olealoa · 2 months
this is probably too far out but im really really curious if they’re gonna somehow develop morty and diane’s (lacking) grandma-grandson relationship in some way next season
i know they probably won’t, morty’s really not the character that they love to dive into, but it would be SO interesting. morty’s always felt pretty disconnected from rick, never able to relate to him and frankly the character he sees as most similar to him is jerry (who is, a HORRIBLE role model)
but i bring this up because i feel like morty could be motivated in some way, out of resentment for rick, to see diane as some mysterious figure who he WISH he knew. someone who he truly believes he could relate to. once again, it’s far out, and in fear no mort he never even really SPOKE to diane, but honestly im pretty desperate for some morty character development that isn’t between him and rick. they already did a deep dive in his biggest fears but it still relates to rick, and i need him to actually be developed as a character OUTSIDE of rick like how rick himself is.
if it’s not diane, some other character who he can view as a role model out of desperate need for feeling a connection. some character we haven’t met, jessica, evil morty, space beth, i dunno, just SOMEONE.
another thing id like them to address is morty’s neurodivergence, although it’s not specified it is stated he has a disability (and yeah yeah, i know pilots aren’t canon, but it’s still heavily implied) of some sort, either adhd or autism (im betting on autism since him and rick are meant to be kind of reflections of each others, different sides of the same coin). they’ve had it mentioned indirectly a few times, think the planetina episode “I’ve never fit in anywhere”. i really do feel like it’d be a great episode to address rick and morty’s absolute oppositeness, rick being unsympathetic morty being hypersympathetic, rick being introverted but overall socially competent, morty being extroverted but overall socially incompetent, rick being traditionally intelligent and morty being emotionally intelligent, stuff like that.
i mean, it’s been addressed in a way but not as a full episode, and i feel like morty looking for a new person to try and connect to, desperate to find someone who doesn’t hurt him and he can actually feel like a person around, and rick not having a person to lean on whether they like it or not causing him to kind of break a bit too. something something something
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olealoa · 3 months
they loved to catch the wind and throw stones
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olealoa · 3 months
give us a random line from episode 4
"What kind of mother do you think I am?"
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olealoa · 3 months
Listen, if Adam had not smiled at Lute like that as he died in the finale I would not be anywhere NEAR as fixated as I am on him. That singular scene has sent me spiralling.
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olealoa · 3 months
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the way i want to put him in a jar and shake it bc who knows maybe his butt will glow like a firefly
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olealoa · 3 months
so apparently at the con, vivziepop did confirm that adam is dead. HOWEVER, she also confirmed he “lives on in a way”
first of all, im gonna be sobbing because this could very likely mean he is NOT going to come back in the present. he might be dead and that’s that. HOWEVER, her comment that he “lives on in a way” does make me thing.
first of all, this does confirm he’s still…SOMEWHERE. some way, in some way shape or form, past, or present, he’ll still be SOME sort of plot relevance. which is GREAT!!! only question is, where? how? WHY?? where the hell is this man? how does a soul “stay alive” even after their second death? why does HE (and possibly other souls) get another chance? these are all questions we really cannot answer, but i do have a few ideas.
so to begin, WHERE???
my first theory would be that he comes back as a sinner. although her rather vague confirmation of “living on in a WAY” really makes me now more reluctant of this theory, it’s still on the table. and it’d be GREAT as a character development. think, the guy who just devoted his LAST MOMENTS trying to kill the hotel residents because he believes they are lesser, they are evil, they are not WORTH anything other than his own satisfaction of your death, is now brought down to their level, at their doorstep, begging for forgiveness. begging for a second chance. BEGGING for another shot at heaven. the same guy who hates them, now has to learn to accept and grow from his flaws, learn to love them and see how it feels to be at the same level of the oppressed. and maybe, he’s just not good enough to be redeemed, that could also be the case. while i would hate for that to happen, it’s still something that could happen, and it’d still show how some people just are too far gone to be given ANY more chances. though i hope that’s not how they write it.
