resonance-rp-blog · 4 years
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With hectic schedules we missed really celebrating our 5yr milestone in August!
This site has only lasted so long because of the dedication of its hard core writers. Thank you so much for being a part of our collaboration and sharing your creative juices with us.  Your creativity molds the story all the time as evidenced by our recent move to Resonance: Resurgence - the next chapter in the game. I hope this chapter leads to another 5 years of great storytelling! Thank you for choosing to be here, thank you for choosing to stay, thank you for understanding the world we built and thank you for nurturing your fellow writers.
Much Love - Your Admin Zeph
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resonance-rp-blog · 4 years
The Next Chapter Begins!
After 5 yrs of incredible writing (YES WE ARE MORE THAN 5 YEARS GOING NOW!!), Resonance has opened a new chapter, the world having changed with the amazing writing that molds it. 
More than 10 years after the Resonance Event.... our fractured world has found its new "normal" stride. Survival is no longer the name of the game - now its all about power - who has it - who can keep it. 
Will you rise to the top?
More Info On the Changes This Resurgence Chapter Brings
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resonance-rp-blog · 5 years
We had some code issues, then work issues, and then holiday crazies so Resonance was asleep for the last two months. We are thrilled to have it re-opened and ready to collaborate once more! We kicked it off with an open event so anyone can join the first story of the new year!!
Come check us out and see the world you can escape into!
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We also made 4 yrs last year!!!
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resonance-rp-blog · 6 years
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  Satyr Stadium is looking for a few good fighters. Have you ever wanted a safe place to test your limits?  Wanted a chance to have a fight where you weren't protecting life and limb?  Are you made for Ultimate Cage fighting?
   Come find out more January 25th at Satyr Stadium. Sign up for a chance to fight opening night!  Classes will be assigned upon evaluation/classification of skills/abilities.
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resonance-rp-blog · 7 years
First order of business!
We would like to welcome our three newest players to the game!!
Tom   -   Phoebe   -   Brandon
Always great to add to our amazing writers and these guys are no exception!
Second order of business!
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As your admin I could not be more proud nor feel more blessed for the company I get to keep on here!
Final order of business!
Keep an eye out for a new bar opening up in the next few days! The ultimate place to hang out is coming to New York so get ready!
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resonance-rp-blog · 7 years
Outworlder Registration Heating Up!
Stakes are getting higher as riots continue in Ireland over the forced Outworlder Registration policies. Join now and pick a side!
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Outworlder News:
Things are heating up..... http://resonancerp.com/index.php?/topic/8879-give-me-your-tired-your-poor-your-huddled-masses-yearning-to-breathe-free/
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resonance-rp-blog · 7 years
Bakkhos Needs Some Muscle! Immediate thread for you to hop into!!
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Needed for: to help build out the Bakkhos faction and have more played characters at the Bakkhos club
Anthony (Toni) Bazzini PB: Raffaello Balzo Lycanthrope - Bull Senior Soldier to Gaspari
Before the Resonance, Bazzini was not just a mob kid, but a Running Back at Syracuse. Smart enough to pass his classes and powerful enough to be an animal on the ball field, Toni was on his way to a potential professional career when the world went to hell in a handbasket. His family killed, he had come back to the old neighborhood looking for answers. He was hesitant to talk with the new developing mob family because he knew he was…different. He had been strong before, now, he was unnatural in his abilities and upon the first full moon he realized why. Perhaps it is his Sicilian/Greek heritage that made his Lycan curse so different but Bazzini is unique among the known Lycanthropes. His altered form is a massive minotaur…a were-bull.
PROFILE: http://resonancerp.com/index.php?/index.html/characters/canons/bakkhos-ny-anthony-toni-bazzini-r681/
Angeline “Angel” Vitale PB: Natalie Schönberger Human with Abilities Bakkhos Club Bouncer Cute and petite, don’t be fooled, this is NOT the girl next door. Prior to the Nevus event, Angel was a personal trainer and ranked kickboxer on the west coast. Now it is her job to blend with the crowds at Bakkhos. What the throngs of inebriated men and woman who buy her drinks don’t seem to understand is this is one of the club’s hidden bouncers. Angel has an uncanny knack for seeing a brewing fight long before the first evidence of skirmish is there. She can usually charm the quarrel right out of existence but when she can’t, she is no wall flower. Angel can haul out the riff raff as well as the male bouncers, sometimes better because her stature tends to throw people off when she gets “firm” with them. Raised by her dad when her mom left, she is a bit of a grease-monkey, able to take apart the engine of just about anything and put it back together. Her own ride is a sleek black Ducati that she restored after the event. PROFILE: http://resonancerp.com/index.php?/index.html/characters/canons/bakkhos-ny-angeline-angel-vitale-r395/
Ari Li PB: Lucy Liu Human with Abilities Bakkhos Head Bartender
Pretty enough to be one of the Executive club dancers, Ari is actually one of the best bartenders in NY. She can flip a mean bottle and parlor trick with the best of them. No-nonsense, jeans and tee kind of woman, she can take care of herself against even the most lecherous of customers and can give as much as she gets when it comes to her coworkers teasing. Trusted by the owner to keep the tills checked and the money in the books and not on the table, she has become an invaluable asset to Bakkhos.
