risenuntildawn · 6 months
“As a rule of thumb in magic, one should always use the full technique, and avoid omitting any of its constituent parts, until you know exactly how and why each piece works.”
Skinner & Rankine, Introduction to [The Keys to the Gateway of Magic: Summoning the Solomonic Archangels & Demon Princes].
The logical extension of this being, once you thoroughly understand all the pieces that make up the whole, you’ll be in a better position to properly make modernization/personalization changes without compromising the integrity of the intended magickal working. 
You wouldn’t randomly swap things in and out of a car’s engine without knowing the intended function of the things you’re exchanging - magick ritual is no different (within the Ceremonial Magick sphere, at least).
(via graycloak)
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risenuntildawn · 1 year
some burdens you must offer to the earth, bury them like a bitter offering, yield to the dirt. there is a heartbreak which can be hallowed only by flame, and ache which must be thrown onto the pyre. sometimes the only way to free yourself from worry and regret is to air it all out into the cold night wind.
there's grief which can be only carried away by water.
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risenuntildawn · 1 year
Catholic Folk Magic Tip #13
It has been a while since I’ve posted any of these. But here we go. This is for teaching a lesson, or two, to those who Need it. Especially when you are not in the mood for games.
- Someone’s taking your stuff in the office, or taking food from your garden? Tie them up! Mary the Untier of knots is also very good at doing the opposite. If you know who it is say the name, or just ‘thief’ while praying for knots in their life, while tying up a string. Keep that by your backdoor and give it a good whack. This last bit you can do how much and how ever hard to you heart’s content. Very therapeutic!
- A rude guest that has finally left? Swipe up their footprints with a dustpan and brush. Put it in an envelope, and place it under a crucifix. (If you are pissed enough place it in a baking tin in the oven on high. For 10 mins) And pray to the souls in purgatory that their (the guests) rudeness comes to a fiery stop! Yes dear, even the dead minds their manners. Well, some manners.. Nothing wrong with adding some heat to it. If you just put it under a crucifix, just let it sit there for at least a week. I’d say pray 2 more times. Afterwards do nót forget to pray for the souls in purgatory. Tit for tat, and good manners! They help you, you help them. You understand? - Someone’s been throwing evil eye onto you and for family for a while now? Take a picture of them, print it, and gather two iron nails. Go to the church yard. Either ín the church or in the church yard; go to the crucified Lord. Pray and ask him to deliver you from (name)’s evil eyes and hatefulness. Then, while reciting the prayer to St Michael -pierce with 1 nail each the eyes on the picture you have of X person. Bury it in the ground in the graveyard, and proclaim the evil eye dead. (And have a cleansing bath at home!)  - Tired of hearing someone talk constantly? Pray to Saint John the Silent, while giving him a small dish of salt, asking him to silence- benign and for the greater good of your peace of mind -X person up. The same goes for when someone doesn’t keep their word of secrecy. But then add thorns to the salt. Or nails. Saint John will remind them of their vow. And if that fails, ask Mary.  - Pro tip: you want a guest to leave? ‘Would you like another cup before you go?‘  And dón’t offer another cookie with that cup. It sends a message.  Take care,  - Toverij & Spokerij
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risenuntildawn · 1 year
Go somewhere you know well. Someplace that calls to your bones and stirs your blood, whether that's a forest clearing, a pasture, a churchyard, or a mountain trail. “Betwixt” places such as crossroads, the place where three creeks meet, a river between two mountains, the base of a tree grown into three, or a mountaintop are especially good spots to help bring you “between” times and places. Ponder what took place here. How many footprints do you now follow? How many forgotten graves lay beneath the red clay? How many bones has this soil devoured?
Feel the presence of the place. This is the spirit of the land. While few speak of the spirit as having form, it is likely to appear as an animal, a cluster of summer gnats in the sunlight, or a whisper on the breeze. Those with the sight are more inclined to see them; some have reported the spirit of the land lives in the trees themselves and is a simple voice that speaks from an unknown source, while others say it takes the form of giants that make their residence in the mountaintops or the rocks by the rivers. Many of them are left without a name because, much like this work, they're too old for those things or anyone living today.
