plagueofwriting · 4 years
Heterophobia isn’t the fucking problem—it’s misogyny.
It doesn’t matter what fandom you’re in. You’ll see it. No matter how great a woman’s chemistry is with a) a man or b) another woman, you will absolutely see that ship underrepresented.
Don’t tell me this doesn’t exist and don’t tell me that isn’t why. I’ve seen so many comments that write off female characters or ships with a female character. If she was a boy, so many people would lose their mind about how cute they were with their love interest, but because it’s a woman, we’re just going to ignore it. Female characters disappear from fandom entirely sometimes because fans don’t want to engage with them at all or somehow forget they exist even when they’re important to male characters! I’ve seen fics where it’s apparent women are literally replaced by men and no longer even exist as a gender.
It’s something I’ve kept quiet about for years but I’m really tired of seeing people hate on female characters even by virtue of just ignoring the fact that they exist (common treatment of women in real life too). I’ve had enough.
I’m all for writing and engaging with whatever content you want and that’s a hill I’d die on, but if none of your ships that you regularly engage with involve a woman, I implore you to examine why that may be.
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plagueofwriting · 4 years
Shipping a few years ago: I ship these characters because I think they’d have an interesting dynamic! There’s some ships I really hate, because they squick me out, but those are my NOTPs and I avoid them :)
Shipping now: All ships need to be NORMAL and HEALTHY and if they aren’t canon then they’re TERRIBLE. If you ship something that I don’t like, then you’re EVIL and a HORRIBLE PERSON and I’m going to make SEVEN CALLOUT POSTS about you and REPORT YOU TO THE FBI for supposedly violating laws that I don’t really understand because my stance is entirely based on following what other people say instead of doing my own research and forming my own conclusions.
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plagueofwriting · 4 years
Unpopular Opinion
I know a lot of people dislike when you genderbend just one part of a gay ship, but I really enjoy content where the ‘seme’ is a girl. 
Personally, I have little interest in GerNyo!Ita. 
But ItaNyo!Ger? Hell yes. Give me a tiny boyfriend who loves his taller, buff girlfriend and thinks she’s so goddamn beautiful even when she’s concerned she’s more masculine than most of the male nations. Give me a Feliciano who loves his badass lady in both combat boots and high heels and doesn’t mind being rescued by her. 
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plagueofwriting · 4 years
You hid America in the tags, but reblogging to agree. 
In addition, Canada is the ‘not obnoxiously’ heterosexual. 
France and England don’t understand how their boys turned out like this.
i think most of the hetalia characters are bi, but who would be obnoxiously heterosexual???? i need answers
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plagueofwriting · 4 years
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A doodle...
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plagueofwriting · 4 years
Adding some additions:
Antonio was discovered at an early age, but he really wanted to direct. After a few series with Disney Channel, he retired from acting to go to film school and is currently trying to distance himself from his House of Mouse work. His new job comes with some familiar faces though, including one he could never forget. If he dates a younger actor he’s working with, would he be taking advantage of his new position? What would people say when they realize that same actor used to play his little brother in a Disney show? Lovino has been trying to achieve the same level of fame as his younger brother after they left Disney, but his first album flopped and his acting career has consisted of the same damn role ever since he hit puberty. Playing the love interest of high school girls is getting old fast and he’d like to move on to more serious or at least adult roles. He nails the audition for leading man in the next major romantic fantasy blockbuster about vampires, but unfortunately, he hates the source material and it comes out in interviews enough to the point where he’s in jeopardy of getting fired. His publicist is begging him to shut the fuck up and just listen to his director. That might be possible if he didn’t have such a huge crush on him.
Celeb AU Ideas
Still looking for more RP partners so I can shamelessly indulge in various prompts.
Feliciano is the Taylor Swift of this universe. Everything the boy makes blows up and he’s swamped with acting and singing gigs. He has an army of celebrity friends and does not understand why anyone would be mean to him. Like his idol grandfather before him, his love life is full of speculation and the hottest gossip. His lyrics suggest he likes more than women.
Ludwig is a star soccer player struggling to deal with the weight of his fame. He feels like he rose to celebrity status overnight after leading his team to a Eurocup win and doesn’t know how to handle the sudden expectation to be a role model and public speaker. Closeted and terrified his teammates will find out, he decides to move to America to be closer to his brother who has more experience with fame.
Gilbert is a comedian. After years of struggling alongside his friends, he’s finally breaking out in a big way. New gigs and new opportunities means new people, but he’s having trouble leaving his old, relatable life behind. He still frequents the same dive bar he started in, but that might have more to do with a particular waitress than anything else.
