puntmineta2020 Ā· 3 years
hellooo this is so long overdue and i apologise for it, thank you so much for the matchup you did for me! it's really good :D. also just wanna wish you a blessed new year <3
AAAAA! Thank you! Blessed new years to you as well!
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puntmineta2020 Ā· 3 years
Hey! I was wondering if I could get a matchup? Iā€™m a 5ā€™10 16 gay transmasc enby. Iā€™m big into political theory, spirituality, fashion. Iā€™m kinda a bitch and really out spoken. I really donā€™t take any shit on me or my friends. When Iā€™m with friends Iā€™m more relaxed, but still very much a loud mouth bitch. I like punk music and Hozier bc ,,, yearning. I shaved my head on a whim, broke someoneā€™s nose for being transphobic, and I am inpatient to wait for packages. I look for honest people with self confidence in their decisions, who listen to my ideas and info dumps but arenā€™t afraid to tell me when Iā€™m wrong. Iā€™m also a big cuddle fan aaaa thank you!!! Make sure youā€™re taking care of yourself! (Submission
Ok I can definitely see you with Bakugo Katsuki!
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First things first, you are taller than him in canon and by god that infuriates him. Also please please p l e a s e help this boy with his fashion sense, he dresses like your dad. Ok he is super outspoken too and a MAJOR bitch sometimes, so he does clash with you occasionally. He actually likes it though because he thinks it super hot for some reason. Be careful about it though because if you call him out for his ridiculous obsessive behavior he may actually blow something up.
He doesnā€™t really take shit either, that unfortunately includes any attempts to disobey him. When you start being more soft around him, he will become a lot more sensitive but he will try to hide it. You give this man one single act of kindness heā€™s frozen in place because he doesnā€™t know how to handle it. He also l o v e s punk music and it may take some nagging but he will listen to Hozier with you, especially when he finds songs like Arsonist's Lullaby. Also off topic but Work Song speaks to him.
Also heā€™d probably be super proud of you for punching a transphobe and only slightly upset he couldnā€™t hit them first. Donā€™t fight too many people though because he might get pissed at you, and yes he is a hypocrite. Bakugo is a pretty honest person and VERY self confident. He will listen to your info dumps and act like he hates them but secretly he thinks theyā€™re cute. Bakugo will also call you out when youā€™re wrong and pretend to do it because he's annoyed but its really because heā€™s a protective nerd.
As always thank you for sending this in and let me know if you would like me too rewrite it!
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puntmineta2020 Ā· 3 years
Not me singing Line Without A Hook on the verge of tears when my dad comes in my room to ask me how much homework I have left
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puntmineta2020 Ā· 3 years
Hiii! Aot matchup? I'm 5'3, I really like reading, and I am overall a passionate person. I am super fascinated with history and old lit, and I am not super extraverted but I will talk a lot if I know the person. I wouldn't say I am a "leader" type person but I sort of gravitate towards those ppl? It is also pretty hard for me to let go of old grudges and I am still angry abt stuff that happened like a longg time ago. I am also an INTP :))
Hi! Sorry this took so long but I canā€™t definitely see you with Reiner!
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Ok first things first, this man is absolutely abusing how short you are compared to him. He also sees it as a reason that you need to be protected (I donā€™t see it this way bc as a tall person short people scare me). He would love how passionate you are, heā€™s seen some shitty people so seeing you is really refreshing to him. If anything he thinks your interest in old lit and history is cute, and he may indulge you in it if you behave. Though he wonā€™t be able to relate to it because to be honest he isnā€™t always the sharpest tool in the box. When or if you start really talking to him he gets so proud of you and himself. Depending on his mood he can be very chatty even as a yandere.
