Happiness Will Come To You.
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anyway I’m gonna have to pay $500 out of pocket for tmo and I’m considering dying instead .
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On this Indigenous People's Day in USAmerica, support Indigenous ppl by signing the petition to President Biden and the Supreme Court to uphold the ICWA, keeping Native children with their families. Oil companies are trying to strike it down in their bid to further exploit Indigenous Americans and pump money and oil from their lands.
Please reblog since tumblr hates links as well!
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Dirty energy is inextricable from conflict. Oil is both a vital ingredient of warfare and a leading cause of it. As such, the fossil fuel industry benefits richly from our current era of armed conflict. These companies are perpetually tapped into the unquenchable gas tank that is the military-industrial complex. They’ve also enjoyed state-backed security that protects their market share and enables new drilling opportunities.
Jasper Craven, Greenwashing the Military-Industrial Complex (via probablyasocialecologist)
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I will keep on saying this: If the mass deportations of Black and Brown people was considered racist under Trump, it doesn’t magically stop being racist just because a Democrat™ is doing it now. The silence from “allies” who were screaming bloody murder about immigration abuses under Trump is as deafening as it is hypocritical.
And I will keep saying this too: Abolish ICE. ICE is beyond “reforming.” And prosecute ICE and Border Patrol agents who commit human rights abuses.
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@hatr @fasterthanlime
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Yet more fuel to the fire that Christianity as an organized religion was a mistake.
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The United States — ALL of it
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The conversation surrounding cultural appropriation has been so severely mutilated by white “allies” that the original intention behind that conversation has become almost unrecognizable in most social contexts.
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One of the things that’s already begun to happen is the mass exodus of white people from affluent cities and neighborhoods into the hood due to covid unemployment. And thus the mass gentrification process has begun.
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i feel like people sometimes forget that literally a core tenet of capitalism is that there will always be a class that is forever trapped in poverty, always being exploited, always on the brink of starvation and homelessness. this isn’t a “problem” that has only cropped up recently. rather, it is how capitalism Works. you can’t have billionaires without also having poverty. poverty cannot be eliminated under capitalism.
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How Big Oil lied about "recyclable" plastics
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Exxon knew.
They knew, 50 years ago, that they were going to murder the planet and our species with their oil.
And they acted.
Oh, how they acted!
They created a campaign of lies to distort the public perception of climate change.
Exxon knew.
They knew in ‘73, when their researchers told them: plastics would never be recycled. There would not be a cost effective way to recycle plastic.
And they acted.
They created a disinformation campaign to convince us plastic COULD be recycled.
That campaign - the little recycling logos on our plastics, the upbeat videos about a future where plastic was part of a circular economy of use and recycling - convinced us to buy, wash, and sort plastic.
90% of that plastic was never recycled. It never will be.
NONE of those splashy campaigns - the announcement that all NYC school plastics would be recycled, the recycling in national parks - ever worked. They all lasted long enough to get some upbeat press, and then they quietly shut down.
This week’s NPR/Planet Money investigation by Laura Sullivan doesn’t just talk to the ex-chief lobbyists, now serving as belated Oppenheimers, lamenting the impending destruction of our planet.
It also talks to the current round of executives who have announced a fresh round of plans to recycle plastics - completely disingenuous, insultingly obvious distraction tactics to convince us that their projections of TRIPLING production by 2050 isn’t a form of mass murder.
Then Sullivan circles back to those retired executives, the ones who oversaw the first disinformation campaign, and they confirm that this latest round of promises are literally the same tactic, barely updated for a world on fire.
The world is on fire. My sky has been orange all week. Our family’s socially distanced meetings with friends in parks or back yards have been cancelled because we cannot breathe outside.
Exxon - and Chevron, and the rest of Big Oil - knows.
In a secret recording released to the New York Times, oil execs meet to cheerfully discuss how they will burn the world and murder us all but make a buck in the process.
Their plans for climate change don’t involve reducing emissions - they’re building bunkers and hiring mercenaries to keep us at bay when we come for them. They know what they’ve done.
Exxon knows.
Exxon knows.
When I searched for the “Exxon Knew” campaign to find a link for this piece, the top of Google’s search results included a blisteringly expensive ad for a disinformation site, paid for by Exxon.
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The sky is orange. The oceans are choking. The air is unbreathable. Your body is full of microplastics.
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Getting a lot of asks about the BBC’s latest documentary ‘Sickness and Lies’ and what I think of it. And honestly? I wasn’t expecting it to be good. The BBC has a bad history with this sort of thing. But I also wasn’t expecting the absolute nightmare that aired.
It’s every hate message and death threat I’ve ever had in regards to being openly disabled online amplified times a million.
It’s disabled hate content, pure and simple. It demonizes disabled and chronically ill people while holding up online hate groups that have harassed people to death–something they conveniently leave out– as some sort of paradigm of unsung heroics and justice against welfare frauds. Specifically against those with invisible chronic illnesses, and believe me, the timing is not a coincidence.
In the wake of Covid, we are about to witness a mass disability event the likes of which haven’t been seen on a global scale for nearly 100 years. In creating this documentary that seeds doubt and anger into the minds of the general public, the BBC is helping to further the Tory regime in their dehumanization of disabled and chronically ill folk. By portraying them as frauds and fakers, they further enable the Tory justification of denying benefits to the most vulnerable, ensuring that their blatant disregard and abandonment of duty of care is normalized as acceptable because look, look how prevalent faking is! We have a documentary about it! It’s on the BBC so you know it’s legit… even thought they based all their research on a reddit hate forum…
But their incompetence and immorality doesn’t end there, oh no. Along with the title and presentation being outright disgusting and irresponsible, they’ve also stolen content from creators who declined to be involved and voiced their concerns over the creation of such a documentary. @jessicaoutofthecloset said on Twitter that she refused to be a part of it, yet her image is used to promote it. And some of the other featured creators (I’m not going to link to them, their social feeds are already a nightmare) have claimed that their interviews were edited in such a way to make them sound ableist or twist the meaning of their words to fit the “us vs them” dynamic the documentary was trying to instill against “real” disabled people (i.e. visibly disabled) and chronically ill people, which is not at all what they were saying—especially because the person involved is both disabled AND chronically ill.
It’s disgusting, and frankly all the journalists involved should be fired. There is not a shred of ethics or care to be seen for any of the people they have opened up for attack online by listing them openly as disabled content creators. But that won’t happen. Because disabled and chronically ill lives don’t matter. Not when you’ve got ratings and dangerous propaganda to uphold.
I’m not going to say don’t watch it to anyone who is curious. But I will say make sure you’re in an okay headspace to handle it. I was barely able to get through it in the end. And if you’re able bodied and healthy, please watch it with the knowledge that what is being shown is a highly skewed and ableist outlook based on literal hate forums that have harassed people to death for being vocal online about disability activism. These people want us dead. What they are doing is not moral or even needed. Please don’t fall for their lies. Please be better than that. Please be kinder.
Please, I’m so heartbroken and tired.
If anyone has the time and energy, you can help by making a formal complaint to the BBC here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/contact/complaints
I would especially urge able bodied and healthy people to complain and show that this kind of ableist misrepresentation and hate content against the disabled and chronically ill community will not be tolerated without major pushback. Thank you.
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