this was so…………..
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Hands: a Frank Iero x Reader one shot
hello everyone!! I hope you enjoy this quick little one shot inspired by Frank’s hands (i love them and can watch him play for HOURS) anyway, this is just plotless smut so 18+ only! feel free to send requests to inspire me for more little one shots (smut/fluff/angst) they may take a while or maybe not happen but i promise i will TRY MY HARDEST!!! without further ado
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If there was one thing about Frank you loved, it was his hands. You loved every tattooed inch of him, but his hands especially. You could watch him play his guitar for hours, watching his fingers move skillfully down the neck of his guitar. These were the hands that would hold your head still as he planted kisses all over your face. The same hands that would hold yours in time of anxiety or slap your ass gently while he moved by you in the kitchen.
“I love your hands.” You hum, he’s sitting beside you, arm wrapped around your chest. His hand resting on your sternum, his thumb was mindlessly running over your skin. He’s watching football… “soccer” his attention is set there. He chuckles lightly, his eyes not moving from the screen as he gently runs his fingers up to your chin. His hands were unusually soft for a guitar player, though calloused in some spots his hands were always soft and warm.
Your eyes flutter shut as he tilts your chin toward him. His lips move to yours, kissing you softly for a few moments before turning his attention back to the screen. A lazy smile of his lips as he focuses on the players, the ball.
One kiss and your head was spinning, and you craved more of him. Your hand wrapped around his, bringing his fingers up to your mouth. Your lips wrap around his thumb, and you use your teeth to gently take over his finger before sucking around him, and humming.
He lets out a hitched breath, and chuckles, “Needy.” You giggle because you know you are, and he nods for you. “C’mere.” he murmurs, pulling you into his lap, your back resting against his warm chest. His lips your temple and neck.
Your head nestles between his head and shoulder, as you melt into him, one hand pulling your knees open, the other gently running up your chest, his fingertips grazing your neck as they find your lips. You whimper because you’re impatient, and your lips fall open as he gently runs his fingers over your bottom lip, almost mindlessly. Another low chuckle from his lips as he rubs his forefinger and middle finger over your soft lips.
“Open,” he instructs, his breath on your ear sends shivers down your spine and you don’t know if he means your legs or your mouth so you do both and he giggled, “Good.” His middle and forefinger slip into your mouth running over your tongue and slipping back out too quickly for your liking, some of your spit coating his fingers as you whine. He lets out a quick laugh in the form of a breath and slides the same fingers back into your mouth and this time you wrap your lips around them, sucking on them with a moan vibrating your throat.
He slips his fingers back out and you gasp, as he moves his hand down to the waistband of the pants you had on. He slips his hand under and you bite on your lips as his slick fingers slide down your center, already wet with your arousal. His other hand reaches across your stomach and up to your chest rising and falling as your head falls back onto his shoulder, your chin tilting up.
“You like my hands?” He muses his lips tracing your earlobe. Your mouth falls open as he slides two fingers into you with ease, a harsh breath flying from your mouth as he curls them inside of you. “I’ll take that as a yes?” He teases, slowly pumping them in and out of you.
“Fuck yes.” You moan. He slides them out, and you gasp at the emptiness you feel. Your eyes follow his hands as he brings his fingers up to his own mouth and sucks them, the sight makes you throb as he moans.
“I love how you taste.” He says, before his lips press into yours, hard. You can taste yourself as his tongue dips into your mouth and you feel his hand slipping back into your pants. Your thighs open wider for his fingers to sink back into you, making your jaw drop against his mouth. You shudder a moan as he begins slowly pumping his middle and forefingers in and out of you.
“Frank…” You moan, and he chuckles as he continues to fuck you with his fingers.
“I want to make a mess of you,” he growls, “right here in that pretty little underwear you’re wearing.” You whimper at his words as his arm tightens around you and his pace starts to pick up. Your hips move against his fingers and he moans as you grind against him. “Easy.” he chuckles.
As he pumps his fingers in and out of you, your eyes clenched shut and you shivered. His other hand came up and his fingers played with your bottom lip as you moaned loudly. His fingers entered your mouth again and you moaned as you sucked on them.
“That’s it…” He encourages, curling his fingers inside of you. You let out a muffled moan as he uses his thumb to roll over your clit. Your body shook at the new sensation and your eyes rolled back.
His fingers pull from your mouth, wet with your saliva you feel them dig into your skin on your chest as he pumps his fingers harder. his own breathing hitching in your ear as you press into him further. His teeth nip at your neck and your earlobe and you want to say his name but you cry out with a mess of jumbled letters and your voice shaking.
Frank chuckles, “You sure told me.” You want to swat at him for teasing you, but he’s holding you so tightly around him you can’t move much more than the involuntary trembling of your legs and grasping at his arms. Your nails digging into his soft skin, making him try harder to make you cum.
He knows you're close, he can feel your body shaking as your knees involuntarily close toward each other. He chuckles at that too, his hand on your chest reaching down to pull your thighs from closing around his wrist
“Keep ‘em open.” He growls in your ear and your only response is a whimper as your eyes squeeze shut. Your stomach starts to flip as your hips start to move toward his hand, rolling as you become more and more needy, your orgasm starting to build up faster with each passing second.
His free hand reached down, to take care of your clit as he continued to finger fuck you, your brows knitting together as your body grew hot. Your entire body trembling and shuddering against Frank as he worked harder to get you there.
“That’s right…” He murmured, “Let go.” His words were like a warm hug and you cried in response your mouth falling open and tears burning your eyes as you felt your orgasm start to peak, you couldn’t form any words if you wanted too, and the only words coming to mind were “fuck” and “Frank”.
The rest of the world went blurry and black as you let everything go. He gently slipped his fingers from you with ease as you gasped at the feeling. Still sensitive and soaking, he ran his fingers through your arousal and over your clit making you shake, and push at his hand and cause him to giggle.
“Fuck.” You sigh, trying to catch your breath feeling frank’s hands move up your waist you turn to face him, your lips pressing into his with force. He hummed as you kissed him deeply, your tongue dipping into his mouth as he tightened his arms around you. “I’ll let you watch your game now.” You chuckle, pulling away from him, and wriggling from his grip.
“Oh now I can watch the game.” He muses, as you stand up, wobbling on weak knees.
“Mhm.” You nod, “I need a shower and to change… thanks to you.”
He scoffs, “Thanks to me!?”
You giggle nodding and making your way toward the bathroom.
“I think I’ll pass on the game, a shower sounds good to me…” He quickly stands up to follow you.
