oceanfrontchris · 8 years
[ooc] Drew & Chris
*snort* lizzy, i’m an idiot. how have i never talked to you abuot these two? THEY LITERALLY LIVE TOGETHER. and i feel like they get along really well?? and are probably really good friends?? and chris just sees drew as another brother and probably takes care of him like he’s another brother and has basically just adopted him. AND I LOVE THEM SO MUCH ALREADY I HAVE A FEEL IN MY EYE
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oceanfrontchris · 8 years
[ooc] Annie & Chris
*long pause* annie did we not talk about these two?? because i feel like they would definitely know each other. chris has been living with his bros for a few years and he was probably there when annie and drew dated? and i feel like chris probably really liked her when she dated drew? he might not so much now?? but i feel like chris is also one of those people who is like “do we hate them or do we like them???” and just does whatever his bros tell him because he can’t keep up with their relationships, hahaha.
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oceanfrontchris · 8 years
[ooc] James & Chris
COUSINSSSS. *insert super manly chest bump here* *after which chris literally falls over* I CANNOT WAIT FOR THESE TWO. THEY’RE GOING TO BE HILARIOUS. the plays! the chrismas card covers! THE DRESSES! *dies of laughter all over again*
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oceanfrontchris · 8 years
[ooc] Ginny & Chris
so chris actually lives with will/drew so he probably knows ginny quite well since i’m assuming she’s at their house a lot??? and i feel like chris LOOOOOVES ginny. he probably thinks she’s adorable and is seriously the #1 dinny shipper, hahahaha. HE PROBABLY HAS BUTTONS. and he’s definitely always glad to see her and gives her pie and funny hats. .... i really don’t know what to do with this man *facepalm*
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oceanfrontchris · 8 years
[ooc] Zach & Chris
jennnnn! so chris is stu’s best friend so zach and chris probably know each other quite well and might even be friends?? i can see chris meeting stu and zach for lunch/dinner after work and the three of them getting along really well? BECAUSE CHRIS IS THE EXACT SAME LEVEL OF CRAZY AS ZACH. and that is possibly the most glorious thing ever, ahahaha.
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oceanfrontchris · 8 years
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Josh Levison and company + pie
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oceanfrontchris · 8 years
Honestly, Annie has no chill with Kara. She’s like half this town hates me so at least they still like Kara, ya know? XD
Also, nice job Stu. At least you try.
HAHA but Birdie is probably the safest person for Chris to be awkward with because she’ll most likely follow along. I mean, I’m pretty sure she’ll probably just as awkward as him or try too hard to come off confidant and fail. I mean, the past person she was with on a date was Chase and she basically knows him like that back of her palm. Not to mention, I’m sure she’s weirded out by the fact that Chris is her bro’s best friend, she doesn’t want to be the cause of any problems.
BUT HONESTLY she’ll probably just be like: Chris is very cute even when he’s awkward - pass it on ladies.
So, I feel like we should just start something, right? I mean, throw them together and see what happens. Let me know if you want me to write up a starter for them :)
okay but you know that scene in the princess diaries when mia ends up with a brain freeze and the other people are like “wE SHOULD JUST TAKE THAT MUCH TOO” and they all panic together? I CAN SEE CHRIS AND BIRDIE DOING THAT. which should totally be a thing that happens on their first date because it could also be like an ~ice breaker and maybe make them more comfortable with each other since they’re both SO TOTALLY AWKWARD??
BUT OH MAN. YES TO ALL OF THIS. because even though it’s going to be really awkward, i feel like it could also actually work??? because they’re both awkward together and maybe they will make them more comfortable and also give them the chance to find things they have in common and such.
but yes! we can totally just start them. maybe on their first date? just kick things off that way? do you want to start them or shall i?
