pillarsheadcanons · 2 years
Just Like Old Times?
A little something something playing around with an idea I kinda outlined here. In other words, Edér and Aloth have a conversation early in Deadfire about Aloth's actions in Old Vailia.
About 1225 words.
Edér couldn't stop grinning. He and the Watcher spent the afternoon teaching the crew how to play Dozens - an act of reconconciliation after Gaura forbade them to play Orlan's Head. She never liked that game so she was unapologetic about her decision. But she also hasn't been captain for long and so she was worried about the impression she left on the crew. She became adamant to make them warm up to her by the time they reached Neketaka. The farmer was more than willing to help. And a few hours later the hold was filled with raucous laughter. Once Gaura saw that the sailors mastered the game, she excused herself and left for her quarters. Edér didn't feel like sticking around much longer after that.
When he turned to leave, Edér noticed Aloth looking at him from his bunk. Of the bunk bed they agreed to share. There was a book lying in his lap, and the veteran half-expected him to bury his face in it, when their gaze met. But the wizard not only held his gaze but replied to the farmer's involuntary grin with a faint smile of his own.
'You know, you could've joined us,' Edér said as he approached him.
'And you know that I'm not much of a gambler,' Aloth moved to the side, giving him some space beside him just as Edér was about to ask him to do so.
'That's just it,' the farmer chuckled as he sat down, 'I don't. Haven't really had the time to see how you've changed.'
'And here I was trying to see just that,' Aloth closed the book, but didn't put it aside. He tapped on the cover with a finger trying to figure out how to continue. 'I have to say, I'm... happy for you. I think.'
'What I mean by that is, you seem healthier, more vigorous. I recall the man smoking under that tree in Gilded Vale, apathetic towards his own well-being and I see none of that apathy now. You seem... more focused, more mature.'
'Dunno about that latter bit,' Edér took out his pipe and continued with his teeth holding on to the stem, 'but uhh... yeah, having a sense of purpose does that to you,' he said as he searched his pockets for flint but he was unable to find any. Similarly, he couldn't find the right response either. He wanted to compliment Aloth the same way, tell him that their time in that Engwithan arena on Maje Island felt just like old times. But the words got stuck in his throat - blocked by a stinging sense of disapproval that he felt when he overheard the wizard telling the Watcher about his travels in Old Vailia.
'Is something wrong?' Aloth's question snapped Edér out of his musings.
'No, it's nothing,' Edér shook his head, he took the pipe out of his mouth and fiddled with it instead, 'just trying to find a way to repay the compliment, is all.'
'Oh, it's... It's fine,' Aloth dismissed his words with a wave. 'You did say, you need more time to... assess me. I was merely commenting on my first impressions too, I'm sorry if I overstepped.'
'No, that ain't it. I mean, you didn't overstep, it's just...' Edér had a hard time continuing. By that moment, Aloth's smile faded completely and the farmer couldn't stand his gaze.
'Is this about-'
'It's about Old Vailia.'
The wizard didn't respond. He nodded slowly and turned his attention to the book on his lap. He watched the empty cover with great intensity as if he looked hard enough, he would find something there that he didn't notice before. A solution to all the questions that plague him, including the one on his mind in that given moment: how to explain a mistake, that should not have been a mistake. It should've worked, his idea should've been the right one, but it wasn't.
'Sorry,' Edér went on. 'I uhhh... Overheard your conversation with Gaura.'
'We were hardly subtle. And you were welcome to join us,' Aloth sighed and turned to the veteran once again. 'I assume you have thoughts on my actions.'
'Yeah... I guess I do,' Edér scratched a spot on back of his head. 'It just... didn't really match how I remembered you. The Aloth I remembered was... responsible above all things. He wouldn't have left that village to its fate.'
Aloth blinked at him in surprise. 'You have no qualms about me killing that man, but you do about me leaving afterwards?'
Edér let out a laugh ringing with irony. 'Remind me to tell you how I became a mayor. But yeah... I guess that's what I got qualms about.'