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Hands: a Frank Iero x Reader one shot
hello everyone!! I hope you enjoy this quick little one shot inspired by Frank’s hands (i love them and can watch him play for HOURS) anyway, this is just plotless smut so 18+ only! feel free to send requests to inspire me for more little one shots (smut/fluff/angst) they may take a while or maybe not happen but i promise i will TRY MY HARDEST!!! without further ado
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If there was one thing about Frank you loved, it was his hands. You loved every tattooed inch of him, but his hands especially. You could watch him play his guitar for hours, watching his fingers move skillfully down the neck of his guitar. These were the hands that would hold your head still as he planted kisses all over your face. The same hands that would hold yours in time of anxiety or slap your ass gently while he moved by you in the kitchen.
“I love your hands.” You hum, he’s sitting beside you, arm wrapped around your chest. His hand resting on your sternum, his thumb was mindlessly running over your skin. He’s watching football… “soccer” his attention is set there. He chuckles lightly, his eyes not moving from the screen as he gently runs his fingers up to your chin. His hands were unusually soft for a guitar player, though calloused in some spots his hands were always soft and warm.
Your eyes flutter shut as he tilts your chin toward him. His lips move to yours, kissing you softly for a few moments before turning his attention back to the screen. A lazy smile of his lips as he focuses on the players, the ball.
One kiss and your head was spinning, and you craved more of him. Your hand wrapped around his, bringing his fingers up to your mouth. Your lips wrap around his thumb, and you use your teeth to gently take over his finger before sucking around him, and humming.
He lets out a hitched breath, and chuckles, “Needy.” You giggle because you know you are, and he nods for you. “C’mere.” he murmurs, pulling you into his lap, your back resting against his warm chest. His lips your temple and neck.
Your head nestles between his head and shoulder, as you melt into him, one hand pulling your knees open, the other gently running up your chest, his fingertips grazing your neck as they find your lips. You whimper because you’re impatient, and your lips fall open as he gently runs his fingers over your bottom lip, almost mindlessly. Another low chuckle from his lips as he rubs his forefinger and middle finger over your soft lips.
“Open,” he instructs, his breath on your ear sends shivers down your spine and you don’t know if he means your legs or your mouth so you do both and he giggled, “Good.” His middle and forefinger slip into your mouth running over your tongue and slipping back out too quickly for your liking, some of your spit coating his fingers as you whine. He lets out a quick laugh in the form of a breath and slides the same fingers back into your mouth and this time you wrap your lips around them, sucking on them with a moan vibrating your throat.
He slips his fingers back out and you gasp, as he moves his hand down to the waistband of the pants you had on. He slips his hand under and you bite on your lips as his slick fingers slide down your center, already wet with your arousal. His other hand reaches across your stomach and up to your chest rising and falling as your head falls back onto his shoulder, your chin tilting up.
“You like my hands?” He muses his lips tracing your earlobe. Your mouth falls open as he slides two fingers into you with ease, a harsh breath flying from your mouth as he curls them inside of you. “I’ll take that as a yes?” He teases, slowly pumping them in and out of you.
“Fuck yes.” You moan. He slides them out, and you gasp at the emptiness you feel. Your eyes follow his hands as he brings his fingers up to his own mouth and sucks them, the sight makes you throb as he moans.
“I love how you taste.” He says, before his lips press into yours, hard. You can taste yourself as his tongue dips into your mouth and you feel his hand slipping back into your pants. Your thighs open wider for his fingers to sink back into you, making your jaw drop against his mouth. You shudder a moan as he begins slowly pumping his middle and forefingers in and out of you.
“Frank…” You moan, and he chuckles as he continues to fuck you with his fingers.
“I want to make a mess of you,” he growls, “right here in that pretty little underwear you’re wearing.” You whimper at his words as his arm tightens around you and his pace starts to pick up. Your hips move against his fingers and he moans as you grind against him. “Easy.” he chuckles.
As he pumps his fingers in and out of you, your eyes clenched shut and you shivered. His other hand came up and his fingers played with your bottom lip as you moaned loudly. His fingers entered your mouth again and you moaned as you sucked on them.
“That’s it…” He encourages, curling his fingers inside of you. You let out a muffled moan as he uses his thumb to roll over your clit. Your body shook at the new sensation and your eyes rolled back.
His fingers pull from your mouth, wet with your saliva you feel them dig into your skin on your chest as he pumps his fingers harder. his own breathing hitching in your ear as you press into him further. His teeth nip at your neck and your earlobe and you want to say his name but you cry out with a mess of jumbled letters and your voice shaking.
Frank chuckles, “You sure told me.” You want to swat at him for teasing you, but he’s holding you so tightly around him you can’t move much more than the involuntary trembling of your legs and grasping at his arms. Your nails digging into his soft skin, making him try harder to make you cum.
He knows you're close, he can feel your body shaking as your knees involuntarily close toward each other. He chuckles at that too, his hand on your chest reaching down to pull your thighs from closing around his wrist
“Keep ‘em open.” He growls in your ear and your only response is a whimper as your eyes squeeze shut. Your stomach starts to flip as your hips start to move toward his hand, rolling as you become more and more needy, your orgasm starting to build up faster with each passing second.
His free hand reached down, to take care of your clit as he continued to finger fuck you, your brows knitting together as your body grew hot. Your entire body trembling and shuddering against Frank as he worked harder to get you there.
“That’s right…” He murmured, “Let go.” His words were like a warm hug and you cried in response your mouth falling open and tears burning your eyes as you felt your orgasm start to peak, you couldn’t form any words if you wanted too, and the only words coming to mind were “fuck” and “Frank”.
The rest of the world went blurry and black as you let everything go. He gently slipped his fingers from you with ease as you gasped at the feeling. Still sensitive and soaking, he ran his fingers through your arousal and over your clit making you shake, and push at his hand and cause him to giggle.
“Fuck.” You sigh, trying to catch your breath feeling frank’s hands move up your waist you turn to face him, your lips pressing into his with force. He hummed as you kissed him deeply, your tongue dipping into his mouth as he tightened his arms around you. “I’ll let you watch your game now.” You chuckle, pulling away from him, and wriggling from his grip.
“Oh now I can watch the game.” He muses, as you stand up, wobbling on weak knees.
“Mhm.” You nod, “I need a shower and to change… thanks to you.”
He scoffs, “Thanks to me!?”
You giggle nodding and making your way toward the bathroom.
“I think I’ll pass on the game, a shower sounds good to me…” He quickly stands up to follow you.
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I just want to say thank you to anyone that reads my writing here and sends requests and such! i’m sorry to be so inconsistent in my posting but i am thinking of writing all the time.
i’m currently working on 1: a zombie apocalypse au style full length fic with original characters and mcr and 2. a frank hands smutty one shot
if you’re interested in these let me know
thank you again <3
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hey everyone! i’ve been a bit busy but i have a few one shots i’m working on, as well as a request!! thank you for your patience!!!
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could we get a revenge era frank x fem!reader smut??
i was thinking how about after a long day of work (y/n) comes home and catches frank playing with himself then (y/n) basically just helps him finish
thank you!
