of-nyon · 2 hours
Pokemmo status update: Johto still sux but apparently I would rather play it than the hm slog that is Sinnoh. love 2 get stomp flinched to death by whitney's miltank in tyool 2024
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of-nyon · 10 hours
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of-nyon · 13 hours
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of-nyon · 1 day
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of-nyon · 2 days
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Decided to redraw my first digital piece ever! How surprising this gremlin being the first thing I thought of drawing 8 years ago, huh
Have a Manjoume
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of-nyon · 2 days
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of-nyon · 2 days
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of-nyon · 2 days
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of-nyon · 4 days
that there was a ferocious cat-sized weasel-like beast roaming around Asia capable of killing and eating deer? 
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this is the kharza or yellow-throated marten. Its babies are too cute for words:
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In addition to deer, it eats rodents, hares, snakes, lizards, eggs, birds, small cats and fruit. It has few predators. It is very smelly.
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The kharza hunts deer by driving them onto ice. According to Wikipedia, 2-3 of these martens can consume an entire deer carcass in a few days.
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The kharza is found in Afghanistan, Pakistan, the Himalayas of India, Nepal and Bhutan, Korea, southern China, Taiwan, eastern Russia, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, the Malay Peninsula, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. 
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The tail makes up half of the kharza’s length, which is between 50–72 cm (19.7–28.3 in).  Females weigh 1.6–3.8 kg (3.5–8.4 lb) while males weigh 2.5–5.7 kg (5.5–12.6 lb).
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Like other mustelids (weasels, ferrets, mink) the kharza is capable of taking down prey many times its size, is fearless, powerfully built, and adorable!
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of-nyon · 6 days
Hear me out.
"Mozart you've never even played X7, just read discussions and summaries/scripts of it. Also everyone complains about X's characterization in that, you're not special for wanting to rewrite it."
No, no.
This is keeping X's irritation and dismissive attitude intact.
Hear me out.
X has been in a pretty bad place through the whole series, his state of mind and well-being slowly chipped away over time.
X1 he is forced to kill and watch people he cared for and his literal best friend die.
X2 he's alone, once again being forced to fight, desperately trying to save Zero. Depending on the scenario you get, whether it's fighting Zero or saving Zero and hearing Sigma insist to him that it's his "destiny" to fight with him, not against him, X is left with a disquieting question that continues to haunt him.
Will there come a time when he has to fight Zero to the death as well. Will there ever be a time when the fighting finally stops.
This is exacerbated in X3 when Doppler seems to have cured Maverickism, but that turns out to be a false hope. X wonders again if the fight will ever end. Another chip in his frame of mind.
X4 he's really confronted with the idea of anyone being able to become Maverick, as he's forced to kill because of misbegotten pride and desire for robot supremacy. He is unable to save anyone in the entire scenario as even General sacrifices himself to protect the Earth. Yes, he ultimately saves humanity and Reploidkind from Sigma again, but...
This is when he starts to think about what will happen if he becomes a Maverick, since anyone can.
So he asks Zero, his trusted friend, to promise him that if he becomes Maverick to "take care of him" (meaning kill him).
Zero avoids the question entirely, dismisses it, cuts off communication even as X continues to ask him to promise.
(Don't know why the wiki phrased it as "Zero sees he's serious and accepts this" lmao???)
Another chip away at his mind. Zero didn't promise him. X feels more isolated and unsupported than ever before.
X5 is a shitshow entirely where depending on the scenario, X fights Zero that's "awakened" to his true purpose, destroying him, or fights him in general. Before this, Zero accuses X of not trusting him when it comes to the virus and his vulnerability towards it when he showed concern and tried to help. Not a great feeling!
When Zero dies, X is left alone. Again. Just with Zero's saber (that he definitely does not start talking to like it is Zero, nope, he's fine, he's fine!)