Reiner is very much a leader when in a good mood, especially as a yandere. He loves to be in charge and have everyone doing what he wants them to do. Though when he's going through an episode where the crushing of an entire civilization hits him, he's much less of a leader, though he tries to avoid those. You might end up clashing on the grudge thing because by god does he hold grudges too. Let's say his initial charm doesnā€™t work and he kidnaps you, obviously youā€™ll probably be holding a grudge. If you try to escape, Reiner will pissy for w e e k s. He will probably cave in first because all this boy really wants is your validation.
As always I hope you enjoyed and let me know if you would like me to redo it!
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puntmineta2020 Ā· 3 years
Hey! Quick question but what slashers do you write for?
Hiya! Thanks for asking this because its now making me realize I totally should have posted this before lol.
I write for:
ā€¢ Candyman
ā€¢ Michael Myers
ā€¢ Hannibal
ā€¢ Bubba Sawyer
ā€¢ Thomas Hewitt
ā€¢ Sheriff Hoyt
ā€¢ Mick Taylor
ā€¢ Tiffany Valentine
ā€¢ Jennifer Check
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puntmineta2020 Ā· 3 years
Hello! I was hoping to get a male mha matchup! I'm a female who is 5'0. I enjoy romance manga, reading, doodling on my sketchbooks, and gaming with my friends! As for my personality, I'm usually very shy and nervous when introduced to new people. But once I get comfortable, I can be wild and talkative as well as sassy! I also enjoy befriending aggressive people and making people laugh. I look for honest, laidback and loyal people who would treat me as their equal and wouldnt hesitate to put me in my place if I ever go overboard! I also like possessiveness.
Ok sorry this took so long but I can really see you with Kirishima!
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He definitely thinks how small you are is adorable (and he completely uses it to his advantage). What draws him in is how shy you are at first. Although he gets super happy when you start becoming more talkative and open, honestly thatā€™s probably when he starts becoming obsessed with you. He loves getting to talk with you and maybe even run around cause trouble. Though do be careful about getting too sassy because he can get very frustrated with it.
Now it probably helps you like being bros with aggressive people because this boy can get v e r y competitive sometimes. He also loves how easy you can make him laugh, but he definitely wonā€™t let you use that trick to get out of trouble when heā€™s possessive or jealous. I see him as a yandere who is pretty laid back and chill compared to others. He's super loyal and completely expects the same amount back. He might not always be the most honest because heā€™s a pretty delusional yandere. He treats you equally for the most part but it is kind of a struggle to get him to on your part, he has a major tendency to baby you sometimes. Also he is completely willing to put you in your place, he can be occasionally be uptight about his ā€˜rulesā€™ so depending on what you do he will definitely put you in your place.
As always I hope this is okay and if you would like me to redo it just let me know!
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puntmineta2020 Ā· 3 years
hello i wanna req for a aot male matchup
i'm 5'1 and around 90lbs with shoulder length black hair.i do a lot of sports and excel in academics, i guess you could say that i'm an all rounder as well? i have a lot of interests and do a lot of activities but would prefer lazing at home that going out.i'm not very girly, i'm usually treated like one of the boys and i think sometimes they even forget that i'm a girl lol.i'm calm and quite quiet around people i don't really know, and might come off as bitchy. but i'm just a very caring person and quite warm once you know me, and would go lengths for people i love.i would also say i'm emotionally strong and don't crack easily under pressure, i'm the type to rather break than bend. i'm also an intp-a, a cancer and a 5w6. thank you in advance <3
Sorry if this took too long but i can totally see you with Eren!
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He would probably at first be attracted to your cool demeanor, intelligence, and athleticism. One of the reasons he thinks you go so well with him is because youā€™re the opposite to his constant of rage. Like thereā€™s barely ever a time he isnā€™t angry or sarcastic.
Hes a very active person, even as a yandere. Be prepared for him to barely ever late you lase about when hes a young man, though he calms down when older. Also if he thinks you start acting ā€˜suspiciousā€™ AKA being upset about being kidnapped, he wonā€™t take you anywhere and you absolutely have to stay in your room 24/7.