ooc || Birdie & Chris
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oceanfrontchris · 8 years
OK SO FIRST OFF YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE THE SELZNICKS ALWAYS AND FOREVER I JUST I LOVE <3333333333  Also, all the things are pure gold lbr *throws confetti*
Okie dokie here the follow will most likely be word vomit so good luck with that honestly I just love our weirdo sons <3
Ok, ok… *deep breath*
As with, I imagine, most things, Will represents the medium between his two brothers (I’m just picturing Will 1000000% done constantly facepalming any time both of them are in the same room together basically bc they’re probs making opposite declarations and Will is just like ‘i love you idiots but idek what to do w you two sometimes’ basically), and I def thinks that is carried out as well in his feelings about their parents bc while Chris was there to make them smile and Owen was growing into teen angst at age four, Will just sort of made it his mission to keep his polar opposite bros together and with him.  I think Will hella respects his father, looks out for their mother…but he also resents them both and honestly Will has some abandonment issues from them ngl.  But he’s also grateful to them???  Like, their mom yknow fed them and freaking gave birth to them and their dad saw to it they had the skills to survive in basically any circumstances and yeah his emotions are twisty and tangled and mostly ???????? in general but even more so when it comes to their parents hahahah so he’s forever going SHOW SOME RESPECT to Owen about their parents and then turning around to Chris going ARE YOU INSANE THEY WERE THE WORST PARENTS EVER so good luck w all of that smdh
I also feel like, though v different, Will and Chris actually really make a great team bc they kind of ~complement one another as far as their skills etc.  Like, Chris can make the best of a bad situation while Will sorts through the parts to find some solution to said problem and I feel like they were constantly using these skill sets in tandem growing up, esp when, like, they were running wild bc their mom was NOT watching them and like Will - who was actually a little troublemaker growing up i s2g - would get into some idiotic mess and Chris would sweet talk their way out of it and then other time they’d like get stuck somewhere in the middle of nowhere and Chris would like keep them calm while Will pulled a MacGyver and built some weird thing out of bubblegum and pencils to help get them unstuck jk jk but just…basically, Chris was the good cop to Will’s bad cop hahaha  And meanwhile poor Owen was, what? three when their parents split up and these two idiots essentially became the only stable figures in his life smdh like I feel like that??? right there??? explains sooooooo much ommmmggggg esp bc Will actually has lots of frustrations and like, ~now he bottles them up bc that’s super healthy hahaha but back then I feel like he would literally run away or like do some really dumb dare or like just generally get into lots of trouble????????? and honestly just…thank god he’s calmed down over the year tbqh
And as they got older and got to be an unholy threesome, Will channeled that into being determined and hardworking and ~accomplishing~ things and still holding his brothers together bc I feel like that became his main focus pr early on, what with the divorce and all, and he felt like he had nothing for sure in this world except them and even they might pick up and leave someday but it was the three of them agains the world.  Also, can I just take a moment to appreciate how, with each subsequent child, the Selznicks get more exTrEMe like either way you go, you go from happy go lucky to…well…owen idek <33333333333333333333333
Also I can’t stop laughing bc I read about Chris going IT’S CLOBBERING GOOFY TIME and I’m honestly just picturing Chris @will and owen like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfgqP4M2XAs
Ok, so as far as housing arrangements go: Will bought himself a house with Drew when Will turned 18 and honestly literally any day, any time, the door is always, always open to any Selznicks <3  And they’re welcome to crash as long as they like.  I feel like there’s one guest room but there’s also a sofa and honestly they’re welcome to stay as long as they like.
Now, Lizzy, I’m a little confused about the timing with Owen.  Did he move in with Will immediately once he turned 18, or did he move in with Will after he broke up with Cassie?  Or did he move in with Will when he  was 18, move out (to move in with Cassie?), and then move back in????????
In any case, I know at at least one point, all three Selznick bros were living under Will’s roof (and honestly Will wouldn’t have it any other way <3) and possibly still are?  And so yeah, if Chris just showed up at like 4am with a suitcase and said ‘will can i stay here,’ he’d have a place to stay as long as he liked.  I mean, the cost is pr high though bc you run the risk of getting pranked by Will’s housemate, Drew ;DDD jk jk  And if it was two years ago, Will would’ve lived there for several years atp *thumbs up*
Also, as far as Lex is concerned, he def could’ve homewrecked any time hahaha The only period that wouldn’t work is the august of 2012, if that helps at all?????
