piouspromise · 5 years
Musiea had promised Escher she’d try to be in a better mood today, but so far, she’s not doing well. She’s taking her time going through the supermarket near Escher’s place, hoping it’ll give her the chance to think of something cheerier. But she can’t stop thinking about the conversation she had with him last night, about the kids in their section of the group home...the section devoted to kids with recurring behavioral problems, most of whom would likely stay there until legal adulthood, when they’d be kicked out of the system and to the curb...
At the time, many of them had been frightening to her. She was so young, she didn’t know any better...but she’s learned, and looking back, those kids must have gone through horrible situations to end up that way. They needed to be shown love, not fear...
She keeps dwelling on it, and it’s not helping. What she needs to do now is examine the bakery to see if they have raspberry Swiss roll cakes, and if they’ll be up to Escher’s impeccably high-
She’s too focused that she doesn’t see another person walking toward her to dodge them in time. They clearly aren’t looking either, and the collision startles them both.
Musiea isn’t carrying anything yet, but unfortunately for the man she walks into, he’s got an entire armful of canned goods that end up all over the floor. Both involved parties spring into action, apologizing to the other once they’ve gotten over the surprise, and cooperating to pick up the items on the floor.
“It’s fine,” he says, once Musiea has apologized. “That’s what I get...I thought if I got a cart, I’d end up grabbing a lot of extra stuff. Really, I just need to learn to resist temptation...” He laughs somewhat awkwardly, and Musiea does too, for a moment...and then she gets a good look at him.
He’s about her age, of average height and built athletically, with ash blond hair that includes one sprig that seems to be sticking up in a way that blatantly goes against what the rest of it is doing. That’s...strange. But why does it seem so oddly familiar?
It dawns on her before she’s prepared for the emotions the realization carries. She knows him...or rather, she saw him just about every day for several years of her life. She had mentioned him the night before in her conversation with Escher. A boy who nobody ever spoke to, almost like they were afraid of him, even though he’d never spoken to anyone else that she’d ever seen. His expression always seemed like he was numb, but she could tell there was something dark and painful in those eyes of his.
He always looked so joyless, so to see him smile and laugh, even if it’s with some awkwardness and reluctance...at a time like this, the emotions are too much. Her eyes well up with tears and eventually, they spill over.
He notices, and he panics. “Whoa, h-hey, no need to get upset...nothing even broke, see?”
She shakes her head. “N-No, that’s not it! I just...!” She has to stop to catch her breath. “I...I remember you! I saw you all the time, and you looked so sad, b-but...I don’t even know your name...!! I’m so sorry...!”
He looks confused for a moment, but recognition flashes across his features. “I knew those teary eyes looked familiar...you’re Aida, aren’t you? You got placed there because you kept trying to escape to find your brothers. You’re the one Escher spent so much time with...”
Musiea rubs at her eyes. “Great...I’m being remembered because I was as much of a crybaby back then as I am now...” She laughs. “But I’m surprised you remember any of that! It was so long ago, and I wasn’t there for very long...”
“When you never talk, you listen,” he says. “When you’re never noticed, you blend in with your surroundings and people carry on conversations right in front of you. Plus, Escher raised so much hell after you left. It was kind of hard not to know about!”
Musiea frowns. “I’m so sorry you were treated so badly, there, um...”
He smiles. “Darwin. And don’t be. It was hard, but it’s a part of who I am...and it got me to where I am now. But what I’m more curious to know is whether or not Escher ever found you again.”
Both former residents of the group home end up putting their shopping on hold to sit down at the little cafe within the store for a cup of tea and some conversation. It’s strange how the two of them never once spoke, but Musiea is able to tell him about her life. He listens intently, letting her speak and only reacting silently. He waits until she’s finished before he says a word.
“God, that’s...I’m so sorry...” His features darken, and she sees a shadow of who he was back in the orphanage. “But it’s amazing that you were able to get out of it...escaping a cult isn’t something many people can do. And saving all those kids, too...how many are there?”
“Twenty in all,” she replies simply. His eyes widen and he almost chokes on his tea. “I know it sounds like a lot, but they’re good kids, and Escher helps! Though he’s under the weather right now, so the main focus is on getting him well again.”
“Wow...” he says. “You’ve managed to do so much. It’s a life story people would read...and it would probably get the Hollywood treatment too!”
Musiea laughs. “Oh, please! But if they do...they’d better cast someone really pretty to play me. And someone slightly taller...” She sighs. “Escher could play himself, though. He’s good-looking enough to be a movie star...”
“See? There’s even the love story element. I smell an Oscar nom right there.”
“Just the nomination?” She shakes her head. “Anyway, enough about me. It seems like you’re doing well, especially compared to how you used to be. I almost didn’t recognize you.”
“Well, I was kind of a scrawny little runt back then,” Darwin says. “I’ve gotten a little bigger and stronger in the meantime.”
“And...I’ve seen you smile, and laugh...” Musiea says. “That was why I broke down crying earlier. I had actually been talking with Escher last night, wondering whether or not some of the kids in that place ended up okay like we did. You...were mentioned...”
“Then...you’ll be glad to know I’m doing fine,” he says. “I mean, some days are rough, but...I’ve got people to support me too. I get through...” He smiles. “Guess it’s my turn, then...”
“Only if you want to talk about it,” Musiea assures him.
“It’s fine. Though it’s not quite as interesting as yours...” He sighs. “Not too long after you left, I started leaving the property to take walks. I figured as long as I was going to be alone, I might as well be truly by myself...not alone amid a crowd. But I kept going by this one playground, and seeing kids there who looked...happy. I remembered that my mom used to take me there when she was still healthy enough to get out of bed...that I had some happier memories of the place.
“I used to just walk by, but I eventually got to the point where I would sit on a bench and watch. There were these two kids there, a brother and sister, and I used to always see them. One day, the little girl came up and asked if I wanted to play too. She said she had only ever seen me by myself, and she asked if I ever got lonely. I told her the truth: ‘I’m used to it.’”
“That’s...a really sad truth,” Musiea says softly.
“It is, but I’d never thought about it that way...she burst into tears, and I was shocked. She told me she’d never heard anything so sad.” He sighs, though there’s a smile on his face. “I still remember it so vividly, even now...those silvery eyes, all red and puffy from very real tears. She didn’t even know me, but her heart was breaking for me...”
Musiea smiles as well. “She’s still someone important to you, isn’t she?”
“All that and more,” he admits, pink immediately dusting his cheeks. “I love Marie more than I knew I ever could love anyone. And she waited for me to sort through everything...she’s beautiful, smart as can be, talented...she could have anyone, but she helped me sort through my baggage and my past...”
“She sounds wonderful,” Musiea says.
“She is,” Darwin says. “And the work she’s already doing...she finished her undergrad program early, but even as a grad student, she’s already learned so much in this lab, they’re working on curing all sorts of-“ He pauses. “Sorry, I could talk about the things she does all day...”
“It’s all right!” Musiea tells him with a laugh. “It sounds like important research!”
“Yeah, and I’ll admit that I have to ask her to slow down and explain things to me a lot of the time...it’s amazing she even knows how.” He sighs. “Anyway...she’s been through a lot herself. Her older brother, Orlando, was kind of a rock for us both. When I was about ten, their mom and dad became foster parents to me, so I got out of the group home. It seemed like it was going to be fine...but then, they...were killed in a really horrible accident four years later...”