When you find where your roots are nourished, give an offering to the land. The Cherokee gave corn, tobacco, and blood. The Irish gave bread, butter, and sweet things. Today's Appalachian workers give tobacco, food, hard candy, whiskey, coins, and old cheap jewelry. Sit with the land and feel your surroundings. Walk about and familiarize yourself with the hills and rocks and trees.
Don't expect them to be accepting of you right away, or at all, really. As with any other friendship, it takes time to become familiar with each other and sometimes it will never grow. Some of these land spirits simply wish to be left alone and unbothered by humans. Who could blame them, after the blooddrenched history they have witnessed in these hills? The spirit of a place is simply someone who has taken up residence on that land, meaning it could be a little person, or a haint, or it could simply be made up of the events that occurred there. For example, a bridge known for suicides wouldn't be a good place to start, as it would contain the spiritual traits of its distinguished events.
It will take many times of showing up, giving an offering, and simply presenting yourself before any presence will be shown. Because not all spirits have your best interest in mind, I'd reckon you ought to carry three used horseshoe nails on you: one around your neck and two under the soles of your shoes. It's quite an odd thing to try and do, but with a handy pocketknife you can pry the soles up just enough to slide a nail under it right at the heels. It may be a bit uncomfortable, but horses have always been regarded in Appalachia as being able to see and protect from haints.”
3: ‘Barefoot Wandering’
Backwoods Witchcraft:
Conjure & Folk Magic from Appalachia
by Jake Richards
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risenuntildawn · 1 year
[Raven, Crow; A small anthology of superstitions from France /part 2.]
Ancient auspices were interested in the direction of their flight or the type of croaking they did.
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Gaspar Peucer wrote in the 16th century, in his book Les Devins :
"If the crows were crying on the right, it was a bad omen just as the cry of the crows on the left was a sign of hope; if it was on the east side, a great delicacy was quickly expected. If the crows cackled on the western side, or on the left with a stifled cry, it was a sign of extreme misfortune."
We sometimes interpret their cry (...) :"I'll have you, I'll have you!" or : "I'll have you, I'm waiting for you, quack, bugger! bugger !".
In the vicinity of Rennes, the crow repeats "Corpse! Corpse!".
[It is even said], still in Brittany, that the crows saw off the caskets of the coffins.
When these birds are heard in the vicinity of a dwelling or if they hover above, a member of the family will pass away.
If the crow sings three times, it predicts the death of a man, twice that of a woman.
If they come near the house of a sick person, it means that he will not recover.
In many places, hearing the sound of a crow in the morning indicates that some misfortune is to be expected during the day.
In Lorraine, if the cry of the crows coincides with the death knell of the bells announcing a funeral, an imminent violent death will be deplored.
- Of course, the crow that caws when the bride and spouse leave the church is a sign of misfortune.
- However, in Vosges, very late (19th century), the crows are invoked before a marriage to enjoy a perfect union, convinced that male and female will remain faithful all their lives. (Thiriat, 1878).
*Belief dating from the Middle Ages and present in "The Gospels of the Cattails."
[Excerpts arranged by me from Lacarriere + Delmas. Pic Source ]
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risenuntildawn · 1 year
Let's Talk About Hagstones
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Hagstones are rocks with naturally occurring holes in them. These rocks are usually found by bodies of water, and the hole is created by erosion from the water. I personally also consider shells with holes in them hagstones.
Hagstones are considered to be good luck, to help with fertility, protection, healing, and seeing and communicating with spirits.
Some claim the only way to use a hagstone at "full" power is buy finding it yourself or if it was given to you as a gift. Some people even say it has no power if you buy it yourself. "It only works if you find it yourself." I honestly think that's some superstitious (and slightly ablist) bs because mine were purchased and work just fine. Don't let superstition stop you from buying a pretty rock.
Anyways, here are some other superstitions regarding hagstones:
It is said that hagstones can ward off or attract the fae, as well as see through glamours. if you wish to attract some, you can pour morning dew through a Hag Stone hole and anoint yourself with it. 
