rev-hugo-cp · 4 months
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rev-hugo-cp · 5 months
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rev-hugo-cp · 5 months
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rev-hugo-cp · 5 months
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First Sunday of Advent
(The Gospel of Saint Mark 13:33 to 37)
Advent: School of Hope
Be watchful, Jesus warns his disciples when prophesying the destruction of the temple.
Be watchful, when even your sense of identity is lost, when confusion reigns, this is what the destruction of the temple meant for the Hebrews.
Be watchful, when you are hated by those closest to your heart, stay alert, Jesus advises his friends.
Be watchful, Jesus warns, when the cosmos, when the sun and stars tremble, when nature becomes violent.
But what did Jesus mean with these words?
Be watchful…
on the lips of the Lord is asking us to hope in the midst of calamity.
Be watchful on the lips of our God means having a stubborn conviction in God's faithfulness.
To be watchful on the lips of our Savior is a call to be slaves of hope in the midst of the darkness of the world.
This hope is not superficial positive psychology, or a naive optimism that hides and buries the raw, the violent, the cruel and even the absurd, and the emptiness of existence.
This hope does not lead us to a cowardly, conscious escapism from the darkness that can exists in life.
The hope I speak of is not nice cossie feelings that the world proposes as one faces the nebulous and dark things in life.
The hope I speak of is different... that is why we will have to call it Christian hope.
This Christian hope makes us first descend and then ascend.
This Christian hope first thrust our whole beings into the darkness... It roots us in the raw, the violent, the unjust, the cruel, the absurd and the emptiness of our existence in order to allow these realities to speak to our hearts.
This is the first step in learning to be slaves to hope… to be watchful.
To allow the darkness of existence to speak is to dwell on the Golgotha hill. It is to dwell at the foot of the Cross. This task is only for the little ones. Dwelling on the Golgotha will not be for the great and the strong.
First we have to be scandalized by the Cross, by the darkness of existence, to the point of almost deserting, until we almost run away.
Everyone here has experienced this when tragedy hits our lives. We know the pain, the sorrow, the shame of dwelling on the Golgotha Hill at the foot of the Cross, facing suffering.
We know that allowing for suffering to speak to the depths of our being is scandalizing. It can shake the core of our being.
It is at this moment, when suffering speaks that some become nihilists, pessimists, prophets of tragedy and even cynics.
As Mexicans we know this very well. Faced with the tragedy of the state, our country and society, there is a large sector of society that has already thrown in the towel. They are tired of hearing the pain in our society. They could not bear it. And, they became prophets of death, cynics and they have taken refuge in indifference.
Mexicand who have thrown in the towel have their own litanies, their own mantras that reflect their feelings and their life.
Mexicans who are cynical about injustice and tragedy only know how to say:
This is how it has always been and nothing is going to change.
When we allow suffering to speak deep in our hearts and we do NOT trust in our strength but in God's…
When we allow suffering to speak deep in our hearts and we do NOT trust in our own wisdom but in the wisdom of God.
When we allow suffering to speak in the depths of our heart and we do not seek our own will but the holy will of God... it is here that we ascend and Christian hope springs forth.
It is in this ascension that Christian hope begins to flourish after facing what darkness has to say.
The ascension of Golgotha, of allowing suffering to speak, will be done through the abandonment of our life in God. It will be through continuous discernment of God's will with the community and through prayer.
The ascension in Christian hope, on this earth, is from Golgotha and takes us into the empty tomb of Jesus.
The same tomb where the evangelist Mark invites us to enter with the little ones. St. Mark's testimony of the resurrection is accompanied by shock and awe, not haughty conviction. The response to the resurrection for the evangelist Mark was faint and soft that it almost evaporated because of the fear they felt at the empty tomb.
In other words, Christian hope is not a mature and imposing oaktree that blossoms from triumphalism and certainty. Christian hope, taking the words of Charles Péguy, philosopher, poet and mystic of the 20th century, is a little girl of nothing, but that little girl of nothing, says Charles Peguy, will cross the world.
This little girl, called Christian hope, is fragile but her strength lies in her naivety and daring courage. That is why, in her boldness, she is not stunned by despair because he already knew it when she allowed suffering and darkness to speak
In the face of social confusion, this little girl called Christian Hope can illuminate the depths of our being in order to cling to who we are and to whom we belong.
In the face of family division or social antagonism, Christian hope allows us to keep the doors open to forgiveness and reconciliation even if it is from afar and even if it costs us our comfort and pride.
Faced with the cataclysmic realities that we face such as the climate crisis, the economic crisis and the violence in the country, this little girl called Christian Hope urges us to continue doing our part. I have to do my part and do it well. Indifference or defitism is not an option for Christians.
Let us enter this season of Advent, which is the school of hope, with hearts open so that the Living Word of God can allow us to descend and ascend, from the Golgotha Hill to the empty tomb, and thus allow the little girl of nothing, called Christian hope, to flourish in our lives and the life of the community. This way we will remain watchful as our Lord commanded.
May the Passion of Christ be always in our hearts.
