow rules.  He was also happy that you are friendly to both the students and him as people usually are too nervous to talk to him.  Riddle would definately go to you for emotional support, especially after a certain event at the end of Chapter 1 of the game (I didn’t say what actually happened to avoid spoilers for those who don’t know what happens, but i can edit it later if you want me to say what happens).  As for the eating, Riddle will make sure that you would follow the rules and eat what was given to you on the special occasions, but if you absolutely could not eat it, he would most likely understand albiet a bit huffy.  Since he is the prefect, he makes sure that everyone follows the rules and would be furious if one would be broken, but he would at least reprimand you if it was the first time he caught you instead of going straight to using his unique magic.  Regarding your temper, he doesn’t mind too much as he has a major temper as well.  Riddle doesn’t mind that your emotional, as he tends to be himself, and if you were sad then he would help talk you through it until your better.  If he would catch you procrastinating, he would tell you not to wait until the last minute and offer to help you work on it.  With having a messy room, Riddle would tell you to tidy up but if you don’t then he would stop telling you to.  He was very happy to see you enjoy history, science, and art as he immediately placed you on rose painting duty with Cater.  Riddle likes that you enjoy drawing and would sometimes watch you; he might even request that you draw a rose!  You two might have a few bumps on the way, but you would grow into good friends!
Ace was pretty chill when you two first met, he liked how friendly you were and that you are respectful.  It bugged him a bit how easily you followed the rules, but that’s just how Ace works.  He would go to you for advice on things like what to text to his brother or grandmother and he would also go to you to vent if he’s mad at Riddle.  He wouldn’t mind that you are picky and would even help smuggle some foods for you on those special occasions.  If Ace would catch you bending a rule, he wouldn’t tell Riddle and would most likely join you for fun and to spite Riddle if he was annoyed at the prefect.  With your temper, he has one too so he understands what it’s like.  Ace is fine that your emotional, but if you are in a bad mood, he will do anything to make you feel better and would recommend playing some hedgehog croquet to cheer you up.  He doesn’t care if you procrastinate; he does it himself all the time!  Ace is also fine that your room is messy, he isn’t one to judge.  He was pleased to find out that your good at history, science, and art, so he tends to go to you as a study buddy if he needs help.  Ace enjoys watching you draw and likes sit in with you to just watch you for hours until you finish.  If he would ask you to draw anything, it would probably be a heart with spikes on it.  You two would have a close bond and would be good friends!
Duece was very polite when he first introduced himself to you and was happy to find out that you are friendly along with respectful.  He also was glad you followed the rules as well as he wouldn’t want you to be in trouble with Riddle.  He would go to you for support if he had a rough day at class or just needed someone to talk to if he needed to speak about a private matter.  Duece understands that you are picky and tries to help out the best that he can like finding recipes for the foods you like and getting the ingredients for them.  If he caught you bending the rule, he would advise against it but if you still would go through with it he would end up helping you so you both would take the blame and not you alone.  Duece is alright with your temper, but he will try to calm you down so you won’t be upset.  He is alright that you are emotional, but if you are sad then he would ask you to go on a walk with him to talk and cheer you up along the way.  As for procrastinating, he tends to be guilty of it as well from time to time, but would go to you to work together if the deadlines for both of your projects matched up.  Duece doesn’t mind that your room is messy, he is disorganized himseld, but he would offer to help clean it either with you or for you.  He was very impressed that you excel at history, science, and art and would often come to you for homework help as his grades really need the assistance.  He likes to watch you draw, but would ask first if it was okay to watch.  If he would ask you to draw anything, it would be a spade with a checkered pattern.  The two of you would become close friends with each other overtime!