Elizabeta is a struggling actress who has dealt with Hollywood’s typical treatment of aspiring startlets. She’s had little parts here and there, but in a town that constantly wants her to be more tomboyish, more girly, more alternative, fitter, fatter, skinnier, darker, lighter, and any other combination of impossible traits, she tries to remain committed to being herself and often wonders the real cost of authenticity.
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plagueofwriting · 4 years
I love PruHun more than certain relatives of mine, but whoever you ship with Prussia, please don’t erase the fact that he’s chaotically bisexual.
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plagueofwriting · 4 years
There are some damn good headcanons in here, OP 😭👌🏻
here have some characterization notes on feli because i love him 😥❤
his eyesight is awful. he isn't blind, but he's so nearsighted that he might as well be. due to this, his paintings often focus on intense color and shading rather than details.
as a sort of "sacrifice" for having two men representing one country, feli and his brother both had to give up senses - feli his sight, lovino his hearing. this is why glasses/contacts/surgery don't work on feliciano, he's cursed with bad eyesight forever. hence feli's squinting and lovino's constant yelling.
speaking of his eyes, oh boy do they look strange. you have the "i can't focus on anything" gaze he has just by being so nearsighted, but also they're that odd bright gold that's just as unsettling as it is beautiful. back in the day, this resulted in rumors about feli being sly and untrustworthy.
he really, really just wants to feed people. he can't stand the thought of someone he loves being hungry.
along with the obvious pasta and pizza, he loves a good loaf of bread, and grapes!
anxiety, yes. he's got it in its most general sense, but the separation anxiety part of it is the most intense. he's most comfortable with a group of 3-5 of his closest loved ones.
almost paradoxically, his poor eyesight results in him having a REALLY bad time at large social events. he loves people, he does! it's just that he needs to rely on his hearing, and with so many people around he can't focus and he gets overwhelmed.
he needs someone's arm to hold onto, then he's all set. nowadays it's usually ludwig, but lovino, francis, or antonio have been there to help too! a good dance or two also helps to settle his nerves.
his aversion to loud, sudden noises means he's much more of a cat person than a dog one. he also really likes fish! i bet he's got a pimped out aquarium.
he really does connect with level-headed people the easiest, and this is partly the reason he took to ludwig so quickly. he likes people who know what they're doing, who say "this is our plan and this is how we're doing it" because it leaves a lot less room for his mind to run wild.
it's pretty much canon he's bi but when it comes to his taste in partners, he wants someone who can pick him up and rock him in their big ol arms. male, female, doesn't matter. please, someone just hold this man. also he loves long hair on women!
i won't go into true nsfw territory, but if there's one thing he needs when he's intimate, it's a whole lotta kisses. he can't get into it if he doesn't feel like he's being loved on.
his past traumas leave him overly empathetic. he's had enemies, for sure, but he's always strived to be as kind as he can be because he knows how it feels to be mistreated. he's a person who cries because he stepped on his cat's tail and she can't understand that he's sorry.
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plagueofwriting · 4 years
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ヘタリアLOG Pixiv ID: 63453467 Member: 20363042 - seki
※Posted with the artist’s permission ~Please ask the artist first if you want to repost the artist’s art~
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plagueofwriting · 4 years
Sidenote, I find it interesting (and by interesting I mean disgusting & disappointing) how the term ‘Fujoshi’ has come full circle in western culture to mean: ‘rotten women, degenerates, women who ruin everything, women who are ruined/deviant/corrupted, Abusers etc. etc.’ When it originated as an overall general term for women who didn’t conform to conventional gender & heterosexual roles & standards in Japan. That was it. That’s all it meant.
They were literally considered “ruined women” not fit for marriage or regular society. It was deeply misogynistic & homophobic in root. Female fans were referred to as Fujoshi whether they were “exploitative” of M/M relationships or not. Simply appreciating or engaging in queer relationships to any degree was seen as “rotten” and deemed someone a Fujoshi. The term is NOT exclusive to people who are seen as fetishizing said content/relationships. It’s a reclaimed term still actively used to this day in Japan.
Western fandom has taken this reclaimed word that comes from Japanese context & culture, and weaponized it all over again. To the point where people don’t even remotely know what it means in historical terms and throw it around with smug abandon. To the point where if they saw a Japanese person use it, would likely unleash a full-scale hate campaign against them. I don’t know if some newer western self identified Fujoshi are somehow using the term wrong as well but I’m talking about the actual REAL original meaning & context that has only become present day warped in western fandom, and is used to attack women & lgbt+ ppl who dare mention the term. (Or label them as such to deem certain ppl as fandom undesirables.) It’s embarrassing.
I’ve literally seen people say ‘time to reclaim X series from the Fujoshis! :^)’ When the original author of said work they’re celebrating… Would be considered a Fujoshi…
Fujoshi isn’t synonymous with ‘exploitative nasty straight women’. 