“I’m so sorry,” Musiea says quietly.
“It was a shock to everyone...Orlando spent a few days in his room, but he knew he had to rally. He...did a lot of growing up in a really short amount of time. And Marie was so devastated she could barely get out of bed for a couple of months...she tried going back to school but was placed on medical leave indefinitely because she could barely get through the day without breaking down...”
“It’s a horrible thing, losing one’s parents...” Musiea says, looking down into her cup. “Something you wouldn’t wish on anyone...”
“I kept thinking of how hard it was losing my mom,” Darwin says. “My dad passing on sometime after her, well...it’s complicated. But I remember thinking how it wasn’t fair that such good people like their mom and dad didn’t deserve to be robbed of their lives, and how good people like Orlando and Marie didn’t deserve to feel the kind of pain that comes from the loss of one’s parents...”
“But you get through it,” Musiea says. “They did...just like you and I did, and Escher...and the kids I look after now...”
“That’s right,” he says. “It’s hard, but...as long as you’ve got even just one person to help you through it...you’ll be okay.” He looks sad again for a moment. “People like us...maybe we just got lucky, to be at a point where we can talk about these things as parts of our pasts. I don’t know what became of the others in that home, but...I’d like to think that maybe things are better for them now. But I’m glad to know that out of all the kids there, two of them besides me are doing well now.”
Musiea looks up at him with a smile. “And I’ll have to settle for the one, I guess. Really though, I’m glad our paths crossed, Darwin. I feel better than I did before.”
“Well, good. You deserve it, Musiea. You’ve been through a lot, and you’ve done a lot. You’re going to keep doing a lot.” He stands up. “But, that’ll have to be for another time. I’ve got to get the stuff I need for dinner tonight.”
Musiea stands up as well. “And I need to get together a care package for Escher!”
“Right. Well, take care of yourself, too.”
“You do the same. Oh, and Darwin?”
She smiles. “You really might want to think about using a cart this time.”
He laughs. “Duly noted.”
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piouspromise · 5 years
Eyyyy anyone who isn’t planning to abandon tungle after its idiotic new policy...wanna RP?
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piouspromise · 6 years
“Hey, Faust, can you tell?” Asher’s tone is playful, and Musiea can already tell that nothing good is going to come out of his mouth. Still, his brother takes the bait.
“What, that you’re an idiot?”
“No, that’s you! But since you’re dumb, I’ll tell you...” He pauses, and even without looking, Musiea can tell he’s producing an object of some sort. Ah, prop comedy... “My pencil is way bigger than yours.”
Faust erupts into a fit of laughter, and Musiea’s head snaps toward the kitchen table, where her boys are having their off-color exchange...it’s even worse than she thought. Not only does the devilish grin on Asher’s face make it clear that he’s making an anatomical joke, but he’s placed the writing implement in a way that’s certainly not appropriate for the table...or anywhere, really. Gods, they’re only eight years old and their humor is already so crude. She can’t even begin to imagine how horrific the teenage years will be.
“Boys, I told you to put your school supplies in your backpacks!” she tells them, choosing not to acknowledge the rude humor. “And for that matter, where’s your sister? Don’t tell me you managed to convince her that school doesn’t start until tomorrow, or something like that...”
“Aw, man!” Faust laments. “Why didn’t you give me that idea yesterday, Mom? We totally could have pulled it off!”
“No way, she’d kill us!” Asher protests. “Or she’d make us wish we were dead...but she was just in her room, and it sounded like she was up and out of bed, at least.”
“Yeah, she told us to go away,” Faust says. “She said if we didn’t, she’d come up with something even worst that when she put thumbtacks in our pillows...”
“Can you blame us for not wanting to test her?” Asher asks. “That seriously hurt, if you recall!”
Musiea sighs, able to recall the incident quite well. Little did she know that when she brought little Meredith into the world, she’d be giving birth to a little girl with an absolutely diabolical yet brilliant mind. Instead of running off and tattling like most little sisters do to their big brothers, Meredith is able to channel her frustration into highly effective revenge. It’s almost scary how quickly she can improvise, too. That’s not to say that Meri isn’t a good girl; she absolutely is. Though her tolerance for nonsense and tomfoolery is a bit higher than Musiea’s, the price for engaging in such things is much higher, as far as Meredith is concerned.
“I’ll go see what she’s up to,” Musiea says. “In the meantime, you may want to go let your father know you’re up and ready for breakfast.” Knowing how the twins can eat, she doesn’t think she’ll need to ask them twice, and she goes to check on their little sister.
She opens the door to Meredith’s room and what she sees is quite unexpected indeed. She’s fully dressed and ready for school, looking positively adorable in the outfit she’d picked out for her first day of kindergarten, but she’s sitting down in front of the floor-length mirror in her room and crying. Fortunately, Musiea is able to identify what’s upsetting her fairly quickly.
All three of Musiea’s beloved children had been fortunate enough to inherit that thick and beautiful silver hair from their father...but having such thick hair comes with its own set of problems. When Meredith was little, it was easier keeping her hair short, but she’d expressed interest in having longer hair earlier in that year. Now, it falls to just slightly past her chin, and Musiea often catches her admiring it.
At this moment, though, Meredith is quite upset with her hair. With it being tousled and tangled from sleep, Musiea knows quite well that it can be tough running a brush through such thick hair...and in this case, it was too tough, and the brush got stuck.
“Oh no, sweetheart...” Musiea rushes to Meredith’s side and helps her up. “Is that why you told your big brothers to go away?”
Meredith nods. “They would make fun of me and call me a baby for crying about it! I was just trying to be responsible, but...it got stuck...!” Her lower lip quivers, and Musiea can see how hard she’s working to prevent any further tears.
“Meri, sweetie...” she says gently. “You’re very responsible! You got dressed and ready for school without any help, and without anyone telling you to. That’s very grown up! And who cares what Faust and Asher call you? They’ll laugh at anything, even things that aren’t even that funny. But even so, they’re your big brothers. Even if they say some silly things sometimes, the fact is that they love you...just like I do, and like Daddy does. Now let’s see about getting this brush out of your hair!”
She carefully works the brush out, and then she goes in to gently work out the problematic knot with her fingers. Since she’s got a better view, it doesn’t take her long. “There, that’s better. Now let’s brush your beautiful hair...” She begins lightly brushing at the ends with the brush. “If you start from the bottom and work your way up, it’ll be easier to brush out. You won’t get such big knots on the way down.”
“Start at the bottom...and work my way up,” Meredith repeats, focusing on her reflection. “I’ll try to remember that...”
“If not, you can ask me or Daddy to help you,” Musiea tells her. “Daddy might actually be better, since you got that pretty hair from him! He knows all about it.” Even so, she manages to brush out all the knots, and with a smile, she runs her fingers affectionately through her daughter’s hair and gives her a kiss on the head. “There, that’s much better! You look lovely, Meri.”
Meredith doesn’t respond, instead looking at her reflection with what seems to be worry. “All right, what’s bothering you, my sweet girl? And don’t try to hide that there’s something on your mind. I can tell you’re upset about something more than just a brush getting stuck in your hair.”
She sighs, looking down at her feet, speaking up hesitantly after a moment. “Do you think...people at school will, um...like me?”
