red-sky · 4 years
Also funny I just now saw it today, I’ve been working on the latest chapter. I guess this is the universe telling me to GET THIS SHIT DONE!!!!
Gift for you
Hi red ! I loooooved your fanfic When the feelings’s right, I’m gonna run all night so I wanna write you a gift, not only long reviews.
This fic happen after the 4th chapter (because I’m so thirsty to read the 5th !! But take your time, I can wait, I swear) and there is no smut but some references to it + internalized homophobia and self-confidence issues.
Because it’s Richie’s POV ^^
There is a soft snore next to him and it’s the reason Richie opens his eyes first. After his vision got used to the dark, he discerns Eddie’s relaxed features.
Richie wants to touch him but he doesn’t dare. Doesn’t take the risk to wake him up because it would rapproche the moment where he will leave. Right now he is just Richie’s. There is no Myra, no other life in New York, no other house. They are in Richie’s bed and he can imagine for one minute it’s their, Eddie lives with him, they are a couple and it’s nice. Richie can easily imagine them taking breakfast together, and Eddie putting the plates and the cutlery in the dishwasher. He can visualise Eddie bickering about the residues of the clean tab and how it could be cancerous.
It’s weird, they don’t really know each other for so long but Richie still feels like if he knew Eddie by heart. They feels so familiar together, and more, so complementary, like two pieces of a puzzle.
Richie didn’t know what he missed before remembering Eddie. It’s awful. He would prefer ignore this. Ignorance is bliss. Now he is condemned to want something he can’t have. Another married man but this time it’s forever. It’s not just a fling, just a crush, just a fleeting thing.
Soulmate. When he thinks about the word, he grimaces and hides in the pillow. He’s a big sap and hates it.
He risks a glance to Eddie. Handsome even in his sleep. So unfair.
God, he’s fucked.
He was in this situation before. They never leave their wife. It’s a lost cause and for his own heart he would have to make it stop before engaging himself too much in this.
However it’s too late. He threw himself in this entirely at the second where Eddie open his tighs for him in the restaurant.
It seems like a dream, not a memory. He can’t believe it’s true.
But Eddie is in bed with him so it is. Eddie wants him too. Came to the East Coast just to fuck him.
Richie shivers to that particular thought. Even if they didn’t do the whole stuff, he sucked him off. Eddie let him. He caressed his hair and let him swallow and it was so good, so validating, it was perfect and Richie craves to do it again.
In some hours, Eddie will leave. Richie doesn’t know when he will come back. Or if he will. He is scared, so scared about Eddie realizing he did a mistake. Realizing he risked his marriage for what ? A pathetic comedian with bad humor. Pitiful Trashmouth Tozier, still attached to his childhood crush. A loser, a failure.
A fag.
Thinking like that makes Richie’s eyes wetting the pillow. He sniffs a little - he doesn’t cry, not with Eddie naked in his sheets, he’s a lucky guy after all, it’s a miracle. Eddie kissed him. He touched his body without flinching, without looking at his fat belly or ugly hair.
It’s not Richie finds himself totally unattractive. He is average. But Eddie is so…
He knows what people think when they see Eddie. They probably don’t look twice to him. They don’t see what Richie see and it’s what Richie is the most afraid, because love is blind and he’s so in love. For him, Eddie is smoking hot. His face is beautifully sharp and expressive, his tonned skin, his skinny legs, long fingers, narrow hips, he’s so small and yet so…
Eddie groans and Richie stops immediately to breath. He blushes, realizing he was thinking like a fucking highschool girl. Embarassing.
He tries to remember Eddie is going to leave. It hurts but it will hurt worse later if he doesn’t now. He has to kill the shiny little sparkle of hope that Eddie decide to stay. It’s impossible and he knows that.
He is worthy for a weekend, not for a lifetime.
This one hits so hard he needs to get up. He is careful, quiet and slow, puts an underwear and quits the bedroom.
It’s coffee time.
When the feelings’s right, I’m gonna run all night
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red-sky · 4 years
Have you listened to Illicit Affairs by Taylor Swift? It really reminds me of your When the Feeling's right fic. Heartbreaking 😭
I just listened to it, and I kinda want to die because it fits the story perfectly.
It's also funny that you told me this now, when I've been working on the latest chapter. Great minds think alike!
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red-sky · 4 years
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red-sky · 4 years
I’m going insane thinking about an AU where Eddie’s a UFC lightweight champion who falls in love with @stitchybutton ‘s WWE wrestler!Richie
like this is Let Eddie Kick taken to its most perfect extreme. So much spunk in such a little body. He’s super intense but also really professional and sportsmanlike, he’s there to rage and fight and exert absolute total control over his own body, but also to feel alive with the violence zinging through him every time he bleeds or gets a black eye or a tooth knocked out.
Completely eviscerates opponents at the weigh-ins. He doesn’t need to talk a big game, the Kaspbrak laser-eyes of doom do most of the intimidation for him. His walk-out music is Heaven Is A Place on Earth by Belinda Carlisle because fuck macho bloodsport culture, he likes the song and he’ll do a standing front flip into the ring at the climactic key change if he wants to.
Eddie sprinting across the ring and launching himself into a flying knee KO. Eddie capable of doing the splits and backflips and kip-ups, Eddie roundhouse kicking, grappling his opponents down to the mat with his thighs as he chain-punches the shit out of them. IMAGINE the blood from his nose dripping into his mouth, god. Stomach tattoos. All kinds of tattoos. If he bathes in pain as a lifestyle then the threat of it has no more power over him. He’s found his outlet at last.
