sabrielcc · 5 years
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Linkage: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20700332
Title: Everywhere You Look
Pairing: Sabriel
Rating: Gen
Full House Theme Song for @idabbleincrazy’s challenge
Cooking prompt for @sabrielcc
“But why though?”
Sam brandished his spatula at Gabriel. “Because you’re low on grace. Just deal with it and help mix the next set of batter.”
Gabriel huffed a sigh dramatically, but continued to follow the written recipe. He honestly knew why he couldn’t just whip up breakfast himself, but it would still be so much easier than this. Especially cooking for the whole bunker as it was.
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sabrielcc · 5 years
If I missed your creation for this last round, shoot me a message!
I’m pretty sure I got everyone who posted but I might have missed someone! 
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sabrielcc · 5 years
Admin Update
Hello everyone! Unfortunately I'm a little behind on sending out prompts! I have been getting your messages, I'm just really busy right now. I'll try to get prompts out by tomorrow night.
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sabrielcc · 5 years
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Sabriel Creations Challenge - September 2019 - ROUND 5
Hi there, everyone! Welcome to the fifth round of the Sabriel Creations Challenge! This challenge is open to a wide variety creations, the only stipulation is that the creation has to be centered around Sam Winchester & Gabriel from Supernatural. For this month, the general prompt is Daily Life.
What’s a Creations Challenge?
It’s a monthly challenge that encourages the creation of fanworks for a certain topic/ship/character.
How to Enter:
Reblog this post by SEPT 1st.
Send me an ask or direct message saying “participating for September + what you’ll be making” (i.e. fanart, graphics, fanfic).
If you don’t receive a reply of some kind within two days, message me again. I likely did not receive your last message.
I will probably contact you via tumblr DMs unless you tell me in your initial message that’d you’d like me to contact you some other way.
Please look at the rules.
What Happens Next:
I will reply to your message with your prompt.
The deadline for this round will be SEPT 25th.
Tag your creation with #sabrielcc within the first five tags.
Tag the blog or DM me saying your creation has been posted.
If you find yourself unable to post on time, send me a message as soon as possible.
Additional Information:
Your creation will be reblogged to the challenge blog.
There are no winners or losers, this is purely for fun & to show our love of these adorable cuties.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!
For more information, please check out the blog.
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sabrielcc · 5 years
Procedural Cop Shows
Summary- Gabriel isn’t doing too well after losing his powers, and Sam has a talk with him.
No warnings, just 600 words of emotional Sabriel fluff :)
This fills the @sabrielcc song prompt I received for this month, which was Won’t Get Fooled Again, by The Who. I had to go there XD
Also fills the square Depowered Gabriel for @gabriel-spn-bingo! 
Sam shook his head as he walked up to his room and heard Gabriel sing along with that song for what seemed liked the hundredth time. After the unfortunate hunt two days ago where he had his grace stolen, Gabriel had holed up in his room binge-watching that stupid cop show, only coming out to eat.
Keep reading
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sabrielcc · 5 years
Rating: E Word Count: 5.2k Warnings: None For: @sabrielcc round 2 - prompt: Kokomo by The Beach Boys
As a grad student at Stanford Law, Sam has moved into a very particular side job–that is, filming porn. Despite the fact that luck has never been on his side, he’s hit jackpot with a safe, humane studio and a director/occasional costar that might just be the love (and bane) of his life. When Gabriel flies them to the Bahamas with a cameraman and calls it a business venture he can’t help but feel guilty for the lavish treatment, but hey, when in Kokomo…
Continue to AO3  →
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sabrielcc · 5 years
August Sign-Ups are Officially Closed!
We have a total of 3 participants for Round 4 of the Sabriel Creations Challenge!
If you’re not on the list and you sent me a message/ask, send me a message asap!
Just some reminders:
You can post your creation any time in between now and the deadline (August 25th).
If you’re posting to AO3 too, you can submit your creation to the Sabriel Creations Challenge Collection (Round 4). All you’ve gotta do is type “sabriel creations challenge” into the collections box when you’re posting
If you feel like you’re not going to finish on time, just let me know! I don’t bite and I’m not gonna yell at you. Life happens! <3
Thank you for participating! I love all of you!
