ratgirlt850 ¡ 3 months
Spider man T290
Chapter 3: son of red earth
A world where evil runs rampant through a futuristic city. Miguel o hara now older has a one last attempt at saving the world from destruction builds a robot, Adam walker to go back in time to the year 1995 and stop the creation of alchmex. Read this story where spider man meets terminator and the fight for Justice.
“Shut up Lyla.” Miguel barked
“I’m trying to work on this and you won’t stop talking.”
Lyla gave Miguel an odd look and tilted her head.
“I’m only trying to help maybe if you would listen to me you would see why I’m talking.”
She gave Miguel a bit of attitude and was clearly annoyed that she was being ignored.
Miguel sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“What? What is so important?”
He looked up at the little hologram.
“There was another rip.”
Miguel sighed once more.
“Big deal it’s nothing new.”
Lylas expression darkened.
“Oh but this is”
She pulled up a screen that showed a black mass glitching almost like a black hole that started sucking things into it. However this wasn’t what was new. The part that had Lyla concerned was what was coming out of it.
Miguel watched in horror he knew that this was getting out of hand.
“That bastard.”
Miguel gritted his teeth almost grinding them together.
The black hole had beams of darkness sporadically shooting out of it. When an unsuspecting person was caught in it their body started mutating into something unrecognizable.
The “person” then walked around like a zombie.
“I’ve done a little research to figure out what’s going on but haven’t found a lot.”
Lyla made the screen disintegrate in thin air.
“When did this happen?”
Miguel asked in a solemn voice.
“Around 2:30 pm.”
“Has there been any others like this?”
“Only one more.”
Miguel stood up putting his hands at his sides. He walked over to the window to look out of it.
“This city.. there’s no saving it.”
Lyla tried to interfere.
“Well that’s not true migu-.”
He looked at her with an expression less face.
“I’m old Lyla. I can’t keep saving this city. Like me its foundation is crumbling and it’s going to give out soon.”
“But there has to be something we can do right?”
since Lyla never grew old she still had that optimistic out look and her same youthful smile that made it feel like everything was fine.
Miguel looked at her and grinned she was so naïve but yet that’s what he liked. He wished he still had that quality to him but he lost that a long long time ago.
“Maybe Lyla. Maybe I am old and maybe this city is a lost cause but we still have to try.”
She smiled at him. Even In a time like this there was a sense of confidence, hope.
There was still hope, and that’s all they needed.
The days passed and Miguel and Lyla gathered as much information they could about these “rips”. They were fairly common before they had been popping up for a couple years now and Miguel was worried about them it showed that the universe was unstable and was being tampered with. But as time went by they weren’t that harmful so he put it on the back burner. They would sometimes suck leaves or light things like paper but not too dangerous. He obviously still was very concerned but so much happens in Nueva York it wasn’t the most outrageous.
The rips had evolved now and shot out quick bolts of dark matter. when they hit something it would mutate. What Miguel hypothesis was it caused severe cancer. When something got mutated it would grow more limbs, eyes, mouths, tumors and other things that were not just from cancer. They would have abilities not very good abilities but none the less it was something. One for example could be when a person who was mutated (which Lyla calls them stumblers since they often fell due to the disformidades) had the power to vomit acidic bile that burned holes through the ground. They thought it could just be another thing but they started to feel calculated. Miguel had already known who’s doing this all was. Of course the man who stole his arm and now is stealing his city. Truthfully the city was never Miguel’s but he felt he had a right to it. Tyler was a physco so this wouldn’t be far out for him. And for Some reason even though Miguel was old about 60 Tyler still looked in his 50s which would make no sense since he is about 20 years older than Miguel so he probably increases his life span. This was all his fault. Tyler must have been cooking up something to take over Nueva York once and for all and what was that you may ask? Turning everyone into hideous mutated zombies.
The zombies couldn’t be cured as what they tested. Nothing could fix what they had became so they put them out of their misery. Thankfully these zombies couldn’t spread the mutation but did cause severe illness to some exposed to them.
These things were awful and it was only the beginning.
One day while they were thinking of things to do Miguel when had the realization.
When Miguel looked at the records and did the math he understood he could of never stopped alchmex he could of never stopped Tyler. But with that sad realization came an idea. If he couldn’t stop him some one else could. That someone would be an organic robot that would go all the way back when the very idea of alchmex had not been thought of.
Miguel knew the risk of time travel how it bends the rules but if Tyler can then both can play that game.
Miguel spent months only working on the robot he had only gotten the skeleton done when a year had already passed. He was running out of time he had to work faster. Lyla tried to help as much as possible but in the end it was Miguel who had to do it.
