"Sorry for not being around much, I was very busy this year. Busy with what you might ask?'' The ghost pulled out his will. "I realized I should leave things behind for my family-but I'm struggling to remember which family members I got left so.. You know what if anyone wants a free car and some weed. Call me''
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Hey are you okay you havent posted in a while?
Due to anxiety I have mostly turned to a new tumblr account and have started over , but I am too connected to memories and posts I made on this blog to delete everything. I still check in once a while.
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I'll be honest with you chief... I never noticed I never wrote alley into the sentence.
Henry: Before you is a animatronic found in the back, we are unsure of its origins-
Springtrap: UNSURE OF ITS- BITCH??
Henry: *sighing* not now Will I'm trying-
Springtrap: You watched me die, set me on fire 2 times and you haven't talked to me for 34 years and now you're pretending we're strangers!?
Henry: Look-
Michael: What the fu-
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"Hahahaha, this will be fun!!!!'' He began to laugh pretty sadistic. Then almost choked on his own remnant spilling out, from laughing too much.
[New AU starter because I want chaos
"Springtrap? I'm sorry I'm late- Had to pick Sammy up from school.." Nate looked around, trying to see someone. No one was around. Did Phone Dude put him back in the safe room?
He got his flashlight and walked towards the safe room. He opened the door and looked inside. The first thing he saw was a golden green, rotting rabbit animatronic. It looked like it was thrown there like a ragdoll. "...Just as I thought.."
Bottles entered the building, looking curiously around the place. He didn't say much as he curiously looked at the teenage boy. And more importantly the undead rabbit animatronic sitting in the room.
"Heh, looking beautiful as always...'' He thought.
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Bottles is Donald Duck confirmed
Considering he's canonically meant to be the only soul that speaks in errors and glitches and therefore barely anyone understands him.
This is not far off in the slightest
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Bottles couldn't stop laughing. "THIS IS GOING TO BE AWESOME!'' He smiled brightly, then went and grabbed his phone and began to text a bit to kill the time.
[New AU starter because I want chaos
"Springtrap? I'm sorry I'm late- Had to pick Sammy up from school.." Nate looked around, trying to see someone. No one was around. Did Phone Dude put him back in the safe room?
He got his flashlight and walked towards the safe room. He opened the door and looked inside. The first thing he saw was a golden green, rotting rabbit animatronic. It looked like it was thrown there like a ragdoll. "...Just as I thought.."
Bottles entered the building, looking curiously around the place. He didn't say much as he curiously looked at the teenage boy. And more importantly the undead rabbit animatronic sitting in the room.
"Heh, looking beautiful as always...'' He thought.
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"well then, what are you waiting for!? Call her!!'' Bottles began to twitch like crazy, barely containing his excitement.
[New AU starter because I want chaos
"Springtrap? I'm sorry I'm late- Had to pick Sammy up from school.." Nate looked around, trying to see someone. No one was around. Did Phone Dude put him back in the safe room?
He got his flashlight and walked towards the safe room. He opened the door and looked inside. The first thing he saw was a golden green, rotting rabbit animatronic. It looked like it was thrown there like a ragdoll. "...Just as I thought.."
Bottles entered the building, looking curiously around the place. He didn't say much as he curiously looked at the teenage boy. And more importantly the undead rabbit animatronic sitting in the room.
"Heh, looking beautiful as always...'' He thought.
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"YAAAYYYY!! FINALLY!!! ITS BEEN WAY TOO LONG!!'' He began to laugh even more, he was acting like a child experiencing christmas for the first time as he immediately went and grabbed a lighter.
[New AU starter because I want chaos
"Springtrap? I'm sorry I'm late- Had to pick Sammy up from school.." Nate looked around, trying to see someone. No one was around. Did Phone Dude put him back in the safe room?
He got his flashlight and walked towards the safe room. He opened the door and looked inside. The first thing he saw was a golden green, rotting rabbit animatronic. It looked like it was thrown there like a ragdoll. "...Just as I thought.."
Bottles entered the building, looking curiously around the place. He didn't say much as he curiously looked at the teenage boy. And more importantly the undead rabbit animatronic sitting in the room.
"Heh, looking beautiful as always...'' He thought.
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"Burn her. Burn her. Burn her. Burn her. Burn her. Burn her. Burn her. Burn her!!'' He chanted, jumping around now, way too excited about murdering someone's aunt.
[New AU starter because I want chaos
"Springtrap? I'm sorry I'm late- Had to pick Sammy up from school.." Nate looked around, trying to see someone. No one was around. Did Phone Dude put him back in the safe room?
He got his flashlight and walked towards the safe room. He opened the door and looked inside. The first thing he saw was a golden green, rotting rabbit animatronic. It looked like it was thrown there like a ragdoll. "...Just as I thought.."
Bottles entered the building, looking curiously around the place. He didn't say much as he curiously looked at the teenage boy. And more importantly the undead rabbit animatronic sitting in the room.
"Heh, looking beautiful as always...'' He thought.
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"Hah! Jokes on you, hiding bodies is my specialty. I mean I do it all the time!! So no worries there'' He giggled, he's clearly in a really good mood now.