AHHHH!! i love this idea so much. i love revenge era frank especially because nose and lip ring…. ok ok ok anyway i hope you enjoy this! i had fun writing it! it’s kind of short but i could take more requests or a part 2…. also…. idk i feel like Frank has switch energy so i kind of wrote him more subby here… anywayssssss
my usual disclaimer: this is fiction and for fun and never meant for Frank’s eyes irl. 18+ smut ahead!!
revenge era frank x reader!
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It was a long day, you couldn’t get out the door of your job fast enough, the drive home felt like it lasted hours, but as you pulled up to your apartment you felt relief washing over you. You were happy to be home and happy to know that Frank was home waiting for you. You found it odd when you got through the door he wasn't on the couch, strumming his guitar as he usually was. The apartment was quiet and as you made your way down the hall toward your room that’s when you heard… whimpering. For a moment you had a flash of worry, but you held back a grin as you realized it was just frank.
You felt your body light ablaze as you quietly got to the door, just slightly ajar where he laid on the bed. You couldn’t take your eyes off him, he was a beautiful sight to see. His long bangs covered some of his face and his eyeliner was smudged. His eyelashes pressed against his cheeks, pink and exasperated. His bottom lip clamped between his teeth, as he let out a squeaky whine. His head tilted back as he stroked himself at a steady pace. This time his mouth fell open, a high pitched moan spilled from his lips. His pretty pink lips. You slowly opened the door, and shut it behind you as you watched him.
“Fuck.” He panted, his eyes opening to you, like he knew you were there. “I’m s—“ He stopped stroking himself, and you shook your head.
“Don’t stop.” You hummed, and he knit his brows, a smile spreading across his lips as he spit in his hand. “Couldn’t wait for me to get home?” You mused as he slowly stroked his erection, his emerald eyes now fixed on you. He shook his head. “But you were thinking of me, right?” You asked, and he nodded tilting his chin up as he whined again.
You kissed him, gently at first but when you pulled away you got your shirt off, when your lips returned to his it was harder. Your teeth taking across his bottom lip, lip ring and all. He whimpered, his eyes still fixed on you.
“So impatient and needy.” You hum against his lips, before kissing his neck, the scorpion tattoo. His breath hitching audibly, you sink your teeth into his skin. Another moan escaping his lips. “Let me help you.” You whisper in his ear and he nods, as your hand finds his slick erection. You wrap your hand around him, slowly stroking as he leaned back on both of his hands. Your lips found his again, as you continued to pump him his breathing ragged. “Tell me how much you missed me.”
“So fucking much.” He cries, “I missed you so fucking much.”
“Good.” You smirk, your mouth finding his neck again.
“Fuck.” He moans, and you smirk again.
“Tell me how badly you want me to wrap my lips around you.” You coo.
“Fuck, please.” He begs. “Please.” Through gritted teeth and you slow your stroke even more. He thrusts into your hand and you giggle.
“Needy boy.” You tease. “I don’t believe you.”
“Please, Y/N.” Your eyes find him, and you raise your eyebrows. You wait. “Please use your mouth, please.” he begs, restless beneath you and you smirk, sinking to the bottom of your bed, your hand never leaving his cock. Your tongue finding his shaft you swipe a hot wet strip of saliva and he already whimpers. You look at him again.
“Tell me again.” You say. “Beg for it.”
“Please, wrap your lips around me.” He nearly cries. You don’t make him ask again, your lips wrapping around him as you slowly take him back into your throat with a moan. His own moan falling out in the form of a cry. You slowly bobbed your head, your eyes finding him as you sucked him back as far as you could take. Your eyes tearing up as you watched his head fall back, his eyes falling shut, his mouth falling open. You sucked off of him stroking as you took a breath.
You sucked him back into your throat again, his body starting to tremble as you moaned and sucked him into the back of your throat. Your eyes landed on him again, so pretty his face red, his pierced lip trembling you loved to have him at your mercy. Loved to see him unraveling beneath you. You could tell he was close, already since he started without you. You suck back off him again.
“Where do you want to cum, baby?” You ask, slowing your hands stroking him again.
“Fuck…” This moan is more guttural and you can feel him shaking. “Swallow it.” He moans, “Please.” You don’t push this time, you just take him back into your mouth sucking and bobbing your head again. His moans become loose and ragged. “Fucking… fuck.” He cries, his head falling back, his body shaking, his hips bucking up into your mouth as his warm load poured out of him and down your throat. You swallowed it all, still sucking him as you let him ride out his orgasm.
“I’m home.” You giggle, before crawling up toward him. Kissing his lips again.
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Frank x Mikey x Fem!Reader
A/N: obviously this is completely fictional and doesn’t take into account their both married. it’s fiction and just for fun and never meant for their eyes. ANYWAY, SMUT with little storyline ahead: 18+ only minors dni!!!!!!! also if you have any one shot requests, send them to my inbox!!!! i’ll write for mikey or frank… or both ;) hahaha i also do fluff and take like one-shot prompts!! anyway my inbox is open!!!!
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It started off as a joke.
“At this point he might as well join us.” Frank chuckled, the two of you thought you locked the door before a quickie at a party, that’s when Mikey walked in, red-faced and wide-eyed he walked out.
It had been a long time rumor that mikey had a massive crush on you. Frank, your boyfriend was never bothered by it. In fact he enjoyed
teasing Mikey about it. You laughed it off but found it kind of endearing. Mikey was a sweetheart. Usually shy, he seemed to open up to you. He was smart and funny and always put a smile on everyone’s face. He was all around a good guy.
You knew the crush would pass when he found someone, eventually.
“What if I let him borrow you for one night?” Frank asked, seemingly as a joke.
“Let him borrow me?” You scoff, “I am not a library book.”
“No, I know.” Frank slapped his palm to his forehead. “I just mean like, maybe he can join us?” Your brows raised and you let out a chuckle.
“Do you want to fuck mikey too?” You muse and he sighs heavily. You grab his hand and assure him, whatever he wanted was fine with you. “What is the fantasy in your head?” You hum, genuinely curious, you climb into his lap. Your fingers tangle in his hair. He smiled at you.
You and Frank were always open books with each other. You could tell him anything without him thinking you were crazy and vice versa. You wanted him to be comfortable with you and you did your best to be open and honest with him
too. This conversation was like any normal conversation.
“Like he… can fuck you, but I’m there.” He explains. “But maybe I can help you too?” You giggle, but nod.
“Okay.” You shrug, “If you’re okay with it. If it’s what you want.”
“But are you okay with it?” He asks, “Is it something you want?”
“I think it’ll be fun to try something new, and with you.” You sigh, “As long as you’re there the whole time, because I love you.” He smiles, and nods, kissing your lips.