'What was I supposed to do? Replace one master with another? Take over and force my own ideas on them? If I did that I would have been no better than Thaos.'
Edér frowned and exhaled heavily through his nose. 'You stripped them of their leader. You were fine with forcing that on them.'
'I was merely removing a shackle, it was not my place to dictate them how to use their freedom.'
'They've lived with those... rituals or whatnot all their lives. It was their only way of living. If you wanted them to change for the better you should've showed them a different way.'
'They were supposed to find one on their own,' Aloth almost hissed the words. He kept his gaze fixed on his hands clutching the book so hard his knuckles turned white.
'That ain't how it-'
'I had faith in them!'
Aloth's sudden outburst left Edér speechless.
'I had faith in them,' he repeated, quieter but not calmer, 'the kind of faith I... I didn't have five years ago.'
Edér pondered his words. Memories of the wizard making snide comments about people's ignorance emerged in his mind, along with memories of his hatred towards those who would exploit the same ignorance. He couldn't recall a moment of Aloth being responsible in a way that did not intertwine with either of these things.
'That is how I've changed, I suppose,' Aloth continued, as he turned to Edér again. 'I made a lot of mistakes that I deeply regret but... I can't bring myself to regret this change.'
The veteran didn't answer at first. He examined the wizard's features as if this was their first meeting in five years. The scar above his brow didn't look this prominent before, Edér thought. But maybe it was just the contrast between the cut and Aloth's gaze, filled with hope for an understanding, that made it look deeper.
'There ain't nothing to regret about that,' he said eventually.
Aloth sighed as a response. Edér couldn't tell if he was relieved.
'Mind helping me with this?' He asked inclining the pipe towards him. Aloth conjured a small flame on the tip of his index finger and lit it for him. 'Relax,' Edér said as he took a whiff of whiteleaf and continued as the smoke left his lips, 'I got a good impression just now, even if I don't agree with everything you said.'
The faintest of smiles tugged at Aloth's lips. 'When have you ever agreed with everything I've said?'
Edér laughed as a response and clapped him on the shoulder. 'See? It's gonna be just like old times.'
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pillarsheadcanons · 2 years
c1 fistfight with god maia rua?
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pillarsheadcanons · 2 years
h2 forest pallegina...
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pillarsheadcanons · 2 years
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pillarsheadcanons · 2 years
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a very sceptical moon lady is out to greet you today 🌜
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pillarsheadcanons · 3 years
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Link here!
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pillarsheadcanons · 3 years
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pillarsheadcanons · 3 years
Alternate Adaryc Deadfire encounter
Roughly 1210 words
The Temple of Gaun in Neketaka was unlike any sanctum to Eothas that Adaryc has ever seen. In a way it was fitting for the darkest aspect of the Shining God to have something so dark built in his honor, a place where only the light of the blessed candles and lanterns had any power over the shadows that seemed to have creeped in between the stones of the walls along with the vegetation that celebrated rebirth in the most unlikely places. He couldn't help but see something truly beautiful in that place. And something very comfortable for his grieving soul.
Adaryc felt conflicted over the news of Eothas' return. The Commander became a Watcher shortly after Waidwen, and with him Eothas died, and for a long while he believed this new way of seeing the world was a proof of his sin - that he was blind to the light of Dawn when it counted and now his vision would forever be obscured. It took meeting another Watcher for him to begin to realize, that maybe being a Watcher meant seeing in the dark. For that, Adaryc would forever be grateful to that Watcher, even if he didn't entirely believe her. And now Eothas rose from under Caed Nua, and-
How was he supposed to rejoice when Gaura was dead? How was he supposed to grieve when the god of rebirth came back? How selfish it was to think that he could have the light of two such souls shining onto him. These were the thoughts he pondered when a familiar voice came from behind.
The Commander turned towards the entrance. His eyes widened when he glimpsed the fiery locks then a smile that outshone even those.
'Adaryc, what are you doing here?' Gaura approached him and flung her arms around him before he could answer.