Musiea’s eyes widen. “Why would you ask that?”
“Because. Sometimes I get cranky with people, and I’m not always patient. I have trouble controlling my temper, and I’m a little clumsy. Then I cry more than I probably should...lots of things like that. It seems like I’d be a lot of trouble to be friends with, that’s all.”
For a moment, Musiea is stunned...so many of the worries Meredith just expressed to her are the same ones that Musiea herself often had as a little girl. Maybe she’d passed down her tendency to doubt her self-worth to her daughter.
Well...if that’s the case, then she should do what she can to try and pick Meredith back up from feeling so down.
“Hey, you know what we should do, Meri?” she asks warmly. “We should do something different with your hair, since today is such a big day!” She remembers the little gift she’d picked out for Meredith some time before, that’s now in her pocket, and she produces the little barrette with a ribbon on the front of it. “Silly me, I can’t believe I almost forgot to give this to you!”
Meredith blinks in surprise. “A bow?” “Yeah! Let’s see how it looks...” She carefully takes a section of Meredith’s soft, silver hair and pins it back, fastening the barrette in securely. “There. Just as I though, it looks really good on you!”
“Mhm...it’s cute...”
Meredith’s expression has lightened just a little, but not entirely. So often, Musiea feels like she’s just floundering through motherhood...but on occasion, she does know exactly what to say. This is one such moment.
She sits down cross-legged on the floor and holds out her arms. “Now come here, my darling girl. I want to tell you a story.” Meredith immediately climbs into her mother’s lap and snuggles up against her. Musiea envelops her daughter in a loving hug, laughing softly as Meredith nuzzles into her chest. “I don’t know if you knew this, but I was about the same age as you are now when I first met your daddy.”
“You’ve known Daddy for that long?!”
“I have! And back then, he was just as grumpy, but just as kind. He was just as wild, but just as caring...he liked his jokes and his teasing, but he didn’t like to see me sad. And...I had just gone through something very scary and upsetting. You think you cry a lot? There were times that I cried for hours and hours on end. I’d cry and cry until after the fact, it felt like I didn’t have any tears left.”
“That’s a lot of crying,” Meredith murmurs. “I’m sorry you were so sad...”
“Well, I’m okay now,” Musiea assures her. “But at the time, I didn’t think I’d ever be happy again. One day, though, after he left the place where we lived and came back later that day, he gave me something: it was a bow a lot like this one. He helped me put it in my hair - I was clumsy too - and suddenly, I didn’t feel so much like crying. Do you know why, Meredith?”
“Um...because it looked pretty?”
“That may have been part of it...but I think the real reason was that someone who I barely knew at the time still cared enough about me to want to see me smile instead of cry.” She sighs. “Back then, I was scared and I felt like...like nobody loved me. But I learned that even at times where you feel so utterly alone and unloved, there will always be someone who cares enough to want to see you happy. A kind person who can’t stand to see someone suffering all alone. Even if you don’t know that person very well, they still exist and they’ll be at your side!”
“Even if nobody in my class likes me?”
Musiea smiles and leans down to kiss her little girl on the forehead. “I don’t think that’s going to be the case at all, Meredith. You’re smart, you’re funny, you’re good at games you play outside and games you play inside! You come up with great ideas, and you always try your best. Even if you cry more than you’d like and you can be a little clumsy, there are so many more wonderful things about you that the things about you that you think aren’t that great don’t matter. You just show everyone what an amazing person you are and work on being the best that you can be. Have confidence in yourself! And remember that no matter what happens, you’ll always be coming back home, and your father, your brothers, and I will be there and we love you so, so much! So please, Meredith...have all the love for yourself that we have for you.”
For a moment, Meredith just stares up at her silently, but then, she smiles. “Okay! I can do it. I don’t know what got into me there. I’m great!” She stands up and looks in the mirror, posing with her shoulders squared and her hands on her hips in a way that’s so cute, Musiea can’t help but laugh. “I don’t have to worry about you and Daddy knowing that, but if Faust and Asher can’t see that with their dumb brains, they’re going to get it worse than the time they found the picture I painted and drew butts all over it!”
Musiea sighs. “Yes, I...I do remember that. But please don’t ever put chili powder in their underpants ever again...”
“I know, I won’t. Like I said...they’re gonna get it worse.“
In the mirror, Musiea can see that her daughter is grinning, and she gasps. That diabolical grin is identical to one she’s seen on Escher’s face countless times, and seeing it on Meredith still shocks her.
“If...if I might make a suggestion, Meredith...” Musiea says, laughing nervously. “Maybe don’t bring out Scary Meri until some people have gotten to know you a little better. That face is kind of terrifying...” She remembers something, and she stands up quickly. “Oh no, speaking of your brothers...I don’t smell breakfast. Which means they still haven’t bothered Daddy for it, and they’ve been left to their own devices...”
“No way! Mommy, how could you be so careless?!”
“I-I’m not exactly perfect, Meredith!”
They rush to the kitchen, and it’s even worse that Musiea anticipated. There’s cereal and milk all over, and both of the twins are covered in it, meaning their back-to-school outfits are not going to be wearable today.
“I’m not going to let myself die at the hands of a cereal killer!” Faust declares loudly. “For I am Faust, the Milky Mass Murderer!” “Well, you’re bad at your job, then!” Asher shoots back. “There’s only one of me! Some mass murderer you are! Prepare to die, because you’re toast!”
“Not if I kill you bread!”
Both of them make a dash for the bread box, and by then, Musiea has recovered from the shock.
“What are you two doing?!” she shouts at them. They stop, both turning to look at hear, both sets of blue eyes wide with fear. “Wasting food and making a mess?! You boys are going to clean this up right now!!”
“Aw, come on, Mom!” Asher protests. “We were just playing around!”
“Yeah, and our banter was really good too!” Faust chimes in. “Didn’t you hear the jokes?”
“I don’t care if you’re voted the best comedic duo on the planet!” Musiea tells them. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll get to cleaning all of that up right this second. Unless, of course, you want your father to come in here and see what you’ve done to his kitchen...”
She’s never seen any children ever run so quickly to grab cleaning implements in all her days. Nobody gets away with trashing Escher’s domain, that’s to be sure.
Meredith seems to agree, sighing heavily. “Fools, both of them. I’m glad their dumb idiot brains aren’t contagious...”
Faust and Asher manage to avoid Escher’s wrath and get themselves cleaned up, and they make their way to school. The boys have no trouble finding their classroom, and she and Escher accompany Meredith to hers.
Watching her eyes light up as she gets shown her very own cubby for her belongings, and as she sees a big table with a spot labeled “Meredith” in her new teacher’s cute lettering, she can’t hide her excitement. However, as Musiea talks a bit with the teacher, she overheard something that causes her to worry.
“I’ve never seen hair like yours before...”
Musiea knows, even before she fully turns, that her own daughter is being addressed. Sure enough, a group of three little girls has approached Meredith, and they’re all looking at her with intrigue. She silently urges Meri to remember the talk they had this morning, hoping she’ll pick up on it even from across the room.
“Yeah, it’s pretty different,” Meredith says. “But I like it! My daddy has hair just like this and everyone says he’s handsome. Then my mommy gave me this bow today. It’s cute, right?”
