rubuem · 10 years
I crave a childhood friends to lovers au. I don’t care how fricking corny it is. I love the idea of always being best friends and dating people and then growing up and realizing wow, I love you like fuck give it to me.
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rubuem · 10 years
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name: nia
eye colour: hazel
hair style/color: dark brown, literally just whatever it looks like when i wake up that's my style
height: 5’11
clothing style: anything comfy
best physical feature: i like my lips???
your fears: humiliation, needles, large crowds
your guilty pleasure: girls. just girls. i love girls. mm.
ambitions for the future: software engineer. idfk.
your first thoughts waking up: ”why"
what you think about most: girls. did i mention that i love girls.
what you think about before bed: girls. cuddling. mm.
you think your best quality is: i'm easy to get along with.
single or group dates: single. though i've never been on a group date.
to be loved or respected: respect is required for love.
beauty or brains: why can't i have both?
dogs or cats: dogs.
lie: sometimes.
believe in yourself: no.
believe in love: yes.
want someone: yes yes yes /sigh
been on stage: once. it sucked.
done drugs: no
changed who you were to fit in: yeah
favorite colour: green
favorite animal:  dogs.
favorite movie: i dont watch movies much
favourite game: persona 4 trumps all.
meet the blogger
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rubuem · 10 years
Natalia Kills-Zombie
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rubuem · 10 years
The person I reblogged this from has a quality blog and I recommend you all follow them
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rubuem · 10 years
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Teen Titans 30 day challenge ➡ Which is your favorite story arc?
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rubuem · 10 years
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rubuem · 10 years
Game — I’ll write a drabble of my character playing videogames with yours.
"Video games?" Argent asked, an eyebrow arched. "I've never been very fond of them." Truthfully, she hadn't played many games beyond the occasional Pokemon game. It wasn't something she considered a worthwhile past time.
"Come on, Argent!" Beast Boy begged, drooped features on his face as he draped himself over the back of the couch. "Cyborg isn't here and I'm so boreeeeeeed." Cue puppy eyes. Quite literally, he had shifted into a puppy. What an overused trick, Argent would never fall for it. She was practically immune to that stuff--
"Okay, fine," she conceded, moving around the couch and plopping next to the boy. "What are we playing, then?"
"Mario Kart!" Beast Boy answered, a giant smile on his face as he started up the game. The happy tune filled the room as Argent tossed the controller around in her hand.
"Go easy on me, okay?" She asked, crossing her legs and leaning forward, readying herself.
"Of course, I even took the liberty of choosing the easiest course!" He did a few flicks with his controller and picked the course: Rainbow Road.
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rubuem · 10 years
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"Oh, you're too much. I just adore that skirt. These old things? If I remember right, I got them off Ebay. They were probably from Hot Topic, though."
" okay i like your style —   so tell me, where did you   get those killer boots? “
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rubuem · 10 years
fatalaftershock replied to your post:i’m such trash i’ve been neglecting my slade blog...
ur perf and beautiful and awesome
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rubuem · 10 years
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i'm such trash i've been neglecting my slade blog so much gdi
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rubuem · 10 years
If you read the rules and information of a rp page before interaction, can you reblog this, please? I want to see how many do.
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rubuem · 10 years
Shop — I’ll write a drabble of my character taking yours shopping.
"That cape is going to attract bad attention," she insisted to the musician, raising an eyebrow. She assumed right in that he didn't have another change of clothes, considering that he didn't usually spend this much time on Earth. "Seriously, we'll stop by Macy's or whatever and get you something new."
"Says the girl with red streaks in her hair and a black dress," Herald mumbled lightly, catching Argent's attention again.
"This is somewhat normal here, it's called goth," she explained, continuing through the mall. The looks they were getting were priceless, and she couldn't help but laugh at them. "C'mon, here we are. We're gonna find you something inconspicuous and stylish, think you can handle that?"
"Obviously!" He smiled, delivering a thumbs up at the New Zealander, only to receive and eye roll. They walked their way into the men's section, looking through the various shirts and jeans. "Oh, I found something!" Herald said enthusiastically.
"Let me see," Argent demanded, turning to him to see-- "Herald. That's a dark blue hoodie. Do you not see something odd?"
"No." This was going to be a long day.
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rubuem · 10 years
When you get so excited about RPing with a particular person because they’re really good and you can’t wait for their next reply
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rubuem · 10 years
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625 notes · View notes
rubuem · 10 years
'Mulan' quote starters
"How lucky can they be? They're dead."
"You will never bring your family honour."
"Well we can't all be acupuncturists!"
"No, your great-granddaughter had to become a cross dresser!"
"Stop me? He invited me."
"Ah, I see you have a sword! I have one too! They're very manly. And tough."
"Lemma hear you say AH!!"
"You wanna stay, you gotta work."
"I am the guardian of lost souls!"
"My ancestors sent me a lizard to help me?"
"Down, Betsy!"
"Make a note of this; Dishonour on you, dishonour on your cow!"
"Beautiful, isn't it?"
"Look, this tattoo will protect me from harm!"
"Punch him. That's how men make friends."
"Relax, and chant with me."
