ik you have 675348923980229387845 requests to do but if u get the time I'd like a modern au with tanjiro but he's too broke to take you anywhere so he tries to make a date at McDonalds really romantic
Omg you had me at McDonald’s 😍😍
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Muzan x Reader Oneshot
TW: Mentions of suicide
"Why do I bother to continue on? I will only weigh everyone down..." The h/c haired woman thought whilst she sat on her grand bed. The woman had been feeling depressed for a long time now, she knew she had people depending on her but she chose to be selfish.
She's been living for over 800 years now, and she can't take it anymore. She made her mind up, before she would venture to a heavily populated demon slaying area and have a demon slayer cut off her head, and if that didn't work then she would stand in the sun.
She realizes the shame it would bring her, seeing as a demon as powerful as herself would be slain by a mere demon slayer. But at this point, she didn't even care.
She didn't want to live this long in the first place, and now that the love of her life has ceased any kind of contact with her, she's lost her will to live. "He would be happier without me."
"Teng!" Suddenly the woman was teleported into a large room with 6 other people. She realized immediately what it was and she looked around for her lover, as well as master. Her eyes did not spot the familiar red-eyed male, so she assumed he hasn't arrived yet.
A pang of guilt rushed through her as she realized the coincidence of her situation. She had just been thinking about killing herself and now there's a meeting. What if he was reading her thoughts as she thought about it?
Her brows furrowed and she looked to the ground, hoping with everything good in her life that he didn't hear it. "Muzan-sama has arrived." With those words she cut off all of the swarming thoughts and looked for the man.
She spotted him upside down on the roof, testing different chemicals, presumably. Suddenly, he dropped to the ground in front of the girl and the upper moons. Everyone promptly bowed before their master.
"Has anyone found the blue spider lily?" It was a simple question, but nobody dared to speak up. The silence made the answer obvious to the red-eyed man.
"You're all useless," the e/c eyed female felt a strong sense of hurt flow through her as he spoke, "it's been centuries yet not a single one of you has been able to find such a simple thing." He glared at the demons.
"Tch, the reason I called the meeting is because I have a mission for all of you." He snapped his fingers and a demoness appeared with a paper in hand. "There's a demon girl who has escaped my grasp, bring her to me and you'll be rewarded greatly."
He unfolded the paper and showed us the drawing of a girl with a bamboo muzzle. "This is what she looks like." He threw the paper at the h/c haired girl's feet. With slight hesitance, she picked it up.
"Y/N stay here, everyone else you're dismissed." The girl felt her heart start beating erratically. "Shit." She held her breath as she realized she let a thought slip past her.
"Shit?" Her master mocked. Everyone else was gone by now. "Is there something I should know?" The girl quickly shook her head. She knew the consequences of lying, but the consequences of him finding out were even worse.
Suddenly she felt a hand grip her chin and force her head up. "What's wrong? You're acting strange and your eyes have lost their spark." Y/N's eyes widened at those words. Tears formed in her eyes and she let out a small sob.
"So I was right, Y/N tell me what's wrong." Muzan let go of her chin and held her hand instead. "M-Muzan-sama...." Y/N looked down at the ground in shame. "I'm sorry.." She whispered.
Muzan tilted his head. "Sorry for what?" He used his free hand to wipe the tears that began falling from her face. The girl responded in sobs, not wanting to tell him about the shameful thoughts she had.
"I-I'm sorry.. I c-can't..." Y/N's words were muffled by her sobs. "Y/N, you can tell me anything. What's wrong?" He used a gentle voice to sooth her despair.
"I-I planned to..." She whispered the last part, too quiet to be heard. "Planned to what?" Muzan continued caressing her face with care.
"I-I planned to k-kill myself!" Y/N yelled and stepped back, away from him. The black haired man froze on the spot. "You.. what?" He whispered in disbelief.
"You heard me.." She looked to the ground, avoiding his gaze. Suddenly, she felt warmth wrap around her body. It was Muzan, he hugged her. "Muzan-sama..." Her cries quieted down.
"Why didn't you tell me about how you felt sooner?" Muzan's grip tightened around her. "Do you realize how much I care about you?"
He stroked her hair with great care. "If you died I don't know what I would do." The girl was astonished by his reaction.
"T-Then why did you stop contacting me?" She buried her face into his shoulder. "You fool... I didn't want to, I was just busy." He released her from the hug and looked into her eyes lovingly.
"If you ever feel this way again tell me right away, after all we're husband and wife." He smiled at Y/N's form. The girl smiled back as the light in her eyes returned. "Yeah..."
"What do you say we take a few days off to spend time with each other." Muzan requested. "I would like that..." She brought Muzan back into another hug.
Muzan tilted her head up with his hand and brought her into a loving kiss. Without a hint of hesitation, Y/N kissed back. "I love you, Muzan." She whispered.
"I love you too," Muzan parted from the kiss and planted another one on her forehead, "and I'll always be there for you when you need it."
