welcome back and see you soon! good luck on your new writing journey! I can’t wait to read the stories you create again 💕-lanchan anon
lanchan anon!!!! thank you for you're support as always...! ;A; i'll be back under the same url....so please search for me then (but only if you want to). i appreciate you so much and you have no idea how delighted i am to see you here once more! <3
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I’m not sure how many people still keep up with this blog here (it’s been too long, I know, I know). But I have decided I want to start over. I feel like my style and interests have changed considerably and I think starting fresh will help reflect that, especially since I feel excited to write for others again. 
I will return under the same URL and such. I’m not sure how long this blog here will stay up, but I will be cataloguing all of the works posted here (and perhaps reposting a few to the new one). I do have a number of unfinished requests as well, but I’m unsure of what to do with them at this point. 
Fear not, for I shall return, and please continue to support me. I look forward to seeing you all again soon!
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I just thought I would make a formal update. I have updated the masterlist and as of 3 July 2021, it should be up to date. An anon was also kind enough to point out that I ought to put all the posts under a read more so I will be placing all past works under the cut (it should be done by the time everyone sees it). I’m still polishing a couple requests up so hopefully those will be up soon~
There’s also a small project that’s in the works, so please look forward to it! Thanks for your continued patience and patronage! 
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Hello! lanchan anon here, just wanted to drop in to wish you a nice day, and to remind you to take care of yourself ♡ we love your writing and lanchan anon will always wait here for more, so remember to take your time!! please have fun while writing too!
!!! lanchan anon!!! ✧ ─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ it's so nice to see you again !!!!
i hope you are also having a nice day and remember to take care of yourself as well! thank you so much for your kind words and support ;A; it means the world to me...
and no worries, i always have fun while writing! i've just been doing a lot of writing for myself, thus the lack of updates...hehe. but no worries~ i'll be back soon~
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I’m quite busy this week, so I won’t be able to work on requests. I still wanted to update however, so here are some headcanons I wrote for my birthday a year or so ago. I hope this brings some degree of enjoyment! 
Izuminokami Kanesada
He absolutely forgets that it’s your birthday, but that’s only because he can be a bit of a dense airhead
When Horikawa reminds him that today’s an important day for the master, the hint goes completely over his head
Naturally, being the cool sword he is, he approaches you confidently, essentially parroting what Horikawa told him and announcing that he’s heard today is an important day for you
When you question him by what he means, he gets flustered and finds a way to turn it back on you, saying something like since the day is important to you, you should know better than him
You just laugh, having put the pieces together and realizing he doesn’t actually know what today is and that Horikawa probably tried to give him a hint to figure it out by himself
You admit that today is your birthday and that that must be the important date he’s talking about
Of course, he pretends to have known all along and probably says something along the lines of making sure you knew, without realizing he’s making it even more obvious he didn’t realize what the date is
He still panics about a gift though since he sees it as an opportunity to express his thanks towards you; after all without you he wouldn’t be reunited with the other shinsengumi swords or be able to experience things as a human does
Izumimokami mutters an excuse and runs off, thinking that the least he can do to repay you for all you do is give you a gift on your date of birth. He thinks long and hard about it, wondering what might make you happy
He ends up deciding to pick flowers for you, unceremoniously running out to pick what he finds to be the loveliest flowers for you
The stems are a bit bent, but you can tell that he did his best and had been thinking of you, so your face instantly lights up as you thank him for the lovely gift, your soft and gentle expression making him feel he’s done something right
Likely boasts that he’s picked the nicest flowers for you, but is confused and flustered when another sword (likely Kasen) points out that the petals are a little crushed and the stems are bent
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Heyo! I found this blog recently and I saw the beach date hcs, those were glorious. Can I request that with seox? Maybe also another character of your choice, I just thought he’d have an amusing reaction. Great blog, keep it up!
Ahh, I’m glad you were able to enjoy them. Thank you for the request and the kind words. I hope you continue to enjoy your time here! I ended up adding two characters, oops?