It's said that if you find a large hagstone, big enough to walk through, if you walk through with your partner you'll be blessed with a baby.
To have a good dream and calm mind tie one to your bedpost.
Nailing a hagstone to a boat will disperse oncoming storms
To make a wish come true place a hagstone in your left hand and rub it clockwise while thinking about your wish.
Tie them to something you want to protect to protect it.
Some say if you hold a hagstone you can't lie.
I personally keep one infront of my scrying mirror to keep spirits from leaving the mirror. I haven't anointed my stone with morning dew or seen much but looking through it definitely gives me a strange feeling. It definitely feels like a film infront of the world has been stripped away when you look through it.
Either way it's a pretty and cool rock
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risenuntildawn · 1 year
The Devil was also thought to have more influence on the natural powers as the weather, the wind and the growth in the fields. As Mickel Kalkström in 1739 went fishing with some friends he had explained all these things to his fellow fishermen. As the fellow fishermen of Mickel Kalkström had wanted to pray to God for good fishing luck, Mickel had said: “It will not help to pray to God, even a beggar has more influence on the fish than God. It is the Devil who decides about the fish.” According to his beliefs also the wind and the thunderstorms were not from God, but a creation of the Devil.
] On the other hand persons accused of contacts with the Devil often claim to have experienced a real meeting with the Devil and have been able to describe the evil one in a more concrete way — as a human being with a body that you could see and even touch. Two persons claimed to have shaken hands with the Devil. One of them could even give a detailed description of what the Devil’s hand looked like - it was big, strong and hairy. The Devil had, at this occasion, pressed the hand of the delinquent so hard that there was blood coming from out of his fingernails. The Devil was usually described as a man, taller or shorter as normally, dressed in black, gray or blue clothes - often in the same kind of clothes as the farmers used themselves or clothes familiar to them.
- Church demonology and popular beliefs in early modern Sweden, Soili-Maria Olli
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risenuntildawn · 2 years
Hi, hope you are doing well. Can you suggest a spell jar for attracting romantic love in life? I am planning to do it in the day and hour of Venus when the moon is waxing but I am clueless about what ingredients I should use; especially a substitute for rose quartz because it doesn't resonate with me. Also, do you think adding a paper with the qualities I want in a partner in the jar is a good idea? I am sorry, I have never tried a love spell before. So, I am quite nervous.
Well first of all I would place an item representing yourself in the jar. Ideally a poppet with some of your hair sewn into it perhaps. Something that serves as a link to you. If you use a poppet you can write qualities you want in a partner and pin this paper to the poppet with seven pins- all the better if they are green pins. Or you could make a separate poppet with the paper inside it. If your ideal partner is a man make the poppet in red. If female green.
This is not a traditional use of the pentacles. But you could make the second pentacle of Venus on paper or card in green. Then charge it by focusing your intention and passing it through incense of rose or jasmine. Then kiss it and place it in the jar. You could of course also consecrate it as per the instructions in the key of Solomon. They are simple enough. In either case place this at the bottom of the jar.
Usually I pair items together but in this case I would simply put in items associated with the type of love you want.
Rose petals are great- red for passion, pink for love, yellow for friendship. You might want all three or just one.
Damiana is also a good herb to include.
Jade works well in love spells- even serpentine will do.
I would also include honey or sugar.
Seven apple seeds.
Try to choose seven items. And if you can, try to add them in seven batches. Like seven pinches of damiana, seven pinches of sugar etc. The pentacle, poppets, and crystals are obviously exceptions.
Spit in the jar seven times before sealing.
Make sure you have a good method of charging. This could be an invocation to the spirits of Venus with offerings. A hexagram ritual with the force directed to the jar. Passing through smoke and focusing intent.
This is just off the top of my head, don’t be afraid to let spirit rule you and inspire you for your own ingredients.