One of the girls, a blue-eyed blonde with her hair tied up into pigtails, smiles broadly. “Yeah, it is! I love bows and things like that! And it looks good with your hair color!”
“I have my daddy’s hair too,” another girl, an adorable redhead with green eyes and freckles, says with a pout. “But yours is way prettier! Plus I have freckles like him and I don’t like them...”
“Don’t say that,” Meredith tells her. “Freckles are cute, and your hair color is pretty!”
The redhead thanks her, and the third girl, a brunette with curly hair, chimes in. “It looks super soft. Can I touch it?”
“It is really soft!” Meredith tells her. “Touch away!”
Musiea sighs in relief, and she sees the worry fade from Escher’s expression too. Thank goodness that went so well...she smiles, taking Escher’s hand and giving it a light squeeze.
She feels a sense of pride, knowing that she has such a thoughtful, smart, and happy little girl who’s beautiful both inside and out. Yes...Meredith is going to be just fine.
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piouspromise · 6 years
me: *entire face is red* what are u talking about i’m not embarrassed
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piouspromise · 6 years
She’s not unused to Escher’s way of expressing affection at this point. It can be just as spontaneous as the rest of him at times, changing like the wind. Sometimes he likes to make jokes and poke fun at her, finding her temper flare-ups to be endearing. Other times, usually after dark, he’ll pull her in by her hips, kissing her roughly and making it clear he can barely wait to sink his teeth into her. Other times still, he’ll snuggle up to her in bed and insist that they cuddle for just a little while longer, and it’s all too tempting to do so.
But then, there are moments like these, where seemingly out of nowhere, he must feel the need to hold her close to his heart as if his life depends on it. Maybe he’s remembering something unpleasant from the past, or worrying about something that could happen in the future. She usually finds that it’s better not to ask. Escher still struggles with letting himself be emotionally vulnerable sometimes, even around her.
He doesn’t speak, but he doesn’t have to. He doesn’t need to explain himself when he’s in need of affection like he clearly is. Instead, she thinks of what she can say, and she begins to gently wrap her arms around him. She breathes deeply against his chest, finding his scent comforting. His heart seems to be beating rather wildly for a man whose life isn’t in any imminent danger...but she swears she can hear it start to slow down as she holds him as well, and when she speaks to him.
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“I love you too, Escher,” she tells him softly. He hasn’t said his end of it aloud, but there isn’t any need. “I love you, and I’ll always be with you. Hold me as long as you need to. I’m here for you...”
She offers more calming, affectionate words, and sure enough, his heart eventually stops racing. She’s managed to remind him once more that he’s safe. What he was so afraid of in the first place, she doesn’t know, but it doesn’t matter. He won’t be troubled by it now that she’s here.
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piouspromise · 6 years
Musiea has taken enough trips into town on her own that she’s prepared for trouble if it strikes. It’s been a long time since anyone has bothered her, but being ready for any foreseeable situation is something in which she takes some pride.
She’s eyeing a cart of fresh vegetables at the market when someone bumps into her. It’s busy enough, but it’s not especially crowded...and the next things she notices are a man in a cowl pushing past the other people around, and a lightened weight on one of her shoulders.
It doesn’t take much time at all for her to piece together what’s happened, and she wastes no time being surprised by it, instead breaking out into a run to pursue the thief. She calls out for him to stop, only to realize seconds later that doing so probably wasn’t the best idea. He breaks out into a run as well, making her have to run even faster.
She chases him down, beyond annoyed at her rotten luck, and even more worried about what might happen if she doesn’t catch up with this ruffian. She’d stopped to pick up Rosina’s medicine just before this, and trying to get it replaced could turn out to be costly and time-consuming, and she’d rather not place strain on the monthly budget if it can be avoided.
And then, her luck takes a turn for the better once again as the thief rounds a corner that turns out to lead to a dead end. The alley in which she finds herself is narrow, and for the first time, she’s able to see this man’s face. Something about it seems so...familiar. It’s strange...what is it about his appearance that makes her feel at ease in some ways, but in others, it makes her blood boil?
He moves like he wants to try and run past her, but in a flash, Musiea reaches into her boot and unsheathes a small dagger she keeps on her at times where carrying a sword isn’t the most convenient option. He freezes where he is, obviously not having expected her to be such a difficult target.
“What the hell?” he asks. “Do you always carry a knife on you?!”
“Call it a well-founded sense of paranoia,” she tells him simply. She’s certainly not wrong, having known more than a few shady characters in her life, and having ended up in a serious relationship with one such character.
He frowns, visibly annoyed that he picked such a troublesome target, and Musiea brandishes her blade, making it very clear that she’s not just carrying it around for show. For a while, the two of them just stare at each other, trying to figure out what the other might do next.
Strangely, the thief speaks first. “I can’t believe I made a dumbass move like that. I’m a way better navigator than some idiot who makes a turn into the wrong alley...but you caught me off guard! You sound just like...” He cuts himself off suddenly. “Never mind, it’s not important. I can’t go back empty-handed again.”
“I sound just like what?” Musiea asks him. She finds herself oddly intrigued by this whole situation...but why?
He doesn’t seem to want to answer at first, but it’s obvious he’s at her mercy in just about every way, and he eventually gives in. “You look and sound exactly like my mother.” Her jaw drops in surprise and offense, and he notices. “Not like that! I haven’t seen her since I was a little kid, just calm down...”
“I don’t believe you’re in any position to tell me to calm down,” she tells him. Once more, there’s an awkward sort of silence, and Musiea finds herself with another question. “So did she abandon you, then?”
“In a manner of speaking, though not really by choice. She’d only just recovered from being sick, but she got sick again and...”
“She passed on,” Musiea finishes.
“Yeah...so much for my father’s cowardly effort to save her.”
Father...that word makes Musiea realize, in an instant, why she feels this man seems so familiar. From his coloring, to the way his hair falls, to the way his eyebrows knit together when he seems to be remembering something unpleasant, everything about this man reminds her of her own father. That explains the anger that accompanies the sense of nostalgia...her father was always kind to her, and even the last time she’d ever seen him, he didn’t seem to be harboring any ill intent. In fact, the way she remembers it, when he was telling her to go with the thief that first brought her to Escher...he looked like he was about to cry.
His personal feelings aside, he still handed her over to criminals for reasons she still doesn’t know and likely never will know, and for that, she still hates him. She didn’t exactly have an easy time of it, and she could have had a much worse time if Escher hadn’t helped her escape on the day that trafficker had come by the hideout.
She sighs, realizing she’s been staring. “Sorry, you just...well, you look exactly like my father, and I’m only just now realizing it...”
The thief laughs. “That’s funny...I’ve always been told how much I take after my old man...down to my lack of a spine.”
“It’s pretty spineless to be stealing from people, I’ll admit,” Musiea says, not caring about her harshness. “Though, let me guess: your father is also deceased, and as an orphan, you supported yourself through a life of crime?”
“You don’t know a damn thing,” he shoots back. “I didn’t want to get involved in this life, but I didn’t have a choice...and I wanted to see my little sister again. My old man gave her up as payment for medicine for my mom. He admitted it before he died...”
Those words remind Musiea of why she pursued this man so relentlessly to begin with: the bag in his hands, or perhaps more specifically, the contents of said bag.