At first the Commander was convinced that either his mind or his senses played a cruel trick on him. Then he noticed Gaura's companions - he only recognized the burly soldier with the straw colored hair who never seemed to have been out of arms reach, and the dark haired elf who always lingered behind her as if he could blend into the shadow that she casts. Only then did Adaryc hug back, cautiously, as if touching her would break the illusion. But Gaura felt pleasantly solid even under his hand.
He let out a staggered sigh. 'It is you,' he chuckled as he pulled away slightly, not quite ready to let her fully go. 'I could not think of a reason why your ghost should haunt the Deadfire, save to haunt me... And that smacks of arrogance.'
Gaura rolled her eyes at him. 'Don't give me that,' she poked him in the shoulder. 'You're the only one I know who would've seen me, had I... stayed dead.'
Adaryc's smile faded. 'So, it's true then. You...'
'Yeah, I did,' Gaura noticed the soldier standing by Adaryc's side who was listening with great interest. He completely forgot he was there. 'Do you think we can talk in private?'
The Commander shot a pointed look at the soldier, whose face turned red at the sudden attention.
'Of course.'
'Gaura,' the blonde soldier behind her spoke up, 'you sure we got time for this?'
'It will only be a minute,' she turned to him and gently pat him on the shoulder. 'We'll just have a quick weirdo talk.'
The soldier's frown turned deeper. He opened his mouth to speak but the elf chimed in first. 'We will wait for you here, in case you need us.'
Gaura shot him a grateful smile and made her way out of the temple. Adaryc followed her somewhat unsure - a part of him wanted nothing more than to hold her close and utter thanks to whatever force brought her back to life, another part of him couldn't bring himself push past that strange sense of distance she seemed to have placed between them. Something about his fellow Watcher made her look rather fragile. She did nothing but stare into the short pass leading to the temple and listen to the echoes of rushing water and fighting.
'I lost Steadfast,' she said shrugging, without turning around.
'It's alright. It was meant to keep you safe.'
Gaura turned around and smiled at him. She looked tired.
'It did keep me safe. Well,' she scratched her chest, 'not against Eothas, but I doubt you would have approved if I tried using it against him.'
'I... I'm not so sure anymore, truth be told. Thinking you were dead... I...' a knot formed in Adaryc's throat and he felt the right words couldn't come out of him. 'I was truly sorry,' he said instead.
'Don't be,' Gaura walked up to him and absent-mindedly rested her hands on his arms. For a few moments, she said nothing else. 'In fact I dragged you out here to thank you. I just don't know how I should go about it. Talking about Caed Nua... It's not easy yet.'
'I understand.'
'Maybe you do but not why I'm grateful,' she took a deep breath, trying to muster the courage to talk. 'Although I'm not sure if you want to hear it, you are a follower of Eothas after all,' she rambled instead.
'I doubt you can say anything about him, that is worse than what I've heard over the years,' Adaryc placed a hand between her shoulder blades reassuringly.
'Alright,' she sighed. 'Do you remember when we first met?'
'How could I forget?'
A smile lit up Gaura's face for a brief moment. 'Do you remember how you cut yourself off from me? When... I'm not sure what was happening to us, but it did feel uncomfortable.'
'I do remember,' Adaryc swallowed, flustered, as he recalled.
'I picked that skill up,' she turned her gaze down into the small space between them. 'That I used against Eothas. He pulled at my soul and when I couldn't hold on to myself, I just...' she lifted a hand, her fingers moved like a pair of scissors cutting. 'So now he's running around with a chunk of my soul and I'm here with the rest,' she turned her gaze back at Adaryc. 'So... Thank you.'
The Commander blinked at her speechless. Seeing his reaction, Gaura let out a laugh and with it her tension and exhaustion seemed to have dissipated.
'Your mighty Watcher powers saved me, dear Commander. I will be eternally grateful to you,' she teased.
'That is...' Adaryc cleared his throat. 'I did nothing. You saved yourself.'