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risenuntildawn · 2 years
Ritual of the Cleansing Candle
Take a candle, preferably of white or black, and run it over yourself from head to foot and back up to head again, saying a prayer of your choice or simply stating an affirmation of intent. Place it onto a plate, place salt on the plate and light it, saying a prayer again or a chant as follows:
"This candle harbours all ill from me Burn away, burned it shall be Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust As Fire Burns, so too shall the ill around me"
Light the candle and let it burn down to its entirety, diving from the wax if there were specific areas that were affected, and if there were still things that needed to be worked through in more ritual. For example:
A broken heart could represent that emotional pain is the source of the negativity A cross shaped piece of wax could represent suffering or burdens, as well as protection or that someone has placed an obstacle in your path A scorpion's tail represents betrayal and that someone has been sending negative energy your way Candle wax that represents an eye could represent evil eye or that someone has been envious of you, or speaking ill of you Moons in the wax could represent deliberate spellwork, harmful spirits or negativity surrounding you.
These are then neutralized and further rituals are taken. If the ritual has delivered auspicious symbols, depending on the person who is reading the wax, then it is to be taken as a good sign.
An alternative could be to add salt and white vinegar to a bath in order to cleanse any debris from the person. This is to be done over three days to seven days depending on the severity of the energy. Always wash from head to foot.
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risenuntildawn · 2 years
Witch Fighting
Not all witches get along.  Some witches, for reasons all their own, will attack other witches.  Sometimes it’s for power play, sometimes it’s for self defense, and sometimes it’s just immaturity (though the latter is the least worrisome).  For whatever reason it is started, it can become a problem. Fighting another witch isn’t something that’s normally taught anymore, but it’s a topic that needs to be discussed because it happens.  When I first began, I couldn’t find any information about witch fights, other than petty gossip. I knew better than to think witches wouldn’t fight one another with magic. Your technique will change depending if you’re on offense or defense, but I’ll give a basic layout of approaches.  The first thing is to neutralize whatever the witch is attacking with. If it’s a spell, break it. If it’s a familiar or a spirit, trap it. You need to get rid of the problem, but try to be discreet about it. Don’t alert them to the fact that it’s broken.  Then, you need some revved up wards. Spike it with red ochre (good substitute for blood, for the more squeamish). Use iron and silver. Hang mirror shards in a nearby tree. Hide charms that will break or return spells sent at you. Remember that some witches play very dirty. Keep wards on the things you love. Put protection on things you don’t want them touching.  Set up spells that will trick and confuse them. Put a glamour on your front door so that it looks like an endless, winding tunnel. Enchant your whole property to be, for all intents and purposes, invisible to those who have ill intent towards you (try burying some compact mirrors). Make dolls of yourself that their attacks will find and be absorbed by.  Maybe you want to retaliate, or maybe you’re the one starting the fight (or finishing it). If you’re attacking, you need to render the other witch vulnerable to your attacks. Throw away the whole ‘bind their magic’ crap, because if you’re dealing with a strong witch, it either won’t work or snap like cheap cord. What do they work with? The dead? Perfect, send spells filled with garlic and angelica root. If they work with water, send fiery spells their way. If they’ve got all of their bases covered, you’ll need to find another method. Be creative. Maybe they aren’t very perceptive to the subtler things around them. Send your spirit out to infiltrate their space and plant spectral hexes.    If you’re dealing the blows, make sure not to make yourself too vulnerable to your enemy. Don’t send your spirit out only to trip alarms and get yourself stuck. Be subtle about everything. Sometimes flashy is good, but only when you’re trying to spook someone. If you’re both skilled witches fighting one another, you need to be sneaky.  As a general rule, I would advise you to stay away from witch fights. Don’t start magical fights if you don’t have to. You might send a hex to the wrong person and they could turn around and witch slap you to the ground. 