“Well, I’m not sure what a life of crime has to do with finding your sister, but...” She eyes her purse for a moment before looking up at the man again. “In that bag is a very important medicine for a sweet but frail little girl who believes she survived being deathly ill as a baby so that she can be a doctor when she grows up. She’s not the only child I look after...there are twenty more children, who all lost their parents during the war, that are under my care. If I don’t get that medicine back, I’ll have to buy a replacement bottle, and that may mean sacrificing some necessities for the other kids.”
She steels her nerves for a possible fight. “I don’t want to have to fight you to get it back, but I know that black-market prices for medicines like these can be quite high, and that you likely won’t just hand it over, but-”
He sighs, doing just that...and not only the medicine. He’s giving her back her entire purse.
“Here, take it,” he says. “You’re a good person, and I’m sorry to have troubled you. Yeah, Dom’s gonna be pissed I didn’t bring back anything today, but...I can’t let a kid suffer...”
The return of her purse is shocking enough, but even more shocking to Musiea is the name he says. Her oldest brother, Dominic, was often called Dom or Nic for short...and what little information this man has given her about himself is causing thoughts to swirl around in her head faster than she can process them.
His mother had been sick, and the medicine needed to cure her was more expensive than they could afford, so his father gave away one of their children...wherever that child was, there was the assumption that she was with criminals...the man before her looks to be close to Musiea’s age, and for him to resemble both his father and hers...and despite being a thief, he doesn’t want children to suffer...he’s a kind person...
Her hands begin to tremble so intensely that the dagger falls to the ground. Her voice utters a name so softly that it’s almost in a whisper.
“Luka...?” The name of her kind brother, two years her senior, who always bore a strong resemblance to their father. She hasn’t seen him since she was a little girl, but the way the man before her responds to the name answers her question before he can even say anything.
“How...how do you know my name?!”
By then, she can’t stop the tears from falling, but she smiles anyway. “I...I look that much like Mom? I s-still think she was much prettier...but then, you...w-were always so nice to me...!”
For a moment, he looks even more baffled, but then, his mouth opens slightly in surprise. “No way...Aida?!”
She nods, and she can’t stop herself from sobbing...especially not when her big brother starts crying as well, and for the first time in too long, the two siblings embrace each other.
“You...you always were such a crybaby...!” she tells him.
“T-Takes one to know one!” he says. “I can’t believe it...I always tried to hold onto hope that we’d find you again, but Vince just kept saying-“
“And when has Vincent ever said anything positive?” she asks him, unable to keep herself from pointing out her second oldest brother’s tendency to be sullen and moody. “I...I just can’t believe it! You’ve really been looking for me all this time?”
“Of course we have!” Luka assures her. “Dominic managed to get Dad to admit what he’d done, and we figured the best thing to do would be to try and work from the inside...but by the time we found a lead of any kind, we figured we were too late! The hideout for that gang looked like a massacre had taken place there, and when we asked around, they said the kid living there was a noble, and a boy...”
“So you found the right place...I just hadn’t been there for years!” She smiles, pulling back to look at her brother’s face as well as she can through her tears. For the first time since the surprising encounter, he actually looks happy.
“Either way...I’m going to have to tell the others! They’ll all want to see you!”
“And I want to see them! But...I have more shopping to do. And now I have to be even more on the lookout for purse thieves...” She shoots him a glare that’s fully meant to be teasing as she picks her dagger up, sheathes it again, and puts it back into the side of her boot.
He smiles apologetically, holding the bag out to her again. She wastes no time in taking it back and slinging it over her shoulder. “Really...I’m sorry about all that...”
“For now, I’ll overlook your line of work,” she tells him, placing her hands on her hips. “After all, I’d rather not ruin such a heartfelt reunion. That, and I know that even good people can be found in the most unsavory professions.”
“You always did know how to see the good in people,” Luka says.
“I don’t know about that...but I learned long ago not to judge people based upon what they do for a living. Times are hard, I know that much...” She sighs. “But I’ll have quite a lot to carry, so if you want to apologize, you can help me carry it all.”
He beams proudly. “I’ll do you one better: I’ll help, and on the off-chance you end up with more than you can carry, I know of four other guys who would love to help as well.”
She laughs, knowing right away what he means. “I’ll take you up on your offer, then.”
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piouspromise · 6 years
Send a symbol for your muse to gently touch mine by: 
❥ :  tucking stray hair behind their ear
✿ : trailing soft kisses down their arm
☁ : cuddling with them under a blanket
★ : pressing a kiss to the back of their hand
▲ : leaning your head against their shoulder
♪ : singing them a lullaby and brushing their hair
◆ : wrapping your arms around them from behind
✤ : lacing your fingers into theirs and holding their hands
♣ : slowly pulling them into your lap to curl up and cuddle
▨ : rubbing their back to calm them down when they’re upset
▰ : embracing them and holding them firmly against your chest
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piouspromise · 6 years
          PASSING BY A town was nice in theory: a break from tents, a chance to grab supplies (if they could anyway– the lack of mila’s blessing surely means there has been less fortune for not only his home village but everyone ) and a chance to grab intelligence. after all, ram had been so far southward, so far removed from the rest of valentia that they had all found out about king lima’s death much later than the rest. what else could they possibly not have known? a common man holds different knowledge than a knight of the order would.
however, when they arrive, he realizes they attract more attention than he would’ve liked. how could he forget, truly? when he was young, any of them had been amazed to see a soldier of high breed at all visit their humble lands. just because they were far from other society did not mean that the rest of the populace would not react the same way. he just hopes that the villagers are not giving what little resources they have to them because they seem like shining figures to simple people.
he had just seen two of his childhood friends scurry off when he hears someone unknown call for him. he does not jump but his surprise is voiced by his eyes that are wide when he faces her.
“ er… wow, aren’t you raring to go, ” he says it less like a question and more like the observation that it is. “ sounds like you have something you’ve got to fight for. i won’t ask, but i won’t deny that i’m curious. consider yourself in. ”
his smile is easy-going. would this be bad if she was a spy? oh, definitely. to turn away someone with such fervor though sounded against his principles. still, he offers a warning:
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“ though, for the record, know you’re just talking to a figurehead who likes to swing a sword. whether you’re on my good side means nothing for whether you’re sticking in. ”
Her face lights up when she hears his response, and she wills herself not to cry from how moved she is. “R-Really? Thank you, Sir Alm! You won’t regret this, I promise!” She stands fully upright, smiling in a way that she hopes conveys confidence in her abilities.
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“I may not look like much, but as a priestess, I know I can be of assistance to you in battle. I’m apt with a blade, my magic will smite human foes and Terrors alike, and by the Mother’s infinite generosity, I can heal the wounded. You can count on me!”
For a moment, her expression darkens as she recalls her reason. “I’ve nothing to hide, though the story is long and you’ve no doubt business to take care of here in town. If you still find that you’re curious later, I would gladly share my tale. Just know that I’ve been seeking entry into Rigel for three years but lacked the means to do so. A Rigelian mercenary...did something unforgivable to the people I considered to be family...”
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She looks up, determination in her eyes once more. “Ever since then, I’ve been meaning to track him down and make him pay for what he did. So while I complete my own mission, I will aid you in yours.”