"Stay that to my face, you limp noodle!"
"I do love surprises."
"He started it!"
"I didn't ask for his name, I asked for your name."
"He doesn't talk about me much."
"Tomorrow, the real work begins."
"Look, it's porridge. And it's happy to see you!"
"I think my bunny slippers just ran for cover. Come on, scare me, girl!"
"Wait, you forgot your sword!"
"That's not funny."
"Yeah, 'cause I owe you a knuckle sandwich."
"Oohh, tough guy."
"I'll get that arrow, pretty boy. And I'll do it with my shirt on."
"Let's get down to business."
"I'll make a man out of you."
"You haven't got a clue."
"I'm never gonna catch my breath."
"This guy's got her scared to death."
"Heed my every order, and you might survive."
"Pack up, go home, you're through."
"What do you see?"
"We can avoid them easily."
"We should return it to her."
"Hey, this is not a good idea. What if somebody sees you?"
"If you're so worried, go stand watch!"
"We're doomed!"
"I know we were jerks to you before, so let's start over."
"I'm king of the rock!"
"We have to fight!"
"Snake! AGH!!"
"Boy, that was close."
"That was vile!"
"I never want to see a naked man again."
"Don't look at me, I ain't biting no more butts."
"This guy's messing with my plans!"
"We're not finished!"
"I'll hold him, and you punch."
"I saw that."
"You like him, don't you?"
"That's better! Much better! Let's go!"
"You owe me a new pair of slippers."
"Excuse me? I think the question is who are you?!"
"I should have your hat for that!"
"Think of instead; a girl worth fighting for."
"Bet the local girls thought you were quite the charmer."
"He thinks he's such a lady killer."
"Yeah, the only girl who'd love him is his mother."
"I'm sorry."
"Oh, sure, save the horse."
"You missed! How could you miss?!"
"We need help!"
"I knew we could do it! You the man! Well, sort of."
"From now on, you have my trust."
"He's wounded, get help!"
"I can explain."
"So, it is true!"
"I knew there was something wring with you!"
"I didn't mean for it to go this far!"
"It was the only way!"
"My debt is repaid."
"But you can't just..."
"I never should have left home."
"Maybe what I really wanted was to prove that I could do things right. So that when I looked in the mirror, I'd see someone worthwhile. But I was wrong. I see nothing."
"I can see you, lookit you, you look so pretty!"
"I mean, you risked your life to help people you love."
"At least you had good intentions."
"You ... lied to me?"
"We started this thing together and that's how we'll finish it. I promise."
"They popped out of the snow! LIKE DAISIES!"
"Go home."
"Why should I?"
"Please, you have to help!"
"No one will listen!"
"Huh, I'm sorry, did you say something?"
"Okay. Any questions?"
"Ugly concubines."
"I tire of your arrogance."
"So what's the plan?"
"You don't have a plan?!"
"Way ahead of you, sister."
"I need firepower."
"Your worst nightmare."
"Guess you're out of ideas."
"Not quite."
"I am ready, baby!"
"That was a deliberate attempt on my life!"
"Stand aside! That creature is not worth protecting."
"She's a hero!"
"That is enough!"
"I've heard a great deal about you."
"You can have his job."
"Is she allowed to do that?"
"You fight good."
"The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all."
"You don't meet a girl like that every dynasty!"
"The greatest gift in honor is having you for a (enter whatever)"
"If you ask me she should've brought home a man!"
"Would you like to stay forever?"
"Dinner would be great."
"You know, she gets it from my side of the family!"
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rubuem · 10 years
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"Really, then explain the fact that you nearly wrecked the training course with your rocks?"
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❝—Whatever. I don’t need your help.❞
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rubuem · 10 years
Request something!
Rules: If you reblog, have the common decency to request at least one before reblogging. Send me a word (or a few words) and I’ll write something about our characters doing stuff together.
Rain — I’ll write a fluffy drabble of our characters kissing in the rain. 
Kill — I’ll write a angst drabble of my character violently killing yours. 
Love — I’ll write a drabble of my character admitting they love yours.
Lust — I’ll write a drabble of our characters making love together.
Date — I’ll write a drabble of my character taking yours out on a date.  
Defend — I’ll write a drabble of my character protecting yours.
Fight — I’ll write a drabble of my character fighting with/against yours.
Death — I’ll write a drabble of my character with yours on their deathbed.
Mourn — I’ll write a drabble of my character mourning yours.
Pet — I’ll write a drabble of my character buying yours a pet. (specify what kind.)
Wash — I’ll write a drabble of our characters showering/bathing together.
Pool — I’ll write a drabble of our characters swimming together.
Beach — I’ll write a drabble of out characters at the beach together.
Sing — I’ll write a drabble of my character singing to yours.
Snow — I’ll write a drabble of our characters building a snowman together.
Game — I’ll write a drabble of my character playing videogames with yours.
Movie — I’ll write a drabble of our characters watching a movie together.
Shop — I’ll write a drabble of my character taking yours shopping.
Cook — I’ll write a drabble of our characters cooking together.
Sleep — I’ll write a drabble of my character snuggling in bed with yours.
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