It was a few days later when you found yourself on the couch with Frank and Mikey. Really, everyone was invited but backed out at the last minute. You had excess food and refreshments to prove it. The talk you had about Mikey with Frank had been simmering in your brain for about a week, and neither of you acted on it. You wondered if this was your shot, and even though you didn’t discuss it with Frank, you wondered if it was the right time.
You laid against Frank as the movie played, and the dress you wore came up past your thighs as you yawned cuddling into frank. A tattooed hand finding your exposed thigh you hummed. You knew this caught Mikey’s attention and he shifted in his seat. You look up at Frank, who looks down at you and then at Mikey. Frank pulls you up to him, kissing you deeply, you giggle, as he tightly wraps his arms around you.
“You two are gross, get a room.” Mikey muses, and you both look at him.
“Care to join us?” Frank retorts. It catches Mikey off guard. He lets out a short laugh, his face turning red. He soon realizes that Frank wasn’t joking. His eyes went wide.
“You’re— You're serious?” He said more than asked.
“We are.” You say, climbing off of Frank you sit next to him. “If- if you’re comfortable with it.” Mikey’s eyes meet yours and you smirk, your hand reaching out to his hand gently squeezing it.
“You’re okay with this?” Mikey asks you.
“We both are.” you reach back to grab Frank’s hand pulling him closer to you.
“Fine, I’ll bite.” Mikey giggles, and you look back at Frank, his eyebrows raising he wrapped his arms around you, his chin sitting over your shoulder. “What’s the catch?”
“We didn’t discuss… rules...” Frank furrowed his brows, looking at you.
“Well one, Frank is going to be here… and he wants in.” You say.
“Okay.” Mikey nods, his eyes looking around the room. “Any other rules?”
“If any of us get uncomfortable it’s done and we just go about our business.” Frank says.
“Should we have a safe word?” Mikey asks.
“Yeah.” You nod, looking at Frank again.
“… Guitar.” Frank smirks, and you giggle but nod.
“It works.”
“Okay.” Mikey says, “I’m in.”
You feel your adrenaline start to pump, as you sit between the two guys. You were a little nervous, never having experienced something like this. Frank could see it.
“You okay?” He asks and you nod, because you were. His fingers come up to your chin, his thumb grazing your lip before he presses his lips to yours. You soften into the kiss but your hand comes out to reach for Mikey. You pull him toward you, as you gently pull away from Frank. Keeping your hand on Frank’s arm you turn toward Mikey, hesitantly you move into him.
Kissing Mikey was different from Frank. His lips felt different and the way they moved softly, carefully. His hand came up to the side of your face, his thumb running against your cheek as Frank’s tattooed hand ran down your arm gently, and you pulled him over to you, turning to kiss him.
You had never felt that before, but you liked it. Mikey seemed to like it too, the way his lips found your neck as you kissed Frank. Your breathing hitches as Mikey kisses you softly up your neck and behind your ear.
“Use your teeth.” Frank mumbles to Mikey, “She loves that.” You tilt your head back, giving Mikey more access to your neck. His kisses turn into his teeth sinking into your skin, your body flushing hot as you whine. “See that.” Frank chuckled.
“Fuck you.” You giggle, Leaning back into Frank as Mikey continues kissing and nibbling at your neck. Frank kisses the other side of your neck, your body melting into him the sensation of two mouths on your skit. Teeth sinking into you, tongues pressed against your skin, though not in the same rhythm your body ached for them.
Frank’s hands run down your body as his fingers gently run down your body, fingers hooking into your dress as Mikey made way for him to remove it completely off your head, leaving you exposed and you blushed as Frank pulled you into his lap. Your back pressed against his chest as his fingers made their way down your arms, as Mikey’s eyes admired you. You felt powerful, as his mouth practically watered at the sight of you.
You tilted your head back to look at Frank, his lips meeting yours, comforting. He kisses you deeply, one of his hands wrapping around your throat, not squeezing just holding you there as his tongue slipped into your mouth. You hummed as Mikey’s eyes watched the two of you, Frank’s hand slowly gripping around your throat making you whine as he kissed you hard. It may have been a territory move, but you loved it. He smirked down at you, knowing you’d let him have you any way he wanted.
“I bet you’re so wet for me— and mikey,” He muses, and you already know you are aching. Needing some relief. You nod, your eyes leaving his to find Mikey still admiring you, his pants already tight against his erection. Frank’s grip releases as you press back against his chest, his hands wrap around you, running down your exposed skin and running over your thighs. Your skin reacting faster than you do, goosebumps trailing in the wake of his fingertips. He runs his tattooed hand over your center, making your chest rise and fall heavier and you whimper at the slight touch.
“Fuck.” You cry, as his fingertips collect arousal and he tightens an arm around you to stay still. He slips a finger into you making you arch until he pulls you back down. He chuckles, darkly as he brings his fingers to your mouth. Your mouth falls open without instruction and he presses his fingers against your tongue as your lips wrap around his fingers. You moan, at the taste as he slowly slides them from your mouth.
“Tell mikey how much you want his mouth on you.” He growls in your ear, “How good you taste.”
“Please, Mikey.” You whimper. He practically
jumps toward you, and Frank giggles again.
“Take your time.” Frank hums, “Make her wait.” You groan, but can't move too much to strike him. His arm was still wrapped tightly around you. “Start with the spot next to her knee. Kiss. Bite.” Frank begins instructing Mikey exactly how you liked to be touched and he is a good student.
Mikey’s lips press against your calf, his pretty hazel eyes looking up at you helpless in Frank’s tight embrace. His lips move up to your knee, where he gently sinks his teeth into you. You cry out, your body needing more from him.
“Now her thighs.” Frank hums, kissing down your cheek to your shoulder. “Use some tongue, bite. harder.” He hums and you shiver at the words from Frank, knowing how much he knew you. Knew your body. What you liked. It was the hottest thing he’d ever done and you loved him for it. As Mikey's teeth sank into your thigh, hard. You moaned, melting further into Frank as he continued peppering kisses around your skin, on your neck and shoulders. Mikey was really taking his time, kissing, licking, and nipping at the skin on your thighs and it felt good, but you needed more relief. You bucked your hips toward him and he giggled looking up at you. He pulled off his own shirt and Frank giggled too.
“Please.” You shivered, and Mikey looked to Frank for further instruction.
“Please what?” Frank toyed with you, and you groaned again.
“Mikey, please.” You beg, and he smirks up at Frank again. Frank’s hand comes back up around your throat and his teeth nip at your ear making you cry out again.
“Tell him what you want.” Frank growls, “Tell him you want his tongue buried inside of you.” You can barely say the words, your breath escaping your lips at this side of Frank that you loved.
“Mikey… Please…” You whimper, “Please put your tongue inside of me.”