I mean…honestly…Will TOTALLY agrees!!!!!  He kind of feels left behind a lot and he likes having his brothers close and knowing that he’s helping them.  Like, not that he wants them to be in bad straights!!!  He toooootally wants the best for them!!!  But he also likes to know that he can be there for them and they can lean on him and they’re all together and bros and yassss <333333
Ok, gonna stop rambling now that it’s past bed time *shifty eyes*
THAT THIS WHOLE FAMILY MAKES ME SUPER EMOTIONAL OKAY LIKE THESE THREE BOYS WERE BASICALLY FORCED TO RAISE EACH OTHER AND THEY ALL TURNED OUT SO DIFFERENT?!!! and yet they all still love and support each other (in their own v different ways haha) and honestly couldn’t live w/o each other and LAKJDFASKLFJASFLKAJSFALSJKFLAKSFJLSAJF alksdjflaksjfljflaksfjlakjf
okay so when owen was really little and b/f the divorce he was a happier kid/person and he was def shaping up to be some cross between will/chris and probably would have been honestly some weird cross between drew weisman and sean bentley haha but instead the divorce happened and now he’s just this grumpy kid w/ anger/self-confidence issues who pretends he doesn’t care about anything when the truth is that he cares about everything way too much ~wipes away a tear~
he def has had his moments when he’s pulled away from his brothers/lashed out at them/acted like he was ~too cool~ to hang around them (honestly especially chris b/c he’s the goofiest but also b/c he’s the oldest y’know?) but in reality okay his bros are like the only people he’s had there for his entire life and that he’s loved/trusted and he might SAY things but what owen says and what he means are very different haha b/c he has a very difficult time with words/emotions/feelings and idk he’s basically mad max like he will communicate w/ you by grunting.
oKAY, but as far as the timeline goes – I think that Owen moved in with Will (or possibly Chris wherever he was living/???) as soon as he was 18 b/c he HAD. TO. GET. OUT. OF. HIS. PARENTS. HOUSE. hahaha, but then I think he probs got his own place for a few years, but as soon as he quit his Sheraton job he definitely couldn’t pay rent anymore/got into some trouble and yeah, he’s been crashing on the couch @ will’s ever since.
anyway, now I think that it’s the four of them (the selznicks + drew) living there together??? i mean, I def know that will/drew/owen live there and that chris lived there after his divorce/idk if he still lives there, tina, but honestly cool either way????
anyway, i think i like them all living together?? because while chris initially moved in because he didn’t have anywhere else to go, i think now he stays as more of a securty thing? because while he could get his own place, it’s easier to stay with his bros because he still has a good support system?? because even though he says he is, i think he’s still not really over karen and because of that, he doesn’t really want to be alone. and maybe he keeps telling will that he’ll get out of his hair if he wants him to (and maybe take owen, haha) he doesn’t actually take the steps because he’s not really ready yet?
because chris really and truly trusted karen and tried to start a life with her. and she basically threw it in his face. so i think he retreated back to the only people he knows he can trust: his bros. they may have their differences but they’re the only family he has left and he still needs that security blanket.
.... so that was the long way of saying yes, i think the four of them still live together, haha.
anyway, WILL AND CHRIS TOTALLY DO MAKE A GREAT TEAM. i feel like they definitely do compliment each other (sometimes quite literally, mostly coming from chris. “that’s a very manly plaid. those colors really bring out the sensitivity in your eyes, will. good job. good choices.” probably patting him on the shoulder while he’s standing there in his undewear and an open robe drinking right out of the milk carton. i really don’t know what to do with him *facepalm*) anyway, while i think they were more of a team when they were all younger, i think they’re still that way. like any problem they face, they face together? because they will see it two different ways and, therefore, come up with two different solutions? and while their solutions might work alright separately, they definitely work better together?
and i think deep down they still have that mentality of protecting their family? because yes they’re all adults and they’re doing alright right now but they‘ve all had their hardships, especially romantically. so i think in some ways they’ll always be three broken boys who are just trying to take care of each other and survive. which we can still see in will taking in both of his brothers when they no longer had places to live and chris hiring owen when he lost his job at the sheraton. they always have each other’s backs and i LOVE THAT SO MUCH.
and with owen, i think chris once tried to bring him more ~out of his shell and make him happier again. there were probably literally times when they were younger when he was like “c’mon we’re going camping” and took them all out in the woods and tried to teach owen to fish and stuff like that. and basically did ~dad things to try to maybe cheer him up/make him happier. but i think he eventually realized that he couldn’t do that and owen was going to become whoever he was going to become on his own and all chris could do is just be there for him and protect him. so while they are polar opposites now and probably clash on a lot of things, i think chris still knows that owen cares and he just shows it a different way. and that’s okay too. chris still gives him all the motivational speeches and goofy hats and is just ~there for him the way he knows how to be. and half their conversations probably end like this: chris: “i’m sensing some hostility right now. so i’m going to leave the hat to do it’s thing and we’ll pick this up later. good talk.”