As far as activities on the beach, he’s another one that’s not too picky about what to do at the beach
Although part of that might be because he’s initially a little clueless as to what to do for leisure on such an outing
He’d find himself fond of quieter activities with you, like a leisurely stroll on the beach
Sitting and chatting with you is something he doesn’t mind as well. It may not be much, but he feels that the change in scenery makes it a special occasion
Beach volleyball is another activity he’d be interested in as well; it’s different and a less destructive way to display his physical prowess
If you end up on the same team together, you two work well, being able to read the nonverbal cues of the other to better support each other
If you end up on opposite teams, neither of you hold back against the other; it’s a matter of respecting each other’s abilities
Everything is going smoothly…that is until your bathing suit top loosens and somehow seems to have vanished
Once Seox notices, he’s incredibly embarrassed and flustered; he’s not sure if he should avert his eyes or cover you up or if there’s something else entirely he should be doing
Despite the dark blush dusting his cheeks, he’s calmly able to think of a solution
He first asks if you’re all right and assures you that he will resolve the issue and promptly finds something to cover you with (a coat, a towel, whatever is close at hand)
If you want him to stay, he will, but tells you he can’t fix the problem for you (despite his words, he enlists the help of another Tweyen, who happened to see what happened with those sharp eyes of hers)
Otherwise he’ll make sure you’re okay before entering one of the shops to fix the issue at hand and initially he’s not embarrassed as he’s a man on a mission, but he does flush a little when he notices just how little some of them cover
He ends up returning with a bathing suit top in a similar style and color as the one you lost, as he wants to remain faithful to your personal tastes
Seox scolds you to be more careful next time, but it’s quite obvious it’s an attempt to cover up his embarrassment
Unfortunately, for him, his face becomes several shades brighter when you pull him in for a kiss as thanks
As they say, all’s well that ends well, and despite everything, the incident resolves itself nicely
Neither you nor he know what to do at the beach, so to avoid wasting the day, you make a suggestion to apply sunscreen so that you’re prepared for whatever activity the two of you decide to do
He agrees and when you ask him to help apply to sunscreen to your back, he complies, thinking he’s done it for his sister Heles several times before
But he’s not prepared for how embarrassing it is; he’s doing the same as he’s done before, but he’s flustered about it because it’s you
He pauses and tells you to scold him if his hands end up somewhere you don’t want them, but your assurance is all he needs to continue
When he’s finished, you offer to switch and now you’re the one that’s flustered and wondering how something so ordinary could feel so intimate
After that’s done, the two of you blush a bit and sit in silence, wondering what the next course of action should be
Seruel clears his throat just as you begin to speak, resulting in the two of you laughing at how in sync you are
There’s no solid plan for the day, so the two of you just romp around on the beach, splashing around in the water and playing around in the sand
Things don’t always go as planned and one of those unplanned incidences is the loss of your bathing suit top
Seruel’s immediate thought is that he has to cover you up somehow, and he does just that
He then asks what you would like to do, what he can do for you; the last thing he wants is to
You recall that Heles said to come to her if you had any problems, and while you’re sure she meant any problems with Seruel, perhaps she might have a solution? And so Seruel escorts you to his sister, shielding you from others
Heles is a bit surprised to see you, but is quick to go into action to resolve this incident. Coincidentally, she has a spare top, somehow prepared for such an unforeseeable event
With a few adjustments, it fits suitably well, and with that the incident wraps up quite cleanly, with no other unwelcome developments, except for perhaps some light teasing from Heles  
In the evening, he surprises you with a romantic dinner by the beachside
It’s an unforgettable day that ends with an unforgettable night
She’s quite shy when she makes the request for you to accompany her at the beach, her tail swishing back and forth as she anticipates your answer
You agree quite readily and her ears perk up in response to the affirmative response
The two of you end up collecting seashells together and once you have a sizeable collection, you find a shady spot to make jewelry out of your findings
The two of you end up exchanging your finished projects, as you had both been thinking of making a gift for the other
You proudly wear yours, much to Societte’s delight and embarrassment
The two of you return to the beach, this time to play around in its waters (and there’s an excited Yuel that shouts for both of you to join her when she sees you)
If you aren’t able to swim or are afraid to swim in the ocean, she’ll use gentle coaxing to at least get you into the water, even if your toes barely touch the water
Societte quietly reassures you that she would never let anything happen to you, and that even if something should go wrong, that there are plenty of people around to help
With your fears allayed in full or in part, it’s easier for you to let loose and splash around with Societte in the water, Yuel joins, and you have fun now that you’ve been put more at ease
Yet of course, not all things will go smoothly, as evidenced by your swimming top’s vanishing act
In her state of panic, she ends up offering you her top
Flustered and unsure of what to do, she ends up looking around for help
Yuel notices the other Erune’s distress and comes over; between you covering your chest and Societte’s panicked explanation, she’s able to put the pieces together
Yuel offers to get you a replacement for your lost top, joking offering hers as an option (much to Societte’s embarrassment because of her earlier panicked offer)
She does her best to shield you from anyone that would try to take advantage of the situation
This is made easier if she has her fans on her person, but if not, she makes do with shielding you with her body
Yuel returns, triumphantly waving around the new swimming top, commenting that unexpected things can happen during a vacation before making a polite exit with a wink and swish of her tail
You insist on having Societte help you into the new top, mumbling some excuse that it’s awkward or that you need some help with ties
She complies and when you turn to face her, her face is redder than you’ve ever seen it
With a potential catastrophe averted, the two of you decide on quieter activities with a lower risk of wardrobe malfunction
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i am just here to say that i am still here despite my lack of updates! i’m slowly working on the new and old requests, but i don’t think i’ll be able to update until next week. things are a little hectic; i thought they’d calm down this week, but alas... 