my second theory is a little bit more grim and a little bit more sad on adam’s part. and that is he is among the souls of the rest of the sinners, those eyes we see watching in the walls every once in a while (think of those eyes we see in the walls when angel is shouting at Val). he, just like the rest, is not given another chance at living, but instead the chance to observe from the sidelines, not above nor below, but also not equal. we wouldn’t see him ever, but he would still in fact “live on”, although for people like me who really like him as a character i am HOPING this is not the case.
my final theory for WHERE is just. purgatory. it does canonically exist in Christianity lore (that is a HILARIOUS sentence to say for me), and it can basically be dumbed down to the place between heaven and hell that’s not earth, but rather a place where one can learn and change their ways from their sins, giving them a shot at heave, or not change at all and head down to hell. that is, from what i know, what purgatory is. and this could possibly be a thing for Adam, although i still would LOVE for him to be humbled and brought down to the level of a sinner, because he should in fact be considered one.
next question is HOW???
now how the hell is he still “alive” in a way even after he died….twice now? how does that work? my idea is the fact that the “immortal soul” is a thing in Christian lore, that a soul “never really dies”. and this could go for all three of those WHERE theories and more, that a soul, even after afterlife death, can still “live on”, whether it be on the sidelines or dropped up/brought back up, and considering sir pentious was brought UP to heaven despite being killed by an angelic weapon really does make me have a few theories, but ill talk about those in the “WHY” section. and to be completely honest, I don’t have a whole lot to put here. “How” is a kind of question I have to ask with MORE lore. though feel free to add more onto it.
thiss is honestly a really HARD question to answer, but i do have ideas. for starters, going onto how, HOW does the soul stay alive (not alive as in sitting on the sidelines, but rather actually moving UP or DOWN to heaven or hell)? well, my idea is that dying “permanently” (as in, due to an angelic weapon), your fate depends on whether or not you’re capable of change or not. so those sinners who died in the extermination never got a CHANCE to respawn because they were never given the OPPORTUNITY to try and change like sir pentious was. they died, and that was that. while as someone like sir pentious died in honor, in an effort to save his friends whilst (previously before) TRYING to grow into a better person. and this is why there is no criteria of getting into heaven, because you don’t NEED to be this or that to get into heaven. you need to grow and CHANGE as a person and continue to grow and change. adam got into heaven because he began to learn from his mistakes, but becoming corrupted by the idea that he was “perfect” because of it, even though he couldn’t even think of WHY he got into heaven, is why he (in this theory) went down to hell. because he was brought back down to square one.
and this is honestly why i REALLY SUPER DUPER believe he’s capable of change. i mean, that last smile he gave to lute before he saw the light….or the darkness or whatever the fuck was really was sold it to me. and it’d be foolish to not use the potential you have with a character this important to your source material, i mean he’s the first guy ever for christ sake, and he’d be a great candidate for the idea of redemption, or i guess, non redemption. so in conclusion, WHY would a soul get to stay/not stay alive, get another chance, whatever? because the point of hell and heaven (in the hazbin universe) was always SUPPOSED to be the splishy splash nature of growth and change, not “your set to stay here and that’s that”. like, of course, people like Val deserve to stay in hell, because they’re genuinely bad people, they don’t want to change and they literally CANT change. but you’ve also got people like angel dust and sir pent, who are flawed but full of potential, because they weren’t the embodiment of sin in their past lives. and Adam, who was considered one of the first sinners who also happened to go to heaven, had lost his way and went down a level, but maybe, just maybe, can grow and change as a person too.
or maybe im crazy. i just feel unsatisfied with him dying and that being that. he’s an important guy. he’s a cool, funny little character. he’s got some unexplored dynamics that i feel wouldnt be able to be properly explored through what we have, or a flashback. so ill put faith in vivzie and her really flawed team. i wanna see something good happen with this character !!!!
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olealoa · 3 months
Adam's return
I would absolutely love if Adam came back as a demon and became a permanent resident of the hotel, one because it would be hilarious to see his dynamic with the main cast, specifically Alastor, Lucifer and Nifty. But also because I believe it would be incredibly thematically appropriate considering the theme of the show is redemption, and sadly because the show was given so few episodes I don't believe it had enough time to dig into the rehabilitation of the residents whilst also trying to establish the world and get us invested.
