Cancel Them Back.
The government doesn’t care about you. The corporations don’t care about you. But they do care about your money.
The great thing about America is that regardless of how much they try to take it away, we the people have the power. We the people have the last say.
However, we are now at the point where we, as patriots, need to take a stand financially. We need to let our voices be heard through who we support.
Many of these large corporations’ true colors are coming out of the woodwork at an incredibly fast pace. If you just look at Georgia’s new election laws, you’ll see a plethora of CEOs come out and take a stand against the supposed “racism” of providing an ID to vote. Most notably Coca Cola, Delta, Aflac and Major League Baseball provided statements on being anti-voter ID... also known as anti-election integrity. These new laws passed in Georgia aren’t even close to where we, as a country, need to be in order to ensure free and fair elections moving forward, but they are a start in the direction of election integrity.
But guess what? That’s not what the leftists or corporations want. They have the power now, and they don’t intend on giving that up anytime soon.
The left has tried many different ways to get you to be anti-election integrity and anti-anything they want you to be... the school system, activists, fake propaganda news, Hollywood, professional sports, and much much more. Their last resort is now the corporations, the places that you spend your money. Many of the large corporations today are far left, anti-American establishments, who are now trying to shape your beliefs based on false narratives in order to uptick their power and profits.
How are we going to combat this? Well, there’s only one option: Boycotting.
These corporations who come out and support any anti-American governmental policies, social activism (like BLM), or anything of the like are not deserving of your money. There are so many options these days, you can make an extremely minimal sacrifice in order to support a company that is willing to help fight for America and not against it. And it doesn’t take much. Simply by patriots around the country choosing to not drink Coca Cola products has forced them to take a step back from their initial statements just a couple weeks ago. I have seen pictures and videos of Pepsi shelves being completely sold out and Coca Cola virtually untouched.
You think Coca Cola cares if their product sells? Heck yeah they do!
There’s more of us than there are of them, regardless of what CNN tries to tell you. But we as a whole need to come together to do what we can to fight back.
Charlie Kirk announced on his podcast recently that he is putting together a list of companies to avoid buying from as well as a list of companies worth going out of your way to support. When that becomes available I’ll be sure to share it with you, but I urge you to pick at least one of these companies that you regularly support to start boycotting today:
-JPMorgan Chase
An easy first step would be to change your internet search engine from Google to DuckDuckGo (on an iPhone: Settings>Safari>Search Engine>DuckDuckGo). Not only will you stop supporting an incredibly anti-American corporation, you will also start to receive real news stories instead of propaganda messages being pushed to the top of your search.
The more you start to push back, the more of an impact you will make. But it’s going to take more than just a couple people. We need to build up an army of patriots for the kingdom.
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...Shall Not Be Infringed
The second amendment to the constitution is phrased in a way that shouldn’t lead to any questions about it. It reads “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.” Shall. Not. Be. Infringed. 
Our founding fathers knew a little bit about tyranny and oppression, and that is why the very first two amendments to the constitution specifically spell out arguably our two most important freedoms…first: our right to free speech and second: our right to bear arms. As the saying goes, “we have the second amendment so we can defend our first amendment.” 
So why is the left constantly trying to question and remove our right to bear arms? Or in other words, why is the left constantly trying to infringe? 
It’t that simple. 
If we’ve learned anything over the past year, it’s that politicians on the left (and a large handful on the right) will do whatever it takes to gain even just a little bit more control over you. And they won’t stop there. Once they get that little bit of control, they will keep pushing and pushing just to see how far they can go. You are simply a pawn of their agenda and a statistic ready to be manipulated. 
Under the Obama administration, mass shootings shot up 246.7% higher than previously under the Bush administration (thegatewaypundit.com). They spent those 8 years of shootings, alongside the MSM, laying the groundwork for disarming all Americans. They thought they were in for an easy transition from Obama to Clinton, and could simply finish the job over the next 8 years. Well, as we know, they faced an obstacle to that plan in Donald Trump. 
After 4 years of relatively no media coverage on mass shootings, outside of Las Vegas, Biden is now in… and they are right back at it. 
Last week alone was nonstop MSM coverage of a shooting in Atlanta simply because the timing was right, and it fit the narrative. Don’t get me wrong, this was a horrific act committed by someone who is absolutely insane or possessed, and I have been and will continue to be praying for the families of those who were unfairly taken far too soon. But I will also be praying for the families of the 15 people who were shot the same week in another mass shooting in Chicago that went completely unreported on. Unfortunately this shooting was chalked up to gang violence which we are programmed to think is normal, frequent and unpreventable. 
However, the first shooting was seemingly a perfect fit for the MSM narrative: a white male shoots 8 women, 6 of which happen to be an ethnic minority. The MSM didn’t waste any time pushing this as anti-asian violence and somehow blaming this and any other anti-asian violence on Trump. 