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you!! you didn’t have to!! I’m sobbing this is too beautiful and too generous of you www,, I’ll always continue to support you! Really you’re so sweet, thank you for the surprise, it really made my day ♡- a very grateful lanchan anon
!!!! i!!! wanted to so i did it!!! thank you so much! you’re quite sweet yourself! i’m glad i could make your day~ you’re very welcome and you’re always welcome here  ♡ ♡ ♡ i look forward to chatting with you & writing for you in the future! 
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I just wanted to do something nice to thank a certain anon for their support…. This one’s for you lanchan anon ( ´з`)ノ⌒☆
You left the Grandcypher to return to the island where your journey with the crew you had come to think of as family.
It’s a common story for the captain, so the captain sees you off with a smile, wishing you luck with your unfinished business
You bid Lancelot farewell and he, too, sends you off with a smile and words of encouragement and you promise that you’ll be back to join him and the rest of the crew soon
Eventually, the opportunity arises when the crew visits the island where you’re working hard, and Lancelot sees it as an opportunity to see you again
He makes an excuse to leave the ship and go off on his own, Rosetta waving him off with a knowing smile at her lips
He wanders around for a bit, inquiring about your whereabouts as he searches for where you might be
You see him before he sees you, seeming a little lost as he’s not familiar with the island you grew up on
You’re in the middle of your work, but make an excuse to leave for a bit and hurry to his side, calling out his name
He immediately knows it’s your voice and can’t help the smile that spreads on his face as he turns to see you
The two of you have a brief conversation, catching up, inquiring after the health of the other
You can hear your name called out and you sheepishly remark you’re not quite finished with your work, but you promise you’ll be back soon and to have fun on the island without you
He waves after your retreating form, cautioning you to be careful even as you nearly trip over a stray stone on the road
Your work ends up taking longer than you had expected and you’re so distracted by the fact that Lancelot is here, on the island, that you nearly forget to bid the rest of your coworkers a good night
Instead of commenting on your distracted state, everyone sees you off with a smile, a small shout of “enjoy your date” as you leave causing your face to heat up
It is then you realize that you never told Lancelot when you’d be done and neither of you had established a place to meet either
Shaking your head at yourself, you make your way to the docks where you knew the Grandcypher and her crew would be, only to cross path with the very man you’re looking for
The two of you share a laugh about your lack of foresight, having a pleasant conversation continuing where you left of from before
Before long there’s a lull in the conversation and you think of a brilliant idea: since the two of you are on the island you grew up on, you should show him around
And so you do, regaling him with stories of when you were growing up and he feels happy and privileged to be privy to the details of your childhood, chiming in with comments and similar tales of his own
With the sun setting soon, there's a particular place you want to take him since the sunset is breathtaking and it’s a special place for you
You end up at said special place, a stretch of land just outside the town, telling him you would always come here if you wanted to be alone or needed somewhere to think, and that now, you're sharing the sunset with him
He's certain that the image of you smiling illuminated by that brilliant sunset will be etched into his heart forever, and he can't help but pull you in for a kiss
You smile into the kiss, not once letting go of his hand, blazing oranges and reds making your display of love something like a scene out of a painting
The two of you spend some time in comfortable silence before he offers to walk you back home
He's about to bid you good night when you start speaking at the same time; being the gentleman he is he lets you speak first
You ask him if he wants to come inside, spend the night, spend some more time with you, if he'd like
Lancelot flushes at the implication of your words and agrees, not needing to give the offer much thought and so, the two of you spend the night together
(When the morning comes, you happily announce your work is done and you can return to the Grandcypher and resume your journey with the crew. Rosetta gives the two of you a wink when you return to the airship, commenting how nice it is to see the two of you together again. You can't help but smile as Lancelot desperately tries to hide his blush, thinking that it's good to be back.)
