i am SICK and TIRED of people saying chikorita is a bad starter. just because the johto region starts off with a flying and bug gym does NOT mean you cant decently and cleverly use a chikorita. chikorita was the first pokemon i ever chose way back when i was 8 playing hgss for the first time. i was 8 and already knew how to play with chikorita better than all of you chikorita haters. u get a mareep for faulkner and a pidgey for bugsy and by that point u have plenty of pokemon to play the rest of the game nicely and use chikorita when it's smart to do so?? grass pokemon have a lot of weaknesses but if you used ur brain for more than .09 seconds it's super easy to know when they're good to use in battle?
i trained a BEAST of a meganium at 8 yrs old when i barely understood how to play the game like. if you actually tried then you'd appreciate the PERFECT BEING chikorita as much as i do.
also chikorita is ADORABLE. it's a leaf pear that turns into a fucking FLOWER SAUROPOD DINOSAUR. WHO WOULDNT LOVE THAT?!?
anyways fellow chikorita lovers mwah ily
chikorita haters dni😤😤😤🙅🙅
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We've seen how Goodra fares, but what about my boy Goomy?
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A goomy would make a good pet for those who are cool with lots and lots of sticky goo. I personally am not, but some people are!
Goomies are small and don’t have a need for a lot of space to thrive. That being said, they do require a special kind of space in order to stay healthy. Goomies’ bodies are mostly water, and they will die of suffocation if their bodies dry out too much (Sun, Ultra Moon). Additionally, in the wild, goomies need to remain moist for self defense: the slimy mucous membrane that coats their bodies protect them from attackers (Y). In order to maintain their moisture, wild goomies make their homes in damp, shady places (X). In order to keep your goomy happy and healthy, you will need to provide them with such a space to rest in during the day. If you see your goomy sticking their horns out of their squishy place, as I’ll call it, don’t touch them: goomies use these sensitive horns to check on their surrounding, and touching them will send them into shock (Ultra Sun).
Speaking of touching a goomy, you’re going to need to be prepared to do a lot of cleaning. Goomies’ slime get’s all over everything! The pokédex itself warns that “anyone who touches [a goomy] needs some thorough hand-washing” (Moon). Goomies are also quite slippery, as this membrane has evolved to make attacks slide right off of their bodies (Y). All that is to say that goomies are a little tricky to handle.
What really brings up goomies’ rank is the combination of a lack of aggression and a lack of danger. When you look at goomies’ move pool, there are some moves that should raise eyebrows. Moves like Dragon Breath and Dragon Pulse should, in most cases, be concerning given their power and reputation from their use by other dragon-type pokémon. Goomies, however, are said to be exceptionally weak. In fact, they are described as the weakest dragon-type pokémon of all (X, Omega Ruby). Therefore, we can assume that, even when using these moves, goomies aren’t much of a threat.
Listen, if you’re adopting a goomy, you’re braver than me. I don’t like messes or slimy things. But, all things considered, goomies would make pretty good pets: they’re small, docile, and not very dangerous.
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when i say “yippie!” i’m doing this
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I'm visiting home for the holidays and mom has these 3 tiny nidoran, they just got the 3rd bc a friend couldn't take care of him and oh my goodness he is so cute. The babiest of babies. The other 2 are teaching him to be a nidoran, like how to forage and yell for water and everything.
They also have 2 houndour and it is chaos trying to get anything done without them trying to trip you lmao. one is a very old man and still so tiny, the other is getting old but still able to do all the houndour things
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38 (What Pokémon did you grow up thinking was rare only to find out they’re common elsewhere?) and 40 (Favorite thing about your partner Pokémon?) -@wyrmwiind
Well one Pokémon I didn't realize there were so many of was starly, like I knew there weren't rare but wow I didn't realize just how many there were... like wow...
I love how chill my pokemon are for the most part but I absolutely love that snorlax is so comfy and cool with me just napping with him, he's so soft and squishy
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I'll answer if I know the answer lmao
Pokéblr Ask Game
General Questions 1-20, Pokémon Specific Questions 21-40
What region are you from? What town? 