Point is, even without getting into X6, X has been going through a lot of bad things for a long time and feeling alone and unsupported. That can wear on anybody no matter what. So by the time X7 rolls around, he's very disillusioned and seems to have been fighting with Zero a lot behind the scenes about things. It drives him crazy in particular that Zero continues to dismiss things instead of seriously speaking to him (because while Zero loses his temper, he can't genuinely become angry or confrontational with X without regretting it immediately and wanting to avoid the topic, so he shuts down the conversation instead of seriously continuing), it culminates into Zero saying the infamous "do as you please."
Another strike. X takes that seriously and says fine then, he'll retire.
When Axl comes along, explaining that even though he's part of Red Alert, he actually wants to join the Maverick Hunters and admires X and Zero very much...
X still is cold towards him, which isn't great, but it's for a different reason.
He sees how bright eyed and optimistic Axl is, he sees the admiration and knows it's genuine...
And thinks about all the Reploids in the past that he's had to execute.
"How long until we would have to execute him?" he thinks and objects to Axl being trained to join the Hunters, despite everyone else scolding him for saying so (and he thinks they're insane for wanting to recruit what's effectively a kid into the Hunters).
X leaves to be alone and think over things while Axl and Zero go on missions. He's still monitoring what they're doing, despite the gulf between himself and his partner, just to make sure they're safe, he can't help but worry.
X wanted to end the cycle of violence so much, it's just unfortunate that it seems even him retiring won't make it go away. Even him fighting with Zero won't make it go away. Even trying to push away Axl doesn't discourage him from wanting to be a Hunter and admiring them. He realizes, even though he never liked fighting, and he always hated having that expectation on him, things won't change if he just gives up.
Plus, keeping Zero in charge of Axl terrifies the hell out of him, so X rejoins them. He and Zero don't talk for a bit, which Axl notices and comments that it's weird to see that the famous Hunter duo just not supporting each other like always.
X takes a deep breath and doesn't air out the whole drama of the divorce to Axl and tells him not to worry about it. He and Zero will discuss all of that (argue about it) later (Signas mediates and bonks their heads together, telling them all the reasons they're both being stupid and need to cool down and communicate better; Zero stop dismissing X's concerns and avoiding conflict, X stop internalizing everything and being a martyr, etc). He still doesn't like the idea of Axl wanting to be a Hunter, but Axl insists he'll prove to X that he's serious about it.
The final struggle there will test how they work together as a team and while it won't perfectly wrap up (this has been going on for years for X, it's not all going to magically resolve in one game), it can lead into the X8 storyline where their bond as a team solidifies more into an actual friendship (and also X and Zero stop being divorced).
So you know that's just my idea about how I'd rewrite X7 without pushing aside X but also not just writing out Axl.
PS: Zero has a nightmare about X becoming a mindless killer, so it's not like he has a very great frame of mind himself going into all of this. Haha! He's been avoiding what he's deep down terrified of the entire time!
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of-nyon · 6 days
in my personal headcanons for mega man x fic I like to think that if you call a reploid a robot (in-universe) you're being a dick about it b/c reploids are fully sentient, decision-making, have emotions (oh boy do they have emotions) etc where robots are more bound to their programming. You're basically calling them a drone.
Would sentient androids find the term "robot" offensive as the word derives from "slave".
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of-nyon · 9 days
holky heckle I am so impressed with this Golduck, she's been surviving hits she no business living. Eat shit, random trainers with bullshit non-stab coverage moves, this duck is LIVING.
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of-nyon · 9 days
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a quick UPA inspired Starscream
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of-nyon · 9 days
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of-nyon · 9 days
i just found out tumblr was storing over three GIGABYTES of cookies on my device without me knowing and that's why it's been running so fucking slow recently... incredible. anyways everyone go clear your fucking cookies. don't let this website run a goddamn video game's worth of disc space in the background for no good reason.
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of-nyon · 10 days
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I'm going through the x - series and this is my personal conclusion
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of-nyon · 11 days
Im curious.
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