njmillswriting · 4 years
Part 3
Draco walked home that night, the fresh hair helped him clear his mind and also, he didn't want to go home. He didn't want to see his Dad, he didn't want to have to say "I'm fine" any more to his Mother. He wasn't fine, he was afraid, he felt anger against his own family. All he wanted was to check in on Hailee but he didn't want her to have to deal with the consequences of doing so.
The town was small so there wasn't many places to go but he managed to find one place he found when he was around 12. On top of the hill that overlooked the small town and fields. Hidden amongst the trees was a little picnic table, sitting there you could see for miles. Draco decided on laying on the table. Looking up at the stars. Being in a small town there was no light pollution so it was easier to see the speckles of light that pierced the shaded blanket. He couldn't stop thinking about Hailee, he has been so rude to her, of course she didn't want to see him. Just the thought of her caused his heart to race. He had never had this feeling before. He rubbed his eyes and sighed, he wanted to hold her, to stop her from crying, to wake up next to her.
He wandered a little while before heading home. In the distance he could see the house. On its own at the end of a long road. The land was protected by a large gate, the front had a round area of grass that held various flower species that were planted in a very specific design. His Mother took pride in her garden, she had one elsewhere on the land. Having only one child who wasn't exactly a child anymore and a distant husband, she wanted something to nurture. She had a natural green thumb and Draco knows she's her happiest when in the garden. Several hedges were at the front of the house, each a rounded shape, perfectly styled. Going in the set of steps there was a decking with white beams holding up a canopy. The house looked very old yet freshly furnished. Draco stepped through the door and was greeted by his Mother, Narcissa "Why were you out so long Draco?" her voice was soft, she had dark hair yet the underneath was as blonde as his own. She seemed a lot more sweeter than Lucius, a lot of people questioned as to why she chose him. Draco knew it wasn't really a choice for her. Kissing her cheek he smiled "I went for a walk", she nodded and smiled before leaving him. The house was dark expect for the accents of silver and green. The opening of the house was large, set in front was a grand staircase that went to each side of the house. To the left there was a large dining room and the right was a family room. The family room was never used, it was said to be a waste of space by Lucius but Narcissa wouldn't change it. She didn't want to let go of the idea of a perfect family. Draco rarely brought people over to even use the room because he lived with The Addam's family. Slumping upstairs to his room he fell on to the bed. Although also the same theme as the house, it was his space. to do as he wish, to read what he wanted and to day dream as much as he pleased.
Hailee didn't want to go out, she wanted to stay in her little space of solitude. Eliza had been dropping off meals for her. She didn't need it but she appreciated it, she was like a mum to her or a really cool aunt.
Looking at her empty cupboards and refrigerator she had to go out. Although she wanted to hide, she needed to stay healthy and well fed.
Opening her door there was a box outside. A white, glossed over box with a dark green ribbon. She eyed it curiously, carefully opening it. Inside was a red wool blend winter coat. Completely in awe she pulled it out of the box, putting it on instantly. It was warm and incredibly comfortable. Hailee didn't know who had sent the coat but she assumed Eliza, she was always lectured by her to get a proper coat "a young girl like you shouldn't be at risk of dying from a common cold". She chuckled to herself, imagining the older woman lecturing her. She examined the box in hope to find a note but she didn't, after thinking about it though it didn't make sense for Eliza to add a card.
Quickly pushing the box into her apartment, she locked the door and headed downstairs. Stepping into the cold she smiled, her coat keeping her cosy and away from the harsh breeze. Walking down the cobblestone roads she walked towards the store. sighing softly she walked passed. Hailee didn't feel ready for work, not yet. She thought maybe she could tomorrow but she was on a mission. She had to buy food.
Walking up to the store she grabbed a shopping trolley. She hadn't been out in days so it was weird being around people again.
She grabbed the things she needed around the store before diverting quickly towards the Christmas aisle, it was mid November, she was allowed to get excited now right? She looked through all the small trinkets and lights before picking out a small snow globe. It was no larger than her palm, the base was a deep red colour with white tinsel shaped clay that surrounded the edge. Inside the globe itself was a ballerina. Stood proud with her leg outstretched to the back and her arms spread wide as she danced amongst the snow. Little specs of glitter landing on her pink dress. Hailee delicately placed the new ornament in her trolley, smiling down at it. She continued to look at the other decorations, deciding to pick up some lights for her apartment. She had never really decorated before but this year she felt like a little Christmas spirit won't hurt.