Remembering that she hasn’t been completely alone since that day three years ago, she brings up one last matter of importance. “I should return to the priory for now. I’ll need to tell everyone my plans, as well as gather up a few possessions so I’ll be ready to travel. I should be finished in the time that it takes for your army to complete its business here in town, Sir Alm. It would hardly make a good impression for me to cause a delay for the Deliverance.”
In most cases, Musiea has no trouble getting along with others, so Alm’s words hinting at the importance of being on good terms with the other soldiers aren’t of great concern for her. Still, she doesn’t want to impede their travels at all, or worse, be left behind and miss what might be her only chance to hunt down that monster in mercenary form.
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piouspromise · 6 years
As she steps into the small but cozy apartment that Escher calls home, Musiea finds that she’s still smiling...the elation she feels from having witnessed Escher’s debut performance as a solo pianist is too significant. She can’t remember the last time she felt so utterly thrilled.
He steps in behind her, and she feels the overwhelming need to throw her arms around him, as she did when she’d met him around the back of the venue before they’d opted to go to his place for some much-needed quality time.
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She looks up at speaks before he has the chance. “I know I keep saying this, but I mean it...Escher, I’m so, so proud of you. Not only were you incredible up there, but you did something you’ve been wanting to do for a long time.” She sighs contently, leaning against him. “And here I didn’t think I could fall in love with you any more...” / @deathvow
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piouspromise · 6 years
Hey everyone, it’s a starter call, because I really need to be more active on this blog! I’ve got seven muses here that are all ready to go, verses are still WIP but I will be more than happy to answer any and all questions about my muses or the game or anything else that comes up! Go ahead and hit that like button if you’re interested. This post also applies to my blog for Musiea (@piouspromise), but since this blog is way less active I’d like to try and do a bit more on it.
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piouspromise · 6 years
Headcanon Post: the Brothers Durand
All about Musiea’s brothers, because unlike her parents, they’re all still alive and I plan to use them at some point. Family reunion? Heck yeah!
They became criminals to try and find their sister again, after the death of their mother, and as their father admitted to them on his deathbed that he’d given up his only daughter to thieves to pay them for stealing the medicine needed to save their mother’s life (that illness was cured, but her condition worsened due to the grief of knowing her daughter was likely lost forever). They’re good guys at heart, despite their issues, and family is of great importance to them all.
The oldest, Dominic, is seven years older than Musiea. He’s a born leader and a fast thinker, and his pep talks are second to none. As far as criminal stuff, he’s good at just a little bit of everything, but as a muscular tank of a man (in stark contrast to his slight younger sister), he’s a fantastic brawler. It was his idea to go into the criminal underworld after their father, who was at death’s door due to an illness that likely came about due to the grief or losing his wife and the guilt of giving away his only daughter, revealed he had given up their sister to a group of thieves in order to pay for their late mother’s medicine. Even at thirteen years old, he figured the best way to get in with thieves was to become a thief himself. Still, he tried to raise his little brothers to the best of his ability, though he was still only a child himself. He’s a generally serious type, mostly because he had to grow up very quickly after losing both of his parents. Overall, he bears little resemblance to Musiea, but they do have the same hair and eye color.
Vincent is five years older than Musiea, and is possibly even worse than she is as far as his temper and level of stubbornness. He has their father’s brown hair but their mother’s blue eyes, and looks almost eerily like Musiea when he’s angry or sulking...which is often. He is described as being full of piss and vinegar, and he’ll fight someone if they so much as think about looking at him the wrong way. Because of his experience with fighting, he’s almost as skilled as Dominic...and that drives him crazy. Ever since he was little, he’s felt the need to compete with his older brother, and his inferiority complex is a huge part of him at this point. He also has a bad habit of picking up women and using them for his physical needs, and that has caused numerous problems in the past.
If all the fire went to Vince, then Milo, the third brother, who is four years older than Musiea, got all the chill. He is apathy incarnate, and he is unimaginably lazy. He has a tendency to fall asleep whenever he feels like it, which is often. He’s practically a genius, so he gets bored easily. In modern AU settings, he’s an expert hacker, and entirely self-taught. He’s also excellent at eavesdropping, even able to remember conversations that occurred while he was sleeping. He’s not much of a fighter, though his blunt comments will often cause tempers to flare up, and he won’t hesitate to hit someone if they wake him up from one of his impromptu naps. He seems to have difficulty remembering his little sister’s new name, though it’s more likely that he just doesn’t care enough and can’t be bothered. He has their mother’s blond hair (though permanently sleep-tousled) and their father’s green eyes. He looks most like Musiea when she’s tired or is just waking up.
Luka, the fourth son, is the most peaceful, and perhaps the least suited to a life of crime. He is only two years older than Musiea, and looks mostly like their father, bearing almost no resemblance to his sister at all. As a child, he was much more of a crybaby, and as an adult, he simply lacks backbone. He can take a lot of punches before ever hitting back. He’s not great at criminal endeavors, though his somewhat shy and timid nature makes him very good at pickpocketing and theft, and he’s fast. After all, if you’re not so willing to fight, you have to be good at running away. For modern AU settings, he’s a great driver, and he’s always in charge of the getaway car. The only time he was ever able to assert himself was if someone - whether it was one of his older brothers or one of the neighborhood kids - was doing something to upset either of his younger siblings. His family is important to him, and he’s good with kids. When his little demonic nephews pop up (out?), he’s a doting uncle.
James, the baby, is about a year younger than Musiea, and he looks almost exactly like her. He could certainly be described as a pretty-boy, and his charm is endless. Due to his charisma and love of flirting, he’s an excellent information gatherer. However, his sweet talking is always sincere; he’s attracted to both men and women equally, and will proudly state that he feels the need to let all of the beautiful people in the world know how amazing they are, and he can find something nice to say about anyone. Even the biggest meathead thugs find themselves bashfully accepting compliments from James, even thanking him and forgetting about the toxic masculinity that’s been beaten into their heads. Despite coming off as your token “flirty bisexual character,” he fears actual closeness, likely due to abandonment issues that came from losing his parents and his big sister when he was very young. If anyone expresses interest in something deeper than just a casual relationship, his charm turns into awkwardness, and he panics. Still, even with these honest qualities, James can be a little on the sly, devilish side. He absolutely loves starting fights with his brothers just for his own amusement, and his way with words can be used to craft the perfect insult.
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piouspromise · 6 years
Early evening finds Musiea venturing into the woods yet again, knowing that the gods will serve as a guiding light even under the thick foliage that blocks out the sun. She’s on a holy mission, after all...tonight, she’ll draw her out. That sister of darkness will be punished for her sins at last, and she will have her vengeance.
The path grows more difficult to navigate due to the plant life and the low visibility, but she’s made this journey many times and she’s learned the way to her dwelling. It comes into view soon enough...it certainly doesn’t look like the home of a cursed being. It looks much like a human cabin, and though it’s a bit on the odd side, it does seem rather cozy.
Still, that’s probably just a trap she uses to lure in the occasional lost traveler or wandering soul! They’ll think they’re safe in the presence of a human, but Musiea is wiser, and she knows her enemy for what she is: a vampire and a witch. She’s nothing but an evil practitioner of magic that is unknown in origin, and a predator of the living. The pacts she’s made with dark forces must be strong and numerous, and she is a threat that must be purged.