 PROFILE: http://resonancerp.com/index.php?/index.html/characters/canons/bakkhos-ny-ari-lin-r390/
Check us out:
BAKKHOS INFO: http://resonancerp.com/index.php?/index.html/factions/bakkhos/
HOME: http://resonancerp.com
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resonance-rp-blog · 7 years
NEW CANON - Bakkhos Bouncer
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Angeline "Angel" Vitale Needed for: To help grow the Bakkhos faction and have established played characters that can run the club. Cute and petite, don’t be fooled, this is NOT the girl next door. Prior to the Nevus event, Angel was a personal trainer and ranked kickboxer on the west coast. Now it is her job to blend with the crowds at Bakkhos. What the throngs of inebriated men and woman who buy her drinks don’t seem to understand is this is one of the club's hidden bouncers. Angel has an uncanny knack for seeing a brewing fight long before the first evidence of skirmish is there. She can usually charm the quarrel right out of existence but when she can't, she is no wall flower. Angel can haul out the riff raff as well as the male bouncers, sometimes better because her stature tends to throw people off when she gets "firm" with them. Raised by her dad when her mom left, she is a bit of a grease-monkey, able to take apart the engine of just about anything and put it back together. Her own ride is a sleek black Ducati that she restored after the event. Angel is one of the bouncers at the exclusive Bakkhos club at the top of the Standard Hotel. Abilities Gravity Manipulation - while she typically relies on her own physical prowess and fighting skills, she will pull this out of her bag of tricks when needed. Angel can concentrate on a single subject and cause gravity to thicken around them. This makes all their movements "heavy" and "slow" in comparison to her own. The effect can be almost comical as a rowdy patron will appear to be too drunk to move in time to counter her own motions. Since it only affects a single target most people have never figured out she has this ability, always chocking it up to the target's own idiocy. On the downside, it only affects one target and therefore is useless in an all out brawl as she needs to keep the target in sight and within 10 feet of her own position for it to work. Kinetic Absorption - Angel can take a punch like few others because she is able to absorb the energy from the strike and use it to fuel her own. The harder she is struck, the more powerful her own strike back. While she could do little damage to someone who just stood there with their own enhanced strength, those with enhanced strength will find her a formidable opponent if they actually hit her as she can take the power of that strike and add it to her own strength when it rebounds back. This energy does not store, it releases within 60 seconds if she does not actually strike back.
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resonance-rp-blog · 7 years
Bakkhos - Bartender
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Ari Lin
Needed for: To help grow the Bakkhos faction and have established played characters that can run the club. Pretty enough to be one of the Executive club dancers, Ari is actually one of the best bartenders in NY. She can flip a mean bottle and parlor trick with the best of them. No-nonsense, jeans and tee kind of woman, she can take care of herself against even the most lecherous of customers and can give as much as she gets when it comes to her coworkers teasing. Trusted by the owner to keep the tills checked and the money in the books and not on the table, she has become an invaluable asset to Bakkhos.
Ari is the head bartender at the exclusive Bakkhos club at the top of the Standard Hotel.
Abilities Ice breath - just as it sounds. A handy gift for chilling warm bottles or glasses, this can also be used to chill an entire room to as low as 25 degrees Fahrenheit or if on a person, give them an instant case of massive frost bite. This is consciously done, she does not always exhale cold air. There have been a few occasions where the owner has requested her service to "chill the room" when the crowd was getting out of hand. Amazing how fast the rowdy will grow passive when they start shivering. (levels and details of ability left to adopter!)
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resonance-rp-blog · 7 years
Need help getting started? Try a canon!
Cant come up with a new character but really want to get started? A canon might be the perfect solution! We have a number of canons that need adopting!