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Yoo! I should thank YOU for the lancelot hcs, I love them, I can super see him acting like that and ugh! They really do make me smile. I don’t think you’ve gone rusty at all! Your writing is always wonderful. Again thank you! I just wanted to say that. Hope you have a nice day :)) -lanchan anon
Hello!! And aaa you’re very welcome! I am glad you enjoyed them and that I could make you smile! Thank you so much for your comments and support. I also hope you have a nice day and that the day treats you well!
(I, uh, also have a little surprise for you that I’ll be posting in a second....hehe)
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hello! may I please request Lancelot general dating hcs? sfw or nsfw or both is fine, and thank you! (And I’m so glad you’re back! Your writing is wonderful)
Ahh, thank you for the request and for remembering me! Thank you for the kind words as well; I only went with sfw since I wanted to get these out super quick so I hope you enjoy them!
Initially he can be a bit awkward when it comes to intimacy and tends to overthink simple gestures of affection, like holding your hand
As such, whenever he’s unsure he’ll ask for permission ahead of time if he can hold your hand, kiss you goodnight, and so on
Even though he’s not sure how he should act as a boyfriend, his natural consideration for others makes him pretty smooth at times (offering to carry something for you, opening doors if your hands are full, that sort of thing)
When it comes to taking you out on dates, he tries to think of something that you’ll enjoy based on your interests and preferences
If there’s ever a time he’s uncertain, he’ll ask your friends and other people you’re around to see what they think, mostly because he doesn’t want to put you in a situation you’re uncomfortable
As long as it’s not a secret or a surprise, Lancelot will also ask for your feedback as well  
When he’s more comfortable in the relationship and more familiar with your boundaries he’s less embarrassed about initiating things on his own
There’s no more awkward asking for permission for little things; he’ll be able to take your hand without having to ask for it, kiss you without thinking too much on it, and so on
Lancelot is always willing to be there for you, whether its baring steel to those that try to hurt you or to be a source of comfort
He’s always doing his best for you, so returning the consideration goes a long way and does make him happy that you think of him as well
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hello! Can I ask some nsfw1sfw stuff for grumplephon and the dragon knight boys?
I wasn’t sure if you meant nsfw & sfw, or just nsfw, so I just went with nsfw, if that wasn’t the case feel free to resend it! I wanted to do more, but it’s been so long so I wanted to deliver some content so I hope this is sufficient…
Sandalphon is pretty loud in the bedroom and doesn’t really restrain himself
He’s one for saying your name during the act, breathlessly and often
Since he’s not really one to be quiet, he prefers to do such acts when the two of you are alone
He typically has enough stamina to go for a couple rounds 9or more) if you’re up for it
As far as positions go, he doesn’t put too much thought into it. It ends up being whatever position is most convenient and comfortable at the time. That said, he seems to have developed a preference for positions where you’re on your knees or where he can take you from behind
He has the most control over the sounds he makes in the bedroom
You hear it more in his breathing than through any other noises he makes
Siegfried’s the type to be loud if you want him to be and quiet when discretion calls for it
He has the most stamina of them all and can go several rounds easily if that’s what you want
He will likely take you in the missionary positon; he’s traditional like that
He’s not above using his strength in the bedroom either, so he might have his way with you using his strength to keep you in his arms
Siegfried’s also willing for things to get a bit spicier if you ask him nicely or get him in a certain mood, well, it would certainly be a night to remember
His volume varies depending on his mood; the more emotional he is, the more vocal he gets
Though generally he’s neither too quiet or too loud, just the perfect volume so you’re the only one that can hear him
He also says your name a lot during the act
Percival is the type to have stamina for days. All of that knight training doesn’t just pay off on the battlefield you know? He’s able to bring that to the bedroom, so you know you’re in for a long time, especially if it’s been some time since you were last together…
It depends on the mood what sort of position Percival will choose. If its tender lovemaking then he will default to the standard missionary, but any position where he can be romantic and tender with you is fair game as well
If not, then he’ll take you in whatever position is convenient at the time
Sometimes he has good control over his voice, but typically he can be quite vocal
Even if he isn’t loud, he says your name reverently
The type where he breathes heavily and you can hear it in how he breathes even if he’s being quiet
Is it any surprise he can also go for multiple rounds? He is a knight as well and he brings that strength into the bedroom. He’s willing to go as many times as you want until you’re satisfied  
When it comes to positions in the bedroom, Lancelot is never sure when it comes to positions in the bedroom, but is willing to try any position really, with just a little guidance. After the initial guidance or when he’s more comfortable with being intimate with you, it becomes more natural.