Eddie’s spotted getting cozy during training sessions with friend and WWE star Richie Tozier, known for his trashtalking and elaborately plotted arcs, his big ham personality. One thing leads to another and Eddie becomes the first openly gay UFC athlete, casually coming out during his post-win press conference after defending one of his many titles.
Sometimes he appears as a guest during Richie’s matches, at first in his regular tiny compression shorts and hand wraps and split knuckles (now with added wedding ring. The gold compliments the bruising. He can’t wear it to train or fight obviously but he gives it to Richie for safekeeping before every fight so that Richie can pretend to propose again when Eddie inevitably wins.)
Eventually though, Richie gets him fitted with his own costume complimentary to Richie’s own for these rare special guest husband appearances, and Richie’s been arduously, painstakingly teaching Eddie how to fight and fall safely (“Why the fuck do I need to know how to fall safely? The only times I fall are knee-first onto the other guy’s head.”) and they kiss over the prone bodies of Richie’s rivals
UFC Eddie. Blood in the octagon baybeeeeeee
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red-sky · 4 years
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: IT - Stephen King, IT (Movies - Muschietti) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier Characters: Eddie Kaspbrak, Richie Tozier, Myra Kaspbrak, The Losers Club (IT) Additional Tags: Angst, Post-Canon Fix-It, Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language, Cheating, Heavy Angst, Adult Losers Club (IT), Internal Conflict, Internalized Homophobia, Childhood Trauma, Infidelity, Sonia Kaspbrak's A+ Parenting, Phone Sex, Blow Jobs, Gay Richie Tozier, Gay Eddie Kaspbrak Summary:
When Eddie makes a vow, he means it. It's just a shame that the two most important vows he's ever made conflict with each other.
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red-sky · 4 years
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red-sky · 4 years
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red-sky · 4 years
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Kate Winslet as Rose DeWitt Bukater Titanic (1997)
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red-sky · 4 years
Me: Okay now that you’re finally off work due to quarantine this is the time to write all the Reddie that’s been in your head since September.
Also me: 
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red-sky · 4 years
It’s cool, Reddie just making me cry all up in the Orient, no biggie
I don’t normally post excerpts of writing, but I legit just made myself cry over this, and if I’m gonna cry, everyone else is gonna cry, too.
So here’s a bit from the next chapter of When’s the feeling right, I’m gonna run all night.
Richie has never asked anything of him, he thinks, mouthing at Richie’s neck. He’s never demanded anything of him. He’s never put conditions on his attention, never put asterisks next to it. He’s never withdrawn his love when Eddie’s pissed him off, or hurt him. He’s never stepped on him, spoken over him, filled Eddie’s head with lies. He does not look at Eddie with any agendas. He does not seek to control Eddie by any means necessary. He does not tell the world who Eddie is, nor tell Eddie who he is. 
Richie does not take. Richie gives; he gives and gives and gives, and asks for nothing, He demands nothing, expects nothing. He gives Eddie everything; his time, his attention, his body, his love, everything, and thinks, this is fine. This is enough. I will not want more. I will not need more. I will not ask for more.
Eddie looks at Richie now, teeth digging into his bottom lip, eyes clenched shut, shaking with restraint. He sees the want and the need, and for the first time, Eddie doesn’t feel suffocated by it. He doesn’t feel trapped by the possibility of being loved, because Richie’s love doesn’t come with shackles.
He puts his hand on Richie’s jaw, tilting his face towards his. He presses his fingers against Richie’s cheek and breathes into his mouth. He thinks, look at me, look at me and let me give this to you, let me give you what you want and need. Let me give you what you won’t ask for. You can have me, you can have me, you can have me…
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red-sky · 4 years
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red-sky · 4 years
there’s a quarantine going on… no pressure but i KNOW ya’ll have WIPs
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red-sky · 4 years
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: IT - Stephen King, IT (Movies - Muschietti) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier Characters: Eddie Kaspbrak, Richie Tozier, Myra Kaspbrak, The Losers Club (IT) Additional Tags: Angst, Post-Canon Fix-It, Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language, Cheating, Heavy Angst, Adult Losers Club (IT), Internal Conflict, Internalized Homophobia, Childhood Trauma, Infidelity, Sonia Kaspbrak's A+ Parenting, Phone Sex, Blow Jobs, Gay Richie Tozier, Gay Eddie Kaspbrak Summary:
When Eddie makes a vow, he means it. It's just a shame that the two most important vows he's ever made conflict with each other.
Reblogging for anyone who may have missed that this has been updated!
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red-sky · 4 years
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: IT - Stephen King, IT (Movies - Muschietti) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier Characters: Eddie Kaspbrak, Richie Tozier, Myra Kaspbrak, The Losers Club (IT) Additional Tags: Angst, Post-Canon Fix-It, Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language, Cheating, Heavy Angst, Adult Losers Club (IT), Internal Conflict, Internalized Homophobia, Childhood Trauma, Infidelity, Sonia Kaspbrak's A+ Parenting, Phone Sex, Blow Jobs, Gay Richie Tozier, Gay Eddie Kaspbrak Summary:
When Eddie makes a vow, he means it. It's just a shame that the two most important vows he's ever made conflict with each other.
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red-sky · 4 years
#not to put anyone on blast but this is what red-sky be like#not quite 80 but close enough#and thirsting after bill hader
Yo I got called the fuck out!!!!!! No lies detected tho; I AM close enough to 80 and might be as well be called Waterworld, I am that thirsty for Hader.
#chapter 5 when? 
i'm gonna be like 80 years old and still thinking about bill as richie tozier cuz damn...
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red-sky · 4 years
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reddie + au where they are safely talking in a car and no one fucking dies…
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red-sky · 4 years
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I guess you’re stuck with me. I wanna be stuck with you.
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