She spun around and saw Draco stood holding a basket of a few items. She gulped and gripped her trolley "Hey" she mumbled before going to walk away.
"Wait...please" his voice seemed to break at the end, close to begging but not too much. She stopped her tracks "what do you want Draco?" she found the courage to ask. She didn't want to hear the answer. Honestly, she wanted to run and get away from the blonde.
"I'll explain everything just give me the chance to, I'll buy you lunch?" He asked, his hope of her saying yes was at a low percentage.
"No" she took a breath "let me shop and...come back to my place you can explain yourself there" His eyes sparkled, she looked at him, seeing the joy on his face, it made her feel warm, a slight tingling sensation in her stomach. She liked seeing him happy.
He walked around the store for her, helping her reach stuff on the higher shelfs, they made small talk but nothing too much, she was still uneasy being around him. She didn't want to have to continuously look over her shoulder to see if his Father was there. It was like they were back in school, sneaking around their parents.
It didn't take too long for them to be back at her apartment, he carried her bags probably to try and get on her good side. Although she didn't need the help, watching him trying to get in her good books was quite amusing to watch.
Draco watched her as she unpacked the shopping, putting it away in a delicate matter. She had a system, he found it cute watching her. He admired how she would turn each tin so the label was visible and how she would place her refrigerated goods on separate shelfs in their own category.
"Would you like some tea?" She asked, mid way reaching up into her cupboard of various mugs. Draco nodded "Milk, two sugars please". She nodded and began to make the hot beverage. Once she placed the cup down in front of him and sat beside him at the table she nodded, alerting him to now explain himself.
"Okay, first I want to apologise" Draco looked down at his cup, turning it slightly, his reflection seen but distorted in the red paint. He focussed his gaze now on Hailee. " My Father, he is a monster. I won't sugar coat it for you, what he did to you is mild, he's done worse, I've seen it..." Draco sighed, leaning back into the chair "You see, my family aren't the greatest people. We have reputation and everyone just sort of, obeys? If that makes sense because they're scared. Scared of what we can do...well not me, this is why he gets so annoyed" Hailee nodded and kept her attention, a bit of background on why he was an asshole may answer a few questions for her.
"He has...lets say a business and he likes this business running a certain way and when things don't go his way, his employees fix that, to keep everything running smoothly. But sometimes he takes the job for himself but only when he deems it important" Draco brought the cup to his lips, slightly blowing at the liquid to cool it down before taking a sip.
"Me and my Mother have never really had an interest in the business, she just stays around for me and I guess my dad. He hates the fact I have no interest and anything that could distract me from it" Draco motions to Hailee "He tries to prevent it". Draco put his cup down before looking at her, his eyes full of regret.
"I have no excuse for the way I treated you, for the way I acted that night. I can not apologise enough, I just want one more chance, not to start over no that won't change anything" He sighed "I just want to try though".
Hailee looked at him, she knew it would cause more trouble than good letting him back in "What about your dad"
"He's out of town right now, he won't be back for days and when that comes around, I'll be careful, I'll make sure you don't get any fall-back"
Hailee sat thinking about it, her face looking torn at the thought of allowing him back in and going on her own. Draco watched her, riddled with anxiety at the thought of what she will say. He griped the cup and his leg began to bounce. The few seconds it took to reply felt like an hour , his jaw clenched as he tried to keep composure.
"Okay" He watched her in disbelief, not knowing if he had heard her clearly or not.
"I'll give you a chance as... although you was a complete and utter prick, you didn't hurt me" Draco grinned, ignoring the insult as he stood up. She stood also placing her mug into the sink, when turning he moved forward slowly, she brought her hand up and placed it on his chest to stop him from moving any closer.
"Friends...if you want anything more then you have to wait, I'm not ready" Hailee spoke, her voice was quiet. Draco took her hand gently from his chest and nodded "I'll wait" He smiled before stepping back.
Hailee felt the same rush as she did from that night when he took her hand. She had missed the feeling of it without knowing she would.
That night, Draco stayed with Hailee, they talked about little things, random stories. She would laugh at the tales of him being a dumb kid, falling over anything and everything. He listened and admired how she would talk about her love for books.
"So, do you own the bookstore?"