Many of these women were & are queer themselves and “BL”, Yaoi & Yuri works are all a means to explore gender identity, sexuality, empowerment, etc.  Lots of iconic shojo series overlap with themes present in a lot of these works too. It’s not a coincidence (Utena, Sailor Moon, Fruits Basket, etc.) 
Many people I know personally who also grew up with BL works, including myself later discovered “Oh I’m bi, I’m genderfluid, I’m nonbinary, I’m trans, etc.” The past few decades BL has still been ‘taboo’ for having queer relationships, but at least in western culture it was a “safe” way to engage in these stories when LGBTQ+ media was actively shut out from main stream media. People didn’t pay attention to manga or comics, so buying them, borrowing them, reading them could be done almost in plain sight. While most of us didn’t identify/call ourselves Fujoshi we’d still be considered Fujoshi, make sense?
I implore you all to at least do some research and read academic articles BY Japanese women & other older fans about these topics before subscribing to the misinformed hate-wagon and bastardizing a non-western term beyond recognition.
I also find it worth mentioning that Fujoshi & Fudanshi both refer to women & men respectively who are “corrupt/rotten/disposable” for enjoying M/M relationships in any fashion. Sexualizing men is seen as inherently negative. 
(This is a side topic but there is even a whole paper (I dont think it’s been published yet? I know this because I attended a conference where she presented last month) done by Kazumi Nagaike who found that there are self identified Fudanshi men who identify as straight & read BL manga because its the only media in which they can experience a male character receiving romantic affection, attention and being comforted and cared for lovingly) They actively hide it though because it would be seen as shameful. Fujoshi & Fudanshi culture isn’t as shallow & degenerate as these westerners make them seem.)
But, there is no mainstream term (if any) for individuals who write about/enjoy or sexualize F/F relationships, and if there IS a term I’ve never seen anyone use it or make a big fuss over it to remotely the same degree. No “lets reclaim these yuri/lesbian characters from those nasty men >:)” large scale campaigns. It’s always women & queer fans that get thrown under the bus.
Here’s a great master post with numerous sources and further in depth explanations I would just end up copypasting so here’s the link instead
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plagueofwriting · 4 years
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ガリプロ。 Pixiv ID: 15830213 Member: 434884 - トマト改
※Posted with the artist’s permission ~Please ask the artist first if you want to repost the artist’s art~
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plagueofwriting · 4 years
hungary: what’s your blood type?
prussia: how would i know?
hungary: how would you not know?!
prussia: who am i? karl landsteiner? discoverer of blood groups?
hungary: you don’t know your own blood type, but you know who discovered them?!
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plagueofwriting · 4 years
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Rip Portugal’s spleen
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plagueofwriting · 4 years
it’s wild to me how there is literally ZERO correlation between what a piece of media is like and what its fanworks are like. 2014 captain america fans were out there writing poetry and full-on academic papers inside of their fics. sonic the hedgehog and my little pony fandoms are both famous for drawing fetishes you’ve never even heard of. les miserables fans spent most of their energy on college aus. there is literally no consistency or observable pattern and it’s incredible
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plagueofwriting · 4 years
Callout post just for me on this beautiful monday morning
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plagueofwriting · 4 years
Celeb AU Ideas
Still looking for more RP partners so I can shamelessly indulge in various prompts.
Feliciano is the Taylor Swift of this universe. Everything the boy makes blows up and he’s swamped with acting and singing gigs. He has an army of celebrity friends and does not understand why anyone would be mean to him. Like his idol grandfather before him, his love life is full of speculation and the hottest gossip. His lyrics suggest he likes more than women.
Ludwig is a star soccer player struggling to deal with the weight of his fame. He feels like he rose to celebrity status overnight after leading his team to a Eurocup win and doesn’t know how to handle the sudden expectation to be a role model and public speaker. Closeted and terrified his teammates will find out, he decides to move to America to be closer to his brother who has more experience with fame.
Gilbert is a comedian. After years of struggling alongside his friends, he’s finally breaking out in a big way. New gigs and new opportunities means new people, but he’s having trouble leaving his old, relatable life behind. He still frequents the same dive bar he started in, but that might have more to do with a particular waitress than anything else.
Elizabeta is a struggling actress who has dealt with Hollywood’s typical treatment of aspiring startlets. She’s had little parts here and there, but in a town that constantly wants her to be more tomboyish, more girly, more alternative, fitter, fatter, skinnier, darker, lighter, and any other combination of impossible traits, she tries to remain committed to being herself and often wonders the real cost of authenticity.
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plagueofwriting · 4 years
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