rhyscarter · 3 days
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Rhys couldn't deny, the entire ordeal had been playing in his head since the article came out. What the hell did Chris have in that could have mysteriously been found all these years later? Is it even Chris's? Is there someone out there wanting them all to pay for doing dare night again. Which makes him wonder who? Who the hell would want them all to pay for something that was completely out of their control. Chris took the dare, that was what dare night was. You did the dare and fucked the consequences. It was no one's fault but your own but if that was true... Why did everyone carry this night with them? Why was it coming back to haunt them and why was someone trying to make it seem like they all murdered him that night. He gets out of the convertible, shutting the door behind him as he exhales. "You have a point, Nick... But my better question for you is who?"
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one  thing  about  nick  was  that  he  had  spectacular  memory  .  it  had  always  helped  him  terrorise  and  torment  other  people  .  his  thoughts  were  categorised  ,  itemised  ,  labelled  and  ready  to  be  pulled  up  for  any  such  occasion  which  required  harmonious  evidence  .  "  he  went  in  that  water  with  everything  .  cell  phone  ,  jacket  …  even  his  beer  ,  "  it  bothered  him  to  this  day  that  chris  had  kept  his  shoes  and  socks  on  .  who  went  into  water  with  those  on  ?  it  just  wasn't  acceptable  .  uncultured  .  he's  pulling  up  into  park  and  climbing  out  just  as  quickly  ,  "  there  is  no  way  there  is  anything  of  his  out  here  which  means  that  someone  put  it  there  which  raises  a  more  interesting  question  ,  "  opening  the  slamming  the  door  of  his  convertible  ,  the  roof  still  down  ,  "  why  ?  "
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rhyscarter · 11 days
Rhys digs into the brown bag, the bean and cheese burrito calling his name since he picked them up. He holds out Kai's order toward him as he lifts his eyes up to look at his best friend. There's a lot going through him. He can feel it even after the months and almost years apart he could still read Kai like the back of his hand. Kai was the brother he always wanted and never had, the other half of him in the most platonic way. He opens up his burrito, plopping down onto the ground as he raises it up to take a bite. "I'd say we could hunt him the fuck down now and give him a taste of his own medicine but I doubt that would be a good idea with the cops breathing down all our necks." He takes another bite of his burrito. "They call you in yet?"
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              the  whole  thing  was  something  of  nightmares  . . .  although  ,  kai  didn't  like  admitting  to  anything  like  that  .  wanting  to  take  more  of  a  𝐔𝐍𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆  route  on  the  whole  thing  .  that  being  said  ,  it  was  beginning  to  get  a  bit  difficult  to  hide  the  fact  that  the  whole  thing  was  𝐄𝐗𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐋𝐘  frustrating  .  a  million  feelings  boiling  to  the  surface  for  the  male  . . .  but  the  only  feelings  kai  had  ever  been  good  at  letting  out  and  expressing  was  self - destruction  ,  destruction  . . .  chaos  . . .  and  of  course  ,  rage  .  right  now  ,  rage  was  what  he  felt  .  the  pain  ,  hurt  and  heartbreak  being  something  that  he  𝐖𝐀𝐒𝐍'𝐓  all  that  willing  to  witness  and  see  for  himself  .  instead  ,  𝐑𝐀𝐆𝐄  . . .  rage  and  frustration  . . .  annoyance  . . .  that's  what  he  felt  .  he  was  tired  of  sitting  around  and  doing  𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆  .  allowing  himself  to  get  blackmailed  and  threatened  and  played  with  .  it  wasn't  in  kai's  nature  .         ❛      fuck  dude  and  not  be  able  to  hit  up  all  the  old  spots  with  my  boy  ?  never  ,  no  regrets  .      ❜          in  truth  ,  maybe  he  did  have  some  regrets  about  coming  back  but  now  ,  he  was  there  .  making  his  way  over  to  the  other  ,  kai  gave  rhys  bike  a  smack  on  the  seat  .         ❛      you  know  what  i  do  regret  ?  not  kicking  malcolm's  ass  at  the  reunion  .  guys  a  fucking  dipshit  .  one  of  these  dumbass  cops  trying  to  question  bullshit  is  gonna  have  to  do  .     ❜         he  couldn't  help  but  joke  ,  laughing  shortly  after  .  his  moods  seemingly  like  a  light  switch  .          (      up  and  down  .     )
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rhyscarter · 11 days
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Rhys nods his head slowly. "Riiiiight and Barney the Dinosaur was green." He huffs, crossing his arms over his chest as he turns his head to look out the window. He knows Nicholas has a point, they should be diving in deeper into this. Someone was taunting them and they were never going to find out if they sat on their asses waiting for another strike. He scrambles to get out of the car once he notices that Nicholas is already out. "I don't know." He huffs. "I don't remember there being anything on him." It's true, but he also was super fucking drunk that night.