She nodded with a content smile "It isn't the most popular but we get by" She hummed, he nodded "We?" She laughed and realised she must have sounded like a crazy person "Me and the store" She chuckled, a little embarrassed, he smiled "You're so cute" he chuckled before realising what he had just said "I mean, like a friend cute not like.." he saw her cheeks turn pink as she focused on the TV, a small smile of her face. He shut his mouth before he said anything else.
She stood up and stretched, her top rising slightly as she did "Mmm, want some food?" Draco stood up and nodded, taking the cups of their 100th cup of tea and rinsing them in the sink. Hailee watched him as he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt, exposing his arms, they looked so strong, his veins visible. She admired his body, his lean physique, her eyes trailed down before she was interrupted.
"If you're wanting to take this slow, you'll need to stop staring at me like that~" His voice had a level of seduction to it, she could tell he was smirking. She cleared her throat awkwardly before looking in her freezer. Trying to ignore his comment she rummaged through "So, what do you wanna eat?". He let out a laugh, enjoying her efforts to change the subject, placing the tea towel over his shoulder he crouched beside her.
The both scanned the freezer, before their eyes locked on a set of frozen meals. Although they weren't the greatest they did the job and sure as hell were tasty. She looked through them before looking at him, not realising how close they were together. She could feel his breath lightly hit her cheek, Hailee looked into the blonde's eyes, her mouth slightly agape "Do you umm" she was completely lost for words. She looked into his eyes, seeing little flicks of blue shine amongst the grey. He smiled and scanned her face, momentarily looking at her lips, focussing on how perfectly shaped they were "Wanna order food?" He finished. She nodded, quickly standing up and walking to the living area, running a hand through her hair as it to be trying to unscramble her thoughts.
Draco closed the freezer and stood, watching as she called whatever restaurant she had chosen. He leaned back against the freezer, arms folded. What he would do to kiss her right now, to hold her in his arms, to unscramble her thoughts and clear her mind.
She placed her phone down once she had ordered, looking over at the blonde who made her knees weak "I just ordered random stuff" she muttered. Draco nodded before placing the towel on the table and making his way back to the couch.
They both were now seated on the couch, watching some random comedy that was airing. Hailee kept her eyes forward, unable to look at Draco. A million thoughts crossing her mind, all about him, how much he confused her but also made her feel safe and cared for. She had never been this confused before, not like this no this was completely different. This wasn't no average love story, this was real life. It had dangers and heartache, it wasn't a fairy tale as much as she wanted it to be. God, if only it was that easy. If only she could just meet him, they share that look and fall in love but she couldn't do that. The fairy tales don't tell you about needing trust, needing space and time. No, they just jump straight in for their kiss and live happily ever after.
"So I didn't want to mention this earlier but I'm the one who left the coat, I don't know if you thought that was weird so I decided on leaving it anonymous" Draco looked at his hands, Hailee was shocked, she could of sworn Eliza would have bought her it. She leaned over shyly and planted a small kiss on his cheek, whispering a thank you. Draco looked at her, holding back every urge to kiss her. Her lips were so soft. She knew he was holding back and she felt bad but she also respected him for respecting her. He knew her boundaries and allowed her to take the steps.
"It's such a lovely coat Draco but why did you buy me it?"
"You needed one and you were scared of me so I didn't want to just give you it so that's why I left it for you, love"
She nodded, of course he didn't want to hand it to her. She was scared, not of him but to be near him.
After the food arrived and they ate, they stayed up for hours, soon enough Hailee began to drift off to sleep, resting against the male. He softly chuckled and picked her up gently, cradling her in his arms as he carried her to her room. On entering the room, there were fairy lights decorated all around, her bed tucked into the corner with a pile of books by the side. Her desk had a computer with several little figures that stood proudly with smiles on their faces. On the back wall near what seemed to be the entrance of the bathroom were several pictures of Hailee and random people. Her room seemed so much more like home than his did, so much more light and a lot warmer. He laid her on the bed and carefully placed the duvet over her. Scanning the room he found some paper, quickly scribbling down a note and his number he left after giving her one last admiring glance.
Hailee rose the next morning, confused of how she made it the her bed. Rubbing her eyes she looked around before seeing the note. Hailee smiled to herself before texting the number Draco had left,
"Thanks for last night, stop by the shop today and we can grab a coffee- H"
After hitting send she sat anxiously awaiting his reply, was it too forward? Did he not want to spend time with her today? Before any more questions filled her head she saw her phone screen light up,
"See you at 10, Love". She beamed seeing the text, diving out of bed and getting a quick shower. She hadn't been this excited to spend time with someone in a while, knowing he wanted more she was still happy with just being friends with him. She hadn't had a friend this close in a long time so it was an exciting change for her.
