peachesbyplums · 13 years
It's time to celebrate!
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image via Princess Lasertron found via That's Happy
We received the best news today, Ger has received his visa! I cannot tell you the total relief, consuming excitement and pure joy that we are feeling. He has been gone 420 days to be exact. That's a long time for a couple let alone a newly married one. 
This process has been grueling. We've dealt with thousands of dollars in visa fees, incompetent lawyers (which ultimately delayed the process by at least 5+ months) and not to mention the time apart. I don't wish this process on my worst enemy.
Tomorrow afternoon I will see my husband walk through those airport doors to freedom. I cannot tell you how proud I am of him after everything he has been through and how proud I am of us to survive such an experience. We've grown so much closer in this past year and we've learned a lot. It reminds me that in every situation there is opportunity to grow and always something to be thankful for.
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peachesbyplums · 13 years
I want to go strawberry picking in the next couple weeks and I'm trying to think of great things I could make with the berries. Here's a video on how to make a simply strawberry jam. It looks gorgeous!
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peachesbyplums · 13 years
Around the world in 30 minutes.
In any given day I could imagine myself living in five different countries. One day I want to live abroad. It's been a dream of mine for quite some time. Me and my husband have talked about it and it seems like every other month we are moving to a new country but can't pull the trigger. We have a comfortable life in the Boston suburbs but as soon as we settle down we get the urge to start on a new adventure. It's a constant up and down in our life.
The other day my husband suggested that maybe he would like to do his Ph.D in Europe in a few years. That was all it took for my head to spin out of control with visions of my life abroad. Here's a little insight of how my mind works when "on wanderlust."
Wednesday I'm in Amsterdam
After watching Passport to Europe in Amsterdam and House Hunters International in the Netherlands I start to think about what it would be like to live in this city. It takes me back to when we were visiting during our honeymoon. I loved the beautiful buildings, the creative influence on the city and the tranquil canal lined streets. I began my research to see what it really would be like for an American to live here. The concept of work-life balance is prevalent in this city, I really like that. Let's talk out about transportation. Like most cities it would be hard to have a car but most people bike here which makes for a fun way to get around that most US cities don't have. What about the weather? Hmm, it seems to get a lot of rain. Would I miss the hot summer months? Perhaps. The great thing is that it's so close to other countries and makes for easy travel where we could find some place warm to be! But there is the issue of learning the language. Okay, so Amsterdam is on the list.
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Thursday I'm in France
After spending the entire day (and yes I mean the entire day) of reading the wonderful Lindsey's blog, Lost in Cheeseland, I got the bug for France. Paris was another city we visited during our Honeymoon. I loved the wandering streets, cozy cafes and spirit of life in Paris. After reading Lindsey's posts about her life in Paris I got a good sense of the city. But would I really like it? Perhaps it's a bit too much. Maybe living a little further out would be better. Our time spent in Giverny (Monet's Garden) was beautiful. Ironically House Hunters International focused their search on France today. I was glued to the tv for three hours as they went from Paris to Normandy to Provence and then to the Languedoc-Roussillon region. I tried to envision my life in each place. I have to admit, I was transfixed by the beautiful historic home that was once a convent in Normandy. The cozy secret corners and gorgeous kitchen was everything I wanted. I felt myself leaning towards this life but I'm not totally sold. Do I really fit in in France? It may be a little too much change for me. Maybe I need to try somewhere a little more recognizable for my first step outside of the states.
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Friday I'm in England
Well it's abroad, English speaking and you gotta love those stone cottages. I spent some time living in London back in College. I fell in love with the city. I think I would've enjoyed my time more if I was a little older and had someone to enjoy it with. Of course my mind starts in London. I love the parks and the ethnic diversity and neighborhoods. Again, with having a dog I think I should focus on the suburbs where you get the real England. So I pack my bags once again and take the train to Windsor. I love the community feel with lovely shops and pubs. Before settling down I take a trip to Somerset where big homes line the fields and quintessential England is before my eyes. Yes, I like the sound of this. Maybe England is the place for me.
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After all of this "moving" I'm exhausted! Mentally I've lived in three plus countries (I didn't mention my time in Belgium, Ireland or Sweden.) Usually once I am done on my trip around the world I get a little homesick and go back to Boston where I'm most comfortable. I think to myself, will I ever get the guts to move abroad and leave everything behind or will it always just be a dream where the thrill of the chase will be enough to satisfy my wanderlust.
Has anyone else made the leap abroad and had a good (or bad) experience? Any advice?
*all images via my personal collection
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peachesbyplums · 13 years
Today I'm in England (in my mind.)
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peachesbyplums · 13 years
A Journey Down the Prinsengracht.
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design via Lotta Nieminen
I think it's a sign. I watched House Hunters International last night and it was set in the the Netherlands, then I watched Passport to Europe and they were in Amsterdam and now I just found this beautiful design by Lotta Nieminen of what looks like the Prinsengracht in the city center of Amsterdam. All signs point to this canal lined city.
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peachesbyplums · 13 years
BYOB (Bring Your Own Bags)
I throw out an embarrassing amount of plastic warp, cardboard boxes and Styrofoam containers but I have a feeling that I'm not the only one. So much of our purchases are determined by design and branding. What would happen if that didn't exist? Would there be a consumer uproar or perhaps just a more conscious sustainable way to live.
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In.gredients is a leader in the concept of zero-waste, package free grocery store. Their mission is "to reduce waste by ditching packaging altogether. Instead of recycling packaging that’s already been produced, we’re “precycling it before it’s even made – proving that most food packaging is unnecessary."
