phantomcrocs · 2 months
ROTTMNT Headcannons:
(Them reacting to finding out you’re a superhero)
Donnie: He walks into your room and catches you shooting webs out of your wrists catching objects to bring them to yourself. His jaw drops and in pure shock. It takes him a minute to process everything “you’re Spider-Man?! Why did you never tell me?!” He is a big fan because he finds it fascinating about how the human body is able to do things as a spider could.
Mikey: He’s been looking for you all day as he has found a new pizza place and wanted to be the first person to go with you to try it out. He walks into your room for the millionth time that day to see if you were finally in there and just his luck, you were, but he caught you putting away your black suit using a secret hideaway spot in the closet. He yells “Ohmigosh! You’re Batman?!” He’ll get all excited and start asking you questions after questions while not even giving you a chance to answer them lol.
Raph: He walks into the kitchen to get himself something to eat and he catches you using your Lazer eyes to cut your sandwich in half cause you were too lazy to get a knife “What the- oh my gosh y/n! I can’t believe you’re Superman!” He knows superman is really strong, so he’ll definitely start challenging you to strength duels to see who stronger.
Leo: You thought you were alone in the lair, so you were zipping and zooming around doing laps as Leo wakes up from his nap and leaves his room to see yellow lines going in every direction. Typical him, he would get out his phone and start recording not realizing what’s happening until you stop and look at him surprised. It clicks in his head and he realizes you’re the Flash. He would ask you to do favors for him like get a drink or some food, but when you say “No” he’ll use the excuses like “But you do it so much quicker!” Or “It’ll only take you a second!”
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phantomcrocs · 2 months
ROTTMNT Headcanons:
(Them reacting to you working in fast food.)
Leo: (you work at Taco Bell)
- he would show up almost every day.
- as soon as he found out you work there, he makes sure to show his handsome face at least once a day.
- he will walk in and order the hardest food for you to make, just so he can stand there and stare at you longer.
- he would def embarrass you.
- your coworkers know him and try to warn you when they see him come in.
- would whine and beg for free baja blasts.
- lowkey takes pictures of you without you knowing.
Raph: (you work at Burger King)
- he would probably only show up like twice a week.
- he would only show up to check on you and make sure you are doing okay.
- orders something simple so that you get a break from the long orders.
- he would def come on your lunch break so you guys could hang out and talk.
- your coworkers don’t really pay attention to him but they know he’s your boyfriend.
- he would bring you stuff like water/ibuprofen and food for your lunch.
- “how is my favorite person? I brought you some Chinese food!”
Donnie: (you work at Subway)
- he probably wouldn’t show up unless you asked him to.
- he knows how embarrassing it is so he just wouldn’t want to embarrass you like that.
- if you ask him to come then he would order himself a sandwich but he would ask for EVERY SINGLE GOD DAMN VEGETABLE, Just to make ur life harder.
- he would def get two cookies and walk around to the side of the cash register so you guys could eat them and talk to each other when it wasn’t busy.
- he would help you and ur coworker clean up at night.
- ur coworkers probably wouldn’t see him (except for the night shift workers) but when they do they appreciate his help.
- he would say flirty stuff to you while your working, just to make you embarrassed/flustered.
- he honestly would spend most of the time on his phone watching videos or texting.
Micheal: (you work at McDonalds)
- he would show up all the time.
- more than once a day.
- baby does not want to be without you for more than 5 minutes.
- Raph would probably try to stop him but Mikey would show up at least 3 times a day.
- on ur lunch break, when you first get there, and when you’re about to leave.
- he would walk you home/ride with you to “make sure you get home safe”.
- he would def beg for ice cream or milkshakes.
- on your lunch breaks he would bring you food that he made.
- since Mikey is there so much he is most likely to catch a Karen/Kevin and he would go off on them.
- dr.delicate touch would probably go to jail bc he would not hesitate to beat a bitch up.
- your coworkers know him very well since he is there so much and they are fine with it since he is super nice to them.
- “ohmigosh! You got me a shamrock shake!? I love these!”
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phantomcrocs · 2 months
ROTTMNT Headcanons:
(Them reacting to you playing a sport.)
- def a soccer kinda guy.
- once he found out that you play soccer, he was going to every single practice/game whether you liked it or not.
- he screams and cheers for you when you do something good and if you do something bad he pretends like he doesn’t know you.
- soccer is a dangerous sport (meaning you get hurt a lot) so if you get hurt then he’d be the first person on the field and by your side, even if it makes you foul.
- your whole team loves him bc he always brings snacks and drinks for them.
- he is lowkey a second coach, teaching you guys cool tricks.
- loves to practice with you guys (being the goalie).
- if he hears anybody say something about you or your team then he will go off on them (Mayhaps even fight them).
- football, he def watches you play football.
- he probably wouldn’t go to every practice but he would go to most of them and every single game.
- he is mostly calm but he will stand up and scream for you when you score.
- he doesn’t really care if you win as long as you tried your best and didn’t get hurt.
- football is the most dangerous sport so you’d probably get hurt a lot and when you do he is right by your side.
- if somebody hurt you on purpose then he’d beat them up and end up going to jail 💀.
- your team doesn’t really like or hate him? They just are eh about him because he doesn’t really interact with them.
- he is def the type to run out to you after a game is over and just kiss you on the spot, infront of everybody.
- “you did so good! I’m so proud of you babe”
- he is def a volleyball person.
- you’d probably struggle to get him to go to your games and practices.
- after a lot of convincing, he would go and sit there on his phone.