Check out a few of the quotes and headlines…
Apnews.com opening line: “A white gunman was charged Wednesday with killing eight people at three Atlanta-area massage parlors in an attack that sent terror through the Asian American community, which has increasingly been targeted during the coronavirus pandemic.” 
Nytimes.com headline: “8 Dead in Atlanta Spa Shootings, With Fears of Anti-Asian Bias”
Washingtonpost.com quote: “Six Asian women died in the attacks on Tuesday, prompting widespread concern that the killings could be the latest in a surge of hate crimes against Asian Americans.” 
In addition to these and many other MSM outlets covering this story nonstop, many politicians jumped into the conversation as well, including Crooked Hillary herself who tweeted, “I’m sending prayers today to the families of the people killed and those injured in Atlanta’s horrific attacks. The surge in violence against Asian Americans over the last year is a growing crisis. We need action from our leaders and within our communities to stop the hate.” Since the shooting, 4 of her 6 tweets have been pushing the #StopAsianHate narrative. 
Well, how are they going to #StopAsianHate? Control. And how are they going to take control? Disarming Americans. 
The shooter himself claimed that the shooting was not racially motivated, and the FBI, after investigating, determined the same exact thing. Oddly enough, this didn’t make any of the headlines, nor did it stop the MSM from writing about this being a racially motivated shooting. “Ironically,” the senate is due to vote on Joe Biden’s unconstitutional and far left gun control bill that he is persistent on passing. 
Is it making sense now? 
The politicians are trying to take away your freedoms. They don’t care who or what they use to do so. This time it’s guns. They are going to be voting shortly on taking away your guns, so before they do that, they have to remind you that guns are bad and scary. 
Well, Thomas Jefferson knew that the day would come when politicians would try to disarm Americans by convincing them that guns are bad and scary. He had this to say, “The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes…Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man” (buckeyefirearms.org). 
Strict gun laws don’t stop bad guys from getting guns. They stop the good guys from getting guns to defend themselves and others, leaving everyone in a far more susceptible position. 
What would’ve happened in Atlanta if one of those women shot were carrying a firearm? Could the first victim have defended herself and stopped hers and the other murders from even happening? Possibly. 
In Joe Biden’s America, we shouldn’t have the right to defend ourselves. These women who were murdered should not have had the right to defend themselves. The shooter should have known that he was not going to be able to be stopped until he decided to stop. The shooter should have known that whoever he wanted to shoot would not be able to defend themselves. 
Well, what does the Bible say about gun control? Not-so-surprisingly, nothing. However, the Bible does say that every man was assumed to have a personal sword, the gun-equivalent back in the day. Jesus himself said in Luke 22, “Let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one.” 
So, knowing Jesus supports ownership of weapons for self-defense, what about acts of self-defense? Well, Exodus 22:2 says, “If a thief is caught in the act of breaking into a house and is struck and killed in the process, the person who killed the thief is not guilty of murder.” It continues in verse 3 to say, “But if it happens in daylight, the one who killed the thief is guilty of murder.” This tells us that it is not ok to kill someone simply because they break into your house. Pastor Tom Tell says about this passage, “In the dark, it is impossible to see and know for certain what someone is up to; whether an intruder has come to steal, inflict harm, or to kill, is unknown at the time. In the daylight, things are clearer. We can see if a thief has come just to swipe a loaf of bread through an open window, or if an intruder has come with more violent intentions.” 
Ultimately, the Bible tells us that the right to bear arms is acceptable (if not suggested to do so), and the right to defend yourself is promoted. Deadly force should be the last resort for a christian (and also taught in basic gun training), but if necessary to do so in self-defense, it is permit-able. 
As a christian, the right to bear arms is a freedom granted to us by the Bible. And as an American, the right to bear arms is a freedom granted to us by the Constitution. 
The left is steadfast on removing this right from us, this is not a time to be silent. 
We must build up an army of patriots for the kingdom. 
I wrote “…Shall Not Be Infringed” (above) before the most recent shooting in Boulder, CO on Monday. I couldn’t post this without addressing a few quick thoughts that came to my mind…
You can see just how quickly the left is moving to infringe on your right to bear arms. They want complete and utter control. 
They want you afraid!
Afraid of guns. 
Afraid of terrorists. 
Afraid of white males. 
Afraid of Trump.
Afraid of conservatives. 
Afraid of anything that they feel is a threat to their control. 
And they are using the MSM propaganda to make you afraid. 
The MSM was eager to blame this shooting on a white male as the yahoo news story says, “a partially clothed white male was seen being led away from the scene.” When in reality, the shooter was identified later as Ahmad al-Issa…a devout, anti-Trump, Muslim. 