Canons typically start as an npc in a character's storyline that tends to show up again and again. These cross the threshold from insignificant npc to - it would be great if someone would play this character! Canons are fleshed out and then put up for adoption by other players. When you adopt a character it becomes yours for the duration that you are playing them. You are expected to stay true to the "spirit" of the character but of course they will evolve as you play them. This is a great way for a new player to get involved in the game as it guarantees that someone in the game is already looking to play with your character!
Here are a couple examples of available canons!
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Enaleri is part of the growing presence of fae and elves in South America. She is tied to an existing character Durion Caranthir. This character has not been used as much as the player would like because there is still a lack of played characters in South America. This is an opportunity to help grow a portion of the site with an active player. Note this character is not locked into South America. Because she is tied to the companies trades it means she can easily have threads in more active locations like New York as well as in South America.
Want to know more about her? check the canon out here!
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There is a building plot regarding the forced registration of Out-Worlders. The cast of characters active on Resonance lean towards the earth-born so we are lacking those that would be affected by this movement. Character would have immediate people to interact with in Durion Caranthir - elf that will be looking to rally Fanya Niasa to take action and close borders to the earth-born.
Gerren was ripped from his world during the first Nevus event in 2010. Unlike some of the other out-worlders, Gerren could pass for earth-born. Only his bright lavender eyes give him away and he early on took to wearing a set of colored contacts to dull their allure. But his alternate form is a dead give-away.
 Want to know more about her? check the canon out here!
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resonance-rp-blog · 7 years
Ireland for the Earthborn!
Late 2019 Galway, Ireland began to push forward a requirement for all outworlders (those not born to Earth) to be registered. In Jan. 2020 the law was passed and plunged Ireland into a paranoid spiral of violence and racial tension. Riots have become common and the outworlders are running scared, their businesses burned and their lives threatened. Some have begun to compare Ireland to Nazi occupied Germany or the Inquisitions.
While the majority of Ireland's earthborn have joined the hysteria, there are a rare few that have been working hard to create an underground "railroad" for the outworlders to escape the island. However these few are facing the same dangers as the outworlders themselves. Jimmy Braden had the first cargo vessel that ferried outworlders secretly down to Spain but late March 2020 he was found beaten to death near the docks. Now even those that want to help tend to shy away, leaving the outworlders to fend for themselves.
Related News Stories
Galway initiates Outworlder Registration
Outworlder Registration Passes
Ireland for the Earthborn
Related Threads
The End is Near
Walking without Moving
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resonance-rp-blog · 8 years
New Canon Up for Adoption
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BAKKHOS (NY) - Anthony (Toni) Bazzini
Needed for: Bakkhos is currently working to expand its player base. There are several active characters that this character will be able to immediately thread with including Matteo Carducci and Calista Burke. Before the Resonance, Bazzini was not just a mob kid, but a Running Back at Syracuse. Smart enough to pass his classes and powerful enough to be an animal on the ball field, Toni was on his way to a potential professional career when the world went to hell in a handbasket. His family killed, he had come back to the old neighborhood looking for answers. He was hesitant to talk with the new developing mob family because he knew he was...different. He had been strong before, now, he was unnatural in his abilities and upon the first full moon he realized why. Perhaps it is his Sicilian/Greek heritage that made his Lycan curse so different but Bazzini is unique among the known Lycanthropes. His altered form is a massive minotaur...a were-bull. He finally approached Gaspari on his own, knowing his strength could be used by the family. His utter loyalty and protective nature quickly shot him up from soldier to the senior soldier and often guard for the head of the family. Abilities: In addition to the normal Lycanthrope abilities of enhanced strength, speed and healing, Bazzini is also a beast when it comes to taking a hit. His constitution is a bit stronger than his Lycanthrope cousins born of his bull nature. ((character not really used yet in play so his details are left open to his adopter!)
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resonance-rp-blog · 8 years
New Canon for Adoption
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BAKKHOS (NY) - Alessia Nicosa
Needed for: Bakkhos is currently working to expand its player base. There are several active characters that this character will be able to immediately thread with including Matteo Carducci and Calista Burke. Born into the mob, Alessia was a seasoned Bosses wife when the world ended and this helped her find a place in the new world. Carlo Nicosia died in the Nevus event leaving her a widow at 34, but that didn't slow her down, on the contrary, she had always been involved in the businesses and that quick mind caught Gaspari's attention. Alessia was one of the first "old" members of the mob to be folded back into the new Bakkhos. Alessia has a timeless Sophia Loren beauty and she makes sure to enhance that image every chance she can get. She is not one of these young Italian females that struts in jeans and waves a gun to show she is tough. On the contrary. Alessia is always dressed with an old Hollywood elegance, rarely in pants, that exudes a confidence that she seems to have been born with. She is called the "Hostess" at Bakkhos but in truth runs the Bakkhos club when Gaspari is away. She is one of the few he trusts to do so. This character has not yet been used in game play therefore there is a lot of freedom for the adopter to make her their own. Abilities: 2-3 abilities to be determined by adopter.