He will go with whatever position you seem to enjoy the most, but aside from that he prefers potions where he can see your face and expressions or ones where he can hold you close. If he can do both at the same time, that's his ideal position
Vane is loud and pretty vocal in the heat of the moment
Even if he tries to reign in his voice, he gets so lost in the moment that he ends up at his usual volume
He’s another one that calls out your name during the act and often slips in “I love you” along with it
He can also go for multiple rounds, but tends to focus more on the foreplay than the actual act itself
Vane is open to experimenting with different positions, even the ones that may seem a bit strange. Just say the word and he’s willing to try it out at least once. That said, he probably defaults to the missionary position since it doesn’t occur to him to try anything else
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May I request some headcanons for Seox and Percival? How would they take to a teasing danchou? Your writing is soo good!
Thank you so much for your patience; I know these are long overdue. I hope these are to your tastes…!
He tends to be a bit shy and prefers to have his mask on when you’re in a teasing mood
He flusters so easily as it is and your teasing only makes him more shy and he feels like having his mask makes you easier to handle
(This is all made worse if he has a crush on you…)
If he’s taken aback by one of your teasing comments, his body stiffens, as if he’s doing everything in his power not to be embarrassed
Despite all the times he ends up a blushing mess, he knows you’re teasing him in a friendly way and appreciates that you interact with him normally
…even if you do seem quite pleased with yourself when you fluster him when he’s without his mask
Seox tries to tease you back once he’s gotten more comfortable with you and the teasing, but it can come across as awkward
He’s doing his best to reciprocate and be friendly with you in the same manner.
Even if his remarks are less teasing and more awkward, he’s always relieved that you seem happy with his efforts
Percival largely doesn’t mind your teasing and sees it as an indication that you feel comfortable enough around him to do so
He knows he can come across as a tad unapproachable to others so seeing that you’re unbothered by that makes him happy
(Then again, you are the captain of the Grandcypher, does anything phase you?)
Sometimes you can catch him blushing if your teasing has a more romantic or sensual implication
Of course, he denies that he’s even the slightest bit flustered by your teasing
He is comfortable with teasing you back
He’ll even return your romantic and steamy remarks in kind, often with a smug expression as he does so
All in all, he is able to take it in stride and sees it as an indication of your closeness and appreciates such casual intimacy
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I found these sitting around in my doc with all the things I’ve written and thought to put it up so you all have a bit more to read. I hope you enjoy this random assortment of fluffy headcanons! (This was also written quite some time ago…please don’t expect too much)
Riou Mason Busujima
He’s not really the type to tell you how he feels with words; he relies more on his actions to let you know how much he loves you
It’s in the little things that let you know how much he cares. It's in his insistence to walk you all the way to your door when he takes you home or the random calls he makes to check in on how you're doing; you have to read between the lines a bit
That said, if you need vocal confirmation of his affections, he’ll tell you as many times as you need to. It doesn’t really embarrass him to straightforwardly say he loves you, so if you need that reassurance, he’s more than happy to give it
No matter how often you need that sort of reassurance, whether it’s constantly or just on off days, he’s always willing to give it if you need it
Probably has the nicest, warmest hugs. His embrace is definitely comforting and makes you feel safe  
Super reliable and will help you with anything you need so long as it’s within his power to do so. He's also the sort to be happy when you do rely on him, even for little things
Lots of comfortably quiet moments together, though he doesn’t mind if you want to talk about whatever is on your mind to fill the silence either
Does that thing where he hugs you from behind, likely followed by a smooch, especially if he's been starved of your affection lately
Sometimes gets overwhelmed with how much he loves and adores you and will just. randomly kiss you. Temple kisses, forehead kisses...all sorts of kisses. he isn't the best with being outwardly affectionate but sometimes his love for you just overflows and he has the urge to kiss you, so he does
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May I request Izuminokami, Horikawa and Ookurikara with a chubby female saniwa who has low self-esteem? How would they handle her self-esteem problems?
Hmm, I wasn’t sure how to approach this, but I hope this is fine. Please remember that you are beautiful and worthy of love!