She made it to the store, happy to finally be back. She put her coat on the hanger by the door and waited, just like she did after she first met him. Her eyes lit up as she saw him walking up, two coffees in his hand. Opening the door with his back he smiled "Hey" He smiled charmingly.
"Hey" She grinned, taking one of the coffees. She hummed from the warmth, sipping it before looking at it confused "What is this, it's so good" she sipped it more but her lip got a little burnt. Hailee pulled back with a little whimper. Draco chuckled "Careful, love, it's some new hazelnut one, Eliza wanted us to try it". It made Hailee feel better that Eliza knew Draco was back, it saved her trying to explain it.
"Well since you're here, I might as well keep you busy" She put her coffee down, Draco rose his brow suggestively earning a light push to the shoulder "Not like that you perv, I need help bringing stock out". Hailee led him to the back of the store where there was a stack of boxes. She grinned and picked one up, he picked up two "Show off" she rolled her eyes playfully and walked out of the storeroom.
"If you put those over there and we can start placing them on the shelves" Draco followed her orders, putting the boxes down he turned, not seeing her anymore "Hailee?" He looked around before seeing her pushing the largest box with great difficulty. He let out a laugh before walking over, "Nope, I got it" She really didn't. With his help, they managed to push the box together. It was indeed heavy. She slumped down beside the box, a slight pant to her breath before holding out a badge to him "Store policy~" she smirked. He shook his head with a smile, taking the badge. His name was written on it in a chalk type pen, he admired the handwriting and small hearts and stars around it. With pride, he pinned it to his shirt. She clipped her own on so he didn't feel odd being the only one wearing one.
"Didn't think it was this easy to get a job" He teased,
"Ahh, well if you want paying you're gonna have to do a bit more than moving a few boxes" Hailee began opening the boxes, setting them into categories as there were several copies of each book. Draco unloaded the boxes, carefully setting them down whilst trying to copy her way of organising. They were surrounded by different tales and texts, having to climb over stacks to make it to the front counter. He gently took her hand so she could balance easer when climbing over, her cheeks turning that shade of pink he had began to love. She sighed and smiled, looking at the stacks upon stacks "Okay, let's get to work" She clapped her hands together.
Before the could move, the store bell rang, they both in sync looked over to see a couple of teens walk in "Hey, welcome" Hailee greeted them, Draco smiled and got started on putting the books away after having a brief description on what to do by Hailee before she left to help the customers.
Draco watched as she recommended books to the customers, watching how she smiled when speaking about each one. He wish he had something he was so passionate about, nothing on her level, nothing that makes him stop everything he is doing to speak so lovingly about it. She was so great with people, they were interested in what she was saying, no awkward atmosphere or intimidation at all. He had a lot to learn from this one. One of the teens looked over at Draco, smiling awkwardly. Draco smiled politely before looking back down at a book, Hailee glanced at him and smiled.
"Are you dating a Malfoy?" One of them asked, taking Hailee by surprise. Draco overheard them, he hated being associated with that name. Hailee could see he was getting a bit agitated, seeing his jaw tighten.
"No, he's my friend" She hummed "A really good one at that" she assured the teens, scanning in their books. This didn't calm Draco down though. Once wrapping the books up gently and sending them on their way Hailee made her way to Draco, he looked like he wanted to break something. Carefully, she placed her hand on his cheek "Draco...it's okay, just please calm down". Feeling her hand on his cheek his shoulders dropped and his posture became more relaxed, leaning into her touch with his eyes closed. He nodded and took a breath, moving away from her as he continued to sort the store's stock.
Hailee was amazed at how easily he calmed down, pretty pleased with herself too. She took an armful of books and climbed the ladder to put them on the top shelf. Placing the gently and Draco watching her she smiled. One book however slips from her hands, in attempts to reach it she loses her balance and falls back. Draco was there, as if he were expecting it to happen, holding her in a bridal manner. Her heart was beating rapidly, her chest rising and falling quickly as she looked at him.
"Be careful, love" He hummed.
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njmillswriting · 4 years
Part 2
Laying in bed that night, Hailee's head was spinning. She couldn't forget how Draco caught her. How her body tingled from his touch. His eyes drew her in and she couldn't escape. She hadn't been held in so long, she craved human interaction but this was all so much, too much.