also! i’ve been chatting with lauren about the chris/karen timeline so i’ll get back to you on that when we get it worked out. but they definitely divorced in 2013. and she said lex happened before that. so we’re thinking it might have been right after valex broke up? so when was that exactly? for ~reference?
ooc | the Selznick bros
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oceanfrontchris · 8 years
HAHAHAHAH omg okay but kara being ¼ blind dates is beautiful, especially if she goes into it not knowing that chris is 1) divorced and 2) dating other ladies hahaha bUT I feel like ultimately they could probs be friends afterwards????? and laugh about it haha and kara is like “it’s okay there wasn’t a date #2 b/c now i’m dating nick!” #FACEPALM
but OMG CHRIS RELYING ON KARA FOR DATE PROTOCOL!!!! NO CHRIS DON’T DO IT!!!! she’s probably like on the same level as him despite her 2038402398403948 dates b/c she’s hardly ever been on a normal, sane one haha.
NOW I’M DATING NICK. KARA YOU ARE MY FAV. also that would literally be exactly chris’s luck that kara broke up with him to date an already taken millionaire. i feel like these two both have terrible luck with dating??? and after the fiasco with help from his bros, chris will probably have lots of stories to share with kara, ahahahaha. BUT I DEF THINK THEY SHOULD END UP FRIENDS AFTER. esp to tell each other all of their awkward dating stories/compare notes, haha. that sounds so cute and perfect.
RIGHT?!?! IT’S GOING TO BE SUCH A DISASTER OH MY GOODNESS. as chris tries to be cool but is not cool. and tries to not tell her that the last time he went on a first date was 1994, hahaha. (or something like that. i’m guessing late 90s/early 00s. A LONG TIME ANYWAY.) AND SHE’S ON THE SAME LEVEL AS HIM. OH MAN. as chris is like ~testing the waters going “so do you want go.... bowling. isn’t that a fun date thing to do? have you been bowling before. or... ice skating???” as he’s probably reading a poster of kid birthday ideas that’s on a flier behind her head, ahahahaha. YOU ARE A SMOOTH MAN, CHRIS SELZNICK. MUCH SMOOTH. SO SUAVE. *facepalm*
ooc | Kara & Chris
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oceanfrontchris · 8 years
OMG THEY DEF DO!!!!  Plus, eldest siblings gotta stick together when they’ve each got a herd of younger ones to look after ;DDDD   HAHAHAHAHAHA omg Tina now I’m just imagining Natalie and Chris standing in front of a sink that’s springing water all over the place and they have these really serious looks on their faces and they’re just like, “Maybe if we…push that…thingy.”  “No, no, I tried that.  Maybe, um, we could turn this…what’s that called?” and then Will or Owen just walks by and casually turns off the faucet or something equally easy and leaves.
No but they probs know to call his bros when that’s what they need. Like, I feel like if they need that sort of thing they don’t ask Drew or Chris bc they just know better atp hahahahah  
HIM BRINGING LEMONADE!!!!!  NATALIE WOULD LOVE THAT!!!!!  She’d make a whole big thing of it too she gets so excited when ppl come over and do thoughtful things <3  She’d be like “that’s perfect bc I was just gonna take these sandwiches and go sit on the porch swing and watch the sunset!!!  Do you wanna join me????” or whatever and they have such a good time omg
Also, Natalie has these weekly game nights where she invites all the Selznicks (that includes Drew tbqh he’s an honorary Selznick atp as far as the Connors and also Will honestly are concerned <3) and all of Valerie and all of Natalie’s friend groups and honestly anyone else any of those ppl might want to bring (except Lex Porter and Max Monroe are NOT invited ;DDDDD) and anyway Natalie is just so happy to see everyone honestly and you know she makes sure Chris is involved in these <333
THEY JUST TURN THE FAUCET OFF. KATE THAT IS BEAUTIFUL. and also really, really accurate, hahahaha. as they’re both just like “oh i didn’t know it was on??? it didn’t look on??? it looked like it was leaking?????” as everyone else is like “i thought you two knew how to work a faucet.” THIS IS GOING TO BE SO HILARIOUS OH MAN.