Trey, as he is the vice-leader of the Heartslabyul dorm, was happy to see that you not only were respectful and followed rules, but you were also very friendly to them which he admires.  He would recommend you to other students before even thinking about going to you himself as he would rather help others before himself.  But he would go to you if he was overly stressed and needed to vent.  He isn’t unfamiliar with picky eaters, as he has many younger siblings, and helps you as much as he can by helping you make your meals to suggesting different foods to Riddle when special occasions arise.  If he caught you bending the rules, Trey would stop you immediately and reprimand you but he would leave you off the hook and not tell RIddle the first time it happens, but would tell you to not do it anymore.  He takes the most care of Riddle as he is the vice-leader; so he is the most comfortable with tempers and wouldn’t be against yours, but he would help calm you down so you don’t get extremely angry.  Trey perfectly understands that you are emotional and offers his support as well; if you are sad, he will help cheer you up by recommending different activities around the dorm and if that doesn’t work then he would sit and talk you through it.  He wouldn’t like that you procrastinate, but he would help you get it done in a timely manner so you would have one less problem to think about.  He doesn’t like that your room is messy and asks you regularly if you would tidy up, but knows that he can’t control everything you do and would stop asking after a while.  He’s glad that you excel at history, science, and art; he sometimes sits in with you while you both would study so neither of you would be alone.  He enjoys watching you draw and even tries to draw with you sometimes.  If he would ask you to draw something, it would be a clover with a few little roses growing around it.  You two would have a strong friendship and would have great trust in each other!
Cater was happy to meet you and was happier to see that you are respectful and follow rules, so Riddle won’t go too crazy!  He also likes that you are friendly and would definately be friendly back at you.  Cater would go to you for emotional support if he just needed a break or if he needed a good talk or advice.  He’s fine that you are a picky eater and helps out when he is able to, like helping get rarer ingredients for the foods you like and cleaning around the kitchen so you wouldn’t have to.  If he catches you bending a rule, he would say it’d probably end badly and try to stop you, but would most likely end up doing it anyway with you because he would be bored.  He’s okay that you have a temper, but would give you some space to cool off before he would talk to you.  Cater is alright that your emotional and if you feel sad, he will do everything in his power to cheer you up because he hates when his friends feel blue!  He’s pretty nuetral with your procrastinating and he’ll offer to help out a bit if you need it.  He also doesn’t care that your room is messy, his is a little bit disorganized too.  Cater is impressed that your so good at history, science, and art and would come to you to get some advice on projects and to study together.  He loves to sit in with you while you draw and enjoys talking while you work.  If he would ask you to draw something, it would be a diamond in a few different colors.  The two of you would have an interesting relationship, but become close friends!
I didn’t realize it would be this long, so I’m sorry again!  Thank you again for your patience and I hope you enjoy your stay at the Night Raven College!                                 
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sakura-chans-blog · 4 years
hi. may i have a dorm matchup. i'm a shy girl around new people but once i feel comfortable you see a different side of me. i'm goofy, kind, caring, fun, smart, strong and won't hesitate to help if i feel they need it. i do get anxious easily which often leads to depression and be negative and very apologetic.
Hello!  Thank you for the ask and for your patience!
Your heart shows me...Scarabia!
You’re shy and caring nature makes you a perfect fit for the Scarabia Dorm.  While you would be nervous when you first arrive, Kalim would be quick to help you get comfortable with the other students and would make sure to let everyone know to let you meet them at your own pace.  Once you would be ready to open up to everyone, they would definately welcome you into their dorm officially with a party led by Kalim himself!  They would be cautious of your anxious tendencies and make sure to not overload you with too many things at once.  If you ended up feeling depressed and negative, some of the students would come up to you and help you or just talk to you in hopes of making you feel better.  But on top of all of that, you will never have a dull moment in this dorm!
  Here’s what Kalim and Jamil think of you!
Kalim was super excited to meet you, but toned it down when he heard that you were a shy girl.  He was still very happy to meet you, but he made sure to keep his excitement toned down a bit so he wouldn’t scare you off.  As stated above, he made sure that you would be comfortable before letting you off on your own to get used to the dorm life and told everyone to let you come to them when you were ready.  However, when you became comfortable with the students, Kalim practically jumped to the moon and back because you seemed to be so much happier with everyone!  After your official welcome party had ended, Kalim personally took you on an evening magic carpet ride to give you a special view of all that the dorm had to offer!  If he saw you depressed, he would immediately talk with you and try to cheer you up because he doesn’t like his friends sad!  You two would definately get along great!