[New AU starter because I want chaos
"Springtrap? I'm sorry I'm late- Had to pick Sammy up from school.." Nate looked around, trying to see someone. No one was around. Did Phone Dude put him back in the safe room?
He got his flashlight and walked towards the safe room. He opened the door and looked inside. The first thing he saw was a golden green, rotting rabbit animatronic. It looked like it was thrown there like a ragdoll. "...Just as I thought.."
Bottles entered the building, looking curiously around the place. He didn't say much as he curiously looked at the teenage boy. And more importantly the undead rabbit animatronic sitting in the room.
"Heh, looking beautiful as always...'' He thought.
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"Maybe, but wouldn't that be boring?'' Bottles tilted his head. "It would be more fun if her throat got slit up, or her stomach ripped open with her organs being stuffed in her mouth, or something else really bloody or gory~'' He then began to laugh maniacally again.
[New AU starter because I want chaos
"Springtrap? I'm sorry I'm late- Had to pick Sammy up from school.." Nate looked around, trying to see someone. No one was around. Did Phone Dude put him back in the safe room?
He got his flashlight and walked towards the safe room. He opened the door and looked inside. The first thing he saw was a golden green, rotting rabbit animatronic. It looked like it was thrown there like a ragdoll. "...Just as I thought.."
Bottles entered the building, looking curiously around the place. He didn't say much as he curiously looked at the teenage boy. And more importantly the undead rabbit animatronic sitting in the room.
"Heh, looking beautiful as always...'' He thought.
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"Hehe yeah, no reason to kill Jen...That would be unfortunate'' Bottles smirked, just imagining the death of his sister, even if she was from a different universe. He could imagine it to be fun regardless
[New AU starter because I want chaos
"Springtrap? I'm sorry I'm late- Had to pick Sammy up from school.." Nate looked around, trying to see someone. No one was around. Did Phone Dude put him back in the safe room?
He got his flashlight and walked towards the safe room. He opened the door and looked inside. The first thing he saw was a golden green, rotting rabbit animatronic. It looked like it was thrown there like a ragdoll. "...Just as I thought.."
Bottles entered the building, looking curiously around the place. He didn't say much as he curiously looked at the teenage boy. And more importantly the undead rabbit animatronic sitting in the room.
"Heh, looking beautiful as always...'' He thought.
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"Accidentally, I was targeting his son! Didn't want to kill my husband sheesh...Though setting him on fire was fun...''
Bottles looked at Springtrap and shrugged. "Meh, lame...''
[New AU starter because I want chaos
"Springtrap? I'm sorry I'm late- Had to pick Sammy up from school.." Nate looked around, trying to see someone. No one was around. Did Phone Dude put him back in the safe room?
He got his flashlight and walked towards the safe room. He opened the door and looked inside. The first thing he saw was a golden green, rotting rabbit animatronic. It looked like it was thrown there like a ragdoll. "...Just as I thought.."
Bottles entered the building, looking curiously around the place. He didn't say much as he curiously looked at the teenage boy. And more importantly the undead rabbit animatronic sitting in the room.
"Heh, looking beautiful as always...'' He thought.
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"Oh yeah I know how that feels, back when I got springlocked my head was constantly hurting and I couldn't remember anything at all. Glad I got that over with, well except that most memories are still a little blurry...But way better then accidentally killing your husband because you thought he was someone else! That was embarrassing.''
[New AU starter because I want chaos
"Springtrap? I'm sorry I'm late- Had to pick Sammy up from school.." Nate looked around, trying to see someone. No one was around. Did Phone Dude put him back in the safe room?
He got his flashlight and walked towards the safe room. He opened the door and looked inside. The first thing he saw was a golden green, rotting rabbit animatronic. It looked like it was thrown there like a ragdoll. "...Just as I thought.."
Bottles entered the building, looking curiously around the place. He didn't say much as he curiously looked at the teenage boy. And more importantly the undead rabbit animatronic sitting in the room.
"Heh, looking beautiful as always...'' He thought.
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“You look exhausted.”
“Children are demons.”
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''And I am a master in hiding, I can just blend in with the darkness and no one would find me!...Though I'm not sure how good I would be at hiding from a serial killer if I was alive. Always tricky to remember.''
[New AU starter because I want chaos
"Springtrap? I'm sorry I'm late- Had to pick Sammy up from school.." Nate looked around, trying to see someone. No one was around. Did Phone Dude put him back in the safe room?
He got his flashlight and walked towards the safe room. He opened the door and looked inside. The first thing he saw was a golden green, rotting rabbit animatronic. It looked like it was thrown there like a ragdoll. "...Just as I thought.."
Bottles entered the building, looking curiously around the place. He didn't say much as he curiously looked at the teenage boy. And more importantly the undead rabbit animatronic sitting in the room.
"Heh, looking beautiful as always...'' He thought.
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Concept idea: Bottles can release mini shadows that look like the little red fucks you can see in the imagine
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They are primary used to absorb nearby alcohol, or temporarily posses people so Bottles doesn't have to do it.
If this doesn't make any sense, its because it doesn't. My brain is hyperfixating on Monster hunter and especially Malzeno, so now its trying to make crossovers.
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