Joe Biden also wasted no time using this shooting as a way to blame guns by calling for an “assault weapons ban” and a “ban on high capacity magazines.” Want to know something funny? Colorado already has a high capacity magazine ban. So Joe, did it help? Did that stop the bad guy from getting a gun with a high capacity magazine? 
We as a people need to open our eyes to this madness the left is pushing us into. It is leading us into complete and utter destruction. 
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H.R.5 - The Inequality Act
Welcome back y’all! 
Today we are going to take a look at the most anti-christian bill to ever be proposed, and already passed the house, in our country’s history, H.R.5 - The Equality Act. 
The first thing you should know, is that the name of any proposed bill is, in actuality, the exact opposite of what the bill really stands for. So we can refer to the “Equality Act” as the “Inequality act,” just like we can refer H.R.1, the “For the People Act,” as the “For the Politicians Act.” But we’ll get into that one at a later date. 
What does the Inequality Act say, you might ask? Well, from congress.gov, part of the summary of the bill states “The bill prohibits an individual from being denied access to a shared facility, including a restroom, a locker room, and a dressing room, that is in accordance with the individual’s gender identity.” This bill would be amending the Civil Rights Act and the Fair Housing Act to change the definition of “sex” AWAY FROM being a biological man or woman TO whatever gender you feel like you are that day…man, woman, horse, wallpaper, or other. If the women’s restroom line was shorter at the ballpark, NO PROBLEM! Just be a woman for a couple minutes! (Remember that song, “Man, I Feel Like a Woman”….well that title directly applies here.) More seriously, men like Alok Vaid-Menon, a touted member of the transgender community who recently stated that, in his own words, “little girls are also kinky,” will now be able to freely occupy the bathrooms of these same little girls. 
This bill would also force medical doctors into performing procedures on patients who identify as transgender, and would support the judge’s decision in Ohio to terminate a couple’s custody of their 17 year old daughter because they disagreed with a gender clinic regarding her taking testosterone injections (govtrack.us). It would also support events like the firing of teachers for not using a female students preferred pronoun or a lawsuit against a homeless shelter for abused women for refusing service to biological men (thegospelcoalition.org)…all of which actually happened. The government is trying to reach into every aspect our life and take as much control as they possibly can…all the way up to deciding whether or not you are fit to parent your child, based on the governments guidelines of what a good parent looks like. And if it couldn’t get any worse, Prnewswire calls the Inequality Act “the most pro-abortion legislation to pass the House in a decade.” 
Lastly, The Inequality Act would also change the Civil Rights Act’s definition of “public accommodation” to include any “place of or establishment that provides exhibition, entertainment, recreation, exercise, amusement, public gathering, or public display and any establishment that provides a good, service, or program” (firstthings.com). This bill is specifically worded to included churches in its complete overreach of power. This is a direct attack on the Christian church. If passed, the church will be forced to adapt to these same ideologies of the far left, with no defense from the Religion Freedom Restoration Act. 
Does this make sense yet? 
The government is attempting to assert themselves into the church, as well as your daily life, and tell you what you are and aren’t allowed to believe. 
Remember that time when everyone tried to tell you that Joe Biden was running as a moderate? Remember everyone saying that Joe Biden will be working across the aisle and seeking bipartisanship? Joe himself said in his inaugural speech, “I will be a president for all Americans, even those who didn’t vote for me.” Not one of his actions have proven this to be the truth and have only proven that his entire campaign was run on a litany of lies. 
But as we look at H.R.5 specifically, our right to religious liberties is being assaulted before our very eyes. Want to know what’s crazy? Many church leaders don’t care! Or at least, they don’t care ENOUGH. Whether it’s ignorance in not understanding what is happening, not studying enough about it to be able to talk about it in front of a group of people or (worst of all) simply not wanting to offend anyone, none of these are acceptable. 
You’ll find many opinion articles online stating that politics should or should not be involved in the church, and I’ve read many from both sides. Whichever way you lean on that, it really doesn’t matter. You know why? This isn’t politics. This is your faith! This is what we are on earth for… To stand up for our faith and make it known to all around us. Yes, God is in control, but does that mean we are to just sit back and watch life go on around us? Absolutely not! 
This bill would be the start of an extremely slippery slope. First the government tells you what you can believe about a couple aspects of your faith, then it’s something else, and so on. When does it stop? We’re already seeing Amazon virtually burning books over the past couple months. When is it going to be the Bible that they are burning? 
Now, you might be asking, “well what can I do about this anyway?” Well, first, PRAY! God is in control and he he has all things lined up just as they should be. However, this doesn’t mean that the road is going to be all sunshine and rainbows for christians.  There are christians in China who are being martyred every day simply for believing in Jesus and living out their faith. There’s nothing to say that won’t happen here in America. Second, contact your state senators and let them know how you feel! Our politicians are here to serve and represent us, and they want to hear from you! Here’s a link to find contact information for your senator https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm. Third, talk to your pastor. Ask them to talk about these issues. Ask how you can help. 