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sabrielcc · 5 years
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Walk Away Next To You
Order & chaos, Crawford hall
Linkage: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19978081
Title: Walk Away Next To You
Pairing: Sabriel
Rating: Explicit
For @sabrielcc​ mythology prompt order & chaos & @gabriel-spn-bingo square ‘Crawford Hall Sabriel’
There was always an order to his punishments, no matter how it looked outside of his mind. He had his own thing going just right. He’d settle in a medium to large town, sometimes a city, and dish out around three to five punishments before moving on. Easy peasy, the only unpredictable thing being exactly what punishment for the worst of the worst would happen. It always matched the crime though, never deviated.
But then someone interrupted the order of things. Oh, he had delt with hunters before, but these… They heralded the final order of things, the one bit of order he didn’t want to deal with. Dad’s final message to the universe, that all things end.
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sabrielcc · 5 years
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Sabriel Creations Challenge - August 2019 - ROUND 4
Hi there, everyone! Welcome to the fourth round of the Sabriel Creations Challenge! This challenge is open to a wide variety creations, the only stipulation is that the creation has to be centered around Sam Winchester & Gabriel from Supernatural. For this month, the general prompt is Songs/Song Lyrics.
What’s a Creations Challenge?
It’s a monthly challenge that encourages the creation of fanworks for a certain topic/ship/character.
How to Enter:
Reblog this post by AUGUST 1st.
Send me an ask or direct message saying “participating for August + what you’ll be making” (i.e. fanart, graphics, fanfic).
For this round, feel free to send me a genre of music or a band you like!
If you don’t receive a reply of some kind within two days, message me again. I likely did not receive your last message.
I will probably contact you via tumblr DMs unless you tell me in your initial message that’d you’d like me to contact you some other way.
Please look at the rules.
What Happens Next:
I will reply to your message with your prompt.
The deadline for this round will be AUGUST 25th.
Tag your creation with #sabrielcc within the first five tags.
Tag the blog or DM me saying your creation has been posted.
If you find yourself unable to post on time, send me a message as soon as possible.
Additional Information:
Your creation will be reblogged to the challenge blog.
There are no winners or losers, this is purely for fun & to show our love of these adorable cuties.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!
For more information, please check out the blog.
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sabrielcc · 5 years
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Sabriel Creations Challenge - JULY 2019 - ROUND 3
Hi there, everyone! Welcome to the third round of the Sabriel Creations Challenge! This challenge is open to a wide variety creations, the only stipulation is that the creation has to be centered around Sam Winchester and Gabriel from Supernatural. For this month, the general prompt is MYTHOLOGY.
What’s a Creations Challenge?
It’s a monthly challenge that encourages the creation of fanworks for a certain topic/ship/character.
How to Enter:
Reblog this post by JUNE 30th.
Send me an ask or direct message saying “participating for July + what you’ll be making” (i.e. fanart, graphics, fanfic).
If you don’t receive a reply of some kind within two days, message me again. I likely did not receive your last message.
I will probably contact you via tumblr DMs unless you tell me in your initial message that’d you’d like me to contact you some other way.
Please look at the rules.
What Happens Next:
I will reply to your message with your prompt.
The deadline for this round will be JULY 25th.
Tag your creation with #SabrielCC within the first five tags.
Tag the blog or DM me saying your creation has been posted.
If you find yourself unable to post on time, send me a message as soon as possible.
Additional Information:
Your creation will be reblogged to the challenge blog.
There are no winners or losers, this is purely for fun & to show our love of these adorable cuties.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!
For more information, please check out the blog.
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sabrielcc · 5 years
Hello everyone! I kind-of dropped the ball with Round 4 and that’s my bad - I had a lot of things going on and life ended up getting in the way.
I’ll be posting sign-up information for Round 4 tonight!
As we missed the beginning of June, Round 4 will be taking place in July. Again, my apologies for dropping the ball here.
Thank you all for bearing with me & participating in this challenge <3
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sabrielcc · 5 years
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Linkage: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18596425
Title: Chapel of Love
Pairing: Sabriel
Rating: Gen
For @sabrielcc AU prompt ‘Fake Marriage’, for @gabriel-spn-bingo square ‘fake relationship-hunt’
“Alright. Alright.” Sam rolled his eyes. “Fine.” He clicked the phone shut and turned to Gabriel, who raised an eyebrow. “There’s a rash of suspicious deaths near here, so guess what.”
“Ugh.” Gabriel slumped on the bed. “We just finished a case!”
Shrugging, Sam tucked his phone in his pocket. “I know, but it’s just the next town over. According to Dean it’s a bunch of couples that have been dying over at this church, murder/suicide, but far too many to be a coincidence.”