“Good girl.” Frank hums. He nods to Mikey who doesn't waste anymore time kissing from your thigh down to your center. His tongue dips into you and you gasp finally. Again, it’s different. It’s not Frank and your head tilts up to check on him and he’s watching intently. Mikey buries his tongue into you, like you asked before swiping up to your clit. His lips wrapping around you making you moan out, your hands wrapping around Frank's arm that was wrapped around you. Your nails dug into his tattooed skin, as Mikey worked at you. He began reading the signs of what you liked, and how your body reacted. He was like Frank in wanting to make you orgasm. He buried his tongue into you, his nose nudging at your clit as he moaned, the vibration making you shudder. Your knees snapping together like magnets, Mikey’s hands wrapping around and pulling them apart so he could continue working you. Your moans became involuntary, your mouth falling open as you felt your orgasm building deep in your tummy, your eyes clenched shut.
Frank could read you, he knew what was starting
to build and wrapped his fingers around your throat again, his teeth sinking into your shoulder as you began to shake.
“That’s it…” Frank mumbled, “She’s almost there.” Your head tilted back into Frank as Mikey’s tongue still worked tirelessly away. Your hips bucked up to him and Frank chuckled again. Your eyes squeezed tight as you felt your orgasm building, your body shaking. You moan loudly as you feel Mikey use his fingers, slowly pushing them to curl inside of you. “That’s right.” Frank hummed, “She loved that.” He giggled “Make her cum.” He says, “She’s right there.”
Mikey pumped his long fingers curling them to hit your spot, as his tongue worked your clit. His lips sucking at you as your arousal dripped and you cried. Having Frank’s lips on your neck, and Mikey’s on your clit made your brain freeze out, your sight blacking as your orgasm rolled out of you like it never had before. You shook and cried and mumbled curses that didn’t sound like real words at all. Mikey slowly pulling his fingers from you, you felt real tears welling in your eyes. You could pounce on him right now for what he did to you, and Frank too.
“Good girl.” Frank hummed, kissing you as you tried to catch your breath and stop your trembling. Your limbs were like jelly as Franks grip around you, loosened up letting you breathe. “Now it would be impolite to not thank him.” Frank cooed and you shook your head giggling. You slowly rose up to sit and pull Mikey toward you, your kiss sloppy but needy. You could taste yourself on his lips as you kissed him, your hands roaming his soft skin down his chest and arms, your hand landing on the erection he had. You looked to Frank for a go-ahead.
“Should I thank him properly?” You ask, and Frank’s smile spreads across his lips as he nods.
“Show him how good you are.” Frank smirks, and you sink down to your knees in front of Mikey. You don’t waste time getting his jeans unbuckled and off. Mikey was a good size, not huge but not small by any means. He was more thin than Frank but you didn’t care. You looked up at Mikey, who’s breathing hitched as you used your tongue to swipe a warm trail of spit up his erection. Your tongue swirling around the tip of his cock you watched him writhe beneath you, a smile spreading across your cheeks as you slowly sucked him into your mouth.
You could feel one of Frank’s hands gathering your hair, wrapping it around to hold it firmly as you sucked back off Mikey, making him gasp. You hummed as you sucked him back into your mouth, deeper this time moaning around him as his mouth fell open and he whimpered a high-pitched cry. This only encourages you to bob your head, taking him back into your throat until you gag but keep him there. Your eyes water but you bob your head until the saliva builds around him, slowly sucking back off of him, Frank’s hands guiding you. You repeat this, sucking him back, gagging, bobbing until you get some air. Spit runs down your chin and Frank moans at the sight of you. Your hand pulling him to kiss him sloppy and wet. He hums.
“Take your pants off too.” You say to Frank who drops your hair as you turn to work on Mikey some more. You take your time slowly bobbing your head, sucking and moaning around him. Mikey is already ready to cum by the time your hand wraps around Frank’s erection. You stroke Frank, using his own spit as lube.
“Look at him, let him see your pretty eyes.” Frank moans. “So fucking pretty with a cock in your mouth.” He groans. “Tell her, Mikey.” he says.
“Fuck.” Mikey moans, looking down at you, your eyes meeting his as you continue to suck him back. “So fucking beautiful.” he growls. “I’m close.” he whimpers.
“Where do you want to cum?” Frank asks. “She takes it back so well.” he compliments, “But she’ll be good and take it anywhere.”
“Swallow it.” Mikey moans, “Swallow it like a good girl.” His words turn you on, your body warm again. You can feel yourself starting to get wet again. You continue sucking him until you feel his cock twitching in your mouth. Frank’s own moans from your hand still working him, a talent you never knew you had.
Mikey’s orgasm came as his mouth fell open, his head falling back. His words are not making sense and you smile proudly as you swallow his cum down your throat. You watch as he shakes beneath you, but want to get over to Frank. You crawl over and wrap your lips around him, replacing your hand with your mouth and Frank moans as you swallow him back. He bucks his hips up and you gag on him but don’t move back. He’s needy and impatient and you want to make him cum, reward him for being him.
Frank was wider but your mouth fit him, you swallowed him back into your throat with no time to waste moaning around him as your eyes fell shut. This was familiar and you felt Mikey’s hands running through your hair, gathering it back out of your face and you hummed. You bobbed your head around Frank as he whimpered and shifted beneath you. You loved having this power, your saliva pooling in your mouth as you sucked off him breathing as you used your hands to stroke him.
“Fuck.” Frank grunted, and you smiled up at him before sucking him back into your throat again. You moaned around him, holding him in the back of your throat for a few seconds before you gagged and moved to suck him again and again. You could tell he was close, his growls turning into high-pitched cries. He began thrusting up into you, and you let him fuck your mouth because it felt good. He came with a loud grunt, his thrusts slowing but consistent as you took back his cum as you did Mikey’s, with a smile on your face. You could feel your jaw was weak now but you still jumped up to land kisses on Frank.
“Now go get on our bed.” Frank says, “So Mikey can fuck you, proper.” You can feel the ache in your center as you stood up, needing to be fucked. You quickly made your way with both men following behind you, you crawled onto the bed, and laid back. As exposed as you were, you felt comfortable and reached for Frank as he crawled toward you. His lips crashed into yours as Mikey joined on the other side.
“So wet for me.” Mikey’s voice surprised you. He was usually soft spoken and quiet so to hear his dirty talk enthralled you. Frank grinned up at him as you opened your legs.
“Look at her. So needy.” Frank teases and you swat at him. He takes your wrist and pins it down, devilish grin across his lips. “Make her wait.”
“Frank!” You spat and he raised his eyebrows. His response was a hard kiss, his teeth nipping at your bottom lip.
“Tease her with your cock.” Frank says, darkly. “Make her beg for it.” You wiggle to try and swat at Frank again, but he’s pinning you down as Mikey smirks, holding his cock in hand, his thumb moving up your wet center. It’s agonizing as he runs his thumb over your clit slowly. You whine, needing more than that. He trades his thumb for the tip of his erection, rubbing it through your slick arousal his teeth clamping into his bottom lip. You cry out again and Frank chuckles.
