rin-nyrasti · 1 year
yo i made a poll
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rin-nyrasti · 1 year
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rin-nyrasti · 2 years
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You make a fantastic point, BUT…
We’re all equal. We’re humans, aren’t we? Just listen for a moment.
There was a husband that willingly hooked himself up to a device that copied the pain his wife was experiencing during labor. He’s still alive with a beautiful child, right?
My dad’s the main cook of my parents’ household, and is the one who offers to clean the house first. While he’s working.
The blood from periods is the same blood from our bodies, but the blood that’s actually released is the remnants of the egg and the lining of the womb. Men don’t have a womb, they cannot experience it, and likely never will, because they’d die if they tried. They cannot help having no clue what it’s like, so don’t hang shit on them about that specific part. Period pain, on the other hand, happens when the muscular wall of the womb tightens (contracts). Mild contractions continually occur in your womb, but they're usually so mild that most women cannot feel them. During your period, the wall of the womb starts to contract more vigorously to help the womb lining shed as part of your period. There is a device that mimics this pain too, that a boyfriend had tried.
I know a lot of straight men who walk around in tall heels just for fun.
Men with mental illnesses often do this too. I think you’ll find most men in the world, even without mental illnesses, cry when they’re alone, because there’s so much male standards pressed on them that they break, but where nobody can see, because that’s also socially unacceptable.
Yes, male privilege is real, but we can’t walk around belittling them for not experiencing things that generally aren’t experienced by the male population. We can’t help what we’re born as. We can’t help medical conditions. But we can help how we deal with them. Girls, if a boy seems upset, comfort him. Boys, if a girl is in pain, let her squeeze your hand.
Be the bigger person. If someone’s judging you, ignore it and continue with your head held high. If someone’s bullying you, stand up for yourself.
Don’t judge others just because of what’s in their pants.
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rin-nyrasti · 2 years
Okay fuck it if this post reaches 666k notes by the end of 2023 I'll practise basic self care
Why 666k? Because it's funny and impossible so good fucking luck
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rin-nyrasti · 2 years
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Technoblade after death:
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rin-nyrasti · 2 years
“Sometimes I wonder why words can’t actually make us bleed.”
— Swati Avasthi
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rin-nyrasti · 2 years
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rin-nyrasti · 2 years
“You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”
— Unknown
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rin-nyrasti · 2 years
Something that people don’t realize about our generation. We weren’t made to be like this. It’s not our fault, but it’s our problem.
Everything you blame us for, being lazy, having mental illnesses, being the way that we are, that’s not a sin, or an evil of a kind you think was caused by a devil on your child’s shoulder, is not a product of rebellion, or whatever you think might have created it. It’s a product of your own influence on us. For too long, you have dumped your anger, frustration and hatred on us. For too long, you have lead us to believe we are something we do not wish to believe in. For too long, you have subjected us to pain, abuse and depression. So what if we’re gay, unstable or have no emotions to feel sorry for anyone. You gifted us with the ability to connect with others across the world. You gifted us with the choice of freedom to be who we want. Yet you still scream when we kiss those of the same gender. You manipulate us to think our best friend on Snapchat is a 40-year-old man, despite our piles of proof they’re not.
You are the ones that created this world for us. Yet you make it a living Hell. Your choices have created consequences. And we are the ones to pay for it.
I have no desire to live in a world you think yourselves gods in. Because you are nothing like them. You think yourself better than us? Fix the mess of broken glass you’ve made, instead of leaving your lonely kids to cut themselves on it.
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rin-nyrasti · 2 years
i wish i could tell you how relatable this is
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rin-nyrasti · 2 years
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rin-nyrasti · 2 years
“I’ll always remember that look on your face. You saw me. You’ve always seen me. And I think that’s all that anyone wants.”
— Benjamin Alire Sáenz
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rin-nyrasti · 2 years
Help my heart 😭
“Be with someone who treats you as a destination, not a stop along the way.”
— Mandy Hale
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