'I did, with what I've learned from you,' she pulled him in for another embrace.
It was only then, that it has fully sunk in: she truly was back. As was Eothas. They were both alive. They can be both alive. A staggered laugh burst out of Adaryc as he held her tight.
'Thank you,' he whispered back. 'Thank you for finding your way back.'
They let each other go a short while later and Gaura made her way back to her company before they came looking for her. Adaryc spent a few moments allowing joy to wash over him, before he entered the dim temple with his spirits lifted.
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pillarsheadcanons · 3 years
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pillars of eternity is good because you can adopt an undead cat
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pillarsheadcanons · 3 years
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[Whatever adventure you're running, I'm sure it could benefit from the addition of a few giant predatory mushrooms.]
Dank Spore (CR 3)
Large Plant
Space 10 ft. Reach 0 ft.
Initiative -4
HP 76 (9d10+27)
AC 16 (Natural armor)
Proficiency Bonus +3
Str 16 (+3) Dex 2 (-4) Con 15 (+2) Int 12 (+1) Wis 14 (+2) Cha 8 (-1)
Saves Con +5
Skills Nature +4, Perception +5
Condition Immunities Blinded, Charmed, Frightened, Prone, Stunned
Damage Resistances Poison
Damage Vulnerabilities Psychic
Senses Blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius); Passive Perception 15
Languages Understands Sylvan but cannot speak.
Speed 0 ft.
- - -
Rooted: A dank spore is a sessile creature, rooted to the spot it grew in. It cannot be moved from the spot it is rooted to except via teleportation. Its speed cannot be increased by any means.
- - -
Spore +6 ranged weapon attack, range 60 ft., 7 (1d8+3) bludgeoning damage plus 14 (4d6) poison damage.
Confusing Spores [Recharge 5-6]: The dank spore launches a cloud of spores at a single creature within 60 ft. That creature must make a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. A creature poisoned in this way is affected as though by the Confusion spell for 1 minute. At the end of each of the poisoned creature’s turns, it can make a new saving throw to end the poisoned condition.
The dank spore can communicate telepathically with any creature poisoned by this action.
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A dank spore’s sessile nature combined with their limited vision range makes them very susceptible to characters than outrange them, which should be basically anyone with a decent ranged option. It is, therefore, a bad idea to place these monsters out in the open. They much prefer enclosed spaces, such that there is no line of sight to a space out of their vision range.
They almost always have a brood of their sporeling offspring patrolling the area nearby. The sporelings’ Numbing Spores ability makes the swamp spore’s Dominating Spores action more likely to succeed, so target characters who’ve been hit by the little guys.
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Dank spores are large, parasitic fungal creatures. They grow from sporelings and grow into swamp spores. Their sporeling brood roams nearby and hunts for food, eating some and laying the rest under their parent’s roots. The area surrounding it is laced with its spores, causing small creatures to behave erratically and making them easier prey.
Dank spores can speak to creatures affected by their Confusing Spores attack, but they rarely have reason to do so. Certain fey creatures use them and their broods as sentinels, as they can generally induce them not to attack.
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pillarsheadcanons · 3 years
I heard this audio and it just sounds like hiravias LMAO
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pillarsheadcanons · 3 years
Hi your tags on that last post (by triflingshadows, which is my art blog) are very sweet but minor correction, that character is actually a wood elf, she’s just albino
Fixed! Thanks for letting me know!
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pillarsheadcanons · 3 years
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August 2020 vs October 2021
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pillarsheadcanons · 3 years
literally maia and xoti is the wlw version of “fucked up spec ops army dude and crazy christian wife” like:
maia: i killed a huana leader
xoti: i wish i could have been there to reap his soul...
*sloppy missionary sex*
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pillarsheadcanons · 3 years
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pillarsheadcanons · 3 years
Me: oh shit I didn't watch out for Aloth's friendly fire
Zahua: thank you 😌
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pillarsheadcanons · 3 years
Curious about how many POE players ended up also playing Divinity Original Sin 🤔
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