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sabrielcc · 5 years
April Sign-Ups are Officially Closed!
We have a total of 2 participants for Round 2 of the Sabriel Creations Challenge!
If you’re not on the list and you sent me a message/ask, send me a message asap!
Just some reminders:
You can post your creation any time in between now and the deadline (May 15th).
If you’re posting to AO3 too, you can submit your creation to the Sabriel Creations Challenge Collection (Round 2). All you’ve gotta do is type “sabriel creations challenge” into the collections box when you’re posting.
If you feel like you’re not going to finish on time, just let me know! I don’t bite and I’m not gonna yell at you. Life happens! <3
Thank you for participating! I love all of you!
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sabrielcc · 5 years
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Sabriel Creations Challenge Round 2 - Sign-ups Close today (April 15th). 
If you’re interested, check out our entry post.
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sabrielcc · 5 years
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We’re noticing a serious lack of fanworks for this seriously underrated ship, so we’re aiming to fix that by running some fandom events to encourage more! The first thing we’re planning on running is Sabriel Week 2019!
Sabriel Week will be a week filled with fanfic/fanart/gifs or whatever else you can think of to celebrate this beautiful ship. A prompt will be given for each day - but of course, you are not obligated to fill in every single one of them!
This week will run during the summer, and we’re giving you the opportunity to help us decide when. CLICK HERE TO CAST YOUR VOTE. We’ve discluded the week that GISHWHES is running since we don’t want to clash with The Overlord. 
Please like/reblog this to let us know that you’re interested, and also to signal boost the event so that we can get as many people involved as possible! Also, please do send us some suggestions for prompts. We will take prompt suggestions up until 27th April, and then we’ll have you all vote on the prompts afterwards. So the entire event will be decided by you!
More details will follow, so make sure to follow our blog for future updates. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to send us an ask.
Additionally, we also have a Sabriel Discord server, and we’ll be creating a dedicated category for the event closer to the time. Click here to join us (not required to take part in this event, but it’ll be good for motivation and finding other people to talk about the good ship Sabriel with).  
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sabrielcc · 5 years
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Sabriel Creations Challenge - APRIL 2019 - ROUND 2
Hi there, everyone! Welcome to the third round of the Sabriel Creations Challenge! This challenge is open to a wide variety creations, the only stipulation is that the creation has to be centered around Sam Winchester & Gabriel from Supernatural. For this month, the general prompt is ALTERNATE UNIVERSES.
What’s a Creations Challenge?
It’s a monthly challenge that encourages the creation of fanworks for a certain topic/ship/character.
How to Enter:
Reblog this post by APRIL 15th.
Send me an ask or direct message saying “participating for April + what you’ll be making” (i.e. fanart, graphics, fanfic).
If you don’t receive a reply of some kind within two days, message me again. I likely did not receive your last message.
I will probably contact you via tumblr DMs unless you tell me in your initial message that’d you’d like me to contact you some other way.
Please look at the rules.
What Happens Next:
I will reply to your message with your prompt.
The deadline for this round will be MAY 15th.
Tag your creation with #SabrielCC within the first five tags.
Tag the blog or DM me saying your creation has been posted.
Your work should have a caption that includes a link to the challenge blog and your URL.
For an example caption, check out the official blog.
If you find yourself unable to post on time, send me a message as soon as possible.
Additional Information:
Your creation will be reblogged to the official challenge blog.
There are no winners or losers, this is purely for fun & to show our love of these two adorable cuties (Gabriel & Sam, of course).
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!
For more information, please check out the official blog.
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sabrielcc · 5 years
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Linkage: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18112424
Title: Lavender Blue
Pairing: Sabriel
Rating: Gen
For the @gabriel-spn-bingo square ‘Walking In While Changing’
For the @sabrielcc color prompt Lavender
Gabriel sunk down next to the herb garden the Winchesters has thrown together. It was a scraggly mess of weeds and needed a lot of work to be any sort of functional. With saving the world every other week it was no surprise things like this were neglected. He could identify everything here, the mint being the most prominent. As a plant it was a terror, taking over the whole bed. Well, what worked for a bed. The Winchesters wouldn’t know gardening unless Audrey II was in the middle of it, and even then it would have to bite them first.
He let his fingers dig around, pulling the actual weeds out from the useful ones. The mindless work was nice, and he could hang out and enjoy the sun for once. It wasn’t their fault that the bunker was, well, a bunker. After being trapped in a dungeon for so long there was no wonder he wasn’t a fan of underground places.
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