- he probably would pay attention to most of it but he would glance up from his phone every few minutes to check on you.
- if you are about to do something cool (like hit the ball or set it) then he’d end up staring at you.
- he would act all cool and chill but then as soon as you get a point he jumps up and cheers for you.
- he would get embarrassed and slowly sit back down, side eyeing everybody in the room.
- if you got hurt then he would rush to your aid and deal with it himself, not letting anybody else near you.
- he is also not afraid to yell at the refs, he knows what is allowed and isn’t so if a ref fouls something that isn’t actually a foul then he would be on their case so fast.
- your team barely sees him so they’d probably just not even acknowledge him.
- brings so much water.
- baseball, period.
- he would be at every game and practice- heck he’d even go if you couldn’t.
- he is close to your coachs and everybody on the team.
- he lowkey wants to play but can’t afford it.
- he would be in the stands cheering you and your team on the whole time.
- if you guys lose then he is quick to compliment you guys and say how the other team is just lucky.
- he would def make the team healthy snacks (peanut butter on celery and apple slices).
- “here! I brought you guys snacks! Good luck!”
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phantomcrocs · 2 months
Haikyuu Ideal Types: Karasuno Team
(This is our first headcanon so go easy on us. They are aged up!)
- Good little Christian gorl
- Gentle
- Soft spoken
- Someone to ease his anxiety before game
- Always supporting/complimenting him (words of affirmation)
- Prefers a small body (petite)
- Prefers long dark hair that he can style
- Attracted to people with smaller features
- No taller than 5’4
- Values intellect over anything else
- Studies well and independent
- Someone who is active (plays sport or actively goes to gym)
- Prefers traditional woman who manages household duties
- Short dark hair
- Average height
- No preferred body type as long as you’re active
- Prefer smaller bust size (no distractions allowed)
- Prefers non pigmented eyes
- Prefers someone who respects his boundaries
- Likes it when you don’t know something so that he can correct you (someone who’s doesn’t study)
- Prefers a realist (someone who goes by logic)
- Someone he can admire from afar (no touchy)
- Someone who can match his bitchy attitude (if you get butt hurt, you’re gone)
- Prefers women above average in height
- Prefers lanky bodies like his own
- Someone with unnatural hair (so he can bully yo ass)
- Prefers someone who he can take care of
- Someone who is kind and dependent on him
- Prefers someone who is shy and socially awkward
- Someone who is innocent
- Someone who who struggles with life skills/independence
- Prefers someone who will give him a lot of physical affection
- Prefers long dark hair
- Wouldn’t care about height as long as they aren’t taller than him
- Loves you for you (Doesn't care about body type as long as you’re healthy and happy)
- Any.
- Boobies
- To him, any girl is a goddess and he’s willing to worship
- Likes someone who could listen to him ramble for hours
- Prefers someone who could match his energy (hyper/bubbly)
- Someone who is innocent
- If you like volleyball he folds
- Someone who is social
- Loves someone who is very affectionate with him (hugs, kisses, etc.)
- Someone who’s shorter than him
- Prefers lighter hair (blonde/red)
- Doesn’t care about body type as long as you’re shorter
- Likes soft girl vibes
- Someone he can talk to alone knowing they wouldn’t talk behind his back
- Somebody who can get him out of his shell (extroverted)
- Someone who playfully teases him
- Most definitely thigh guy
- Height doesn't matter as long as they aren’t taller than him
- Prefers someone with a different type than him (chubby)
- Dark short hair
- He be liking them emo girls (Addy where you at)
- Someone who is aggressive on the outside, but soft on the inside
- Someone who can take his criticism (also give it to him in return)
- Prefers someone who is smart (cause he got the brain of a potato)
- Would like someone who is athletic
- Dyed hair (blue/purple)
- Tibbie man (he need his pillows)
- Body type don’t matter as long as you can keep up with him
- Someone who matches his vibe (outgoing and social)
- Someone who is very supportive of him (goes to all his matches)
- Prefers someone who likes to travel
- Some who would laugh at his jokes (even if they’re bad)
- Folding for someone who calls him pet names
- Looks and size don’t matter
- Wants something to grab (tibbies, thighs, etc.)
- Dark hair
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phantomcrocs · 2 months
About Us:
- A couple of country bumpkins having fun.
- “Professional” writers with nothing better to do.
- We take requests for head-canons/imagines.
- Pretty busy during the week.
- Tell us about yourself and your what fandom you want and we’ll place you with a character!
- DNI if you plan on being disrespectful or rude.
- You can request a writer. 🫶
- We both took creative writing for 3 years and have our own respective writing styles.
- Ray will accept sexual/highly suggestive requests. (Addy will not.)
- ALL characters mentioned in smut MUST be 18+ or aged up.
- she/her
- 19
- Mommy of the group.
- Fadoms: Haikyuu, TMNT, Harry Potter, Marvel, Spider-Verse, and MHA.
- OCs: Jace, Khai, and Genevieve.
- Specialties: Angst, Fluff, Romance, Horror, Rare Lemon.
- Hobbies: Writing, Reading, Listening to music, Sleeping, Gaming.
- he/her/they
- 20
- Certified Pornologist.
- Fandoms: Haikyuu, Marvel, Spider-Verse, TMNT, Spy x Family, MHA, TWD, PlayStation Spider-Man, and TWD Game, AOT.
- OCs: Zach, Clyde, Haley Gene, Bee.
- Specialties: Smut, Fluff, Lemon.
- Hobbies: Writing, Dancing, Drawing.
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