She groaned and turned on her TV for a distraction but it didn't help. She could only think about Draco. He is an asshole, why was she so fascinated by him. His ice blue eyes, his strong hands, his perfectly styled hair. She knew no matter how much she liked his look, he wasnt good for her. Plus, she had just gotten out of a relationship,  yes it was long distance and she missed affection but not now, not him.
Two weeks passed, she hasnt seen Draco since. Hailee decided on trying to forget him although he was a good distraction. She laid on her couch, there wasn't really much to do on Saturdays. She had a very limited social group, of 0 people, Hailee had always kept herself to herself. She had friends but no one who was constantly around. They all left the small town.
She had to move though, she had to do something productive. Maybe she should go out? The club scene wasnt really her thing though. After pondering the thought for a while she decided on going, it'll be good to go out and let her hair down.
Scanning her closet she finally settled on some pants that looked leather but a lot easier to get on. They sat comfortably on her waist, to match she wore a cropped holter neck that hugged her well. She usually didn't dress like this but the effort was needed. She needed to feel good about herself. After adding makeup, fixing her hair and slipping on some shoes she was ready. Hailee felt excited, she took a few pictures too. Feeling confident she made her way out to one of the only bars in town. It was always packed as there wasnt a great choice of places to go.
There were several bodies inside, some way too close to comfort. Although being a bar, there was a dance floor in the middle, she didnt understand why it wasnt called a club. Maybe because the older towns folk would hate it even more.
Sitting by the bar she waited to be served, the music was good and the atmosphere was nice for her. She didn't mind the fact she was alone. After a few minutes she felt someone behind her, luckily not pressed against her.
"I'm sorry let me move out your way" she grabbed her drink and turned, that devilish smirk had returned.
Draco looked at her, wearing a black shirt with jeans instead of tailored trousers this time.
"Are you stalking me?" He hummed, holding a drink in his hand. Hailee watched him, not knowing how to react. Seeing her amazed gaze he chuckled, bring the glass to him lips so gracefully yet without care. He seemed to do things so effortlessly.
Before hearing a word from her he leant over, their bodies now pressed together as he placed his glass on the bar, "Come, love" he spoke into her ear before his hand gently wrapped around her wrist. Draco pulled Hailee, with care, to the dance floor. She didn't have time to say no or think through the situation.  Her drink now on the floor metres behind them, that was the least of her worries now.
Draco held her closer as bodies began to surround them. The music was overpowering but everyone was easily lost in it. Carefully he guided her arms around his neck and she happily obliged. She was completely under his control and she liked it. Draco held and guided her body with ease as they danced amongst the faceless bodies of the dancefloor. She had completely lost herself, she no longer worried about what was coming next or how she felt, her focus was on the blonde and his was on her. His fingers delicately danced around her figure before one landed on her lower back, pulling her closer. A small, deep, groan could be heard escaping his lips. Her cheeks flushed red but was easily hidden within the lack of light. Draco admired her features, his other hand delicately holding her chin, making her look at him. He could feel the heat radiating from her cheeks. His breath now became unsteady, watching as her lips slightly parted. Draco looks back up to her eyes, seeing them focussed on his every move. He had always been power hungry so this level of power over her made him happy. Hailee bit the inside of her cheek nervously. Leaning up a little in hope he would move too she instead fell into him, her forehead clashing with his chin. Draco steadied them both, groaning in pain, wondering what had happened. Behind them stood a guy, around 5'10 , simple rugby lad looking kinda guy, laughing drunkenly "I'm so sorry" he spoke, hysterically with a grin. Hailee waved him off and pulled Draco by his wrist but he wasnt moving an inch. Looking at him she saw his iced over gaze staring down the Male. His jaw was tight as were his fists. The other Male raised his brow, he definitely seemed a lot bigger in muscle mass than Draco but still seemed a little on edge just by his gaze.
"Draco come on" Hailee spoke, now anxious about the situation. Draco nodded and turned to her, rolling up his sleeves. Before anyone could stop it, Draco turned and punched the Male in the jaw. The room fell silent, the bar staff called security instantly. With the guy on the floor Draco took the opportunity to break his nose under his shoe, onlookers cringed at the sound of the break.