Jamil is obviously quieter than Kalim and was a bit skeptical of you when you first arrived, as he always makes sure that any new student wouldn’t harm his master.  He would introduce himself, but he would question you a bit to make sure you weren’t planning anything.  He left you to yourself, as was Kalim’s order, but still kept an eye on you from a distance whenever you spoke with Kalim.  Once you opened up to the students, Jamil did apologise for being cold and explained that he was simply looking out for Kalim’s well being.  He was quite surprised when you started acting kinder to him, as he didn’t expect it, but he was happy that you decided to be more open to him as well.  If Jamil saw you in a depressed state, he would talk with you as long as you would need him to help you feel better.  Although it would take a bit of time for you both, your friendship with Jamil would be quite unique!
I hope you enjoy your stay at the Night Raven College!      
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sakura-chans-blog · 4 years
Hi! Could I get a dorm match please? I’m a bit of an eccentric, and often get really into a hobby before dropping it and going to the next. I have many interests, from arts to sciences. I love learning, about anything, I’m strong in academics but terrible in physical activities. My mood switches a lot but I rarely get mad. I’m emotional and very attached to family. My friends say I’m like an angry hissing kitten, i like very few people and if I don’t like someone, I want them to stay away.
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Hello!  Thank you for the ask, and it wasn’t too long at all! Thank you for your patience!
Your heart shows me...Octavinelle!
You’re loyalty and academic prowess makes you a perfect fit in the Octavinelle Dorm!  When you first arrived at the dorm, Azul was very intrigued by you and  looked forward to seeing you work in action at the Monstro Lounge.  It’s a very non-agressive dorm and, similar to you, the students there don’t do very well with physical activities but excel in academic courses.  Although there would be strangers at the Lounge as customers, a serious nature is good for a worker as it gives better focus at the tasks at hand.  Since you said that you daydream, the Octavinelle dorm can be quite whimsical so it’s great for someone with an active imagination!  As for your love of food, the Monstro Lounge IS a resturant so you’ll be working around it and would be able to eat there off shift!
  Here is what Azul, Floyd, and Jade think of you!
Azul, as stated previously, was intrigued by you from the day you two met and he likes that your very serious when it comes to your academic status and interests.  He sympathizes with your weakness in physical activities as he is the same way when it comes to outdoor classes.  Azul doesn’t mind that you’re emotional, since he can be the same way as well, and would be fine as long as it didn’t get in the way of work unless it was an emergency situation.  Your love of food is appreciated as he prefers to have workers who have a general idea of the types of dishes they serve on the menu.  When it comes to loyalty, that is one of the things that Azul values most and it pleases him to know that you are loyal to those you trust, similar to him.  He’s alright if you become more fun-loving the more you grow to trust them, but would prefer to keep that to a minimum when it comes to work.  It’s the same with your daydreaming; it’s alright as long as you focus.  He would not be agressive with you and wouldn’t yell, so you two would get along pretty well!
Floyd is...well, Floyd.  He can be a bit of a tease, but not in a mean-spirited sense.  For him, it’s all just fun and games with no malice behind his words.  Even though his mood with academics varies (As he can either turn in an amazing piece of work or a plain piece of paper), he likes how smart you are and would sometimes study with you because he’s bored and lonely.  Like he does with Azul, Floyd would encourage and give you a little push to get through the class, even if he’s messing around himself.  He’s cool that your emotional, but would prefer you happy over sad and if you would end up sad, he would waste no time in helping you feel better!  Floyd was also happy that you love food and asks you for your opinion regularly on two different foods if he can’t decide what he would want.  With the daydreaming, he gets very distracted with his thoughts as it it, so you two would be similar in that aspect!  Floyd likes how loyal you are and would be happy once you come to fully trust him enough.  Once you would open up more to him and become fun-loving, he would be the happiest guy in the world and instantly talk your ears off more than he does already!  Floyd isn’t that agressive towards his fellow students and would never yell at you, so you both would most likely become fast friends!