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"  i  don't  have  stupid  ideas  .  "  nick  believed  that  ,  his  track  record  mainly  around  competition  and  in  that  arena  ,  he  was  truly  unbeatable  .  his  ruthlessness  ,  lack  of  compassion  for  others  and  ability  to  go  straight  for  the  prize  often  left  those  around  him  falling  to  the  wayside  but  rhys  already  knew  that  .  he  was  already  climbing  out  of  his  car  before  offering  further  response  .  (  it  was  a  luxury  to  even  be  allowed  to  sit  on  the  passenger  side  )  .  "  mainly  …  what  they  found  and  why  they  found  it  …  what  do  you  think  it  is  ?  "  he's  not  really  completely  curious  about  what  others  thing  ,  he's  more  interested  in  their  theories  about  who  could  be  behind  this  .  eventually  ,  someone  would  crack  under  the  pressure  .
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rhyscarter · 11 days
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Rhys exhales dramatically. "How unfortunate. I'm not sure how I will survive not being able to be in your presence." He turns his head to look around at the children before looking back at him. "You think one of them will use their super jumping powers to snatch it from my ear?" He asks, tilting his head to the side. "It's not like I was planning to light it up here and now. I'm not an idiot," although he knows a lot of people think he is one. "It's a library, Geary... Why do most people come to one?"
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just  because  he  was  a  man  of  god  didn't  mean  that  he  didn't  have  a  sense  of  humour  ,  the  dark  and  devilish  spark  that  had  always  been  in  him  remained  .  michael  could  never  drive  out  the  darkness  with  the  light  ,  even  when  he  could  absorb  an  entire  room  ,  there  was  always  a  slither  of  something  else  at  his  core  .  "  sadly  i  have  other  commitments  ,  "  as  he  lulls  from  his  spot  next  to  the  desk  ,  crowd  clearing  .  "  you  shouldn't  have  that  around  the  kids  …  "  gestures  to  the  blunt  that  rhys  had  in  tow  ,  a  valid  point  .  "  if  you  aren't  here  to  see  me  then  why  are  you  here  ?  i  have  some  reading  recommendations  ,  "  like  the  holy  bible  .
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rhyscarter · 11 days
Rhys rests his forehead against his arm that's resting on the nearest surface. There's music softly playing through his earbuds to tune out the noise around him. He has a massive headache and the last thing he wants to do is deal with people around him. He taps his foot against the floor to the beat of the music, thinking about how he could have made this song slap better. It's one of his favorite things to do, pick music apart and fix it later.
He lifts his head up to see Mira, realizing he's not in a typical spot. It's not some cafe or diner. It's a store where people pick up pills. He lifts his hand up to pluck the earbud out of his ear. He coughs, waiting to catch her attention and when he does, the biggest smile curves his features. "In the flesh," he keeps his gaze on her as she approaches him.
"Yeah, I don't think we were given much of a choice." He thinks about the Facebook post on a daily, sometimes he wishes he ignored it. What would have happened? Would this person have come and killed him for not listening? What was the point? There were a million questions that constantly ran through Rhys head. "How have you been?"
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setting: after the alumni event tagged: rhys carter @rhyscarter
it had been a long day. mira had just gotten through with her shift, and all she wanted after picking up her prescription from the drug store was to go home and take a long bath and then pass out. seriously, fuck fourteen hour shifts. but the hospital was seveirely understaffed and even if she wanted to complain about it, they didn't have enough employee's to make the change. and it's not like her charge nurse would care enough either.
yawning deeply, the raven haired woman tried not to fall asleep where she was standing as she waited in the line of, what felt like, a dozen other people in town that had all just gotten out of work and were picking up their prescriptions as well. letting her eyes close for a second, she heard someone cough behind her, to clearly get attention and she opened them again to move forward. only this time when she opened them, she saw a familiar face nearby. "rhys?"
kind of funny, to see him in the place they had once worked. almost poetic. finally able to grab her order, she thanked the pharmacist and then made her way over to her old coworker. "hey stranger, i didn't realize you were back in town."