Security gripped the blonde and dragged him outside, throwing him to the road. He groaned and wiped his knuckles. He didnt regret hitting him, he deserved it. Through the whole commotion he had completely forgotten about Hailee. He looked around before seeing her in the distance, seemingly rushing home. He jogged up and caught up to her "Hailee? Hailee, love, wait" he went to grab her arm but she jerked away looking terrified.
"I hardly know you Draco and yet you have this power over m...you can't just go around hitting random people" she spoke looking at the ground. Draco watched her, his chest tight "I don't know how you're always where I am, how you found my shop compared to the other bookshops in town...God i dont even know how you know my name!" She spoke, having the sudden realisation half way through her thoughts.
"He pushed you" Draco spoke, someone hurt her. His fingers came up to gently check the upcoming bruise on her head but she slapped his hand away.
"It was lovely meeting you Draco" she spoke, wrapped her arms around herself before turning. He watched, not knowing what to do. He didn't do anything wrong, as he thought.
A few days later, Hailee was back in her store, holding a coffee which Eliza had brought her. She sat with Eliza for a while, talking about what had happened. Eliza was also the reason as to why Draco knew Hailee's name.
"He asks about me?" Hailee asked confused. After receiving a nod from Eliza she pondered on the thought. Why was he asking about her?
As they were talking, a blonde walked through the door. Not the blonde she recognised. He stood tall, his hair long and loosely tied at the back. He held a cane in his hand, the handle was of a silver snake, shining in the light, its eyes made of emerald. His long coat slightly swooshed as he moved around the store, the small click of his heels echoed throughout. Eliza looked visibly uncomfortable once the man entered but stayed silent. Hailee smiled and greeted him, earning a glare.
"So, you're the one who has caught the eye of my son?" His voice was unnerving. He held a book with his thumb and forefinger, like it held a disease before dropping it on to the floor and kicking it aside.
"Excuse me sir, you can't do that" before she could finish, his cane slammed on to the front desk. Hailee quickly closed her mouth, quickly glancing at Eliza to leave. She sent her an assuring look and watched the women quickly exit. The stranger continued to look around , dropping serval books as he went "I wonder why he took such an interest in someone like you". Hailee frowned, what did he mean someone like her? He walked around to where she was. She saw the similar features now, the same icy look and sharp jaw.
"If I catch you near my son again..." he hand came up and grabbed her collar, his cane pressed against her neck as he held her there. She gasped trying to pull away,
"There won't be a pretty face left to admire" his ring finger came up, slicing down her cheek with a sharp pendant ring, she winced and teared up, quickly nodding. He let her go and smiled, turning to walk to the door.
"It was lovely to meet you Hailee" he bowed slightly before leaving the store.
Once he left Hailee sat down, tears falling as she caught her breath. Eliza came back and quickly cradled her "shhh shhh it's okay sweetie its okay" she gently rocked the younger girl.
"That's Lucius, Draco's father...an awful awful man" she spoke, helping Hailee on to her feet "let's get you cleaned up then we will clear up in here". Hailee nodded and followed Eliza back to the cafe, quickly locking the store. Further down the street Draco stood, watching the situation. He felt so guilty, his father came walking up, cane by his side "she won't be a bother anymore son. Remember,  we don't mix with the scum in this town" he spat. Draco nodded and followed him, looking back at Hailee, wanting to help her but he knew what happened when getting on the wrong side of Lucius and he didnt want to end up there. He had seen it before many times, the first when he was young. He can still hear the poor stranger screaming for mercy, his father made him stay and watch "this is a lesson" he would say. This is how you treat people before they can mistreat you. A man without power is a man with nothing. That's all he knew.
"Are you sure you don't want to stay the night?"
"No, I should really head home, dont worry, my building is secure" Hailee reassured Eliza. She nodded and led the younger female to the door, giving her a motherly hug before she left. Whilst walking home Eliza held her keys between her fingers, something her mother always taught her. The cut on her cheek now covered with a plaster. It didnt take long to get home, quickly unlocking the apartment building door she stepped inside. Whilst closing she caught someone walking up with speed. Shutting it as fast as she could and locking it she sped upstairs.
Draco sighed and sat by the door, head in his hands. He hated the fact she feared him, he wanted to protect her not hurt her.
Hailee locked her door and pushed a cabinet in front of it, she had no idea who was coming up to the door but she didnt want to risk anything. She didnt want to get hurt anymore.