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• Kimetsu no Yaiba
• Danganronpa
• Spirited Away
• Obey me!
• Smut/NSFW
• Incest
• Vore
• Pedophilia
• Romantic relationships with minors under the age of 14
• I am a minor, do not pressure me to write nsfw.
• Do not give me deadlines, I have a busy schedule and will do your request once I get to it.
• Do not request more than three times if your first request hasn’t been written yet.
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Warm - Douma x Reader Oneshot
"Okay, there's no denying it. I fucking love Douma." I thought while looking at the blonde sitting in front of me.
It's been six months since I first laid my eyes on this gorgeous man, and my feelings have only grown stronger the more we interact. "But it's frustrating because literally, everyone knows he's a player." I frowned.
"Meh, a girl can dream right?" I snapped out of my thoughts as the teacher called on me. "Miss L/N, would you mind sharing as to why you're so distracted?" I rolled my eyes and stayed quiet. "Hm. Now then, answer this question." The female teacher pointed at an equation on the board.
"The answer is x8," I said nonchalantly. "Correct." Then the class went on as usual. Soon enough the bell rang, signaling it was time to go home. "Miss L/N please stay after class I need to speak with you." I groaned internally at her words. I just wanted to go home.
"Okay." I answered, simply. I swung my bag over my shoulder and walked up to the teacher's desk. Everyone had already left for the busses, so it was just me and the teacher. Or so I thought.
All of a sudden I felt someone swing their arm around my shoulders. I jumped in surprise from the sudden contact. "Heyyy Y/N-chan! You're staying after school too? Is it detention?" I heard a familiar voice say. I whipped my head around and came face to face with Douma.
"O-Oh no the teacher asked me to stay," I replied, stepping back a bit to create a distance between me and the handsome man. "Oh really? Same here!" He clasped his hands together.
The teacher cleared her throat and we both turned our attention to her. "I see you've met..." she started, "now then, the reason I asked both of you to stay after school is that Y/N, I want you to tutor Douma." My eyes widened in surprise. Douma made a pouty face in response. "Ehhh?? I thought I was making good grades!" He whined.
"Douma, you have a 40 in this class." The teacher facepalmed. I decided to stay quiet and see how this played out, because, well, I'm not against spending time with Douma anyway. "Oh, well then I guess me and you are study buddies now!" He faced me and grinned. "My house at six." He winked. With that, he ran out the door. "W-Wait! The teacher isn't done—" I sighed.
I faced the teacher and gave her an apologetic look. "Sorry.. is there anything else you need?" I bowed. "No that is all... but do you even know where Douma's house is?" She asked. I deadpanned.
"N-No.." She snickered and wrote something down on a yellow sticky note. "Here's his number, call him and ask him yourself." She handed me a sticky note. "And before you ask, I have his number because it's written on his student ID form." I nodded in response. "Thank you!" After waving goodbye, I made my way to my car and left.
When I arrived home I threw my bag on the couch, and quickly pulled my phone out of my skirt pocket. Taking out the sticky note from earlier, I put in Douma's number and sent him a message.
...dude you didn't even
tell me where you live
(this is Y/N btw)
Ohhh my bad! Just
come to house XXXX,
Kimetsu street 💕
ok thx  😻✨
Wait how did you get
my number
teacher gave it to me
im not a creep I
swear 🙄✋
Lmao okay see you at six
I put my phone down and checked the time. It was 4:30 pm so I had time before I needed to drive over there. I decided to go pick out clothes since, well, I want to look nice in front of my long-time crush. Although this is supposed to be casual, I wanted him to look at me and think I'm beautiful. It can't be helped, this man is my addiction.
I opened up my closet and picked out a f/c blouse and a flowy red skirt. I removed my school uniform but kept my black, thigh-high tights on. After replacing my school clothes with the outfit I picked out, I walked over to my vanity.
"Hmm... what hairstyle should I do?" I thought to myself. I decided on doing a high ponytail and leaving my front strands out to frame my face. When I finished doing my hair I took a good look at myself in the mirror. My blouse was neatly tucked into my high-waisted skirt and my tights were hidden securely underneath my skirt.
My outfit was casual but nice at the same time. I smiled, happy with how I looked. "Maybe I should wear my earrings." I debated whether or not I want to put them on. "Eh, why not." I grabbed my moon-shaped earrings and put them on my ears.
"There we go." I said out loud. I checked the time to see an hour has passed. "Ehhh?? I took that long?" I thought confusedly. I grabbed my bag, since it has notes I could use to help Douma, and ran out the door.
I hopped in my car and put Douma's address into its GPS system. On the way there I found myself freaking out. I mean, I'm literally going to my crush's fucking house right now! How could I not freak out? "I'm so excited yet at the same time so nervous."
"I really hope I don't end up annoying him..." I was worried he'd not like me and I'd ruin my chances with him. "Well I shouldn't dwell on it, it's not like this is a date or anything, it's just tutoring."