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rhyscarter · 16 days
His mind has been on the interview for most of the night, knowing he put on his best performance but there was a reason he was selected... Wasn't there? He leans against the bar, raising the shot of whiskey up to his lips, drinking it down in one swift motion. All he knows was he promised Kai all those years ago the two of them would always have each other's back. Hell, there were times through their lives where they ended up in the same town and would crash together or if one ended up where the other was living, they'd still crash . Nothing would ever change the friendship he had with the man who has been apart of his life for decades. He places the shot glass down, picking up the half empty beer bottle he had. He stumbles slightly over tin the direction of the bathroom... Almost missing her until he feels slim fingers on his shoulder. His head turns to look at the brunette, blinking a few times.
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It's being back in high school all over again, the secret meet ups and the making out wherever they could find. Sometimes he wonders if he had put more heart into what they were if something could have blossomed between them. Dare night wasn't the only regret he had back then. He drifts his gaze to the bottle then to her. Was it a good idea to keep her company? To potentially jump back into what they were back in the day... What was the harm? It's not like they were the same people that they were back then. He could have some self control when it came to Luci, right? "Yeah," he nods. "Do you want to get out of here?"
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐝 , @rhyscarter .
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           the  bar  wasn't  exactly  a  place  luciana  found  herself  all  that  much  .  she'd  find  herself  in  some  higher  quality  establishments  . . .  somewhere  where  most  would  sip  on  fancy  cocktails  that  probably  costed  more  than  any  𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐄  person  would  want  to  spend  on  a  drink  they  could  more  than  likely  get  ten  times  cheaper  at  any  average  bar  .  but  . . .  she  wasn't  in  new  york  anymore  .  she  was  back  in  lincoln  city  .  something  a  lot  more  hometown  feel  about  a  place  like  lincoln  city  when  compared  to  new  york  .  well  ,  as  homey  as  a  place  could  be  that  held  as  many  𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒  as  lincoln  city  . . .  then  again  ,  wasn't  that  exactly  how  family  and  home  was  ?  tight  ,  couldn't  escape  each  other  . . .  and  a  never  ending  array  of  secrets  .          ⏤         noticing  rhys  ,  luciana  caught  his  attention  as  he  walked  by  her  table  .  a  slight  tap  on  his  shoulder  .         ❛      care  to  give  me  a  little  company  for  the  night  ?     ❜        she  questioned  ,  grabbing  the  bottle  of  wine  she  had  purchased  and  pouring  some  into  the  extra  glass  .         ❛      help  me  finish  this  bottle  ?     ❜        maybe  she  should've  𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐃  the  man  but  it  was  luci  ,  after  all  .  she  wasn't  the  best  judge  of  . . .  really  anything  when  it  came  to  men  .
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rhyscarter · 16 days
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where were you the night of christopher wilder's disappearance?
Rhys leans back in the chair, inhaling. "Uh," he raises his eyes to look up the ceiling as if he's trying to remember that night like it hasn't haunted him every night since. "I was at the party at Gordon's." He drops his gaze to the officer. "As I recall from what I said ten years ago, I was with Kai Wilder, sipping beers and acting like a dumbass kid."
when was the last time you saw christopher?
He exhales, placing his hand down on the surface of the table. "I'm not... exactly sure when I saw him at the party that night. I may have seen glimpses of him throughout the night but I couldn't tell you what he was doing."
what was your relationship with christopher?
"Kai's my best friend." It's so smooth, leaving him but the two have been thick as thieves their whole lives and that night changed their friendship. They promised to back each other up for the rest of time and that's exactly what they did last night. "I hung out at their house a lot growing up but I couldn't tell you a thing about him."
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rhyscarter · 19 days
who do you wish you had got to know more?
"Shit... I don't know, dude... Uh, I guess I wish I would have given Luc more of a chance than I did."
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( mention: @lucisaphira )
honesty hour.
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rhyscarter · 19 days
a genie grants you three wishes, what are they?
"Money, happiness and the ability to erase anything I don't want to remember."
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honesty hour.
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rhyscarter · 19 days
what do you think happened to chris?
"He died. What kind of a stupid question is this?"
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honesty hour.
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rhyscarter · 25 days
Rhys places his blunt behind his ear, walking into the library and turning the corner to find Michael surrounded by children. He arches a brow slightly and then finds a spot against the wall to lean against until the man was all done making conversations. Sometimes it's really fucking hard to tell who is a saint and a devil in this town, it's why he dipped out all those years ago the second he walked across that stage with a diploma in his hand. "Maybe you can read it again, I'm sure the afternoon crowd would love it." He pushes away from the wall, rolling his eyes unsure if it was playful or not. "You wish I was here to see you, Michael."