The idea behind this store is incredible. A world without plastic bags floating in the ocean sounds pretty appealing to me. Not only will you be reducing your carbon footprint but you will be able to eat local organic foods to provide for a healthier life. What I love most about In.gredients is that you are in control of how much you want to buy. So many times we over buy and throw out unused food. Don't agree? Here's a statistic for you. "Americans add 570 million pounds of food packaging to their landfills each day, while pre-packaged foods force consumers to buy more than they need, stuffing their bellies and their trash bins: 27 percent of food brought into U.S. kitchens ends up getting tossed out" explains In.gredients co-founder Christian Lanevia, via Good Food.
This is the way of the future and I am excited about it. I just hope Boston jumps on board soon so I can enjoy what In.gredients has to offer!
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peachesbyplums · 13 years
Beautiful Song!
Song: Explosions
Artist: The Mary Onettes
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peachesbyplums · 13 years
Hello Mr. Owl
Here's a burst of color for your morning!
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images via Kate at minieco
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peachesbyplums · 13 years
Cooking Channel Does Frozen
Ahh yes, something that speaks to my heart, Ice Cream!
The Cooking Channel will be touring around the US with their frozen treat truck the next couple weeks. Take a look below if your city is listed.
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peachesbyplums · 13 years
Menorca Circa. 1999
If all goes well with my husband's visa he should be home in two weeks! We want to take a nice vacation to celebrate and are trying to decide where we want to go.
Ger was going through old family photos and came across these amazing ones from a trip to Menorca. Looks like my kind of place!
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images via The Power Family Collection
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peachesbyplums · 13 years
Let's Talk About Food Festival
It's been quite a foodie weekend here at Peaches by Plums! From watching Food Inc. for the first time and changing my perspective on food to attending ButterGirl's dessert tasting, I've realized that there are a lot of great things happening in the food industry. The event that kicked off this food venture for me was the Let's Talk About Food Festival that took place in Cambridge, MA.
Let's Talk About Food....
"Launched in Boston 2010, in dynamic partnership with the Museum of Science, Let’s Talk About Food Initiative hopes to become a national, educational, event driven, organization that creates programs to increase the level of public literacy about all aspects of our food system – from sustainability, to cooking, to obesity and other food-related health issues, to fishing and farming, food access, food justice, food safety, environmental concerns, agriculture and nutrition policy, and at the same time celebrates the richness that good food brings to our world." LTA Food
Regardless of the dreary weather, the event went off without a hitch. Here's a sneak peek into this amazing festival!
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Food trucks lined the street and ranged from Vietnamese cuisine to BBQ. I made sure to visit the grilled cheese truck and grabbed a cupcake from kick ass cupcakes on the way out.
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On the main stage were presentations from top chefs (literally!- see photo below of Tiffani Faison of Top Chef Season 1 and Top Chef All Stars) and top restaurants in the city discussing sustainable food and performing awesome food demos.
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images via my personal collection
This event really kicked off my focus in living a sustainable life. It was approachable, fun and truly showcased how easy it is to care about what you are eating. I can't wait until the next Let's Talk About Food Event!
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peachesbyplums · 13 years
When you get an invitation from ButterGirl, you go!
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I've been invited to the ButterGirl Baking Co Food Bloggers Event tonight! 12 local food bloggers are meeting to taste and talk about Laurelyn Roberts' new dessert recipes!
I can't wait to meet new friends and taste some delectable treats!
Photos to come.
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peachesbyplums · 13 years
Food For Thought.
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image via Didn't You Hear
I have been thinking about food more and more lately. Where does it come from, is it processed, where is it grown?
The sad thing is is that I couldn't tell you what goes in to make a homemade stew but I could definitely tell you what a "number three" is on the Wendy's value meal or what aisle the frosted flakes are in Walmart and let's face it, that's just sad. It's not really my fault though. It's normal and something we grew up with. Trips to McDonald's for happy meals or Tuesday nights at Pizza Hut, it was just the way it was.  The older I got the more conscious I was about what I was eating but I didn't feel equipped with the right tools to make the right decision. I had no idea how to make anything more than a grilled cheese sandwich but I sure knew how to go to a drive in. Just recently, I went home and my entire 7 days consisted on going to my favorite fast food "restaurants" and believe me I paid for it afterwards.
There was always an excuse for me, time, money, availability of product...How in the world can anyone make a real home cooked meal and work 10 hours a day? It was when I watched Food Inc. that it hit me. My excuses had to go and I had to make the decision to do the right thing for me and my family. It was no longer a choice. Life is short and the food that you put into your body is incredibly important to your health.
I encourage EVERYONE to watch Food Inc. It is a fascinating documentary on the food industry and how it is affecting farmers, communities and corporations. I'm sure it will change the way you think about the food you are buying.
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peachesbyplums · 13 years
Next Stop: Rue Montorgueil
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via Lost in Cheeseland
It's been quite the International week here at Peaches by Plums! We've gone from Sweden to Iceland then popped over to England and landed in France. I think I have a severe case of wanderlust. Every other week I am going to my husband wanting to move to a different country. He thinks I'm crazy but I just love to experience life.
Where to next?
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peachesbyplums · 13 years
If you have ever seen Gavin & Stacey then you know this song. It is just beautiful.
Artist: Embrace
Song: Gravity
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peachesbyplums · 13 years
Hidden Comforts
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photography via brian ferry
Remember when Brian convinced me to go to Berlin? He has now made me nostalgic for England with this cozy little cottage.  My favorite thing in the world is to be tucked away from the world. Maybe that's why I love blogging so much since I can experience life at a distance from the comforts of my own home.
Anyway, this cottage would be the perfect place for me to lock myself away for days while enjoying good food & wine and the perfect movie under loads of blankets.
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peachesbyplums · 13 years
Happy Mother's Day!
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photograph via my own collection
The things I've learned from my mom:
1.) The importance of going the extra step 
2.) My creative & nurturing side
3.) How to get a good bargain
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