He appreciates you not being very girly. Not that he wouldnā€™t like a girly girl, he just finds them a little high maintenance.
When you start showing how caring you are, prepare for at least a little water works, how much depends how old he is, if hes younger a lot, older not nearly as much but still some. This man has had a very rough life. Not many people have really showed that they cared about him. If anything, you showing even the slightest bit of empathy makes him even more obsessive and protective.
Thanks for sending in the request! As always feel free to ask me to redo it if you donā€™t like this character! Sorry if this sucks its only like my second match up lol
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puntmineta2020 Ā· 3 years
wow I love my matchup sm and am very satisfied with who I got matched with šŸ˜Œ it was amazing for your first matchup request (also love your user #puntmineta2020)
Thanks! My writing is kinda sucky bc i just got started writing so this really means a lot.
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puntmineta2020 Ā· 3 years
Hey I was hoping to get a male MHA student matchup! I'm female and 4'9. I'm quiet and guarded but come more lively and hyper when comfortable. I love to make witty banter. I'm loyal and caring to those close to me and love sweets! I can't keep quiet if something is wrong and I'm way too curious for my own good. I love to give platonic affection but I don't have much experience in relationships so romantic affection is hard for me. My hobbies include drawing, writing, and watching anime. Thanks!
Hello! Sorry if this took a long time but youā€™re just shippable with so many characters it was hard to decide lol
I can definitely see you with Mirio! Heā€™d work so hard to break through your walls and when he finally did heā€™d be so excited. Which may take awhile because he comes on strong to say the least. He uses you being lively and hyper as not only a way to bond with you, but also kind of baby you. Eventually you do get kind of upset at that, but he assures thatā€™s normal and youā€™re both fine. (Youā€™re not)
He would also try to keep up with your witty banter, but he ends up a little embarrassed. Instead he switches to praising how smart and clever you are. He would love how caring and loyal you are. Having someone who is loyal and kind is a huge thing to him. To him how kind and loyal you are proves how you canā€™t survive in the outside world, youā€™re too sweet!
He also completely matches you in curiosity and not being able to keep quiet when something is wrong. He thinks itā€™s adorable how curious you are. As long as you donā€™t rummage through his room and find somethings that are less than comforting (ie, a shrine, all of your information, everything youā€™ve lost within the last year). As for standing up when something is wrong, he just takes as all the more reason to be extremely protective of you.
Do be prepared for him to instantly give multiple relationships worth of experience in romantic affection. Please donā€™t turn him down when he tries to cuddle you! That ruins his picture perfect fantasy he has with you and he definitely canā€™t have that. He would encourage your hobbies and might even try to help you by giving you writing or drawing ideas or watching anime with you, but get prepared for him to get super pouty (like seriously pouting) if you simp for any anime characters. He will genuinely be offended.
Sorry if this is worded strangely or there are any misspellings, if you would like me to do redo it I totally can! I had to post this on mobile and on a airplane so it may have messed a little.
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puntmineta2020 Ā· 3 years
hello, just wondering if your request are open for matchups?
Yup! Definitely! Feel free to send one in!
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puntmineta2020 Ā· 3 years
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People misread my last Iida post as ā€œGood morning, yā€™allā€Ā  thus Sheriff Iida was born
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puntmineta2020 Ā· 3 years
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requested by kunaigirl
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puntmineta2020 Ā· 3 years
Hiya! Thanks for checking out and/or following my blog! Feel free to request things from me just please make sure it follows the request rules and the requests for it are open!
Fandoms I write for:
Attack on Titan
Greek Mythology
Avatar (aged up versions only)
Mortal Kombat
13 ghosts
Harry Potter
Star wars
Things you can request:
Playlists for different characters or prompts for characters
Iā€™ll sometimes do one shots but they arenā€™t always my thing!
Thanks for checking out my blog! Keep in mind this is a Yandere blog so if you donā€™t like donā€™t read.
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