reddishxdoe · 8 years
Her Future..
Dorcas became more and more involved. Both as an auror and an order member, she was responsible to get many death eaters caught. She knew the more she did it her life became more dangerous but she didn’t care, she was doing her part to make things right again.
She fought even more when Lily and James and Harry were forced to go into hiding, She wanted her friends to be able to live freely as they did before.
Sadly shortly after that she came face to face with Lord Voldemort. She knew when she saw him that he was there for her and that she was going to die. Still she stood her ground and died fighting for what she believed was right.
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reddishxdoe · 8 years
“Well is not like i’ve been sleeping a lot. How are you?”
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Sorry, I just have a headache.
“Are you sure it’s only just that, Doe?”
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reddishxdoe · 8 years
“Hopefully you won’t end with someone you dislike but I guess it’s part of it all, work with people you don’t particularly like. Well, now that Alastor is back, I think things will be more..lively.
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“I hope we do. Even if I get partnered with someone I don’t like going on missions with,” Sirius said around a mouthful of sandwich. “The waiting is killing me. We need to be doing something more than this paperwork.”
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reddishxdoe · 8 years
“Thanks, I already took one, but it hasn’t worked yet.”
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Sorry, I just have a headache.
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reddishxdoe · 8 years
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reddishxdoe · 8 years
Sometimes you think you want something when in reality you need to let it go.
Marie Rutkoski, The Winner's Crime
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reddishxdoe · 8 years
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reddishxdoe · 8 years
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reddishxdoe · 8 years
Dorcas smiled slightly and nodded. She wasn’t surprised he decided to stay and work instead of actually going home and get some sleep. She wouldn’t try to fight him about it, she also knew quite well there was no way to make him change his mind. And in a way she knew it so well because she would have done the same and she was quite less stubborn than him. The office had managed to run rather well with both him and Kingsley gone that was true, but there had also been an attack so it made sense he wanted to work.
“Sure, I’ll get them. I think mostly everyone have all if not most of their reports completed so it won’t be a problem.” She did wonder if Emmeline was done, she had been looking quite down the last couple of weeks, though she had been spending more time working than even her so, surely on the work department she was okay.
“Really? Well of course I’ll be there.” 
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Fight or Flight || Open
Alastor watched her speak, going back through the pages once more as she wrapped up her report and he knew he’d have to show his appreciation for her ability to keep the place together. He wondered if Emmeline had something for him too.
The first time he’d smiled in ages, he thought, and he thanked her once more, picking out the folder that gave extensive details on the attack. “I’ll be taking care of this tonight. The night I lost my leg I wrapped up that muggle killing case and today is no different.”
Exhaustion had no place here. “I need the rest of the reports, whether pending or complete, that were written during the time of my absence and I need them within the hour.”
He stood, levitating the files on the large table in the center of the room and depositing them in their proper place. “And I need you back here tomorrow morning for an early training session with Potter. He wants to complete his Auror training and I need you to take the lead.”
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reddishxdoe · 8 years
“He was determined no one can deny that. And I’ll admit...I found it quite amusing most of the times, besides he never did anything bad, he just wanted to impress you so much.” She said laughing. “But you’re right, as long as we are there for each other and work together, we can’t be stopped.”
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“For some things yes. Not everything Lily. I know of something that gives you even more permission in doing things. But I think it’s too early for that.” She winked at her friend, sure that she would get what she was talking about. “Lily!” She said raising her voice and started to laugh, she could feel her face getting as red as her hair. “I admit it’s been a while since that too, but don’t worry I’m fine.” She kept laughing.
“Yes, I probably am. But you can be bloody sure that even this war can never be as bad as being practically stalked by James for years was”, Lily responded jokingly shooting a mischievous grin at her reddish friend, “and I survived it. So I’m even above sure that we’ll all emerge our momentary problems completely unscathed. Because we’ll do exactly the same as we did back then in school. Support each other and give us strength. I mean, if we can’t make it, who can then?” 
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“So being recently married can be used as an excuse for the most things?”, she asked still joking and chuckled, “I guess I’ll keep that in mind. It might come in handy if anybody asks me for an explanation for my behavior.” She was only joking of course. Well, half-joking. She actually played with the thought of using it as an excuse now and then. “Okay, I can understand that, but you definitely need to go out more often, my dear. You need somebody who takes care of you”, she grinned cheekily, “you know like takes care of you”, she wiggled her eyebrows ambiguously. “And it’s my duty as a your friend to take care that you have somebody and are not left alone.”
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reddishxdoe · 8 years
“I mean maybe I’m biased but she really was the best teacher I ever had. Really? I think you’d be great at it!”
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“If that woman had another job, it would be a crime. Teaching seems wonderful, and she is definitely a born natural, you’re right. I’ve been thinking perhaps when things calm down looking into teaching, myself.”
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reddishxdoe · 8 years
Sorry, I just have a headache.
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reddishxdoe · 8 years
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reddishxdoe · 8 years
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There is a universal truth we all have to face, whether we want to or not, everything eventually ends. As much as I’ve looked forward to this day, I’ve always disliked endings. Last day of summer, the final chapter of a great book, parting ways with a close friend. But endings are inevitable, Leaves fall, you close the book. You say goodbye. Today is one of those days for us. Today we say goodbye to everything that was familiar, everything that was comfortable. We’re moving on. But just because we’re leaving, and that hurts, there’s some people who are so much a part of us, they’ll be with us no matter what. They are our solid ground. Our North Star. And the small clear voices in our hearts that will be with us… always.
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reddishxdoe · 8 years
Wiz Khalifa feat. Charlie Puth – See You Again (KND MND Bootleg)
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reddishxdoe · 8 years
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reddishxdoe · 8 years
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LADIES OF THE ORDER. I didn’t wish for anything. It’s time to stop believing in miracles. We can save ourselves.  (insp.) (words.)
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