NATALIE MAKING SANDWICHES TO GO WITH HIS LEMONADE. THAT IS BEAUTIFUL. i feel like they have impromptu picnics a lot or their snack times are just on the same wavelength or something, ahahaha. they are probably such cute friends. and i could see them being wonderful charades partners.
BECAUSE OF COURSE CHRIS WOULD BE THE FIRST ONE AT GAME NIGHT. he would probably be the one answering the door and ushering everyone in so natalie can work on other things. chris probably gets so excited for game night, oh my goodness. he probably has a new goofy hat for each one. (chris has a thing for party hats???????)
ooc || Natalie & Chris
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oceanfrontchris · 8 years
Yes to all of this!!! i feel like Chris is the one Valerie has the most ~brother-ly relationship with??? Like she and Owen def love each other in their own way, haha, but she def hangs w/ Chris more and she dated Will so her relationship w/ him is a little more complicated than that, haha. But I can def see her and Nat and Chris being the ones to make social plans like picnics and game nights and movie nights and bbqs and omg even like day trips with the six of them (possibly eight?? b/c i can see the shaws tagging along a lot, too). But Valerie would def be down w/ this b/c you know that Will and Owen aren’t gonna plan stuff (but you know they love it even though they might complain at first shhhh).
Also, when did Karen/Chris get married? I’m guessing that the Connors probably knew them before that/were there through all of the divorce things, etc. etc. I don’t think that Valerie knew that Lex Porter was the guy that broke up their marriage tho until after she had already been with/broken up with Lex b/c I think that was something unforgivable like I think she definitely blames Karen more, but it didn’t help Lex’s case either tbh, but she never would have dated him if she would have had that information beforehand.
YES TO ALL OF THIS AHHHHH. also jenn and i chatted about this and decided that james and chris are pretty much bffs so when chris does things, james is probably always available, haha. soooo the connors have probably seen quite a lot of the shaws as well. but, anyway, YES TO ALL THE THINGS THEY WOULD DO TOGETHER. i can seriously see chris just showing up at their front door and holding up like twister or something and is like “so game night?” and then reaches around the corner for will and owen and drags them into view and is like “i brought extra limbs.” which is probably exactly how every outing with will and owen would go, hahaha.
hmmmm. thaaaat is a great question. to which i don’t know the answer. i don’t think lauren and i have talked about karen and chris more than just briefly? so i will discuss with her and get back to you about that! but i definitely agree with everything else. i think they probably knew chris before he was married to karen/right when they were getting divorced. and tbh, i feel like chris didn’t really talk about his divorce much? like beyond saying “karen and i are no longer together” (which was probably his ~official pr statement) he probably didn’t elaborate a whole lot.
though, tbh, i think he will feel really, really bad about not saying anything. especially if he knows about valerie’s relationship with lex? he’ll have some jane and lizzy not telling lydia about wickham type remorse because he could’ve saved her A LOT of pain if he’d just told her that his divorce was partly because of lex. so he probably had a large heart to heart with her after and apologized a lot. maybe he also has a soft spot for valerie because of it?? and that’s why he’s more like an older brother and ~looks out for her more? because he doesn’t want something like that happening to her again? eh?
ooc || Valerie & Chris
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oceanfrontchris · 8 years
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Relationships: (ex-wife:) Karen Reid,(brothers:) William “Will” Selznick, Owen Selznick, (housemate:) Andrew “Drew” Weisman, (enemy:) Alexander “Lex” Porter, (cousins:) James Shaw, Alexandra “Sasha” Shaw, (friends/neighbors:) Valerie Connors, Natalie Connors, (best friend:) Stewart “Stu” Runkin
Age: 31 Occupation: Owns/Operates Selznick Outdoors Description: Chris was married to Karen Reid before she cheated on him with Lex. It broke his heart that she was with another man and he left her. Chris runs his own outdoors supply shop, where he sells everything from fishing to kayaking equipment. When he was just starting up with it, his wife was especially lonely, which caused the affair. Since then, he’s moved in with his brother, Will, until he gets back. It’s been two years and Chris is finally ready to start dating again. He knows that a part of him will always love Karen, but it didn’t work out and his brothers keep telling him that he deserves better. It’s not been over five years since he’s been out in the dating world, however, and he doesn’t know what he’s doing. 