Which is why I hope with the next season with all the establishing out of the way we can truly focus more on the main premise of the show. Which leads into why I think it would be great if Adam became a resident because it would really challenge Charlie on what redemption means and if anyone can really change, even someone as vile as Adam. It would also be fascinating to see Adam come to grips with the fact that he was cast out of heaven and the only one he can blame is himself, and whilst I fully believe he would be in denial of his faults at the beginning it would be fun to see him be brought back down to reality and face the truth of who he has really become.
However, just because I want to explore what it would be like for Adam to go on the path to redemption that doesn't mean I actually want to see him reach heaven. Instead I would like it if they use his character to explore the concept of only doing good thing's for a perceived reword at the end and how you can instead find comfort of becoming a better person even if you are never fully forgiven by the people you hurt. Perhaps, by the end of the show Adam has stopped being a resident of the hotel and instead one of the employees working to make hell a better place to live in for all, I think that would be a nice end to his character.
Plus there's also his relationship with Lute which would be completely upheaved if the creators went with this route, since Lute has made it very clear that she believes sinners and by extension redemption to be an abomination, so it's would be fascinating to see her react to her boss and someone she was clearly devoted to become one of these demons and not only that but he has taken haven in the very place they both tried to destroy. Now that! is interesting and I would love to see how that would play out, even more if Adam gets to experience first hand what it's like to be hunted by an exorcist.
However, that being said I am also perfectly fine with him staying dead as Hazbin already has a ton of characters and since we don't know if the next season will get more episodes it would probably be for the best to focus on developing the main characters an not focus on any unnecessary material.
But hey that's just my thoughts.
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olealoa · 3 months
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olealoa · 3 months
Idk why, but I feel like Adam would be so frat boy that, although many might expect him to be transphobic, he genuinely wouldn't care. Like, if he's flirting with a trans woman, and she tells him she's trans it'd just kinda get him to pause. Then he'd just go "You're a woman. Like... Trans women are women. I like women, including trans women. I'm the dickmaster for a reason-"
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olealoa · 3 months
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adam is hilariously tall with a slug build like why does he look like th
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olealoa · 3 months
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Original Grandson Morty used Hunt Down!
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olealoa · 3 months
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cat encounter. :3
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olealoa · 3 months
Evil Morty and the Omega Device
Okay, so I've been thinking about under what circumstances Evil Morty would actually, realistically use the Omega Device on Ricks.
1. Self-defense
If he gets whiff that Rick C-137 (or another Rick) is coming for him in a particularly effective manner that can't be resolved with a bullet in the head (duh)
2. No more
Rick Prime warned that Evil Morty is young and emotional and might misuse the weapon in a fit of anger, but I don't think it's possible for Evil Morty to be much angrier towards Ricks than he already is. The only thing I can think of is if Rick C-137 (or another Rick, theoretically) makes an effort to bond with him... which Evil Morty very much does not want.
Evil Morty would probably think this is a trick, an attempt of manipulation...
...but even if he thought Rick is genuine in his attempt to reach out, that doesn't negate the fact that Rick's affection is really unreliable and often temporary, since Rick doesn't have the emotional maturity to consistently put others' needs ahead of his own.
Upon faced with either fake kindness or, even worse, one more unreliable promise of affection, I can totally see Evil Morty snapping and reacting with extreme violence.
3. Morty Prime
The third possibility I can think of is a but more complicated.
If Evil Morty's offer for Morty Prime to join him was, in fact, genuine, and Evil Morty secretly thinks highly of Morty Prime... Like, he had no qualms over killing and torturing all the other Mortys, but to be fair this doesn't seem too unusual in the Mortys of the Citadel. They kept calling each other animals. Maybe Evil Morty thought all Mortys' lives (including his own) were worthless, but he thought Morty Prime as an actual person...
And, if Rick C-137's treatment of Morty Prime gets progressively worse... I mean, he's treating him pretty much okay since they killed Rick Prime, but Rick has been drinking more, and he has quit therapy. This does not bode well. Maybe a regression in Rick C-137's behavior is imminent.
