omni-han-tyumi · 4 years
When humans become reliant on lab grown meat, god becomes angry with them and asks Satan to cook up a disease so foul it wipes humanity away. This disease is called superbug and it’s a highly evolved contagion. That has no weakness or signs of stopping.
“ Superbug coming up   Feels like he'll never stop   Should'a used phages   Instead you took ages “
A long arduous process is killing humanity. Superbug is infecting at a rapid rate but making humans suffer for their sins. Satan and God watch from above and below
“ Superbug gave a shrug   And ate all your prescription drugs   And never, ever, ever stopped   Deadly contagious   And inter-generational   Never ever, ever stops   And never ever gives a fuck “
An inter-generational disease is a terrifying prospect. Imagine having the plague still going on today and having no way to combat it except for hope and basic cleanliness. This is the situation humans are in post-superbug ridden world.
“ Pony up   Join the club   Shake my hand   Let's run amok “
At some point humanity loses it. Realizing they are effectively going extinct they look for any way to save themselves or enjoy their lives while they can. Riots, Looting, and total Anarchy ensues. Adversely, from what we know about ITRN this could be about an upper-class citizen being coerced into either leaving earth to head to mars or to become a cyborg. 
“ Superbug in my blood   Superbug made of the disturbing stuff   Superbug in my blood   Superbug made of the disturbing stuff “
Humanity continues their path to destruction. Going insane over the superbug and what it has done to our world and society. Anarchy is reigning and nobody can stop it or wants to. 
“ Superbug coming up   H1N1 was a flop   Anti-microbial   Resistance is futile “
Since superbug is resistant to drugs and medical sanitation there is no hope for humanity. H1N1 or swine flu was a disease that was fabled to be the big bad one, it was not but this song pokes fun at its meager attempt at ruination compared to superbug.
“ Superbug is like a truck   Penicillin is a duck   That's sitting on the road for luck “
The bug is uncaring in who it kills or infects. Its purpose is to kill and it will do just that. It does not discriminate it embodies death.
“ Faceless and ageless   It's simply outrageous   Never ever, ever stops   And never ever gives a fuck   Unnecessary   Anti-Bs   Likely killed humanity “
Superbug will kill off humanity unless they find a way to counter act it or fight against it somehow...Cyborgs are a possible option.
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omni-han-tyumi · 4 years
I want to preface this by saying this post isn’t meant to explain de-facto what the Gizzverse is as a whole since nobody but the band can really know that. This is just a jumping off point for people who want to get started theorizing or want to know more about KGATLW. If any of these ideas or theories doesn’t match up with your own, don’t be upset it’s just a theory.
The Gizzverse is the idea that all songs and albums from the band King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard are connected in some way, telling a larger story. The band has thirteen albums ranging in style and genre but fans of the band have noticed through lines in lyrics and reoccurring themes in the songs. The past few posts on this blog have been breaking down lyrics of specific songs to get a feel for one of their common themes, Climate destruction. 
Throughout King Gizz’s discography there is probably nothing they mention more than a dying mother earth. Songs like Green house heat death, Open water, Melting, and Her and I (slow jam 2) are all great examples of this. But not all the themes are as transparent, for example the albums feature a character across most of them that goes by many names (according to Gizzverse theorists). The weary traveler, The Confused Cyborg, and most commonly His real name Han-Tyumi. That name looks strange because it’s an anagram for Humanity, Han “himself” is also theorized to just be a placeholder for humanity at large, rather than being a real character in the songs. Throughout the songs Han witnesses the might of the lighting lord, the balrog, gets his eyes gouged out in his search for tetrachromacy, but most importantly becomes a cyborg and murders the universe. 
Han becoming a cyborg is presumed by some to be in response to a deadly Superbug (another one of King Gizzards songs). Superbug was brought upon humanity by Satan at the request of God because of humanity’s obsession with lab grown meat. The song Gamma Knife has a special place holding up this theory, A gamma knife not a knife at all but, an operation used to remove brain tumors. Or more poetically it can be seen as a means to an end, or a solution to a problem. Being a cyborg means being un-affected by sleep, hunger, and more importantly disease. Here are specific lyrics backing up the cyborg = gamma knife claim.
Gamma Knife:
Crack the whip I'll jump the hoop (Gamma!) Cut the skin And bend the truth (Gamma!) All I wanted was my youth (Gamma!) All in favor of this truth Gamma knife!
Eternal life is also a common theme in Gizz’s music and is seen to be obtained through becoming a cyborg. Han-Tyumi, the Confused Cyborg, Organ Farmer, and Satan Speeds Up.
Han-Tyumi, Confused Cyborg:
The gold beneath the virtual rainbow I am bereft of two human things Two things that a cyborg can never do Two things that I strive for Two things between myself and mankind Death And To vomit
Organ Farmer:
Counterfeit hypocrite Runs the mall, runs 'em all Citadel guards it well Counting coins, counting stem cells Wiretap divinity* Human laboratory Kill the squid, cut the tree Arrogant human being
*this line in particular
Satan Speeds Up:
Every life is like a song that takes forever to be sung When all our silly games wreak havoc on our spoils When I stop to think of all that we've done Satan's at the door
However, we also see a foil to this common theme of eternal life. Wishing for death and self-destruction are also abundant across the works of King Gizzard and will be discussed in part 2.