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open / @classcursestarters
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for  many  ,  it  was  an  uncomfortable  experience  .  on  the  other  hand  ,  michael  appeared  to  be  thriving  in  his  newfound  role  as  the  second  coming  of  religion  in  lincoln  city  .  for  the  first  time  ,  he  was  getting  along  with  his  father  (  who  may  have  still  doubted  this  new  leaf  too  )  and  seemed  to  be  a  very  respectable  member  of  society  .  it  had  only  been  two  weeks  but  he  left  nothing  but  good  omens  in  his  wake  ,  the  brightness  that  he  cast  almost  making  people  forget  the  darkness  of  what  else  was  going  on  .  michael  never  spoke  of  chris  ,  never  thought  of  him  …  tried  not  to  get  too  tangled  up  in  his  association  with  the  night  in  question  while  they  waited  for  police  to  ask  them  again  ,  what  had  happened  .  on  this  particular  day  ,  he  had  just  finished  his  reading  at  the  library  .  a  line  of  happy  children  and  parents  filtering  out  as  he  leans  against  the  wooden  table  that  was  set  up  beside  the  spot  he  had  been  occupying  .  he  was  nothing  but  full  of  lovely  ,  kind  deeds  for  the  ever  deserving  community  that  surrounded  cursed  devils  lake  .  "  i'm  sorry  to  say  that  you  already  missed  the  reading  … it  was  one  of  my  best  renditions  of  little  red  riding  hood  …  "  fingertips  walking  across  the  table  momentarily  as  he  settles  to  sit  ,  "  or  did  you  just  come  to  see  me  ?  "
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rhyscarter · 25 days
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Rhys shakes his head as the car comes to a stop. "This a stupid fuckin' idea, Lehoy." Which says a lot coming from him since he was full of stupid ideas. He doesn't think digging into the investigation themselves is a good idea especially since Kai is his best friend, the last thing he wants to do is do anything to fuck up that up by doing anything to jeopardize the case. But again... What the hell could they have found that would make them start the interview process all over again? Ten years later? "What do you go in mind about what could have been found?"
open / @classcursestarters
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while  everyone  else  was  probably  playing  it  safe  ,  nick  didn't  have  the  patience  to  spend  his  time  waiting  around  to  be  interviewed  by  useless  police  officers  .  it  was  clear  that  they  didn't  use  their  skills  in  inquisition  the  first  time  around  and  he  was  curious  what  new  evidence  could  have  been  overturned  after  ten  years  .  far  from  a  detective  ,  his  curiousities  were  completely  self  serving  and  somehow  he  had  managed  to  rope  somebody  else  in  .  yes  ,  nick  admittedly  cared  little  about  chris  being  gone  but  he  was  rather  intrigued  by  the  idea  there  was  something  out  there  to  be  found  .  no  body  ,  no  crime  .  "  here  we  are  ,  "  as  his  sports  car  ,  windows  rolled  down  ,  pulls  up  at  the  far  edge  of  devils  lake  ,  the  ground  drying  out  from  the  flooding  from  two  weeks  ago  and  no  police  cordons  in  sight  .  he  hadn't  seen  a  murmur  of  cordons  or  additional  searches  ,  materials  moving  backwards  and  forwards  .  no  ,  nick  was  ready  to  launch  his  own  investigation  and  his  unfortunate  ride  along  was  going  to  be  a  part  of  that  whether  they  liked  it  or  not  .  an  unexpected  duo  .
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rhyscarter · 25 days
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It's been two weeks the reunion, since the news came out about the evidence. It's being treated like someone had pushed him into the water that night... but wouldn't that be true? Whoever wrote the dare is ultimately responsible for the disappearance and death of Christopher. He knees down in front of his motorcycle, glancing up every so often to check on his best friend as he paces and sighs. It's true, the words that come out of Kai's mouth. It's like the town swallowed all of them whole that night and had this choke hold on them. "Yeah," he mutters. "You regret comin' back?" He asks, raising his eyes up from the bike to fully look at Kai.
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐠𝐞𝐝 ⏤ open , @classcursestarters .