The GPS said I was here so I pulled over to the side and parked. I found myself in front of a large apartment building and sweatdropped. "I hope he doesn't have roommates... seeing as he lives in an apartment."
I texted him that I was here, then took my bag and got out of the car, locking it to make sure it doesn't get stolen. "Wait... what room number is he?"  I deadpanned. "This man really doesn't know how to tell someone the information they need."
I was about to text him again to ask what his room number was when someone called my name. I turned around and saw Douma running up to me. "Y/N! Y/N! you're finally here let's go!" He took my hand and dragged me inside.
I blushed from the contact. "U-um..." I stuttered out. "So, before we go up I do have a roommate, his name is Akaza and he's a bully." He rolled his eyes. "But don't worry he's out with his girlfriend, Koyuki, so we'll have the apartment to ourselves." He stopped in front of a door and quickly pushed me inside.
"Here we are! Make yourself at home." He walked over to a couch and plopped down on it. I sat down next to him a good distance away and opened up my bag, getting some notes and papers for math.
"So... what are you struggling with in math?" I asked. He shrugged in return. "I honestly don't know, I thought I was doing good in everything but I guess not." I sweatdropped at his answer. "Ah.. okay well if you don't know what you need help on then I really don't know how to tutor you..." I scratched the back of my head.
"Then let's do something else instead of studying!" Douma suggested. "Eh? Like what?" I tilted my head as I asked. Douma's cheeks were tinted with pink after my reaction. "What about... hide and seek tag!" He clasped his hands together.
I deadpanned. "Isn't that a game for kids..?" He chuckled at me. "You're never too old for anything! I'll be it first okay? Go hide nothing's off-limits." I nodded and ran out of the living room as he counted. I opened the first door down the hall and found myself in what seemed to be the master bedroom.
"Ahh... where to hide..." I looked around and saw the nightstand had a cabinet that could fit my petite form. I crawled in the cabinet just as I heard Douma yell. "Time's up! I'm coming Y/N!" After he said that it was eerily quiet. "It's like a fucking horror movie." I thought.
Suddenly I heard the door creek open and I held my breath. "Y/N~ are you in here?" He said, dragging out your name for effect. My heart was pounding in suspense as I heard his footsteps come closer. "Under the bed?" He stopped in front of the nightstand and presumably check under the bed. "Guess not... what about the cabinet in the nightstand?"
As soon as I heard that I bolted out of the cabinet and dodged his attempt to tag me. "I knew it! You're done for now." He laughed as he chased after me. "Nooo! Get away." I laughed along. I looked behind me as I ran down the hall and saw him getting closer.
"Hey! Y/N watch out!" I heard him yell as his eyes widened. I looked back in front of me and ran headfirst into a door. "Oww..." I fell back on my butt and felt tears well up in my eyes. "That hurts like a bitch." I clutched my forehead in pain.
"Y/N! Are you alright?" Douma crouched down next to me and looked at me in worry. "Yeah, I'm fine, it just hurts and I feel dizzy." I responded. "Here I'll go get you some ice." He got up and hurried to the kitchen. I heard the fridge door open and Douma muttering to himself.
He came back with an ice pack in hand and held it to my forehead. I blushed from the close proximity and quietly thanked him. He smiled at my shyness and helped me up. "Do you want to stay the night? It's late and I let you get hurt so it's the least I can do." He asked. "U-Um if you don't mind..." I didn't really want to drive home at night, it gave me chills just thinking about it.
"It's fine! You can take the guest bedroom." He gently pulled me along to a room and opened the door. "Here it is, if you need anything you can find me in the living room most likely." He handed me the ice pack and smiled. "Thank you for your help." I bowed. "Ah, it's nothing." He waved it off.
I felt my dizziness get stronger and I held my head and squinted. "You okay?" He asked, tilting his head. "Y-Yeah I'm just really dizzy." I answered. My knees buckled and I lost my footing. Thankfully Douma was there to catch me. "Oh my, I really hope you don't have a concussion or something." I was suddenly too tired to respond.
He picked me up bridal style and sat me down on the bed. "Stay here I'll try to find some medicine for your dizziness." He left the room. Although my mind felt like it was on anesthesia, I was still able to freak out about the fact Douma carried me like that. Through my drowsy state, I silently fangirled. "I'm back." He handed me a glass of water and a small pill. "It'll help you, take it." He smiled at me.
"Thank you." I whispered, before taking the pill. Building up my courage, I grabbed the hem of his shirt. He looked at me, clearly confused. "U-Um.. could you stay with me until I fall asleep." I asked shyly, avoiding his gaze.
He smiled warmly and nodded. "Sure thing Y/N-chan." He sat down next to me and I plopped my head into his lap. He chuckled at my behavior. I closed my eyes as I felt him petting my head affectionately. He pulled a blanket over my petite form and continued petting my hair. "Goodnight Y/N," and under his breath, I swear I heard the words, "I love you."
Sleep captured me before I could question whether or not I heard correctly. But nevertheless, it made me feel warm.
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