raybug-theradfem · 2 hours
In World War II, Nazi Germany established brothels in the concentration camps (Lagerbordell, Sonderbauten or Freudenabteilungen "Joy Divisions") to increase productivity among male inmates.
In the end, the camp brothels did not produce any noticeable increase in the prisoners' productivity levels, but instead, created a market for coupons among the camp VIPs.
Here's a few of the locations where this happened:
Mauthausen/Gusen, Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Neuengamme, Dachau, Dora-Mittelbau, Sachsenhausen, FlossenbĂŒrg and others
The women forced into these brothels came mainly from the women-only RavensbrĂŒck concentration camp, except for Auschwitz, which "employed" its own prisoners.
In combination with the German military brothels in World War II, it is estimated that at least 34,140 female inmates were forced into sexual slavery during the Third Reich.
The brothels form the subject of "Das KZ Bordell" (The Concentration Camp Brothel) by Robert Sommer, a book that has been hailed as the first comprehensive account of a little known chapter of Nazi oppression in World War Two.
It explores the origins, structure and impact of the "Sonderbauten" (special buildings) run by Heinrich Himmler's SS in Germany and Nazi-occupied Europe.
"In the collective memory and written history of World War Two, the camp brothels were for a long time taboo," the 35-year-old Berliner told Reuters. "The former prisoners didn't want to talk about it: it was a difficult subject to handle."
"It didn't fit so easily into the postwar image of the concentration camps as monuments to suffering."
According to concentration camp survivors the women in those brothels were replaced every 6 months and the women who got replaced were killed in gas chambers.
It is important to note that we distinctively speak of sexual slavery here and of rape.
I wanted to point this out especially because I have been seeing liberal feminists talking about this topic, calling it "forced sex-work", "forced sex-labour" etc.
It is beyond disrespectful to call these female victims "sex-workers" or "employees" when their sexuality was brutally exploited, their diginities taken, their health was sacrificed, they were raped repeatedly and then executed after 6 months, even though they were promised to be released after those months. But those promises of course were never honored.
Liberal feminism and radical feminism differs a lot when it comes to views on the topic of prostitution but this does NOT excuse labeling victims of abuse and rape as "sex-workers" or calling their suffering "forced sex-labour."
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raybug-theradfem · 15 hours
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"Females can't help but display their sexuality" - you mean you can't look at parts of our normal, natural bodies without sexually objectifying them. Because you are porn-addled.
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raybug-theradfem · 1 day
To the woman he said, "I will greatly increase your pains in childbearing; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you."
Remember when God told Eve that having a husband, lack of independence and autonomy, and having kids was a punishment?
Pepperidge Farm remembers.
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raybug-theradfem · 2 days
I understand all theories and psychological ideas behind analysis of serial killers but I must point out that lots of women get abandoned or abused in childhood but very rarely grow up to brutalize, slaughter, torture other people
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raybug-theradfem · 2 days
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raybug-theradfem · 2 days
How can you be a radfem and use misogynistic slurs like cunt and bitch?? "I use them in a different context", "I am reclaiming them", "I use it at men only". Yet you are still propagating the degradation that surrounds females and their genitalia. Your casual use insinuates the lack of weight, the lack of misogyny surrounding them.
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raybug-theradfem · 2 days
there is a huge difference between criticizing an institution and criticizing individual behavior. i can criticize the makeup industry without criticizing the 14 year old girl who uses concealer because she’s self-conscious about her acne; i can criticize the plastic surgery industry without vilifying the woman who decided to get a nose job after two decades of pointed comments and bullying. it is intellectually dishonest to respond to an institutional criticism as if it were a personal attack; on the flip side, it is cruel and unnecessary to leverage personal attacks in the name of institutional criticism
if i see one (1) more person respond to a perfectly reasonable beauty-industry-critical sentiment with “but i personally enjoy eyeshadow. why are you attacking people who like eyeshadow :(” or “exactly, all women who wear makeup are miserable and brainwashed” i am going to climb a tree and bite the top of it
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raybug-theradfem · 2 days
Maybe this is the wrong platform to pose this question given the average tumblr user but
Is it just me or did our generation (those of is who are currently 20-30 ish) just not get the opportunity to be young in the 'standard' sense?