Izuminokami Kanesada
He honestly probably doesn’t even notice anything at first
You’re his master and that’s that. He doesn’t think too much about it; regardless of your appearance, that’s the truth
It takes him a while to connect the dots; he can tell that there’s something bothering you, but he can’t figure out what it is
Until he actually puts things together, he’s going to pester you to either find out what’s bothering you or to try and see what he can do to help  
As he can be a bit dense, it may take some interference from the other swords to get him to tone it down a bit, especially if your low assessment of yourself has you feeling like you’re not in a position to say anything about it
Once he does take a step back though, he watches you a bit more carefully and discerns that you don’t think too highly of yourself
He immediately wants to know why you feel that way about yourself because he wants to help you
Izumi, brash as he can be, decides to charge in immediately to try and help you, whether it’s refuting negative statements you make about yourself or praising you when you’ve done well, along with awkward consolation when you’re feeling down about something
It’s a bit over-the-top, and maybe a bit intimidating if you’re on the shyer side, but it’s clear he means well and his heart is in the right place
He tries to build you up in his own way and regardless of whether his intended goal is reached, you can’t help but smile at his earnest attempts to have you value yourself, even if just a little more
Horikawa Kunihiro
He notices that something is bothering you and is able to figure out fairly quickly that you have a low self-esteem
It takes him a little longer to realize what might be the root of your low evaluation of yourself, but once he has an idea of what might be the cause, he’ll naturally work on helping you see yourself in a better light
He tries to help build you up by complimenting you on things that aren’t related to the reason you think so little of yourself
In doing so he hopes you can become confident in other respects, and will work on building you up from what he hopes is a solid starting point
He’s more methodical than Izuminokami is and has a plan to loosely follow; he just wants you to see yourself as a worthy person, because in his eyes (and many of the other swords as well) you already are worthy as you are
Basically from that he goes to addressing your insecurities and helping you be more confident
It’s a slow process whose progress isn’t always steady, but his support for you is unwavering and
He earnestly hopes that you’ll be able to work through your insecurities, but wouldn’t force you to if you aren’t ready to face that quite yet
If you aren’t prepared to undertake the task of addressing your insecurities, then he’ll encourage you and try to lend you the strength to approach things slowly
He knows he can’t fix your issues for you, but at the very least, when the times comes when you must say your final farewell, he hopes that you will remember him and that you’ll continue to push forward, even if he’s no longer by your side
Although he insists on not getting along with anyone, it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t pay attention to the people that are around him
You’re no exception to this observation and despite his tendencies to push others away, picks up fairly quickly that you’re not all too confident in yourself or your abilities
He tells himself that it doesn’t matter and at first he’s not bothered about it. He’s aware that not everyone is going to be self-assured and reasons that it could be a number of things, such as anxiety with regards to being unfamiliar with war
But as time passes he notices that there are times you have good days and bad days, noting that you’re trying to get past whatever it is that’s holding you back
If he’s being honest with himself, it upsets him to a degree, as you’re the master, so you should be more confident in yourself
But Ookurikara isn’t an asshole about it
He’s more roundabout it than any of the aforementioned swords, telling you that you should have more faith in yourself, as all of the swords of the citadel put their faith in you; they’ve all stood by your side all this time, after all
He doesn’t realize that he’s implied that he also believes in you until after the words are already out of his mouth, but he means what he said
Honestly his words come off a bit harsh and sound more like a scolding than comfort or advice, and he really doesn’t know how to help, but he does think you should take pride in what you have accomplished so far
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In the dead of night...I return
I said I would return about six months ago and...clearly that did not happen. Everything has been a mess and a half, but I shall try to make my return (yet again) and hopefully things will go back better this time! 
I actually intended to write this a few months earlier, but with everything that’s happened, I wasn’t quite able to get to that. I also have a few other series I’m willing to write for, but I’ll type a formal announcement for that later!
In the meantime, I intend to put a couple things in queue. I apologize that it’s taken me so long to return. 
EDIT: I’ve gone back and read all the little comments and notes, and I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for your support and kind words! I don’t have the energy to respond to everyone individually, but I have seen your words and I am delighted to know that my work is enjoyed! 
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GAAAH. I totally did not mean to have all this radio silence for so long. I have not forgotten this blog at all! I’m still here!! I’ll be working on the few requests I have at the moment, but may post some other writing just to liven things up here. 
In other words, unless life throws a whole bunch of other stuff at me, I’m back!
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