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njmillswriting · 4 years
Originally posted on Wattpad so if you enjoy this, please go view it there, it would really help! Under the name MelodiousNocturneIX
Hailee sat up. Her hair a mess and her cheeks stained from the previous night. No longer upset, instead she felt empty. She cried away every emotion, now just flesh and bone. She threw her legs off the side of the bed and stood up, taking a breath she dragged herself to the bathroom. She wasn't ever a morning person, her current mood didn't help. Dragging a brush through her hair, wincing slightly from the constant tugging she looked at herself in the mirror. A soft sigh left her lips. How did she let herself become so affected by something that would be so minor later in life. She grabbed her face wash and rinsed away the memories of last night, humming softly in hope to keep her mind occupied. After the rest of the mundane tasks of her morning routine she left her flat, locking the door behind her.
The cool British air hit her as she got outside. She knew it would be cold but not this cold. Hailee tugged up her collar, hoping it would shield her from the winter breeze as she walked down the path towards work. Small children ran passed her, not a care in the world as their short arms stretched out from their sides as they made soft raspberry noises. Followed behind were, what Hailee assumed to be, their parents, chuckling amongst themselves whilst complaining about being up so early. You'd think after each day being the same, there would be no need to complain.
After a few awkward sorrys from Hailee and a lot of disapproving glares from school run mothers, Hailee finally made it into work.
Opening up the small book store, she inhaled deeply. The scent of books was comforting to her, like freshly cut grass or the smell of mint. There was something about it that brought you back to reality, which was ironic as she would get lost in so many worlds due to books.
Once the store was prepared she turned the homemade open sign to alert people they could finally enter her small little kingdom of tales. Yet, there was never a rush that came in, never a hoard of hungry readers flooding through the door, just enough to keep the store afloat.
She didn't mind the lack of customers to start, the only issue was she couldn't distract herself. Break ups are hard, she felt it was coming, the messages became shorter and far less frequent and the phone calls were silent. She just expect it to end like it did. No message, no phone call, just a blank picture, a "user not found". Pushing herself away from the front counter she walked to a small section of the store, a tiny cavern of hidden gems which weren't too popular in sales. Her fingers delicately touched the spine of each novel, wondering which would catch her attention. Upon seeing one that was a deep red colour with gold lining, she took it from the shelf and made her way back to the counter. It wasn't long before she was fully invested into the tale of a young prince and a fair maiden fighting alongside each other rather than falling in love.
Hailee, completely lost in the book, didnt hear the bell ring to alert that someone had come into the store. A tall, slim man walked through the door. His hair was gelled back yet seemed natural and his hair almost white. His features were sharp and his eyes were like ice. His presence brought a chill with it. His long black wool blend trench coat covered his body to his thigh were it showed his tailored trousers and dress shoes. A deep green scarf was wrapped around his neck. It fit him well, the colour made his complexion look slightly less paler than it was. He looked around the store, not seeming too impressed. His steps echoed through the small bookstore yet Hailee didnt bat an eye, still invested in her story. He cleared his throat but didn't look in her direction "You'd think a run down little shop like this would greet its customers with a bit of respect" his voice was harsh, strong enough to bring Hailee away from her book.
"Oh my, I'm so sorry, I was lo-" before she could finish, the tall blonde interrupted her "I'm looking for a book" he said simply, she let out a soft chuckle "good job you're in a bookstore then huh?" He definitely wasn't amused by her humor. She hummed, waiting for him to explain the book he was looking for.
"I'm looking for..." there was a pause as he pulled out a small, leather bound, notepad from his pocket, flicking a few pages he looked at what was written.
"Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe" He looked at her, Hailee smiled and nodded,
"Right this way". She led him to near the back of the store before grabbing a small ladder.
Hailee climbed up to a taller shelf, she didnt want to struggle trying to reach it, he seemed to be in a rush. He was tapping his foot, looking at his watch. She looked at him and passed him the book, she understood that she was rude in the beginning but he didn't need to be so rude now.
He took the book without a single word of appreciation, walking to the counter. She watched him, slightly amazed at how someone could be so ignorant. Climbing down the ladder the made her way to were the blonde was.
He watched her as she typed in the small code on the back of the book, watching as she frowned in concentration. A small curve of his lips appeared but soon disappeared before she could notice.
"That is just £12.99" Hailee smiled, placing the book in a small brown bag, wrapping it in string and adding a small loyalty card "I dont need that" he spoke, she decided to ignore him, handing him the newly wrapped book with a smile.