“Please.” You beg, and Frank’s fingertips run over your chin and up your cheek. Mikey smirks, but doesn’t fold… Frank’s best student. He continues teasing you, his cock gliding up toward your clit as you whimper. Your hips buck toward him and he presses your hips down into the mattress as he dips two fingers into you. You cry out again, your head falling back into the pillow. Mikey pumps his fingers slowly in and out of you. You could tell he was a bass player, and he was playing with you.
“Is she ready?” Frank asks, looking down at you and then at your legs spreading further apart.
“I think she is.” Mikey smirks.
“Please.” You beg again, “Mikey I need you inside of me.” your words send Mikey’s cheeks blazed red and Frank hums against your temple.
“That’s my girl.” He hums, and you reach for Frank’s hand.
Mikey is careful, gently sliding his cock into you. You feel every inch as you gasp at the feeling, Frank’s fingers gently brushing over your hair and down your cheeks. He looks down at you and kisses you again. Your mouth falling open as Mikey thrusts, a little harder than expected. You moan, Frank smiling as he pulls away to nip at your neck again.
Mikey’s fingers dig into your skin as he drops his head back, feeling you warm around him. He grunts as he slowly slides out, but back into you with more force.
“Fuck.” Your voice is low, Frank giggles knowing you liked that, really liked that.
After a few slow thrusts Mikey begins to pick up the pace, rocking his small hips into you in a more even pace. Your breathing unsteady as he picks up a rhythm and it feels so fucking good, your grip on Frank tightens. Your lips tremble, as you feel pleasure washing over you. Your body is warm as he holds you down to fuck you relentlessly into the mattress.
Frank’s hand runs down your chest and rubs your clit as Mikey pounds into you, his own moans mixing with yours. You whimper and cry in Frank's arms as he helps build up your orgasm. You feel it coming, and you can tell Mikey is close too. His thrusting became more haphazard and out of sync. He’s needy, he wants to cum but more than that he wants you to cum. You start to feel it building more, your knees starting to pull inward around Mikey’s waist and Frank’s hand still working you.
“Keep your legs fucking open.” Frank growls, and you whimper but obey his words. Mikey whimpers, and you can feel him twitch inside of you. He’s just about there, and Frank knows it too. “Where do you want it?” Frank asks, and your words are inaudible.
“I’m—“ Mikey whimpers, “I’m close.” His brows furrowed together and your hands grip the sheets on your bed.
“Tell him where you want him cum.” Frank demands in a raspy growl.
“Cum… in… me.” You whimper, crying out as Mikey thrusts deeply into you, falling forward as you let your own orgasm roll out. Your legs shaking again, Frank hadn’t stopped rubbing your clit and you cried out as you felt Mikey’s warm load fill you. You shook as you came right after him, slowly he pulled from you.
“A fucking mess.” Frank chuckles, as Mikey lays beside you, your hand coming up to rest on his chest as he catches his breath. You try and catch yours but Frank’s lips are on your shoulder and down your chest. You shiver and giggle at how sensitive your entire body is. Your hands find his hair as his head dips lower. You whimper when his tongue is swiping over your sensitive clit.
“Frank!” You moan, already over-stimulated. He chuckles, against your thigh before licking at you. “Frank.” You whimper, your legs already shaking again.
“Do you think you can handle another one?” Frank asks, and you nod. “Turn around.” He smirks, and you oblige turning over, and pushing your ass up toward him. His hands pull your hips over to him and you giggle briefly before you feel his cock lined up with your slick center. You brace yourself for him to slide into you, and as he does you gasp your head burying into the sheets.
Frank gasps, his own head falling back at how good you feel around him. He thrusts into you fiercely as you arch your back, your hands tightly gripping the sheets. You feel a hand tangling in your hair gripping it back and you know it’s Frank because Mikey is in front of you watching. His own hand stroking his erection as Frank pounds into
“Tell Mikey how much you miss his cock inside of you.” Frank groans, and you moan in response. His hand comes down hard against your ass as you whimper. “Look at him and tell him.” Frank growls.
“Fuck…” You cry, but your eyes flash up to Mikey’s “Mikey, I miss your cock inside of me” you manage through gritted teeth as Frank roughly fucks into you.
“Good girl.” He commends through gritted teeth, just like yours.
From already being sensitive, you're close to an orgasm, and you want to hold out for Frank. You moan again, your eyes clenching shut the feeling of Frank fucking you into the mattress leaves you reeling. Your body is on fire as he stays relentlessly in sync with you, and his grip on your hair loosens so his hands are free to grip your hips tightly. He dug his fingers into your skin and you struggled to catch your breath, your head falling back into the bed as your mouth fell open.
“Look at him.” Frank grunts, “Show him how much of a mess we’ve made you.” His words melt into moans and you know he’s close to his orgasm. Your eyes struggle to find Mikey, exhausted from the night, you weakly raise your head and find him. His eyes are on you as he continues to stoke himself his teeth biting his bottom
lip so hard it’ll bleed.
You can feel your own orgasm starting to come, as Frank’s thrusts become harder and slow, hitting your spot. You could feel yourself starting to unravel. Frank used a hand to reach around and pull you up against him, with one arm he holds you up and the other reaches down to your clit, your body shaking as he rubbed slowly making you whimper.
“Fuck!” You cry, your eyes finding
Mikey again, his own cum starting to spill over down his shaft. It was the hottest thing you’ve ever gotten to be a part of and the sight of him unraveling over you made you melt. Your mouth falling open, as your own orgasm started to warm your entire body. Your head went dizzy, your body giving out as Frank finished inside of you making you moan again, weakly. He gently lets you lay back onto the bed, his lips kissing down your back making you shiver, your eyes falling shut as he slowly pulls his cock from you. You gasp at the feeling and he gently runs his fingers over your back. You sigh.
Frank helps you clean up, and as always he’s sweet. His lips gently pressed against your forehead and lips before he grabbed some of your favorite comfy clothes from your drawers. You knew you’d be sore tomorrow, but it was worth it. Mikey was sweet too, asking how you were.
“That was fun.” You sighed and giggled laying between both of them on your bed.
“Should we do this again, sometime?” Frank asked and you chuckled looking at Mikey for what he thought. He nodded, quickly, causing you all to giggle.
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OKAY but i just wrote a Frank x Mikey x Fem Reader one shot thing….. smut……. um is anyone interested 😂
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hello, there :} i was hoping you could write a prompt for the "you can't see me" line...with matt ♥️ but; it is him who says that. please, let me drown in the angst.......
thank you so much for this prompt!!! I hope this is what you hoped for! <3
It had been days. You hadn’t seen Matt. Not in the office, not at the bar, and he hasn’t been answering your calls. You heard enough excuses and lies for a lifetime that you decided to go directly to the source. You ended up at his apartment door. You stood there for a while contemplating barging in, your heartbeat skipping as you straighten yourself out. It was only Matt. The same sweet man you had started to get to know a few months ago. He didn’t have a hostile bone in his body.
