petralynnluna · 10 months
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This is one of those things where I understand the spirit of the point she is trying to make, but I feel like it undermines the efforts for everyone's sexual health to be taken seriously.
Viagra is important healthcare. Just like abortion and hormones and hysterectomies and vasectomies and any number of things us humans need for our reproductive and sexual needs. And Viagra isn't just for men. Some women take it (off label) and trans folks do as well.
I think the larger issue is that Viagra is given priority over other kinds of sexual healthcare. We prioritize men's boners before everything else. But I don't want to take Viagra away from anyone. There is money for medication and bridges.
I want everyone else to have as easy of a time getting their healthcare needs met as men do getting Viagra.
And safe bridges.
We can do both.
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petralynnluna · 10 months
10-20 °C is where whatever you want weather. Below 10 you need a jacket above a 20 it starts to be uncomfortable.
But at 12 you can comfortably wear shorts and a tank top. 12 is wear a jacket if it goes with the outfit.
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petralynnluna · 10 months
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Did I meme right?
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petralynnluna · 10 months
fun fact! did you know that you can gain extra ‘forbidden time’ by staying up late in the night? but Watch Out
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petralynnluna · 10 months
personally i love strikes. love unions. love protests. big fan all around!!
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petralynnluna · 10 months
Selena stalking the bats because well... Batcat reasons
Spots another stalker, much smaller with camera
Is interrupted by a rouge deciding to recreate Godzilla but in Gotham and without the monster.
Ends up scooping the small child up and bunkering down while the city goes to shit.
The smaller stalker is... A strange child. Very well mannered, very aware of how much of her space how much of her time he is taking up. Very apologetic about everything.
It takes longer than it should for her to remember that children typically have parents. And that while the kid was fine with her assuming he was a street kid he had a very expensive photography kit. And not nearly enough meat on his bones.
It takes just a little and then he's opening up, but not really he thinks he's trying to convince her to let him walk home alone. My parents think I'm very self sufficient, no of course I don't have a nanny I'm not a child he very much is a child, their in Egypt they don't keep up with the news, well I guess you would be interested in the jade cat l.
So he agrees to let her drive him home.
She makes a detour, tells him to play along. Introduces him as her son, to batman... Not that he's supposed to know Mr. Wayne is batman.
He doesn't break character, neither of his "parents" are blood type O... And doing a field blood transfusion... Is going to raise some questions.
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petralynnluna · 11 months
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The union busting firms are scared
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petralynnluna · 11 months
here's my hot take about my generation and people younger than me (I'm 22 years old)
The reason current teenagers and people in their really early 20s are conservative on accident and have such shitty takes on the internet is because our generation was much more sheltered than previous generations and because we were raised to be ok with orwellian servailence and that is 100% the fault of our parents, Reagan Era kidnapping panics, and the rise of technology all coming together to prevent us from doing the sketchy shit that sends parents into panic mode but which is also completely fundemental to childhood development. If your parents had even a crumb of money to their name and even a shred of free time they started tracking your phone as soon as it was possible to. I did not experience this because my parents are actively trying to live like it's the 1990s and still have not gotten cell phones of their own, and did not let me have one until I was 18 years old and it was no longer their choice, but literally over half of my friends in middle and high school had their phones tracked by their parents at some point or other, and we would occasionally find this out, not because their parents told them, but when we were trying to do the aforementioned sketchy shit and their parent's car would pull up. And I would, like a reasonable person after finding this out, encourage my friends to just leave their phones at home, and their response would be "What if I get kidnapped" or "My parents are just trying to keep me safe"
This in my estimation has lead to a combination of kids being terminally online because they do have internet access and are better at deleting search history than their parents think they are, but don't have the freedom to go out and do shit without their parents' knowledge or consent, so they have the most privacy from the people who control their lives while they're on the internet, and kids not having the real world experiences they should have, not knowing how to connect with other people irl, not feeling comfortable leaving the house because of the horror story lies their parents told them to make them ok with the surveillance they were inflicting on their kids. Kids these days are growing up in the fucking panopticon when they should be out in the woods playing with knives or stealing cigarettes from their older sibling and going out to an empty parking lot to smoke them or whatever and that shit is sticking with them into adulthood. Things that were "tee hee we could get in trouble isn't this so fun and daring" in the 1990s and 2000s have become in the 2010s and 2020s things that are "If I do that without texting my parents some sort of lie to excuse where my location is my parent's car will pull up and I will get grounded for the next two weeks."
Like even when I was 19 I had a 16 year old friend who would volunteer their time at a food shelf and that's how we knew each other. We would talk about dungeons and dragons together, and the game store was 4 blocks from the food shelf. One day we left the food shelf earlier than they had told their parents they would and they got punished for that. We were literally just going to look at dungeons and dragons miniatures and dice, which was self evident if you could see where we started and how far we walked and where too. I have to assume that this isn't uncommon. It's wrong, but it's not uncommon.
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petralynnluna · 11 months
will say, weird that everyone thinks Tim would have an actual splenectomy scar?? like if we’re thinking traditional surgery scars in western medicine, he’s almost definitely got a laparotomy scar. Tim’s bleeding out on the table, there’s no way they had time to do scans to identify which organs got damaged or make any sort of accurate external assessment; that kind of situation, you’re just gonna cut the whole abdomen open bc how else are you even gonna know what needs to be fixed/removed?? so Tim probably has a semi-neat little line down his belly once he’s all healed up, which coincidentally is a vague enough surgery scar that he can tell All Sorts of lies about it, which I think he would do purely for the fun of it.
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petralynnluna · 11 months
With ao3 being ddosed, it's a great reminder why it exists in the first place.
To allow people to write or read whatever they want without fear of deletion.
After the horrors of strikethrough and boldthrough we're lucky to have such a robust site.
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petralynnluna · 11 months
legit as someone who works in tech i cannot IMAGINE being one of the tech volunteers for ao3 and combatting this ddos attack FOR FREE. ALL. DAY. LONG. definitely donating to ao3 this year when this is all over and the site is back up and running.
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petralynnluna · 11 months
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petralynnluna · 11 months
Goodnight moon
Goodnight room
Goodnight hardworking Organization for Transformative Works volunteers keeping us from doom
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petralynnluna · 11 months
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petralynnluna · 11 months
If you're an exchristian atheist (and if you think Christmas is a secular holiday you're included), your "religion is a disease" bs is not cute.
Especially when it's posted during a time of heighten islamiphobia.
Cause (and this is not hyperbole) I've never had a conversation with one of y'all that doesn't end up with you trying to justify genocide. Expecting people to forsake their cultural traditions to conform to "secular" standards is justifying genocide.
It's giving "kill the Indian to save the man"
It's giving "remove children from their families beat them when they try to speak their language"
It's giving "they're not *true* [citizens of a culturally Christian nation, including the United States] they [engage in cultural practices that defer from the norm, including: shabbas, Ramadan, ancestor shrines, celebrating a non Gregorian new year]"
Cultural genocide is not separate from genocide, it may walk ahead, it ma walk behind. The killings are never far removed.
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petralynnluna · 11 months
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petralynnluna · 11 months
Almost every Jason-Tim accidental brother acquisition fic pretty much goes like:
Tim: If not brother, why brother shaped?
Jason: completely failing to do anything that would prove this wrong.
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