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risenuntildawn · 2 years
Protection Sachet
A piece of paper A pen (red ink preferably but black is good as well - actually blue is also very protective against negativity, especially spirits and the evil eye.) A small red bag (red is again protection) Two iron nails bound together to form a cross with red thread (Iron keeps away evil forces and spirits, red is protective, the cross is a symbol of Our Lord and His Protection)
On the piece of paper - write the following
Side A
Then on the other
Fons + Alpha & Omega + Figa + Figalis + Sabbaoth + Emmanuel + Adonai + o + Neray + Elay + Ihr + Rentone + Neger + Sahe + Pangeton + Commen + a +g + l + a + Mattheus + Marcus + Lucas + Iohannes + + + Titulus Triumphalis + Iesus Nazerenus rex Iudeorum + Ecce Dominae crucis signum + fugite partes aduersae, vicit, leo de tribu Iuae, radix David Allelujah. Kyrie Eleeson, Christe Eleeson, pater noster, ave Maria & ne nos & veniat super nos salutare tuum: Oremus.
Having written the above inscription, which is said to protect one from an evil death and spare one from all perils - hold it in your hands and say the Our Father three times, the Hail Mary three times and Glroy Be three times.
Place it in the bag. Take the iron-nail-cross and say over it three times
Christus Vincit + Christus Regnat + Christus Imperiat + (where the + symbolizes where you should sign the cross over it.)
You will then place this in the bag as well. You will then say the Our Father three more times over it and seal it with a cross.
Carry it with you for protection.
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risenuntildawn · 3 years
Apologies if this is a vague question, but i was in the process of making a charm of sorts for my soon-to-be long distance lover, and i wonder if you have any ideas? I’ve made love charms in the past but i’m kinda drawing a blank for the distance part. Bring Mercury in the mix? make it into a “come back to me” sort of charm? I’m on a slight time crunch so i’m sorta scrambling. Thank you!! :)
There's an old folk charm that comes to mind, usually filed as a "Come back to me you unfaithful shit" type work, that appears with a lot of variation, but most usually involves throwing salt or some other substance, over a fire, while speaking the name of the person and commanding them to return. Usually you see it recommended as a triplicate, but there are variations where it's only repeated once. perhaps something like that could be leveraged less as a "stop following your genitals everywhere" and more as a "distance need not separate us." type thing. could also just tie some poppets together, that's pretty standard tripe, or get ahold of his undies and tie a knot in them (while he's away) or rub his clothes with valerian root. (while he's away) You could definitely petition mercury, especially if means of travel is consistently a problem. You'll probably want to check out the astrological weather and find a decent enough election for it first. I've never really run into too much trouble with mercury, but potential is definitely there for surprises, May not matter all that much if you propitiate them enough or already are in the habbit of petitioning them, or have done a lot of remediation, but always better safe than sorry, and it might not do all that much if your natal mercury is positioned well enough that it supports your love life well naturally, but given the nature of long distance relationships and communications it's certainly within a sphere mercury *could* affect, even if only from a strictly logistical perspective. Luckily posterity has left us with a dearth of charms to return a (usually straying) lover that could fairly easily be leveraged against distance rather than disinterest.
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risenuntildawn · 3 years
Ancestral Fever Stone
Once a day, slowly pour the salted water over the stone while you rub the stone as if washing it, and speak out loud:
Fever Stone Ailment of my ancestors I wash you clean That you afflict no more Any of my line. Your time is done You no longer cause harm. By water and sun I wash you clean. May all my lines be blessed Blood and Spirit The wounds of the past Washed clean by the Sea.
– Weaving Fate by Aidan Wachter
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risenuntildawn · 3 years
Love Witchery
The Witch has always had in interesting part to play in terms of Love.  They had to the power to command hearts and minds, and the rest of the world had an old dream of being loved. Mix them up and you get love witchery.  Those who came to them toting gold and gift in exchange for a boy’s head or a girl’s hand saw that old dream, glinting on the surface of possibility. The witch could grant it for them. No matter the cost, no matter the price, love was the life they wanted.  And if they were bitten by their love? They were warned. Love witchery is some of the darkest magic ever brewed up. It is manipulation, control, deceit. It is dominion and domination. Worst of all, it doesn’t outwardly look like it. It has the worst venom with all of the brightest colors, a beautiful, poisonous frog shoved into the mouth of a lover.  Every culture has it because that old dream is one mankind will never get over. So here it lands, 21st century, still chasing that old dream.  If caution wasn’t already underlined here, it should be doubly noted. Love witchery is deceitful and manipulative, even to the witch if they approach it blindly. Like anything with venom, it should be handled cautiously. ***  For The Love Trade
Love is the result of a happy theft. The soul is traded from one hand to another. So the witch may replicate this with their art.  They must first steal something from the intended bewitched. This may be hair, a possession of theirs, something they discarded, or something that can be linked to them. 