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omni-han-tyumi · 5 years
“Heat death Bake rot Torrid Char crop Heat death Hard yolk See flames Smell smoke”
The greenhouse effect has been heating earth since the day we were born. The suns radiation is trapped within our smoggy atmosphere and raises the temperature well beyond what it would be if there was a way for it to escape. If the burning of fossil fuels is to continue and no GREEN DEALS are agreed to it is possible the world described in this song could be a reality very soon.
“My house is green You know what I mean My house was blue It cooked right through”
Here the lyrics depict a world totally burnt up from the inside. One where few to none people still remain to remember what life was like before the change. National parks, vacationing destinations, wonders of the world are all gone and all that is left are brown grass and hot polluted water.
“Come meet me inside Greenhouse, we will fry”
Again, driving home the feeling of despair the lyrics continue to paint a picture where nothing is sacred. The outside world is un-inhabitable and the only thing left to do is burn up and die.
“Heat death, hormones Good broth, cook bones”
The words “good broth, cook bones” stand out particularly in these lyrics because they seem a little out of place, unless you know how to make broth. Typically, broth or more specifically bone broth is made by roasting bones over a fire or in an oven and then placing them in water on a rolling simmer. Here it is literally describing boiling seawater being seasoned or flavored by the bones of humans that have been cooked by Greenhouse Heat Death.
“My house is fried All life has died My house was blue Beautiful too”
Still the few that remain lament the loss of their green home. Constantly thinking about what life used to be like.
“Heat death Bake rot Torrid Char crop Heat death Hard yolk See flames Smell smoke”
These words are repeated here from the beginning of the song and all have importance to the message. These are sung like the band is chanting commands. Bake. Rot. Being the beginning of the greenhouse effect taking place. Similarly, the word torrid which follows this line up means a dry and constant heat. That heat is described to char crops in the next line.
Hard yolk is an often misheard lyric and an interesting metaphor. It likens the inside of earths atmosphere, where we live, to the inside of a hard boiled egg. Meaning it has sustained high temperatures that has cooked it.
our house was green, and most of what we like is on the surface, let’s keep it there. 
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omni-han-tyumi · 5 years
And when I get back. 
I have another song for you. 
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omni-han-tyumi · 5 years
Sense is the first track off of King Gizzard’s Paper Mache Dream Balloon Album. This song features soft vocals from Stu McKenzie, Ambrose Kenny-Smith, and Joey Walker, accompanied by a fluttering clarinet and delicate piano strikes. The song is a slow “psychedelic folk song” and it is relatively slow compared to what most people think when the band is mentioned.  
“It's in vogue to be feckless When it comes to the mother taking care of us I know it's so conventional But it don't make no sense at all”
Right away its revealed why the song sounds so slow and sad, its lamenting and remembering mother earth. A lot of King gizzard’s discography is very eco-conscious. Songs like Most of what I like, Her and I (slow jam 2), and Plastic boogie all have lyrics that pertain to mother earth and preservation of the ecosystem. Even Planet B from a previous post shares many of these sentiments about having only one planet and respecting it… or else.
“But in fact it's a pattern Everything I hear will always make me ashen I know its recognizable But it don't make no sense at all, oh Ooh, no no no sense at all”
Seeing an oil spill is disheartening, but seeing multiple and knowing those responsible will never truly be held accountable. That can make a person jaded. similarly watching the constant abuse of the only place, we have to live, being complicit in its destruction because you have no other choice. Can also make a person feel despondent and weak.  Stu when writing this song encapsulates this feeling perfectly here in these lyrics.
“People pay for their coupé But they can't pay their taxes for the freeway I know it's so predictable But it don't make no sense at all”
Just like how people turn a blind eye to littering or their carbon footprint. They also make poor decisions ones that are not necessarily even the best for them let alone mother earth. Being irrational seems to be just part of mother nature to Stu. He can see it coming from a mile away, calling actions like over spending on a car but not having enough money to actually use it, Predictable.
“And some people say it's on their radar But they drive a million miles in their fast car I know it's so invisible But it don't make no sense at all, oh”
What is worse then somebody who doesn’t care is somebody who says they do and try to make a change or fight for one. Instead just doing what everyone else does without any remorse. Again, Stu makes a point to shed light on these types of people. How they seem to be so close to self-awareness but they can’t seem to make that logical leap. Each of them putting us one step closer to a GREENHOUSE HEAT DEATH.
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omni-han-tyumi · 5 years
Welcome to earth, resource-less and dying. You are a mere cog in the machine that's killing your home. You have no other choice. Food is becoming scarce due to farms not producing food at a reliable rate. This not only affects you, but the flora and fauna around you. Children are dying.
The planet is no longer habitable and humans must leave their mother Earth. 
There may be other places in the universe for the human race. But, unfortunately it takes a lot for life to thrive. And for a society to build and be stable there needs to be a way to turn labor into profit. On a new planet how that's done is unknown. The human race has massive barriers in its way if it wishes to disperse from earth 
Earth is nothing like it used to be. Seasons are a thing of the past and luxury for the masses is too. Cake, snow, deserts, and small towns are all gone. Earth has become a blank canvass with nothing left to give. 
Humans were given a miracle and ruined it. There will never be a planet exactly like earth. 
How is a planet colonized? Is it possible? How would building get done? Where would materials come from? How could an economy be created? And who is to say we wouldn’t just ruin that place as well. It may already be too late, but there is no reason not to at least try and fix what has been done. Before we fade away… it just makes... Sense.
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omni-han-tyumi · 5 years
Just give me a moment to put on my record.
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omni-han-tyumi · 5 years
Hello world.
I am online. 
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