You knocked softly at first, a few seconds passing you by until you tried again.
Matt knew from the moment you entered the building you were there. Your perfume was his first clue, your quiet words to yourself were just an extra proof. He could hear you debating on leaving, he heard your nervous heart race. He felt terrible to make you stand outside his door like that, but he couldn’t let you see him. Not like that.
“‘M-Matt.” Your voice faltered and you silently cursed yourself. “Please answer me.”
Matt stood on the opposite side of the door, his own guilt gnawing at him from the inside out. He could tell you were worried, and he hated to hide.
“I’m okay.” His voice softly seeped through the door, and you felt a tinge of relief soak over your body as you heard his voice.
“Just let me in, I just wanna see you.” Your words left your throat faster than you can stop them, you waited for a reply. It took time to come, it felt like so much time he passed until he spoke again.
“You can't see me.” He said softly, his forehead pressing against the door.
A double meaning.
Matt was battered, to say the least. He was bruised, dried blood still lingered, and he had a few small broken bones. He didn’t want to cause you more worry. He knew that he was on the brink of death more often than not. He didn’t like to lie to you, he didn’t like to tell you he was a clumsy mess, but he didn’t want to bring you into this part of his life. It was too dangerous. He didn’t want you to see how this side of him existed.
He carried a heavy burden already of endless guilt for what he did in his off time from lawyering. He still had a morality argument in his head about it. The Devil of Hell’s Kitchen, he always scoffed. A catholic man, proud of being called the devil. He couldn’t have you see him like that.
Matt may have been blind, but he knew the way you looked at him. He could feel how your heart quickened at the sight of him, when you lied about how you were feeling that day, and when you laughed. He loved hearing your voice, the way you talked quietly to yourself to avoid being overwhelmed. You were another person he cared so deeply about that it scared him to death. He couldn’t lose another person, not again.
“Matt, I want to help. Please… let me in.” another double meaning. Yes, you wanted to get into his apartment and see him, but you also wanted to be let into his brain. You wanted him to let his walls down and let you further into his life. He knew nearly everything about you, but Matt had years of strong walls built between anyone else and his own brain.
A few moments of silence passed agonizingly slow. It felt like hours, days, weeks. You weren’t moving until he opened his door, and he knew that. He knew you wouldn’t just let it go. You heard his locks clicking open, his door revealing the battered and bruised man, his head hung low as your eyes scanned over the damage, your hand covering your dropped jaw as you felt your heart ache for him. He needed someone now more than ever. He knew it too.
You moved toward him, your arms wrapping gently around him. You felt like he could break at any moment but he warmed at your touch. He even softly hummed as he wrapped his arms around you.
“I have something I want to tell you.” He said quietly, before he sat you down beside him on the couch.
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Hello everyone that sent prompts and blurb requests!!!! I’ll be getting to them when i’m home from work today! thank you so much for all these great prompts!!!! <3
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Heeey I saw you are taking prompts and I was wondering if you could do something with Matty boy and “Shh. Come here. It’s just a nightmare.”
i love this prompt! i hope you like this little blurb!
if anyone wants something similar for Matt or Frank just pick one or two from this prompt list!
no warnings! just fluff.
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You couldn’t wake up. You screamed at yourself to wake up as you ran down the dark unfamiliar hallway. You ran and ran but it was no use. It was only when the masked person plunged the knife into your chest, that you screamed and swung your arms wildly. That was what brought you back to real life, a sob escaping your lips as you looked around the dark room.
“Shh. Come here. It’s just a nightmare.” Matt Murdock’s soft tone snapped you back to where you were. His bed. Your heart still beat rapidly, but you already felt a calm start to pour over you, just from his voice.
Matt could actually hear your heart pounding. So much so, that it woke him up before you even screamed out. He was ready, and he wanted to make you feel better.
“God, I’m sorry.” You choked out, breathing heavily. You sat up, the beads of sweat on your forehead felt cold against your palms as you buried your head in your hands. You were frustrated and you inhaled deeply as your eyes continued to tear. Matt reached his arms out.
“It’s okay, come here.” His voice was soft as usual. He pulled you toward him, your head resting in the crook of his neck. His warm and soft skin was comforting as you melted into his embrace. Your arms wrapping around him as you squeezed your eyes together. “You’re always safe with me.” He murmurs into your ear.
He ran his hands gently on your back as you began to inhale deeply through your nose and exhaled out of your mouth. Your heart rate began to even out as he held you. He was right, you were safest with him. You felt it too.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked and you shook your head, pulling away from him.
“No. It’s silly.” You sigh.
“Do you want to try and get back to sleep?” he asks, and you shake your head again. You know, he knows you shook your head. He chuckles. “Tea then?” he asks, and you nod.
“Tea sounds perfect.” You reply, and he jumps out of bed, his hand held out to you and you take it. He leads you to his kitchen, where you find yourself seated on the counter as he starts to boil some water.
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Pick a prompt from this list for a Frank Castle or Matt Murdock prompt/drabble/one shot thing :)
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prompt list i. ♡
“(Name)! Open the door!”
“I can’t pretend anymore.”
“How could you ask me that?”
“You lied to me!”
“You can’t see me.”
“If I’m a monster, what are you?”
“Tell me I’m wrong.”
“You’re scaring me.”
“Get the hell out.”
“I thought you were dead.”
“I’m not losing you again.”
“Why do you care?”
“Don’t you dare walk out that door.”
“You’re not safe here.”
“That sounds a lot like ‘goodbye.’”
“You broke my heart.”
“What is this? What are we really?”
“I’m sorry but.. who are you?”
“Why aren’t you with her?”
“Don’t shut me out.”
“This isn’t you.”
“You’ve hurt me enough already.”
“I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression.”
“I won’t forgive you for this.”
“There was never an ‘us.’”
“I never loved you.”
“It was never supposed to come to this.”
“Do you really think I’m happy?”
fluff & romance.
“Tell me again.”
“Marry me.”
“Do you trust me?”
“It’s freezing. Come here.”
“I’ve got you.”
“Because I love you.”
“Don’t ever let me go.”
“I’ve loved you for years.”
“Stay. Please.”
“I can’t imagine my life without you in it anymore.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“Look, a shooting star! Make a wish.”
“Is that.. my shirt?”
“I think I love you.”
“I can’t stop thinking about you.”
“Can I stay with you?”
“I can’t sleep.”
“Take my bed tonight. I’ll sleep on the couch.”
“It made me think of you.”
“I’m pregnant.”
“You’re basically a marshmallow. Perfect for cuddling.”
“It’s always been you.”
“Move over.”
“Tell me a secret.”
“Truth or dare?”
“I could kiss you right now.”