Anyway, if those two conditions are met, and Rick C-137 tries to do something really emotionally damaging to Morty Prime (and I mean really damaging, something worse than everything he's done until now) I can actually see Evil Morty intervening in Morty Prime's defense.
To be honest though, I can mostly see him teleporting in Rick C-137's way, grabbing Morty Prime and whisking him away to safety. Even if he tried to use the Omega Device on Rick afterwards, Morty Prime would probably beg him not to do it.
They'd have to be on the run afterwards.
Evil Morty wouldn't mind.
It would be cute.
IN A SIMILAR VEIN, I've been thinking about under what circumstances Rick C-137 would bypass the threat of the Omega Device and decide to either (really carefully and discreetly) formulate a plan to kill Evil Morty, or grab the first chance he gets to off him (if Evil Morty gets injured or trapped somewhere, he might suddenly become easy prey).
See, Dan Harmon said that "Rick basically gave a leash that's around his neck to someone that isn't him, because he's more invested consciously in the destruction of himself. I think that's both tragic and also, writers and drunks like me consider that kind of noble and interesting — the commitment to self-destruction." 
So I can't see Rick C-137 deciding to kill Evil Morty just because Evil Morty can use him indefinitely under the Omega Device threat. He's okay with that. He's okay with his life being treated this way.
In addition, Evil Morty is clever and pragmatic enough that I actually think he would be very careful not to push Rick to the brink with this threat -at least, not over petty demands.
Like, I doubt he'd order Rick to kill a loved one under the Omega Device threat, in the same way I doubt that he'd threaten to Omega Rick's loved ones if Rick doesn't do what he's told.
In the first case, Rick would not really hesitate to kill himself instead just to make Evil Morty lose his leverage, and in the second case, this would be a surefire way to ensure Rick C-137 does decide to kill him after all.
But I can think of a few reasons for Rick C-137 to decide to kill Evil Morty:
1. Evil Morty kills one of Rick C-137's loved ones
Not necessarily by Omega-ing them. But if, say, Birdperson or Unity find out what a threat Evil Morty really is and think they have a chance to off him, they might attack...
...and Evil Morty would promptly kill them.
And Rick would not really be able to do anything to stop it.
Because even though I don't think Evil Morty would threaten to kill Rick's loved ones over petty demands, I'm sure he'd threaten to do it in self-defense. In a "stay put or you'll lose the rest of them too" way.
Rick might decide enough is enough after that. And Evil Morty would know that, but he already thinks everyone is out to get him anyway, so that's a risk he's willing to take.
2. Evil Morty comes off as unhinged or really dangerous
More than he already does, that is.
If Evil Morty orders Rick C-137 to destroy whole galaxies or does stuff that mess with the nature of space and time to such a degree that everyone is in danger (which I can't really see Evil Morty doing except in desperation) Rick might decide to intervene if he gets the chance.
It would be kinda hypocritical of Rick C-137, of course, because he's done similar things.
3. Morty Prime decides to hunt down Evil Morty
Let's say Rick C-137 drunkenly tries to reassure Morty Prime that, if Evil Morty orders him to do something truly heinous or unbearable under the Omega Device threat, Rick C-137 will just kill himself... and considering Evil Morty has actually planted the idea that Rick might commit suicide in Morty Prime's head...
...and since Morty Prime is theoretically immune to the Omega Device threat (since it would also mean Evil Morty killing himself) but of course he can get killed in the normal way...
...he might decide to preemptively go after Evil Morty himself, Rick-C-137-after-Rick-Prime-Style. Like grandfather, like grandson.
Yeah, if Morty Prime did that, I can actually see Rick C-137 hurriedly dropping everything and dedicating all his time and energy to find Evil Morty ASAP, just so he can kill him/get killed first, before Morty Prime has a chance to get into this.
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olealoa · 3 months
honestly I'm probably overthinking this, but I think it's an interesting detail that in the Unmortricken episode during the whole "trap Saw box" shit we've got this shot of Evil Morty sort of disappointed/dismayed RIGHT as we've got our Morty Prime telling Rick to "take the shot".