She draws her blade and brandishes it once she’s close enough to the house. “Come out and face me, wench!! I know you’re in there hiding, but know that if you don’t face me willingly, then I, paladiness Musiea, shall not hesitate to venture into your home and cut you down!” She’s made that threat before, though she’s been...unable to act upon it. “A-And I really will do it this time!!” There...that should show that woman of wickedness that a paladin like herself fears no dark force! / @deathvow
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piouspromise · 6 years
“ eventually… you just move on. ” hooofdgjlhg
This isn’t the first time...and yet it is. While she and Escher are hardly strangers to this sort of grief...only one of her had ever existed. Musiea can still remember the day she became aware of her existence, and the day some time later that she held her in her arms for the first time...she remembers all of it in vivid detail.
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And now, Musiea feels the familiar pain of burying a child. All these years later, and there isn’t so much as a strand of silver in her hair, not even one line in her face...and yet, she’s been forced to watch her daughter, her beautiful, kind, dutiful, vibrant, loving daughter...grow old, wither, and die.
She’s spent enough time with Escher to know that even when his words can sound cold and unfeeling, what’s in his heart might not always match the words he says. She watched him raise this child alongside her...always giving her rides on his shoulders, reading her stories, smiling whenever she declared his cooking was better...he loved their little girl. He stayed by her bedside in her final days, refusing to sleep despite her pleas for him to do so, when she was lucid enough to know who he was...
It always seemed like whenever this sort of thing happened, Escher was always quick to suggest that they pack up and move somewhere else. The first time it had happened, Musiea was shocked and appalled...she scolded him.for his insensitivity. How could he possibly be so eager to go away so soon after the death of one of their children? Later, when she’d found out the truth, she’d felt awful, begging for his forgiveness. Escher wasn’t being insensitive...it was the opposite. He just couldn’t stand to be so close to the grave of one of his children...the constant reminder that his own son or daughter was in the ground while he had thousands of years left to live was too painful, and he hated breaking down. He needed to be elsewhere.
So hearing him say that, she knows it’s for her benefit. Whether he’s referring to their inevitable move to another part of the world, or moving through grief...he’s right. They need to keep moving, and they will, as long as they have the life to do so. She’s not sure how many years remain at this point, but she knows there are many left.
For the moment, she’s managed to stop her crying as she thinks on that, looking at the mound of earth beneath which their daughter now finds her eternal rest. However, her eyes drift upward to his face, and she sees something that sets her off once more.
There aren’t just tears all over her face any more. She can see that there’s one running down his now, too. For Escher to break down, she knows the level of anguish has to be tremendous...it's undoubtedly as deep and as unwavering as her own.
She finds herself weeping in his arms again, holding onto him tightly, trying to quiet her sobs for long enough to speak. “Y-You’re right...we will...w-we have to, Escher...!” She reaches up, touches his cheek, and brushes his tears away with her thumb. “But...we’ll n-never forget...not one of them...b-because...!” She forces herself to smile. “That’s...our duty, isn’t it? A-As long as we’re alive, we...we just have to remember them, Escher...!”
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It’s been so long, she’s not sure if he even recalls the time he’d told her such a thing to quiet her tears, and when she’d used that same thing to dispel the guilt and sadness in his eyes...she wouldn’t blame him for forgetting. But she gets the feeling he hasn’t.
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piouspromise · 6 years
“ fight me, you attractive stranger. ” w i n k s hey dweeb
She looks up from the book she thought she’d get a chance to read to make sure he has a view of her annoyed expression.
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“Really, Escher? I’ve got a moment of quiet at long last, and...fight you? There’s no need for that. Not to mention I’m hardly a stranger...” She smirks. “Unless you’re the type of person that crawls into a stranger’s bed, snuggles up to her, and whispers ‘I love you’ when you think that stranger’s asleep.“
She looks back down at the page, but finds her mind wandering...it’s been a while since she last fought Escher for real. At least, it was for real on her end. It seems like ages ago now...his sword skills were really something back then. Are they still as sharp now that he’s left behind his dangerous and illegal line of work? It would be interesting to see him in action again.
Still, she’s got no intention of fighting him...at least not with blades, and certainly not to the death. But there on the couch, it would seem there’s a perfectly good “weapon.”
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He’s backed off since she finished her stern mini-lecture, and now seems like a good chance. With a throw pillow in hand, she begins to sneak toward him, unable to keep herself from smiling. All he said was that he wanted her to fight him...he didn’t ever specify what kind of fight he was looking for.
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piouspromise · 6 years
five word prompts
[inspired by this]
“actually… i just miss you.”
“alright, i’ll leave you alone.”
“and slowly… i was forgotten.”
“and then everything just disappears.”
“and where do i go?”
“anyone could tell from here.”
“are you finishing that or…?”
“are you stupid or stupid?”
“anything, just call me, okay?”
“bitch better have my money.”
“bro… that’s so… not cool…”
“but did you do it?”
“call me now. it’s urgent.”
"can’t you listen to me?”
“cross that. don’t answer that.”
“don’t even think about it.”
“don’t you dare walk away.”
“do it. i dare you.”
“did you think i forgot?”
“eventually… you just move on.”
“even if you still do.”
“everything will fall into place.”
“fight me, you attractive stranger.”
“for once, i need you.”
“for once… i was right.”
“for once… i was wrong.”
“forget i even asked you.”
“forget it. you fucking suck.”
“fuck’s sake, what’s your problem?”
“fuck off. i mean it.”
“give and take. that’s life.”
“great. perfect. nice. fuck this.”
“have you lost your mind?”
“hello? it’s me. i was-”
“hey… that wasn’t so nice.”
“here’s a glass of whatever.”
“how about a hug, hm?”
“how about you make me?”
“i haven’t forgot you yet.”
“i can’t be around you.”
“i don’t need you, really.”
“i don’t need this now.”
“is this your first time?”
“it’s just a cut, really.”
“it wasn’t me, i swear!”
“i said i love you.”
“just don’t fuck it up.”
"just… come back alive, okay?”
“just make sure you’ve eaten.”
“kick his ass for me.”
“killed him? wait, what, literally?”
“life really sucks. feel better.”
“letting go hurts… a lot.”
“let me live, will you?”
“no, i don’t need you.”
“nothing can hurt me now.”
“nothing matters anymore to me.”
“okay it was me… so?”
“people lie all the time.”
“pipe the fuck down, asshole.”
“please, you can’t die now.”
“please don’t leave me alone.”
“quiet. they can hear us.”
“quick! give me your phone!”
“quicker, you freaking piece of-”
“quit it or i’ll bite.”
“quit staring! they’ll notice us!”
"really? do i look stupid?”
“real smooth, tripping over air.”
“rise and shine, sweet thing.”
“rise and fucking shine, motherfucker.”
“seriously? give me a break.”
“so… what are we now?”
“so… did you miss me?”
“so… can we go eat?”
“so… when’s the next flight?”
“so… how did everything go?”
“sometimes, i wish you died.”
“so what? you did it.”
“time passes slower without you.”
“then what do you suggest?”
“the fuck? who are you?”
“then you tell me why.”
“this is not working out.”
“this isn’t what i wanted.”
“this is all a fucking disaster.”
“when did it all happen?”
“who knew you’d be here?”
“why do i even bother?”
“why do i love you?”
“why didn’t you tell me?”
“you’re just… so, so stupid.”
“you can’t be here now.”
“you look like an accident.”