“I love you, but stop talking.”
“Quit it! You’re hogging the blankets!”
“I’d hurt anyone who ever left a scar on you.”
“You’re cute when you’re half asleep.”
“Did you just hit me? With a pillow? Oh. It’s on now.”
“Why did you choose me?”
“Are you.. blushing?”
“Take my hand.”
concern & upset.
“You’re shaking.”
“Call me when you get this. It’s urgent.”
“You’re bleeding.”
“I can’t breathe.”
“What happened back there?”
“Wake up. Please wake up.”
“Let me help you.”
“Shh. Come here. It’s just a nightmare.”
“Don’t touch me!”
“Please don’t leave me alone.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“It’s okay. I’m here.”
“Hear that? I’m alive. I’m right here.”
“I don’t want your apology.”
“Stop pretending like everything is fine!”
“Have you lost your damn mind?”
“I’m begging you. Please.”
“You’re going to be okay. Everything is going to be fine.”
“I know hurts, but you have to stay awake, okay?”
“Of course I care.”
“You’re safe now.”
“How much did you have to drink?”
“Let me take you home.”
“What the hell were you thinking? You could have been hurt.”
“Shh. Don’t cry.”
“You need to rest.”
“I can’t feel my legs.”
“Put the gun down.”
“I’ll do it even if it kills me.”
“Let her/him go!”
“Take me instead.”
“Don’t touch her/him.”
“How is this possible? I watched you die.”
“Break them.”
“(Name)! Take my hand!”
“Don’t you die on me!”
“Open your eyes!”
“What have you done?”
“Save yourself.”
“You’re not gonna die on me.”
“Lucky shot.”
“Why can’t I see you?”
“Come back to me.”
“I’ve already lost her once. I won’t lose her again.”
“Get out of here! It’s a trap.”
“What are you doing here? It’s too dangerous!”
“Do you want to die?”
“Helps on the way. You just have to hold on a little longer.”
“Bite me.”
“I didn’t believe you cared.”
“You’re jealous.”
“Hmm. So you do have feelings.”
“I dare you.”
“You may be attractive, but I’m not sleeping with you.”
“You know what? Forget it.”
“Did you really think I’d fall for that?”
“I’d like to see you try.”
“I don’t recall asking for your opinion on the matter.”
“How long have you been standing there?”
“Watch me.”
“I’m fully capable of kicking your ass.”
“How did my back feel when you stabbed me?”
“Don’t let the door hit you on your way out.”
“If you want me, come and get me.”
“Such poison from a pretty, honeyed mouth.”
“You’re dead.”
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Hiiiii! I’m new to the Frank Castle/ Punisher fandom and I haven't written in a while but I thought I'd warm up with this NSFW alphabet for Frank! I was hoping to make one for Matt Murdock as well!!!
please let me know if you have any requests or prompts!
this is NSFW/SMUT so 18+
NSFW Alphabet: Frank Castle
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Frank is an insanely caring person. He would take the best care of you after sex, especially if he got a little rough. He would run you a bath, gently massage your sore muscles, give you soft kisses on your head. He may be a hard-ass but he’s always soft and gentle after sex.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Frank loves every part of your body. He doesn’t think much about his own body. He does, however, love to grip your ass and stick his head between your thighs.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Frank loves to cum inside of you. He doesn’t like to waste it anywhere else unless you decide you want to swallow it instead.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Frank loves to save dirty pictures of you to his phone… (of course ones you send him)
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Undoubtedly very experienced.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Frank loves when you’re on top of him, whether it be while he’s laying down, or sitting up. He loves when you ride him, the way you move your hips and sink onto him. He likes to watch your face, and kiss your lips or neck while you’re going at it.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Frank is mostly serious in bed, but he has his moments. He does like to tease you, and the way you whimper and whine when he barely touches you makes him giggle.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Frank is cleaned up and groomed neatly not completely hairless and that’s perfectly okay!
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Frank isn’t the most romantic guy but he tries his hardest. For him the more intimate parts are before and after the sex. The moments where the two of you are giggling like children at nothing in the darkness, your fingers gently tracing down his body. The way you two eat ice cream in bed in between kisses.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He doesn’t do it too often, but when you’re gone for a few days or he’s away you love to have him call you, and stroke himself why you talk dirty to him on the phone.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Frank is probably into soft domming, nothing too formal though. He loves to brat tame. He likes to tie you up from time to time. He likes when he can get rough but he would never take it too far. He also has a praise kink, he likes to hear you tell him how good he makes you feel.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Frank’s an old fashioned kind of guy. Your shared bed where it smells of you is his favorite place.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
When you’re fired up, he hates that it turns him on. When he lets you drive and you’re cursing up a storm at the other drivers on the road. And of course when you’re out and you tease him, pushing your ass into him when you’re at the bar or running your hand over his package at a dinner table. He’s ready to take you in the car, on those nights.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything you didn’t want to do, and anything that could actually hurt you.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Frank loves going down on you, especially because he loves to make you feel good. On the other hand, he loves your mouth around his cock. He loves to see you get a little messy and working so hard to please him.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Frank knows the right time and place for each pace.
There are some nights frank is fast paced to the point, needs to fuck you hard and fast. Other times like on a random afternoon or early morning just as the sun is rising he’s slow and passionate and softer than usual.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Frank prefers to take his time with you, he loves foreplay… but sometimes he just wants to fuck you quickly before you head to your family’s house for dinner.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Frank would be willing to experiment if you wanted to try something… as long as there’s no real danger involved.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Again, Frank thinks there’s a time and a place. Some nights he can go for hours other nights he’s ready to pass out right after round one.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Frank would be open to toys, though he’s more of a DIY kind of guy… (panties as a gag, his belt to tie your hands up, etc.)
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Frank doesn’t like to play games when it comes down to it, but after you tease him all night he’s ready to make you wait to orgasm until he thinks you’ve paid the price.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Frank is VOCAL!! Moaning, grunting, growling, the works.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
The best description of Frank Castle is how rough BUT ALSO soft he is. That’s exactly how he is in bed, he wants to fuck you into the mattress until your words don’t make sense, but he also makes sure you’re okay every step of the way. He likes to take his time with you, exploring every inch of your body to see how you react and pushing you until you’re feeling euphoria. He wants you to orgasm every time, and he will do everything he can to get you there.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
we know frank has a tight bod lol. He’s definitely thick and a good size long
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Frank’s sex drive his high, but he can take care of himself if you’re not in the mood.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Frank doesn’t sleep much, but sometimes he’s exhausted and passes out right after.
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i made the BAU team!!! i got 0 love on twitter 😭
(from seasons 2/3-11 because that’s where I’m at.)
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this seat reserved for happy hotch ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ SSA Aaron Hotchner ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ Unit Chief ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
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part 6 of my
Aaron Hotchner fanfic is up on Wattpad!
find it here :D
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