What’s your Unovan horoscope? 
Have you visited other regions?
What region would you most like to visit if ever given the chance?
Thoughts on the legendaries of your home region?
Thoughts on the legendaries of another region?
If you were a gym leader, what kind of gym would you run? If you are already a gym leader or gym trainer, what’s your gym like?
Which do you prefer, competitive battling or battling for fun?
What type of battle strategy do you tend to use with your Pokémon? If you do contests or something else with your Pokémon, what is your preferred approach to that?
Favorite Pokémon League champion?
Favorite gym leader?
Give us a random celebrity (gym leader, tv personality, musician, etc.) you can’t stand and why.
Thoughts on your home region’s Pokémon League?
Weirdest recent local news story?
If you had to pick a Pokémon to represent you, what Pokémon would you pick? 
Favorite evolutionary stone?
Do you prefer to hand decorate your Pokéballs? Do you have a preference for any specialty Pokéballs?
Do you think Rock and Ground are distinctly different Pokémon types, or largely the same and incorrectly categorized? 
Do you think Grass and Bug are distinctly different Pokémon types, or largely the same and incorrectly categorized? 
Do you think Water and Ice are distinctly different Pokémon types, or largely the same and incorrectly categorized? 
Do your Pokémon wear any fun accessories?
Does your Pokémon have a favorite item?
Do your Pokémon battle? 
Would you ever enter one of your Pokémon in a contest? Which one?
What type of food do your Pokémon prefer? What flavors?
Pokéblocks, Poké Puffs, Poffins, Poké Beans, Curry, or Sandwiches?
Who was your first Pokémon? How did you get them? How long have you had them?
What is your most recently obtained Pokémon? 
What is your favorite Pokémon type? 
What is your least favorite Pokémon type?
If you could have any Pokémon in the world to add to your team, what Pokémon would it be?
Have you encountered any rare or unusual Pokémon?
Have any of your Pokémon evolved? If so, what was in your opinion the most difficult one to evolve? 
Do you have a Pokémon that refuses to evolve?
Did any of your Pokémon have temperament issues when they first evolved? How did you handle it?
Which Pokémon took you the longest to bond with?
Do you have a naming convention for your Pokémon?
What Pokémon did you grow up thinking was rare only to find out they’re common elsewhere?
Do you and your Pokémon have any badges or contest ribbons? Which one are you most proud of?
Favorite thing about your partner Pokémon?
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Yesssss it works!!!!
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I guess I'll share how I got my pokemon;
I was asleep in the woods with my items layed out around me and I guess snorlax vibed and just went into the pokeball.
I was asleep in the woods again and my pumpkaboo thought I was a lost spirit and tried to get me where I needed to go as they do but just ended up hanging out with me since they couldn't actually get me into their pumpkin.
And finally chikorita is one of the starters in my home region so yaknow I ended up with her bc I likes trees lol
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I am I think :D
rb this if youre a trainer or you post about your pokémon or etc
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OK OK so I'm in a bit of a predicament.... I really wanna take a nap but I let snorp (my snorlax) sleep on my bed while I was doing stuff and he just looks so comfy I don't want to disturb him(not that I could if I wanted to) so I think the best course of action is to just nap on top of my homeboy
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my fucking chingling bit me again!!!
BAHHAHAHABAHA SORRY i keep imagining someone getting clamped onto my a chingling and shaking it to try and get it off like DINGDINGDINGDINGDINGDING
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That's me :>
Guys I told my penpal from Johto @plant-type-but-i-cant-garden
about tumblr and they made one!!!
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I suppose I should introduce myself:
I'm Aton from Cherrygrove city Johto. I failed pokemon school so uhh yea. I like green types
Yea hello :>
It's probably a good idea to introduce my buddies aswell; we got pear, pumpkaboo, and snorlax but I call him snorp
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Am I supposed to water my little chikorita???
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