“A piece of thee I’ll steal today   a soul splinter kept in pocket  and you shall seek it by tomorrow  and I’ll keep your heart and lock it.” 
And in exchange, the witch must place something of their own or their client’s in the same space. This must be something that the soul has hooks in. Either hair, nails, or something the witch holds sentiment to. 
“Do my will and find your mark,  little master of the heart.  Crawl inside their chest and head  and infect them with my art.” 
The witch shall sleep with the stolen object, kept inside a charm or locket if too small, and when they wake, their bewitched will seek them. If every they wish to command them or seek to excite passions, the object may be used for further manipulation. If the spell is to be undone, the objects must be given and taken back. 
For the Blessing and the Breaking
If the witch wished to give blessing to two lovers, they would gather seven fava beans, soak them in wine, and gift them to the couple.  If the witch was in opposition to their union, they might break it through similar means. Nine fava beans burnt in salt and wine, desecrated and cursed, are gifted to the couple. 
For the Defixio Many know the Defixio to be an object of maleficium and baneful power, but it also comes to use when employed for love witchery as well. It must be made on a Friday and in the hour of Venus, three hours after sunset.  The witch must acquire a very thin sheet of copper, a large nail, and a stylus with which to write.  First the witch will impress upon the surface an image of their loved, and upon that the alchemical glyph of Venus.  Then around that they will write their spell, calling upon the spirits of Venus to bring either a specific person to them or a lover with specific traits. Call for them to be consumed by a sense of movement, towards you and away from where they stand.  When you complete the writing portion, leave a space for what is known as Voces Magicae. Some call this the Devil’s Tongue. It is a combination of words, usually a corruption of languages, which have no apparent meaning, but are made with ecstatic aim. Write the words of divine inspiration upon the spell.  When the spell has been written, it will be rolled up and pierced through with a nail, sealing the spell. After this, it must be taken to a watery place and hidden there. 
“Spirits of this place, I entrust this to you, that you will make (XYZ event) to come, and that you will not rest until it is done.” 
Once the spell has completed, you must go back to the place you hid your spell and pay the spirits well.  For the Loving Dream
If the witch wishes to divine a future lover in the depths of sleep, they will make a philter out of a brewed combination of herbs.  Lavender, Thyme, Sage, Marjoram, and Bay leaves are to be crushed and joined into an herbal mixture. This will be added to a pot of hot water, honey, and a touch of white vinegar.  When it has finished boiling and become a fine tea, it will be taken from heat, cooled slightly, poured into a cup, and used to mark the body.  Touched by it are the stomach, the chest, and the lips. Then it is strained and drank. 
“Oracular dream shall break on me  that a love to come I shall see  or the fate of my heart be set plainly.”
Immediately after this, the witch must sleep, or else the dream shall flee. 
For the Withering
If the witch wishes to see a relationship come to a slow and drawn out end, they will cut a small apple from a tree.  Upon the apple, they will carve the names of the couple, as well as a calling for infernal spirits to break them apart. The words Comedu Et Separatum will do.
“Spirit of the inferno, spirits below  devouring and withering and teething  I offer you this union   that you shall make one into two.” 
This will be placed near a nest of insects which will consume it. As the apple is eaten from the inside out, the union will waste away.  For Loyalty and Fidelity
If a lover is suspected of unfaithfulness and the witch wishes to change this, they will begin by gathering beeswax, licorice, orris root, molasses, cumin, and red thread.  The licorice, orris root, and cumin will be crushed into a fine mixture. The wax will be melted and the herbal mixture added. The wax is then removed from the heat and left to cool, not until it’s hard or stiff, but until it can be formed with the hands.  The witch will form the wax into an image of the person in question, repeatedly speaking their name until it is complete. Then, they will tie eleven knots into the red thread.  This will be wrapped around the waxen image. Upon finishing, the witch will coat the image in molasses. This will be sealed inside of a bag, a chest, a box, or a container of some sort and kept near the couple’s bed. 