Christians are under direct attack from our own government, and we need to push back. Our voices need to be heard, but they can’t be heard when they’re not being used. 
We must build up an army of patriots for the kingdom. 
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Cardi B & Cancel Culture
Welcome to Patriot for the Kingdom!
Thanks for joining me on this deep dive into politics and culture, how it relates to our christian faith, and what you can do to help make a difference. Starting today, we will be taking a look at some of the major things that are hitting the mainstream media (MSM), as well as other things that are flying more under the radar…for now. I will try my best to find the viewpoint that Jesus would have on the situations that we are faced with in all that is going on in our country today.
Let’s jump in!
I’m sure you’ve heard of or seen the video from the Grammy’s this past weekend of Cardi B performing her well-known song “WAP” which you may or may not know what it stands for… I’ll let you look that up yourself. If you didn’t see it live, like myself, (and nearly all of the country as the viewership was down to an all-time-low 8.8 million, down 53% from last year), heres a link to watch it for yourself [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UnBZLFB7kLo].
Seen it now? Ok.
This is what the left is trying to tell us is a good role model. This is what the left is trying to tell us is power, unity, and good for our children. Dr. Suess? That’s RACIST! Kids can’t be reading that! They can’t be looking at those cartoon images that may be portraying someone of a different ethnicity than them! Mr. Potato Head? Thats transphobic! You can’t tell Mr. Potato Head that he is, in fact, a mister! What if he doesn’t feel like he’s a mister? Well guess what, and I hate to say it but…HE’S STILL A MISTER! The left wants to say constantly that they are all about “the science” however, when the science does not actually line up with their agenda (which it usually doesn’t), they either ignore it or create their own fake science and fake studies. We’ve seen many instances of both over the past year of the “deadly” China virus, and we’ll dig into them as we go along. Sorry, we don’t have enough time to catch up on alllllllllllll the happenings over the past year in this one post.
For now, let’s take a look at what God says about just these few issues of Cardi B and cancel culture taking out Dr. Suess and Mr. Potato Head and many others which have popped up over the past couple weeks.
Philippians 4:8 says, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” I don’t know about you, but as I was reading that verse, the first thing that came to my mind wasn’t Cardi B’s performance at the Grammy’s. In fact, I would personally consider that to be the opposite of each of those things. God tells us, through his word, to flee from sin and things that may cause you to sin. WAP may be exactly what Jesus had in mind when he said “Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Matthew 26.41). If the name alone didn’t tell you all you needed to know about Cardi B and that song, it is pretty easy to see from God’s word that Jesus would not endorse this.
Stepping over to Dr. Suess and Mr. Potato Head… I won’t lie, nowhere in the Bible does it say “The Cat in the Hat must be the 67th book of the Bible and Green Eggs and Ham is to be the 68th book.” But God makes it very clear in Genesis that “He created them male and female and blessed them. And he named them “Mankind” when they were created” (5:2). Unsurprisingly, God and science are in lockstep here, where the science indeed will tell you that there are only two genders, male and female. The left is trying to create a division in our society, by two of the most surface-level distinguishing factors possible, our race and gender. They do not want to see the day that MLK was talking about when he said “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” Sure they say that’s exactly what they want, but actions speak louder than words. Look at cancel culture as a whole…Uncle Ben? Cancelled. Aunt Jemima? Cancelled. Cleveland Indians? Cancelled. Washington Redskins? Cancelled. How long until every black or non-white figure is removed from our country? Does that sound like something that is creating a path to equality? Not at all. God sees no color. All he sees is his beautiful creation, regardless of shape, size or color. Acts 10:34-35 says “Truly I understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.”
We don’t need our children looking towards Cardi B to tell them how to live or Black Lives Matter telling them who matters. We need our children to look to Jesus for these answers in the Bible, because he knows the beginning and the end. He knows that we all matter equally to him, and that’s all that matters.
Soon, cancel culture will be trying to take Jesus out, just like it already has in China, North Korea, and many other countries in the world. Now is the time to fight back harder than ever before. How can you do this? Do things like reading this blog, invite friends to church (and I shouldn’t have to say this, but I’m going to, if you’re not GOING TO church, GO TO CHURCH…IN CHURCH), get involved in your church, read the curriculum being taught to your children, attend school board meetings, teach your children why some of the things their teachers tell them isn’t true, pray for our political leaders and many more things that we will cover in future posts. If everyone simply hit on each of these points, we would see an unbelievable amount of change in our country.
We must build up an army of patriots for the kingdom.
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