He had to make advanced organic parts which was extremely difficult. He used DNA and grew working muscles and limbs with his DNA spliced with a few other people that had strong genes.
He then had to code the robot Lyla helped with that part she definitely added a few of her own touches. Miguel wanted him to be straight to the point and on par with the mission but Lyla gave him a sense of humor.
The robot had almost been finished after 3 years they had incredible progress but still they weren’t working fast enough. The rips kept a getting more frequent and more and more people were mutated. People in constant fear and distress. Government powerless. Tyler stone stood above it all happily watching the chaos he sprung upon the city. Miguel had coded for the robot to find the creator of alchmex and to kill them.
This may be brutal but it’s the only way.
He had programmed a strict mission that the robot would follow and not to get caught up in any antics that had no involvement in stopping alchmex.
Miguel had looked through the past and pin pointed the person he then found an apartment in the time frame the robot could stay in. He also found the school the person had gone to and coded to enroll him into it. Once Miguel had pressed the button to send him everything would set into place.
But for now it was just coding.
All this time they now had a fully working robot that had a highly intelligent ai with a full personality so not to bring attention. His memory was erased every time they turned him on so that when it was time to leave he would not have any other information than what was given to him.
After all this time Miguel forgot a very important thing. His name.
Of course he had to enroll him in school but he just used a last name.
For some reason he just couldn’t think of one until he had been in a library.
One of the old dusty books was an old religious book. Miguel was by all means not religious but he picked it up and flipped through the pages.
This book was an older religion that fizzled out like 50 years ago. Some still practice it but not many. The book was the Bible. Miguel had read through it and found something that peaked his interest.
“Adam. Son of red earth.”
“Adam a new beginning.” “The first man.”
He liked that.
He liked something that was a fresh start.
Like God had shaped Adam from the earth with his hands Miguel shaped this robot with his. This robot would be the first to have traveled from the future. He would be the new beginning to stop chaos.
“Adam” Miguel said under his breath.
hi! It’s been a bit. Loved writing this chapter actually get to let you guy in one what happening lol. This is only the start and I have a lot of ideas. Please!!! Let me know what you guys think❤️ also I won’t to put out there that I’m not Christian and I’m not using this to offend anyone because that is a valid religion I just thought the idea was cool.��️ anyways… hope y’all liked it!😸😽💋
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ratgirlt850 ¡ 3 months
A world where evil runs rampant through a futuristic city. Miguel o hara now older has a one last attempt at saving the world from destruction builds a robot, Adam walker to go back in time to the year 1995 and stop the creation of alchmex. Read this story where spider man meets terminator and the fight for Justice.
Chapter 2: the beginning of the end
It’s hard to calculate the out come of the future and for Miguel o hara it was even more so.
So many times he had failed by doing what he thought was right.
How many mistakes it takes to become better.
But Miguel was strong and stubborn.
He had known from the beginning of his career as spider man that alchmex was not to be messed with. He knew the corrupt inner workings of the company. Since Miguel had once worked there himself and the hell it was to get out. Alchmex was definitely evil but was it to the extent that anyone even Miguel could imagine? Yes.
The horror stories, the abductions, murders and even government corruption. This place had the whole city of Nueva York wrapped around its finger. Including police and politicians. But the real trouble was when it started to spread. More alchmexs in different cities. Miguel had worked for alchmex when it just started to spread, he had worked there for many years trying to ignore the atrocities but he just couldn’t do it and ended up paying for it. He had become what he is known for today but at what cost. Miguel knew that he had to stop alchmex before it was too late so while he tried to do other missions even big ones like containing the multiverse his main goal was always to stop alchmex. It didn’t help that the new universes meant more alchmexs but he carried on. He would get big leads and would slowly make progress but it wasn’t enough, nothing was ever enough.
Over the years he had grown tired and stormed into Tyler stones office.
Tyler was the head of it all he knew all and seen all. Of course Miguel knew this he wasn’t that stupid to just walk in, there were precautions. His plan was to kidnap him and make him confess to everything. This plan was stupid in the long run. Miguel left this battle with half a arm. That was the first piece of the amazing Spider-Man 2099s downfall.
Tyler stone was smart he knew how to get to Miguel. Making him feel less than or dumb. Making him feel like a failure.
Tyler was fond of him in his own sick twisted way. He knew that he was Spider-Man he was fascinated by the mutation Miguel went through and He wanted to replicate it.
Miguel’s arm was a set back. He had to learn to live without it and had to create his own mechanical arm. It took years to perfect. So much energy sucked from him he even took a break as spider man for 10 months. Miguel had come to liking the process though, he liked making something that will be used every day, It felt important.