Like, everyone I talk to who's over 40 has all their wild stories about their teens and 20s, being young and dumb, and then I talk to my friends and coworkers and classmates, and we just... dont.
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raybug-theradfem · 2 days
it’s just me and my hairy legs against the world
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raybug-theradfem · 2 days
Women were never created from men's ribs, not ever. It is HE who emerges from HER womb. Framing the father as the life giver is a patriarchal lie, it's not true.
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raybug-theradfem · 2 days
Its not a normal female experience to hate being seen as a girl by society this much, and to feel so trapped living as a woman. It's also not normal to hate men and trans people this much, do you think perhaps such hatred could come from jealousy? I feel like you might be a lot happier if you transitioned. Imagine dressing in men's clothing, and being called a guy by your freinds, imagine people who are attracted to men finding you handsome, imagine people complimenting you as you slowly look more and more like a cute boy. I feel like you'd be a happy boy, you'd be a sweet boy, you'd be a handsome boy...
I don’t hate being seen as a girl. I hate being seen as less of a person for being a girl. I don’t hate trans people, I hate the restrictions of gender. Women can wear boys clothes and vice versa. Why would I be jealous of the sex that goes bald in their 30s? I enjoy thinking with my brain and not my genitals thanks. I would not be happier if I transitioned because I am not trans, I am a girl. Being called a guy by my friends or any of those other things you listed do not appeal to me because I am a girl. The ending of your message sounds like something a creepy man in his basement would say trying to groom someone. You don’t know me, why do you feel like you know how I would feel? Trying to convince me into transitioning by giving me compliments is really weird, that’s a tool of grooming (I know from my past). The fact that you can’t see a girl being happy existing as a person without restricting herself based on her sex or changing her appearance to be respected is a you problem.
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raybug-theradfem · 3 days
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raybug-theradfem · 3 days
how fake "gender is fake and gender binary is dead" mfs look when the real gender abolitionists feminists come at them
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raybug-theradfem · 3 days
Plastic plants are plants. Period. And they need sunlight, dirt and water to be validated. Stop reducing plants to their parts not everyone is constantly spreading their seeds or being cross pollinating bee sluts.
Dont be a perf (plastic exclusionary radical farmer)
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raybug-theradfem · 3 days
You can't even say that men wrote laws that oppressed women throughout history without someone trying to make it up to be transphobic
You're called a terf for addressing the patriarchy
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raybug-theradfem · 3 days
I’m thinking about the Sphinx again WHERE HIS NOSE?? WHO TOOK IT??? WHY???? WHERE IS ITTTT???
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raybug-theradfem · 3 days
One of the things that makes arguing with men so much more draining than arguing with women is the unequal distribution of credibility and contribution.
Somehow, whenever I argue with men, it always falls upon me to both prove my own claims, and to disprove his, while he does neither; his only obligation seemingly to dole out whatever ungrounded assertions he conjures up on the spot. Somehow, it is always wordlessly established that anything I say is false until proven true, while anything he says is true until proven false.
This same dynamic happened again over on tiktok, when a man claimed women are just as violent as men. Automatically, almost as if by muscle memory, I offered up the usual statistics on male depravity: men constituting 99% of rapists, 99% of mass shooters, 98% of killers, 95% of serious domestic abusers. And his only response was to say those statistics were wrong. No elaboration; wrong simply because he said so.
I already knew how the entire conversation would pan out: I’d give him my source, he’d find a reason to discredit the source, then I’d scour the internet to find a source that suited his standards, which he’d inevitably find a reason to discredit too.
So instead I simply said, “Prove the statistics are wrong.” And that was the only thing I responded with henceforth: prove it, prove I’m wrong, prove you’re right. Thus reversing the dynamics and positing that anything I said was true unless he demonstrated otherwise; unduly putting all the onus on him while I did nothing other than decide whether he was convincing me of claims thoroughly enough—and if he wasn’t, it just meant I was winning, of course.
He blocked me, and so far so have all the other men I’ve used this approach on. I don’t know whether it’s because they couldn’t actually disprove my claims or because they couldn’t stand to be treated the same way they treat women in debates. But I think more women should do this. Stop wasting energy proving your points to men, and start making them prove theirs to you.
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