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rev-hugo-cp · 5 months
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rev-hugo-cp · 6 months
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rev-hugo-cp · 6 months
Day of the Dead / Día de los Muertos
La Fiesta de todos los fieles difuntos  ha sido elevada por el corazón de nuestro pueblo. La Fe cotidiana de nuestros pueblos a ennoblecido a esta fiesta a el día de los muertos. En este día  dependiendo de nuestra localidad decoramos, comemos, cantamos y hasta jugamos en  las tumbas de familiares y amigos. De igual manera en algunos lugares santificamos el hogar con altares para esperar con un banquete a aquellos que ya entraron en el misterio de la muerte y la nueva vida. Y así con estos ritos culturales es como esperamos el  retorno al hogar y al corazón de los que partieron pero que aun no se han ido del todo. Esperamos su visita a este mismo corazón donde guardamos su luz y también su oscuridad, su sabiduría y sus heridas, su paz y su guerra que nos trajeron en vida, pues es en el hogar,  en este mismo lugar, donde  mi paz y mi guerra, mi luz y  mi oscuridad se encuentra con la de ellos. No hay dicotomía ni separación en el Día de los muertos con nuestros muertos. No solo son oscuridad, ni tampoco solo son luz, no solo son guerra sino también son paz y aquí es donde nos aferramos al amor radical de Jesucristo que nos regala su rostro bello y gentil para que a la hora de llegar al juicio ante el Padre todo poderoso, El pueda ver lo hermoso que ve en su Hijito en nosotros también.
Elevemos nuestra oración en esta Fiesta del Día de los muertos, con la fuerza del Espíritu Santo que es el fuego del Amor que se nos revelo en Jesucristo quien toma a justos y culpables, a rectos y torcidos. 
Así nos atrevemos a pedir que, con la lección que nos ha dado la fe de  nuestro pueblo, que brille la luz eterna en nuestro hermano Caín y también en Abel.
Que brille la luz eterna  en nuestra hermana Sara y también en Agar, en nuestro hermano Ismael y también en Isaac. En Uriel y también en David.
Que brille la luz eterna en nuestro hermano Judas Iscariote y en aquel también fue conocido como Saulo.
Que brille la luz eterna en Ananías y Safira y también en Aquila y Priscila.
Que brille en san Ambrosio como también en Origenes.
Para que la luz eterna brille sobre Marcial Maciel y como también brilla en sus victimas.
Que la luz de Cristo brille el Cardenal Bernard Law  como brilla en San Juan Pablo II.
Que la Luz de Cristo, en esta Fiesta del Día de los Muertos, tome nuestra oscuridad para ser transformada y nuestra luz para ser elevada, pues esa es la promesa cumplida de Jesús, Nuestro Senor y Hermano quien conoció una tumba y fue resucitado. ¡En su nombre, amén!
The Feast of all the faithful departed has been elevated by the hearts of our people. The daily Faith of our people has ennobled this festival to the Day of the Dead. On this day, depending on our location, we decorate, eat, sing and even play on the graves of family and friends. In the same way, in some places we sanctify the home with altars to wait with a banquet for those who have already entered into the mystery of death and new life. With these cultural rites we wait for their return to our homes and hearts of those who are gone but have not left completely. We wait for their visit to this same place where we keep their light and also their darkness, their wisdom and their wounds, their peace and the war that they brought to us during their life, We await for them at home in our hearts because it is in this same place where my peace and my war, my light and my darkness meets theirs. There is no dichotomy or separation on the Day of the Dead with our dead. They are not only darkness, nor are only light, they are not only war but they are also peace. Here we cling to the radical love of Jesus Christ who gives us his beautiful and gentle face so that when the Day of Judgment comes before the Almighty Father, He may see the same beauty He sees in His Little One in us too.
Let us raise our prayers on this Feast of the Day of the Dead, with the strength of the Holy Spirit, which is the fire of Love that was revealed to us in Jesus Christ who takes the righteous and the guilty, the upright and the crooked. And thus we dare to ask that, with the lesson that the faith of our people has given us, may eternal light shine in:
  our brother Cain and also in Abel.
May eternal light shine on our sister Sara and also on Hagar, on our brother Ishmael and also on Isaac. In Urias and also in David.
May eternal light shine on our brother Judas Iscariot and in he who was also known as Saul.
May eternal light shine on Ananias and Sapphira and also on Aquila and Priscilla.
May it shine in Saint Ambrose as well as in Origen.
So that the eternal light shines on Marcial Maciel and as it shines on his victims.
May the light of Christ shine on Cardinal Bernard Law as it shines on Saint John Paul II.
May the Light of Christ, on this Feast of the Day of the Dead, take our darkness to be transformed and our light to be elevated, for that is the fulfilled promise of Jesus, Our Lord and Brother, who knew a tomb and was resurrected. In His Name, we pray, amen!
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rev-hugo-cp · 6 months
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rev-hugo-cp · 6 months
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rev-hugo-cp · 6 months
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rev-hugo-cp · 6 months
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Ya se levantaron aullando de su curul.
Proclamando a Isaías y la destrucción del templo
Para no cuestionar al poder.
Así fue anunciado, gritan desde las redes de su inopia.
Ya fue advertido en Fatima y Lourdes, en Coropoto y Chinquinquira.
Aunque a Fátima le lluevan bombas desde su niñez
Mientras en Rafah crecía entre olivos y escombros de la pasada ajuste de cuentas.
Así tiene que ser, antes del gran fin, dictan, como la comezón de su sarna.
Sin embargo el fin siempre ha estado próximo
Pues comenzó con la decapitación de la verdad y la moral
Para que en nombre de Dios, sin escuchar sus mandamientos
Liberen su lengua locuaz
Prefieren el miedo manipulador que la solidaridad del Reino
Que fue encarnada por el palestino judío, llamado Jesús.
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rev-hugo-cp · 9 months
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rev-hugo-cp · 10 months
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rev-hugo-cp · 10 months
El evangelio dominical: 14 Domingo del tiempo Ordinario
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rev-hugo-cp · 10 months
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rev-hugo-cp · 10 months
Reflexion Santa Maria Goretti.
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rev-hugo-cp · 1 year
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