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             as  much  as  kai  just  wanted  to  say   "   fuck  it   "   and  𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐕𝐄  despite  the  police  telling  everyone  to  stick  around  . . .  he  also  didn't  want  to  go  .  his  head  spinning  with  the  idea  that  something  of  chris'  was  𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃  . . .  who  found  it  ?  when  ?  and  why  was  it  suddenly  popping  up  now  ?  as  much  as  kai  wanted  to  𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐃  like  he  didn't  care  about  everything  that  had  happened  ,  the  disappearance  .  he  did  ,  at  times  it  was  all  he  could  think  about  .          (      constantly  eating  at  his  brain  .     )         ⏤        sitting  down  ,  an  almost  annoyed  sound  coming  out  of  kai's  mouth  as  he  plopped  down  on  the  seat  .         ❛      it's  like  it  doesn't  matter  how  hard  you  try  and  get  out  of  this  fucking  town  ,  you  still  can't  get  out  .     ❜         not  to  say  he  wasn't  capable  .  he  had  been  gone  the  last  ten  years  after all  . . .  but  here  he  was  ,  back  .  a  tether  he  wanted  broken  .          ❛      some  hotel  california  type  shit  .     ❜
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rhyscarter · 25 days
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“Who do you notice more when you walk down the street? Men or women?” Both. I thought everyone did.
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rhyscarter · 25 days
pinterst / playlist
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full name: rhys matthew carter
age: twenty-seven
date of birth: june 30th, 1997
zodiac: cancer
gender: cis man
birth city: lincoln city, oregon
residence: dallas, texas
pronouns: he/him
sexuality: bisexual
occupation: mechanic
trigger warnings: teen pregnancy, death, army
from the moment he was born to the age of seven, it was him, his twin sister, his mom, and their tiny apartment.
there isn’t a single thing the young blonde could say about his childhood that was bad. 
even when his step dad came into their lives, and married his mom. the man went out of his way to make sure atlas still felt apart of the family and went far enough to adopt him and his sister. 
his mom and his step dad ended up having two more kids throughout their marriage, providing him a sense of even more protectiveness, being the fierce old brother that refused to let a single person hurt his sisters. 
at the age of thirteen would be the crack in the foundation of his happy family life, his parents got divorced and his mother took custody of him and his sisters, moving them out of the house. 
that’s when rhys began to create his own personality and no longer remain in the shadows, a part of him hoping that one day if he ever met his biological father… he could make the man proud. 
he was into sports, socializing and making friends. it wasn’t difficult for him to find his place, showing a drastic difference between him and his twin. sometimes people couldn’t believe they were actually the same.
at the age of sixteen is when his whole world would come crashing down and give him a swift kick in the ass.
he started dating his first girlfriend, being so damn sure the two of them would be together forever… especially when he found out she was pregnant.
it was one of the hardest conversations he ever had with his mother, knowing that his whole life was about change but he was confident he could handle it. he would be nothing like his father and would be there for the kid he was having.
nine months later, in the delivery would be the soul crushing experience he never imagined having. when his girlfriend gave birth, it was clear that the baby wasn’t his.
he fell apart after that, become a shell of the person he was. he focused on partying, flings, and other things after that.
if things couldn't get worse, dare night came and went.
after that he promised himself he wouldn't stay in this town, he ended up figuring out that sophia was wanting out so he came up with a plan for them to help each other get out.
it's when things got blurry between them months later, igniting a fear within him about it becoming more serious so he applied for the army.
he would tell everyone he did it because he wanted to understand his father but he really did it to get away from her.
he did his time, four years later, he moved to texas and started working as a mechanic, figuring out that's where his true passion lied.
christopher wilder — was his best friend's brother, he grew up hanging around the wilder house, practically like a limb attached to them. he was more on kai's side of everything than he was chris's but he still thinks about that night he jumped into the water.
sophia serrano — after high school, the two of them ended up fleeing town together, they spent months living together in different cities and along the way one thing lead to another, feelings grew and the line of friendship became blurred. it scared rhys to the point where he decide to enlist and take off, leaving her behind.
kai wilder — his ride or die; the two of them grew up together and were pretty much thick as thieves. they kept in contact throughout the years and he's one of the main reasons rhys is back in town to handle all of this.
the one who broke me — the high school girlfriend, the one who had been cheating on him the whole time and made him think he was going to be a dad when it wasn't his from the start.
childhood friends — being on the hockey team, he was pretty social so he probably has a bunch of friends. he's a dumb dumb so he could use people that try to make sure he doesn't make mistakes.
hook ups/exes — after his ex, he was a bit of a hoe. breaking hearts from left to right, he didn't really settle down for too long and if he did he mainly made them think it was more than it was.
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