For the Unwanted Suitor
If the eye of someone is being given, but it is not wanted, there is a way to repel it.  Lavender, rue, garlic, and clove will be placed together and burned until they turn to ash.  Make the sign of the cross three times over it and spit three times around it.  Rub the hands in it.
“For the wandering eye, for the skin,  turn it to the wind, to the road.  turn it to the seas, to the fields,  to Heaven, to Hell,   and away.”
Speak their name into the ash, and blow it in their direction.  Dash the rest on your front stoop. For Breaking Love Witchery 
If a bewitchment is placed by an enemy and the witch wishes to undo their work, a working is known.  Sage, Hyssop, Rue, Birch leaves, St John’s Wort, and Pine needles are to be placed in water to boil along with a strand of hair from the bewitched.  Once the brew has boiled, remove it from the heat and have the bewitched take in the steam from the pot with a black cloth over their head.  Once that is done and the brew is cool enough, wash their head with the cloth and the water. 
“Every ill thing in thee, I’ll cast it out into sea, And into the skies, And on the rocks, Until it’s so lost, not even God can bring it back home.”
Once their head has been washed, dig a small hole, have them spit into it, and pour the rest of the brew into it. Cover the hole back up, pat it down, walk away and don’t look back. 
If you wish to know who it was the bewitched the individual, take the hair from the brew, wrap it up in the cloth, and stick it through with a lengthy hot needle. The witch will be revealed through display of discomfort.
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risenuntildawn · 3 years
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anne carson
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risenuntildawn · 3 years
I’m looking into banishment spells for banishing people, anyone have any they found particularly successful in the past?
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risenuntildawn · 3 years
Rite of Blood
When other magic fails us, when we are in dire straits, or we need something badly, as witches we may turn to blood magic. Blood magic works on several levels. On one hand, it is a physical manifestation of a witch’s will, on another it is an exchange, an offering for that which a witch desires, and finally, the gods and spirits will see a witch’s willingness to suffer and are more inclined to pay attention.
All that being said, blood magic can be dangerous and isn’t recommended for people who may struggle with self-harm, are new to the Craft, or who may have conditions which make bleeding an issue. So there are some serious caveats and warnings with this ritual.
Begin by cleansing the space and putting up protective barriers. You don’t want spirits who might wish you harm gaining access to your blood, so don’t skip that step. Set up a circle of red candles to set a boundary, then, continue by drawing this seal upon the ground. This seal is made to protect the ritual from unfriendly spirits and to channel the energy of the spell.
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Onto each of the three symbols within the circle place a red candle with the symbol it is placed on carved into the wax. In the middle, place a chalice or bowl and a receptacle to burn incense in. Light a charcoal disk and burn a mixture of dragon’s blood, echinacea, dandelion root, calamus, bay leaves, mayapple, and grains of paradise. Light the candles around the circle and say:
“I call the spirits one by one, of family, and witches, and guardians,
The gods I call now to my side, all others must now turn and hide,
Within this circle I work my rites, to work my will upon this night,
All those who guide and guard me, into the circle so it may be!”
Light the three candles, and say the following each time:
“Ancient powers of blood and life, hear my prayers upon this night,
By blood and flame and magic art, hear my wishes, fulfill my heart,
Oldest magics, oldest powers, hear me in this sacred hour,
Take the sacrifice I give to thee, grant my wishes, so may it be!”
Spill your blood into the bowl or chalice and onto the three red candles and say:
“I give my blood, I give my pain, grant me fortune, grant me gain,
Deliver to me what I seek, may my will now come to be!”
Once you’ve lit all three candles, speak your petition for the spirits, then say:
“Work my will by blood and flame, hear my call, know my name,
Deliver this petition I’ve expressed, my will now be made manifest!”
Leave the candles in the seal to burn completely. After the candles have burned out completely, keep the bowl or chalice on your altar until your desires have manifested.
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