oof, this is gonna be a hard one, but thanks for the tag @blueguyorgirl (〃 ̄︶ ̄)人( ̄︶ ̄〃)
1)I like that I get along with most people with little to no problems
2) I like being the therapist friend. I like helping them with their problems or give them an ear to rant to, and they're comfortable with me to do so.
3) I like how I pick up a lot of small hobbies and passions. Jack of all trades, master of none, better than master of one.
4) Most people probably would think this is a bad thing, but I like how I'm able to change my personality according to the people I'm with. Masking and changing who I am comes easy to me, and it's easier to get along with people (and get a few favors out of them;) )
5) I like how creative I am. My imagination is one thing I love the most about me.
Tagging: @haikyuuublog, @sabourah, @denki-likes-kiribaku, @invaluable-ba, @damagedhighball8
"firstly, when you get this, you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)"
Okay here goes...
I like the fact that i'm not like other teenagers, i'm somewhat different and much more mature attitude wise.
I like the fact that i'm loooved by all aunties, like literally all aunties be setting me up as an example to their "pretending to be a teenager" kids.
I like that i'm an introvert... yes idk why. You will always find me sitting at back of the class, just not interacting with peeps and writing some random shit in my diary
I like that i have such great parents who don't beat the shit out of kids just cause they got lower marks than that brainy topper.
I like that i gave myself an opportunity to be all Dharmic cause that shit really chases all anxiety and depression out. Jai Dwarkadheesh.
tagging: @btw-its-tamanna , @etherealmistt , @krishna-sangini , @janaknandini-singh999 , @budugu , @stardustkrishnaverse , @maraudersbitchesassemble , @poisoninmycoffee , and lastly....
you @manishehehe
no pressure...
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OK so everyone in this fandom is LOSING there shit over the Mineta-likes-Deku thing and all but like... can you blame him? who WOULDN'T fall in love with Midoriya? even if they aren't into boys, you can NOT tell me they haven't even considered it. This sunshine boy deserves all the love in the world, and he can get it without trying.
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BNHA is a show where you can literally ship anyone with anyone, and it would be a great ship 97% of the time
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Izuku: I am exhausted
All Might: Hi Exhausted, I am Dad
*both of them screeching incoherently*
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Shinso as a villain
Shinso: heroiamabouttobrainwashsaywhat
Hero: wha-
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At the ending of The Lightning Thief, when Sally had plopped Medusa's head and turned Gabe to stone, what had his friends seen? Like, in the end, it was written that when Percy had come back, Smelly Gabe was playing with 3 of his friends. and, since the statue that she gave was named 'The Poker Player' that would mean he was still playing it. what did the others see? Did the mist shroud them? Did they see it and become convinced that they are going insane? WHAT HAPPENED
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