rugayarzai · 5 years
i'm in one of those dark days, you know? where i can not see even a ray of sunshine shining in front of me and it hurts. It hurts a lot. But my love, when i think of you i always create strength. Yoongi, you have become someone special in my life, my greatest source of inspiration these last months. You has worked part-time in a studio that served you as a school, sealing your music too and sometimes you did not got anything back. You've made decisions that should not be considered options in anyone's life, like choose between buying food or getting the bus back home. Yoongi, you have remained so persistent and focused ... even in the face of your cold and dark reality, you have been able to graduate in liberal arts and photography while working in two jobs and trying to be accepted into BigHit. As if that were not enough, at a sudden moment in your life you were hit by a car. You were run over by a car while working but did not tell anyone at the time afraid of risking being fired, even in pain you omitted this fact from the company fearing that they would send you away. Your shoulder is probably no longer the same because of this accident and maybe that's the reason why you did not receive intense dance solos at BH. I know it's cured today, but there are still sequels, not to mention the mental illness aspect of your life as someone who also fights depression, social fobia and anxiety... i can not even begin to put into words how difficult it is, just to imagine makes me want to cry. Life is so cruel and unfair at times. Yoongi, the fact that you works so hard, caring for five younger siblings, composing hundreds of songs in a year, and producing almost every BTS song, with the least help, is just insane, it is exquisite to the point of being surreally admirable! All you ever wanted to do was to make music and leave nothing, ANYTHING, to disturb you. You lost everything for the music and for the brown piano in the corner of the room. Today you continue to grow and reach beyond your dreams. Your "impossible" dream became your gift. Now if you have something that i admire a lot in your personality it's how you manage to be cautious, focused and passionate. Yoongi, you built up slowly as an artist and as a person, remained sincere and humble. When you are misunderstood people tend to call you cold, even you having the warmest and sensivity heart. You can be shy and bold from time to time. You are wise and intelligent. No word can describe you. I am dedicating this text to you today. I feel such admiration, i can not write in all letters how important you were to me and how it continues to be. I often say that life is unffair in a crooked way with some because it is precisely the difficulties that make us grow and mature. Yoongi, you are an example of a whole person who had everything to go wrong, but did everything to get it right. I've being the person who stepped forward and gave up lately. I've been walking in circles for a long period in my life. Now, when i look around and see stories, like yours, i realize how weak i have been and i continue to be for a little case. I know that living up or continuing will always depend on me, i am made of my courage and persistence, i'm the size of my dreams. You're a man who had a passion with you above all else and that is why it is worth living: love. For all of you reading this right now, no matter what it is, channel your little strength when you think there's no way out. Believe in yourself, as well as Yoon. Do not let anything defeat you. For a PIANO he did not give up. For a coincidence he managed to. I love him in a way that makes me cry only in writing and i love even more the feeling that fills my chest when i talk about it. I hope he has a great day today and that he feeds himself well
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