He eventually got back into the swing of things but was never really the same. He spent many hours, years trying to figure out a way to stop alchmex from whatever it’s planning to do.
Somehow the seasons blended together and Miguel found himself old. A life of chasing things that were out of his control. His limbs were too weak to fight like he used to. His back ached and cracked, his old mechanic arm weathered. He was fading away and he couldn’t stop what alchmex was becoming. Whatever he did it always advanced. He knew then that he could have never stopped it. That it’s wasn’t ever HIS job to do. By the time Miguel was born alchmex was already too powerful. So he had a plan. A plan that would stop alchmex before it was ever created…
hi!! Omg if you read this chapter thank you😽 sorry for the cliff hanger hopefully you’ll tune in for the next chapter! Let me know in the comments how u guys like it! I love feed back. Thank you again have a lovely day 😊😽❤️
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ratgirlt850 ¡ 3 months
A world where evil runs rampant through a futuristic city. Miguel o hara now older has a one last attempt at saving the world from destruction builds a robot, Adam walker, to go back in time to the year 1995 and stop the creation of alchmex. Read this story where spider man meets terminator and the fight for Justice.
Chapter one: the first night
A flash of light, bright swirling colors fills the void. A rip in time and space opens to an alley way.
It’s cold and wet…
The rain pouring down on my shoulders, running down my back.
For the first time I felt.
My body shuddered. I wrapped my arms around myself for cover.
The water drops dampened my hair and I reached for my watch to give myself clothes. The black hoodie and baggy pants slowly formed around me, giving me some shelter from the cold. I don’t like the cold for it being my first feeling it’s not my favorite.
The hoodie and pants slowly got soaked too. Not much help. I needed to find my living quarters. There is supposed to be a small apartment I can live in. It’s in the program. I tap my watch and then a blue pathway appears in front of me. I follow the pathway into the side walk. As I was walking something hit my side. “Use your eyes asshole”. A middle aged man said with a scowl on his face. I ignored it since it wasn’t in my program to acknowledge this person. A quick scan could tell me he was not important to the mission. So I looked away from him setting my gaze back onto the blue line.
I follow it down the street where many people bumped and pushed me. Cars honking and splashing the side walk with rain. People running to escape the cold.
Many things to scan and discover but I couldn’t be bothered I needed to focus on the blue line.
A women looks at me she is wearing an unusual outfit that barely covers herself. She shows to be 26 from my scans. No income. She grabs my shoulder and calls me to follow that if I had money. I shrugged the woman off and followed on my path. A little while and I had made it to my destination. A small apartment that had no residency except for an old couple at the bottom. I would move in here and stay for as long as this mission takes. money had already been sent to the landlord so there should be no problems. I walk to the door and see that the door nob was old and rusted. The whole apartment looked that way. As I opened the door the carpet was stained with so many different substances.
Chocolate milk, Pepsi, pizza, tea, coffee, paint, mud and the list goes on. It was a dark green rug that laid on the dusty wooden floor. As I stepped in, the floor creaked. I looked around surveilling my surroundings. I noticed the overflowing mail box and the empty ones next to it. I zoomed in to get a closer look at some of the letters. New York Times Magazine, bills, Christmas catalogs. I looked to my left to see what appears to be the old couples door. An old reef hanging from it pine needles shedding on the ground.
The flight of stairs peaked my interest next I took a few more steps into the apartment closing the door behind me. I took a hold of the railing climbing up the stairs. A door painted a dark green to match the dark green rug. The hinges rusted. I pressed my watch to get the key. the key materializes hovering above my watch slowly forming. As it finishes the key hovers waiting for me to take it as I do the luminescent glow fades and leaves me with a plain dirty key.
As I unlock the door I am faced with a dingy room that I can only guess is the living room.
A kitchen is off to the side that holds a fridge, sink, and oven. I won’t really need any of them. A short hall way leads to a room. In the room was a bathroom but I won’t be needing that either.
I step towards the window and watched.
I have nothing to do for this first night so I will spend the time gathering information.
As I watch the busy street the rain softens but the city does not.
My mission starts tomorrow.
Thank you so much for reading!!! This is my first story so I know I can improve in my writing skills I never really was good at English lol. But I hope my story is still enjoyable.
This is the first chapter it doesn’t go into too much detail about before he was sent but that will happen. Miguel isn’t the main character of the story I also want to put that out there my oc is. I will be doing a drawing of my Adam some time so u guys can get a feel of what he looks like too! This is inspired by the terminator and of course the spider man movies. I really love both of these series so I thought it would be cool to mix them! Anyways sry for yapping hope u enjoyed!! 😽❤️
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