Jade is much more reserved than his brother, but he can be more open and friendly once he gets to know you better.  He is very pleased at your interest in academics and doesn’t blame you for not being good at physical activites as he is very afraid of heights which restricts him from various classes.  Jade is fine with you being emotional but, much like his brother, would rather not see you sad and would be there to listen if you needed to talk.  Jade is glad that you love food as it helps him at the Monstro Lounge with customers and would talk to you about adding mushrooms to the dishes (I’m not sure if you like mushrooms, so I’m sorry if you wouldn’t like that!).  When it comes to daydreaming, he tends to daydream a bit himself and wouldn’t mind telling you some of the things he has imagined!  Jade is very loyal himself and likes that about you as well.  Once you would come around to trust him enough to be more fun-loving, Jade would be honored and pleased that your more comfortable with him; he would even put time aside to spend time with you and show you is special mushroom garden!  Jade is not an agressive person at all and is always calm, so you two would get along very well with each other!
I hope you have a wonderful stay at the Night Raven College!                   
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sakura-chans-blog · 4 years
Hi can I get a dorm room matchup? I tend to be the mom friend with rather frequent migraines, I have a caffeine addiction, if I get fixated on a subject I won’t stop reading about it till I’m exhausted and can barely keep my eyes open, while also being very introverted I get frustrated with rude people/bullies and won’t hesitate turning their insults around on them . I have brown curly hair with blue hazel eyes and I’m 5”8.
Hello!  Thank you for the ask!
Your heart shows me...Ignihyde!
You’re motherly nature to others and introverted side makes you a perfect fit in the Ignihyde Dorm!  Idia, albeit nervous when the two of you meet, welcomes you with open arms once he sees that you are calmer than most people.  It’s a perfect place for finding new subjects to read on as the Ignihyde dorm is so technologically advanced that it’s easy to find new research topics to enjoy to your hearts content!  They also would most likely have quite the supply of caffeine, so you’re in luck there! Many in the dorm would be thankful that you know how to get rude people/bullies to back off as they don’t know how to do it themselves due to being so reclusive.  
  Here is what Idia and Ortho think of you!
Idia is pretty cool with you and enjoys your company when you two bump into each other or working together on homework.  Although he is a bit concerned when it comes to your caffeine intake, Idia is guilty of it too with his late night gaming sessions so he understands when it comes to certain subjects that you can’t wait for.  If he is forced to show up to the school, Idia would try to hide behind you, even though he is roughly 6′0, but if you gently coax him, he would most likely come out even if he’s still nervous.  He is very suprised at how you can confront rude people with so much confidence and thanks you whenever he sees you in action, whether it’s you helping him or someone else.
Ortho was attached to you’re hip the second you stepped into the dorm because 1. New friend! and 2. he sees how nice you are and hopes it can help him get his brother out of his room once in a while.  On the days that he somehow manages to pull Idia outside and he sees you,  Ortho would grab you as well and have you all hang out together for a while.  He enjoys seeing how much you research and wouldn’t hesitate to ask you if he can sit with you while you read.  As for the caffeine addiction, Ortho would be a little nervous and still try to monitor how much you have at once to make sure you would be okay.  Like Idia, Ortho didn’t expect to see you go up to bullies and put their words back in their mouth, but he is happy to see it and admires you for it.
I hope you have a wonderful stay at the Night Raven College! 
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sakura-chans-blog · 4 years
Hello ^^ is there any rules or requirements for dorm matchups?
Hi there! Thank you for the request! The only requirement is that I'll just need enough information about you (Personality, likes, dislikes, etc.) so that I can sort you into the dorm that best suits you! If you need to send in more than one ask to explain yourself, then that's perfectly fine!
Although, I might have to get to your matchup tomorrow morning because it's almost midnight here, but I'll make sure to get it done!
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