I am archiving this blog. It will no longer be active. You can find me instead at @murderdrones-obsessed-cat
Perhaps I will come back to this blog, but perhaps not. Goodbye.
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Just look at the #fuckshippingcontainer tag
you'll understand.
what the fuck happened out there what happened to the loving rain world community I left
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I'm just glad I had no involvement in it all. I literally only just learned about what happened
I hope you all can recover well from this
what the fuck happened out there what happened to the loving rain world community I left
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I'm probably going to leave the rain world community - at least on tumblr
How foolish of me to believe that things could stay kind in this place
what the fuck happened out there what happened to the loving rain world community I left
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oh man... I'd thought I'd finally found the one fandom that was all positivity. But then this shit happens...
I guess it's time to find another fandom.
what the fuck happened out there what happened to the loving rain world community I left
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What happened to you all? Where did the wholesome positivity go?
what the fuck happened out there what happened to the loving rain world community I left
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what the fuck happened out there what happened to the loving rain world community I left
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Rain world except you swap the slugcats and iterators
As in, the iterators were more like silly little constructs that idk probably were used for labour or some shit and the slugcats were big purposed organisms that evolved to become absolutely huge and the entire game takes place on the back of a sleeping slugcat, and in place of the iterators is the slugcat's pups that could be cool i think
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(fandom oc submission) AITA for attacking my boyfriend? WAIT. BEFORE YOU TELL ME I'M THE ASSHOLE HEAR ME OUT I (???M) am? was?? in a relationship with another guy who we'll call O (???M), for around 500,000 cycles. Our relationship was great! He was the best. Sucks that I couldn't visit him like he always did me, but not much I could do about it without mutilating myself... Our work blended together well, too. I reasearched a particular disease and how it affected living creatures, and he studied those very creatures I worked on. So many times he would bring me test subjects. ...Well, one cycle, my sample of the disease broke out of my lab and started consuming everything around it --- which meant it was consuming me. Nasty stuff. I kept this from O, though, not wanting him to worry about me. Of course, he ended up finding out himself. He was pretty pissed off, as you can imagine. He tried to fix me, but it was much too far gone. My entire self (which by the way, is absolutely massive) ended up collapsing to the ground, leaving me pretty much at the mercy of the disease ravaging me. I was taken over to the point I was barely able to understand my surroundings. At some point, I heard something approaching me. Looking at it, I could only see a blur, but it seemed threatening. It was going to attack me, so I attacked it first. It wasn't until I was pried off it by a child that had been watching that I stopped. ...That was a long time ago now, and thousands of cycles later I have realised that the stranger I was attacking was O. I can't believe I didn't recognise him. I can't believe I attacked him. But you're the decision makers, so... AITA?
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when the funny wormies kick you out
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Failed Ascension
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Drawn with 40+ layers in 9 hours.
Timelapse under cut (Beware: Flashing lights!)
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fun fact i've been working on one. it's called the cross-collapse au
dear murder drones and rain world fandoms. i am terribly sorry, but..
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the world must see this horrid atrocity that came to me in a vision yesterday or so
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this guy would get along with Copious Amounts of Weed
is "Weed Overdose" a valid iterator name
❗ "Weed Overdose" is a valid Iterator name.
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RANDOM COMPLIMENT ALERT *dies* i should really share my art here methinks
why is your URL dustyfandomtrashbin when you're clearly an art gallery /silly
Honestly it was a silly joke, but I liked the ring of it, so I kept the name as my online alias :)
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guiding star is here
OC: Guiding Star
Built out of the scrapped parts of another iterator
Severe puppet dysphoria
Transgender (FTM)
Socially distant (but secretly crying from loneliness)
Tried to convince their ancients to move their can away from their group
Actively hates their local group
Haunted. Not by an echo but by a literal ghost
Feel like they were expected to be like their predecessor
He's. A guy for sure.
handshake emoji on 4 and 6. i have a fella who's 4 and then another who's BOTH 4 and 6 glorious
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yes and its me
happy Mother’s Day 💜
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do i have a secret baby somewhere that no one's cared to tell me about
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