“you really need to go.”
“you know who to call.”
"zero fucks given. next please.”
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piouspromise · 6 years
The sights and sounds of memories return to her in fragments. Sunset. An orderly line of children. Unnerving silence where evening prayers should be. An unshakable sense of dread. “I’m going to go in first to make sure we’re not interrupting. Stay right there, okay?”
For some reason, the voices of the dead don’t usually reach her when this happens. But she can hear them. They’re quiet, they’re tired, and above all, sad...and angry. “Musiea...Musiea, after everything...why...?”
The door opens. Sounds of a struggle. Her footsteps quicken. The red light of the sunset hitting the floor through the stained glass windows. More red on the floor, but it reflects the light. More red, there’s so much red on the floor.
“Musiea...why, Musiea...?”
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Her heartbeat stops for a moment. White cloth stained red. Faces, frozen in the horror that can only be brought about by imminent death. Eyes wide with fear. Limp bodies. Blood pours forth. The priest she called Father gasps out the first syllable of her name, then he falls. More blood.
“Have you forgotten, Musiea...? That man...“
A tall figure clad in all black. A sword with black details, blood visible on the metal. A cruel smile with the strikingly white teeth of a man, though adorned with the fangs of a beast. Steely eyes, feeling nothing. A shock of silver hair spattered with blood. A silhouette outlined in the red light that makes him look like a demon.
“Musiea...that man...that man, Musiea...“
Cold eyes turn to her. A curse is muttered. Sacrilege. The noise within her mind grows too loud. She begins to chase him, even though she knows she’s no match. She’s clumsy, and she already feels faint. She can’t run. He escapes.
“Musiea...that man...how could you...?“
She’s lost. She’s devastated. The children are innocent. They can’t see this. For just a moment, she has to pretend. She saw nothing. Nothing is wrong. A door opens. Curious eyes. Careful instructions. “And then go straight to bed and don’t leave until I say you can.” Watching, waiting for the children to leave on their own before she goes back. Gods, she doesn’t want to go back there.
“Musiea...you always were a foolish child, Musiea...”
Screams of rage. Tears of despair. Frantically grasping cold and lifeless hands. Repeatedly checking for pulses only to find stillness. “No...one of you has to be...”
“You couldn’t save us, Musiea...but doing such a thing? That man...”
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What do I do? I can’t leave them. How do you even prepare a body for burial...? She’s weak. She can’t carry them all. Dragging them from place to place wouldn’t be right...it would be disrespectful. But she can’t leave them there...she just can’t.
“Throwing us in an unmarked mass grave would be nothing compared to the dishonor of what you’ve done, Musiea...“
Little hands broken and bloody from digging. Night falls. Deep enough, long enough...she can’t quite tell. Her vision is clouded from tears. White cloth turned brown by the earth. Darkness. Night goes on. She’s exhausted. But she can’t stop...no...I’m sorry. I meant to lay you to rest, not to let you fall like that...just because you can’t feel it doesn’t mean...I’m sorry, my arms are just so tired...it’s nearly dawn...forgive my carelessness...
“Musiea...wretched girl. You’ve betrayed us all. You...and that man...“
Things flow together around her normally, from what she can tell. It’s pitch black...save for the forms of the priest and the sisters standing in a circle around her Their white clothes are still stained red, as they were on that day. They look at her with anger, disappointment, and hurt.
Tears sting at her eyes and cause her chest to tighten. “I’m so sorry...I’m so sorry, everyone! I couldn’t save you...I could barely manage to bury you! All I could do right was say the prayers. I’m-”
“Enough. You really were a stupid girl.“
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She gasps. “S-Sister, why-!?”
“You were given a name to welcome you as a child of our faith,“ the father said coldly. “You planned to avenge us by seeking out the man who killed us, and ending his life. But what have you done instead?“
She looks down in shame. When he puts it that way, she knows exactly what she’s done to invoke their wrath. She looks down in shame. “I...I...”
“Your name is that of a servant to the gods,“ he continues. “Yet you allow that man to use it as he defiles you. You stated many times that would would never forgive him for what he’d done to us, yet you fall into his arms. You pledged your life to the gods, and you’ve all but thrown that away, selfishly spending your days chasing false happiness with that man. You’re pathetic. You’ve no right to shed tears.”
She’s in shock. Never once has he even spoken to her so harshly, but perhaps she’s never done anything before that deserves such anger and contempt from him. They all join in.
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“No...stop...!” She pleads with them, shrinking away. Once more, she’s a frightened little child, begging not to be hit or worked to the point of exhaustion for accidentally letting something important be broken...in the way that she accidentally fell in love with the man she swore she would kill out of revenge. “Listen to me...you sold those children into slavery...it was just a job for him...if you hadn’t, then you might still be alive! He’s not evil, like I thought...he’s kind, in his own way...he makes me laugh and smile when I need to...he’s kept me safe more times than I can count, and...I love him! You need to stop this...”
They don’t stop, instead growing louder. “No, stop it...stop! No...no!!!” She covers her ears and falls to the ground. She can still hear their taunts, and all she can do is scream to try and drown them out.
She’s not sure if that scream occurred in real life as well...all she knows next is that she’s sitting upright in bed, breathing heavily. Her nightie is drenched with an icy sweat, and there’s darkness all around her. What she saw...it was all just a nightmare.
She’s rattled...it’s been a very long time since she’s had one of those kinds of nightmares, but that last part? That's new...
At once, she recalls both the details from her memories of the frightening beast of a man covered in the blood of her family, whom he’d just slain, and the man that she’d defended adamantly despite being terrified and taunted. It’s hard to believe they’re one and the same...
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She’s not sure what makes her start sobbing so pitifully. To think that the same faces that once gave her comfort now filled her with such fear and shame...and the face that paralyzed her with fear, the one that she considered the face of evil itself...belonged to the man she now found herself seeking out for solace. She finds that warmth, throwing her arms around him and crying so hard that she has to gasp for air.
She still isn’t sure if her scream was real, but if he wasn’t awake then, he must be by now. She clings to him desperately, not wanting to let him go...and the words of her dead family echo in her mind. Even so, she cries out his name, finding that just the sound of it makes her feel safer...and she can’t help but hate herself a little for that.
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piouspromise · 6 years
The gossip that she’d heard in town can’t have been untrue, what with the crowd that’s forming in the center of it all. Her face lights up...the Deliverance must actually be passing through! With no time to waste, she tries to carefully move past the townsfolk. However, as they’re not moving, she has no choice but to push past them, apologizing as she goes. She’ll explain herself later; for now, this is far more important.
Finally, she’s made her way to the front of the crowd, and she looks around quickly for anyone who appears to match the description she’s heard of the Deliverance’s promising young leader: a young man, really just a teenager, with green hair and eyes. He’s said to also have somewhat of a somewhat of a distinguished countenance about him, something that’s atypical for a boy who’s lived in a small farming village all his life. Still, he’s the grandson of the legendary Sir Mycen, so maybe that explains it...
Her eyes settle upon someone who matches that description most of all, and without hesitating, she calls out to him, taking a step closer. “Excuse me...are you Sir Alm?!” When he seems to respond to his name, she poised herself to say that which she must.
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“My name is Musiea, I’m a priestess at a priory not far from here. Please, I humbly beg of you...let me join your cause!” / @gaileon
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