We all must have come across people complaining about monotonous routine during lockdown, WFH, etc. During this period I observed one person around me doing same job for more than 10 years in our house, she is our domestic help. Has anything changed for her or her family in these years? or have they moved up in ladder of social mobility? 
Probably not.
Domestic helpers remained a less talked about issue during lockdown unlike other issues. They went unpaid for months. They are vulnerable section of society, unionism is in budding stage for them. The irony in India is that we still refer them as “servants” where slavery was abolished long ago. Consider their service as entitlement even after paying them poorly.
Gratitude for them, their service even during toughest times of pandemic, has to begin from each individual. As in Economics macro is outcome of micro, similarly big societal changes are outcome of micro attitudinal changes.
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