rdold · 11 years
amber heard fc?
Definitely added to the to do this weekend! 
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rdold · 11 years
Sophia Bush FC please!
She actually has been written but is currently waiting to be reviewed by both Mods together and we currently are having a hard time setting down a date to go over the biographies we have done. Mod M has just suffered a death in her family and Mod P is currently busy with school so we'd be eternally grateful for your patience! 
Thank you darling! And don't worry, I hope to have her up soon enough. 
- Mod M
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rdold · 11 years
Hey, guys!
Mod P checking in to let you know that I'm finishing up homework and studying by tomorrow night, which means I'll be around to work hard over the weekend!
So, leave requests and questions or - maybe, just maybe - apps! I'll be around tonight and tomorrow night to answer questions!
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rdold · 11 years
I'm assuming it's okay for our characters to have pets? Yes? No? :)
Of course! 
- Mod M
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rdold · 11 years
You said the new bios would be up a week ago!
This is Mod P just popping in between homework assignments, so I want to apologize in advance if my answer is all over the place, but I wanted to address this very quickly.
I haven't had the chance to write any bios personally (my first year at Uni started on Thursday, so I'm kind of dedicating myself to adjustment), and I know Mod M has been working hard on juggling school with all mod-ing work Red Debt in my absence. She has them all outlined, from what I understand, and I'm so sorry for the delay. She is, too - she really did have every intention of posting them!
I can't say for sure when they'll be up, but if Mod M can't write them by the weekend, I should be able to find some time to get at least one or two up by Sunday. I'm really sorry it's taken so long. Since you've been so patient, please leave a message in the inbox with the Face Claim(s) you'd like to see first, so I make sure those are the ones I take time to write on the weekend.
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rdold · 11 years
Hey guys!
Mod M here! I'm so sorry we weren't here this weekend! Mod M was having some internet problems and Mod P is currently going into UNI. Still, don't fret, dearies! Things will be picking up in no time! I've been working frantically in my little red notebook during my downtime in class and the next bios are posted the batch is going to be huge!
So, you know what that means? Any last minute requests can be sent to our ask box! We're totally pumped to get things up and running again! 
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rdold · 11 years
Are you guys still going with this rp? Just wondering that's all. I've been holding out to put an app in for this rp, but otherwise I'll go somewhere else.
We are! Our schedules have been pretty wobbly as of late but now that Mod P is settling into college life we've begun mapping out times and days when Mods will swap positions, when bios will be posted, etc. 
As for our players, lots of people have called a hiatus due to school, rl life, etc. And this is completely understandable but don't fret, darling, we're not letting this roleplay die out! We absolutely refuse to let Red Debt fall apart and to keep it going we're going to need your help, of course. Applications, requests, questions, everything helps us boost activity. 
It might be hard at first but I can promise you it'll be worth it. 
- Mod M
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rdold · 11 years
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rdold · 11 years
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rdold · 11 years
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rdold · 11 years
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rdold · 11 years
Note on our inbox!
We've been recieving handfuls of notfications but every time we click the mail nothing shows up. 
I promise anyone messaging us that we aren't ignoring you! Tumblr is glitching again and we advise any prospective applicants to email [email protected]! Other inquires and messages can also be sent there! 
- Mod M
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rdold · 11 years
After some thinking their player has decided to leave due to lack of time. We'll miss you, Kayra! 
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rdold · 11 years
Head Canon Game:
Every Thursday (and sometimes Friday if we’re late) the Mods will release a word and while it isn’t mandatory, it is encouraged to get your character development rolling. With the word you’re to create a head canon. Now, you may decide to write about it in various ways. A self para, a para with someone else (Ooh! Plotting!), a journal entry, a small drabble, or just something explaining your head canon and why. 
This weeks word is: 
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rdold · 11 years
Activity Check #002
The following have two days before they'll be removed from the roleplay.
James Newman
Johanna Aldridge 
Joseph Logan
Leila Kyle
The following have three days to renew their hiatus notices.
Arya Bradley 
Nate Godard
Celina Hunt
Remember, posting pictures or music or any sort of vanity does not count as activity. Gif convos and paras are activity. 
Posting a hiatus notice in the OOC does not count as official as we must have something for record. We need to talk to you one on one if you plan on a hiatus. 
We will not be having activity reviews this week.
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rdold · 11 years
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rdold · 11 years
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