Find more here:
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resonance-rp-blog · 8 years
BLOOD MOON RISES (a Resonance Event)
Resonance has kicked off a new sitewide event!
INTRODUCTION The occurrence of the occasional ‘Sanguine Moon’ accompanies a plethora of celestial events in the resonated world. Even before it’s rise, Lycanthropes can sense it’s arrival, feel the bestial power itching beneath their human guise. It is a dangerous time but really no more so for the rest of the population, it is the Lycanthropes who are truly put at risk due to the increased rage of the turn. Heightened strength and an increased hunger for murder and mayhem may allow them to break precautionary bonds or ward off drug induced comas. Those that venture beneath the crimson moon will range further and rage longer than on any other night. Most people prepare themselves for the coming of the full moon, well aware that Lycanthropes may be prowling the streets. Law enforcers are ready, armed with silver weaponry able to take down these beasts but when the moon is red they are more resilient against the metal. Still, the frequency of the creatures are low and scattered across the continent. One is far more likely to fall down a manhole then get mauled by a raging Lycanthrope even during a Blood Moon. These creatures to do not roam in packs. They do not mass together, but for some reason, on this night, things are very different. Tonight, thousands of Lycanthropes descend upon New York. Blood thirsty and enraged beyond all sanity, the monsters exhibit a behaviour never seen before… they pack together. A horde of were-beasts descend upon New York with biblical wrath. They cannot be reasoned with. They cannot be deterred. It’s you or them. What will you do??
Ready for more? Check out the full event article HERE!
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resonance-rp-blog · 8 years
The Forgotten Tumblr!!
So we are not dead! Actually we have gotten pretty busy but staff lost site of the Tumblr account, only updating the site, our ads and our Twitter account!.
Brushes the thick dust off the Tumblr page!
Look for some minor refreshes to our page look as well as updates to start flowing here again!
In the meantime be sure to check out our site and especially the list of new canons we are looking to be adopted!
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resonance-rp-blog · 8 years
Great article for writers - rp or otherwise!
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resonance-rp-blog · 8 years
Great Writing Quotes
Feel free to add your own!!
“The road to hell is paved with works-in-progress.” —Philip Roth
“Who wants to become a writer? And why? Because it’s the answer to everything. … It’s the streaming reason for living. To note, to pin down, to build up, to create, to be astonished at nothing, to cherish the oddities, to let nothing go down the drain, to make something, to make a great flower out of life, even if it’s a cactus.” —Enid Bagnold
“Cheat your landlord if you can and must, but do not try to shortchange the Muse. It cannot be done. You can’t fake quality any more than you can fake a good meal.” —William S. Burroughs
“Writing a book is a horrible, exhausting struggle, like a long bout of some painful illness. One would never undertake such a thing if one were not driven on by some demon whom one can neither resist nor understand.” —George Orwell
“I don’t care if a reader hates one of my stories, just as long as he finishes the book.” —Roald Dahl, WD
“We are all apprentices in a craft where no one ever becomes a master.” —Ernest Hemingway
“If a nation loses its storytellers, it loses its childhood.” —Peter Handke
“To defend what you’ve written is a sign that you are alive.” —William Zinsser, WD
“For your born writer, nothing is so healing as the realization that he has come upon the right word.” —Catherine Drinker Bowen
“We’re past the age of heroes and hero kings. … Most of our lives are basically mundane and dull, and it’s up to the writer to find ways to make them interesting.” —John Updike, WD
“The greatest part of a writer’s time is spent in reading, in order to write; a man will turn over half a library to make one book.” —Samuel Johnson
“If it sounds like writing, I rewrite it. Or, if proper usage gets in the way, it may have to go. I can’t allow what we learned in English composition to disrupt the sound and rhythm of the narrative.” —Elmore Leonard
“Know your literary tradition, savor it, steal from it, but when you sit down to write, forget about worshiping greatness and fetishizing masterpieces.” —Allegra Goodman
“It’s none of their business that you have to learn to write. Let them think you were born that way.” —Ernest Hemingway
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