#Gamecocks turning into Cornerback U
The Gamecocks are turning out premier Defensive Backs year after year for the last decade. NFLsFuture.com Jeff Risdon gives us the scouting report on the next Corner coming out of South Carolina.
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part 2 DE's Analysis of 2012 draft class
Part 2 of 2012 draft In the Trenches with Langston Moore : Defensive Ends http://nflsfuture.com/2012/02/28/in-the-trenches-with-langston-moore-defensive-ends/
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Hey You just won the SuperBowl what are you gonna do next?!?!
      Excerpt from "(re)Move The Chains" book on the impermance of all things! Hit the link and Please feel free to post feedback!
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"Aint no Truth in the Dare, Without the Consequence"
  The title of this post makes a point not only for football but for life and what happens off the feild as well. In all things there is chance of losing in some shape or form, but that fact that there can only be 1 champ in the end makes winning so special.
One of the greatest people of all time says it as clear as day when everone would have every right to be upset. This comming from a man that could "hang it up" at anytime and NO ONE would question him for it, but he continues to show how being faithfull and seeing a diferent perspective means all the world on and off the feild. FEAR THAT TEAM NEXT YEAR, not because of the talent but the Mind Set!
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Who's The Master?!?!!!
And where is he?!!!!!!
Insist on yourself; never imitate. Your own gift you can present every moment with the cumulative force of a whole life’s cultivation; but of the adopted talent of another, you have only an extemporaneous, half possession. That which each can do best, none but his Maker can teach him. No man yet knows what it is, nor can, till that person has exhibited it. Where is the master who could have taught Shakespeare? Where is the master who could have instructed Franklin, or Washington, or Bacon, or Newton? Every great man is a unique. The Scipionism of Scipio is precisely that part he could not borrow. Shakespeare will never be made by the study of Shakespeare. Do that which is assigned to you, and you cannot hope too much or dare too much.
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New Year’s eve is like every other night
“New Year’s eve is like every other night
; there is no pause in the march of the universe, no breathless moment of silence among created things that the passage of another twelve months may be noted; and yet no man has quite the same thoughts this evening that come with the coming of darkness on other nights” Hamilton Wright Mabie
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"I was Spiritually Bankrupt"
  Check out one of the top rappers in the game and Why he had to change what was important to him!
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Sometimes while I ride the subway I try to look at each person and imagine what they look like to someone who is totally in love with them. I think everyone has had someone look at them that way, whether it was a lover, or a parent, or a friend, whether they know it or not. It’s a wonderful thing, to look at someone to whom I would never be attracted and think about what looking at them feels like to someone who is devouring every part of their image, who has invisible strings that are connected to this person tied to every part of their body. I think this fun pastime is a way of cultivating compassion. It feels good to think about people that way, and to use that part of my mind that I think is traditionally reserved for a tiny portion of people I’ll meet in my life to appreciate the general public. I wish I thought about people like this more often. I think it’s the opposite of what our culture teaches us to do. We prefer to pick people apart to find their flaws. Cultivating these feelings of love or appreciation for random people, and even for people I don’t like, makes me a more forgiving and appreciative person toward myself and people I love. Also, it’s just a really excellent pastime.
Dean Spade (via sassyshelle)
This is lovely. I’m printing it out and hanging it on my cube wall at work.
(via eveneve)
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The real student is studying, learning, inquiring, exploring, not just until he is twenty or twenty-five, but throughout life!
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The more I believed that my “life” depended on my performances, the worse I performed.
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Here’s the second, more important truth: if you always worry about what you’re missing out on, you will miss out on what you already have.
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How much can one Give?!!!! TOM's shows a great example that destroys old concepts IE cant give away a product and still be profitable. Close to 2,000,000,000 pairs of shoes given away. Can't be afraid to hold back not only does this apply to business but has been eveident in sports for years. IE the player who isnt afraid to take the last shot and MISS.  Soon becomes a "clutch player" S/O Black Mamba
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This makes complete sense how we allow our thinking to take over. Example of the machine running the person. Best way sometimes is to "get out" of our own way!
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