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oceanfrontchris · 9 years
Ahahahaha. Oh my goodness. Chris is going to be like “..... thIS IS NOT WHAT I MEANT” and it’s going to be glorious and ahahaha. Go Annie, offering up Kara. I love it.
And oh my goodness. Since Stu also has a thing for Karen and doesn’t want to take a chance there until Chris has moved on, I feel like that might also be part of his reasoning behind offering up Birdie?? Like finding Chris someone else means that he can take a chance and tell Karen how he feels?? (He probably still won’t bUT IT’S A NICE IDEA, hahaha) So yes to all of this, haha.
And I def agree about Birdie and Chris’s relationship. I think he may have spent a lot of time with Birdie with other people but he doesn’t really ~know her. And it’s been so long since he’s been on a date anyway that now he’s like ?????? and doesn’t know what he’s doing to begin with. Plus it’s his best friend’s sister. sO MORE PRESSURE. And he’ll probably be really awkward and make bad jokes and try to take her to feed the ducks or something and fall in the water. And oh man. Chris is so awkward. I don’t know what to do with him, haha. He’ll probably also be grasping at straws trying to remember all the things Stu has mentioned about Birdie over the years and be like “so you like... art?!?!?!” *starts talking about the Mona Lisa because that’s literally the only piece of art he can think about* He probably asks her about the Mona Lisa’s smile but he just calls her Lisa trying to be ~familiar and what kind of a name is Mona anymore anyway???
... This is going to be the most awkward date, oh my goodness. I loVE IT.
ooc || Birdie & Chris
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oceanfrontchris · 9 years
ooc || Karen & Chris
*Should’ve Said No plays loudly in the background*
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oceanfrontchris · 9 years
ooc || Valerie & Chris
sO. NEIGHBORS. Let’s talk about these two??? As I was telling Kate, I feel like Chris is a little less, um, helpful than his bros. (Unless it involves, like, outdoor things I think he’s pretty useless??) But I feel like Chris has the same sense of humor as Valerie and they would get along pretty well. And I could see Chris also spending a lot of time at the Connors house (they should just adopt the Selznicks, hahaha. I mean. They’re all already tHERE ENOUGH ANYWAY.) and maybe likes to come by just to chat a lot?? I could see Chris also being up for more ~social things than his bros. So he might want to have bbqs or something like that? In which case, he would probably want to enlist the help of Nat and Val more than his bros?? (But still force them both to come anyway, hahha.) Soooo. Yes. Thoughts??
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oceanfrontchris · 9 years
ooc || Natalie & Chris
So I see these two getting along really well?? I think Chris also spends a lot of time with the Connors/helping them out but I think Chris is, um, less helpful than his bros?? Like I feel like outdoor things are his niche and he’s good with all of that but when it comes to, like, mechanics and actually fixing things like the kitchen sink or something he’s like “maybe you should turn that ring or something????” And so he’s probably less helpful there, haha. But I think he really loves living next to Nat and Val and probably wanders over there a lot just to chat?? I could see him showing up like “you busy? I bROUGHT LEMONADE! *holds up pitcher*” Sooo. Thoughts??
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oceanfrontchris · 9 years
ooc || Lex & Chris
Soooo. Let’s talk about Lex and Karen’s affair?? I don’t know how much you’ve talked about this with Lauren but I’m betting it was just a one night thing and Lex and Karen probably didn’t even know a whole lot about each other?? And that goes double for Lex. Chris probably found out who Lex is and Chris would’ve been so upset he probably would’ve wanted to go have a duel or something.
Have you seen Casanova?? Wait. I think I have a gifset of it. *goes to look* Hmm. Or not. Okay will add that to my list of things to gif. aNYWAY, if you haven’t seen Casanova Charlie Cox is in love with Natalie Dormer but she gets engaged to Heath Ledger so Charlie catches up with Heath and throws a glove at him and is like “yOU SULLIED BY GLOVE” except he meant love and it’s a huge mixup but anyway he ends up challenging Heath to a duel because he was trying to claim Charlie’s “fiancé” (even though he’d never even talked to her, hahahaha) and it ended up an actual fiASCO and that’s basically how I imagine this going down. Yeaaaah. Sorry about the tangent, haha. But thoughts??
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