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Like he's got the sort of annoyed, sort of cast down look for a few seconds (because right after we have the "We both hate Rick Prime more than each other either way" thing) and I'm reading way too much into this, but it makes me think that he does give a shit about Morty, despite his Very Constant Denial.
I mean taking all aspects of the episode under consideration, we've got several scenes where it is heavily underlined that Evil Morty does not care about Rick C-137 nor Morty, even being blunt about it and telling everyone to fuck off or it won't end well.
It's not that I don't believe he wants to be left alone, he very pointedly does, Buttttt I think E!Morty does hold some form of "softness" or positive emotions towards Morty.
Looking at their characteristics in the episode, I know most of the other fans have noticed that our "main" Morty's character seemed to have regressed for the ep to more of s1/s2 behavior, making him look more "whiney" and weak in comparison to Evil Morty. I think it's to point out that if we Had our Morty's normal behavior from even previous episodes of season 7, we'd be able to see how SIMILAR both of them are now.
(I mean c'mon, I get you rushed his character a little, but to fuck it right back to season 1/2 during a significant mid season finale? You've gotta have a bigger reason for it.)
In either case, it's likely that we have an episode of Morty sub-consciously trying his hardest not to act like Evil Morty (That's why we got the development regression for an episode) as Evil Morty seemingly just acts like himself, merely underlining that he does not care.
"This didn't make us friends" okay??? Then why even wait for Prime Morty at all to join Rick in his beat down w Rick Prime? Don't get me wrong, Evil Morty won't suddenly develop attachment to him out of thin air, but imo he sees all the potential Prime Morty has yet is currently wasting it.
It's sort of a little nod to how insane it is of a parallel that Ricks can't fucking stand one another or themselves, immediately trying to one up the other or kill, as to how Mortys can co-exist peacefully and work together without any unhealthy character implements. (Fun fact: If you're into mortycest in one of the comics two Mortys sleep w each other. So we've got established selfcest in canon too if you're imagining and rolling Evil Morty's and Morty's relationship into a more romantic ball court.)
Another little detail I noticed, we have a moment where Rick shoots at Evil Morty again for funsies and I gotta say, the expressions are feeding into my overanalyzing brain . LIKE??? AM I SEEING THIS WRONG?
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These two have GOT to have something cooking between them PLEASE.
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olealoa · 3 months
kind of curious if they’re gonna introduce an “evil” alternative of summer. i mean, we’ve got an “evil” alternative of every other character but her, and they did have an episode centric around her this season and it was about her relationship towards rick. not to mention, evil morty said “vengeful summers coming after me”, which is kind of peculiar since you’d expect him to say mortys instead. i think an “evil” summer would be super interesting, and i really need some more summer development she’s my DAUGHTER!!!!!
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olealoa · 3 months
still don’t understand why 1. evil morty was able to freely leave the curve (when getting that crystal to power his aesthetic little projector), 2. why he LIVES IN THE CURVE when he deliberately wanted to leave it, 3. if he’s able to leave freely why even blow open curve at ALL.
i mean yea, he could’ve improved his tech sure, but that still doesn’t explain why he’s living back in the curve. is he homesick? is he trying to make himself less vulnerable to whatever’s out there? and if he really decided he wanted to stay fuckin around in the curve, why was he so annoyed at rick? and if he was possibly able to leave the curve the whole time (using his tech), why did he blow it up, it’s not like someone could’ve found him? i mean, his gun is rick’s gun but enhanced, but i feel like if he spent a few more months working on that lil ugly ass gun he could’ve figured it out without blowing up the curve.
also, maybe it’s just to rid some plot holes, but the dinosaurs sealed up the curve for a reason, even if it wasn’t intended by them, the writers certainly did it because of something. and rick states himself how they could’ve milked that for a whole season, and that would be really easy to do, but why didn’t they? and WHY is evil morty still in the curve? he doesn’t appear to have a grand plan, he doesn’t want to eradicate all ricks, what the hell is he doing? like someone said, it’s probably just lore we haven’t gotten a glimpse of but im trying to THEORIZE!!! what could he want to do? WHY IS HE IN THE CURVE STILL GRAHHHHHHHH
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olealoa · 3 months
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rick and morty stuff to celebrate the new season epssss
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