He huffed with slight annoyance and held out his card. After paying for the novel he held it to his side and abruptly turned to leave the store. Before leaving he looked over his shoulder, seeing Hailee focused back on her book. He let out a soft hum before leaving the store.
It soon hit 8pm, Hailee locked up the store. The weather even colder than before. Shivering she started to walk, her face hidden in her jacket in hope to stay warm. Walking with a little speed she didn't see the blonde from earlier, instead she crashed straight into his chest, stumbling back slightly yet he didnt move an inch.
"God, watch where you're fucking going!" His voice was a lot harsher than earlier, she looked up at him, profusely apologising. He growled and looked at her, realising it was the woman from the bookstore.
"Wow, what a surprise it's you" he glared, she looked at him slightly taken aback.
"Look I'm sorry I bumped into you but there's no need to be so rude" Hailee didn't need this, especially not today. The blonde shook his head and let out a laugh, more to mock her. She inhaled deeply , pushing passed him, not exactly caring now. He watched her, he felt guilt? This wasn't normal for him at all.
Hailee went home, slamming the door angrily before quickly shouting sorry in case her neighbours got annoyed. Throwing her jacket down she looked at the kitchen. Not too long after she ordered some food. She deserved it, especially after today. Who even was that guy? She didn't even know his name but she disliked him. Hailee grew frustrated at just the thought of the blonde.
The next day was just the same, lack of customers, cold day. Midday she decided to take a small break, locking up the store she placed a 'be back in 15!:)' sign on the door. Hailee shivered uncontrollably,  she really needed to invest in a winter coat. She went to the small coffee shop a few stores down. She grinned as the smell of freshly baked of toasties and small sweet treats filled the air. The older lady , around 60, her name was Eliza, waved her in and greeted her.
"Hello Hailee, would you like your usual?" She spoke sweetly, Hailee nodded with a smile "thank you", Eliza shook her head "Go sit down I'll bring it over". Hailee followed orders and took a seat. This small shop was rather vintage looking. The walls were a pale blue with white coving, the tables were all different with various chairs, seemingly whatever Eliza could find. It fit her personality well, she was different but in a good way. Her white hair was dyed a light pink at the ends, she told Hailee it was because as a 'youngster' having dyed hair wasnt seen as normal. She wore various home made and thrifted outfits with a mass amount of different types of jewelry,  she always wore an opal pendant around her neck though. Her glasses hung on a gold chain with blue beads around her neck. The glasses were pointed with a red frame.
Not too long after, Eliza came out with a mug, that was blue with white polka dots, of coffee and a plate of beans on toast with cheese. Eliza gave Hailee the same mug each time she came in.
"Mmm, thank you" Hailee hummed, watching Eliza go back to her kitchen.
Half way through her meal, the chair opposite her was pulled out and someone took a seat. She looked up and instantly frowned.
The blonde from yesterday was seated, a take out cup in his hand. She wiped her mouth and sighed "have you come to yell at me again?"
His hand gripped the cup tighter, veins promptly showing as he took a breath, trying to stay calm. "I came to apologise" he spoke, his teeth gritted slightly "but now you can forget about it" He stood abruptly , the chair almost falling back behind him. She looked completely confused by the situation "did you expect me to greet you warmly? Like you did with me yesterday?" Her tone was filled with sarcasm, earning a glare from the Male.
He shook his head and stormed out the cafe. Hailee shrunk back into her seat, sighing as she pushed her plate away.
"Ignore him sweetie, Draco has never been a people person" Eliza smiled, cleaning up the plate and taking it away.
Draco. He must be a regular here. Shes never seen him before though, was she really that oblivious to the world around her.
Hailee couldn't stop thinking about the encounter with Draco in the cafe, she felt guilty even though she had no reason too. That's always been her issue, she always took the blame herself. She looked at her drink, the small layer of froth at the top began to disappear. Distant chatter could be heard over the soft music that played. The smell of lager filled the air but it wasn't an uncomfortable smell, it fit the atmosphere. Hailee looked around the small pub before seeing the now very familiar blonde at the end of the bar. His glass was half full, seemingly drinking some sort of spirit with cola. Hailee took a breath, grabbing her pint before making her way over, sitting beside him.
"I'm...I'm sorry for earlier" she spoke, he didnt look at her, Draco brought his glass to his lips and took a sip. His focus forward, refusing to acknowledge her.
"I didn't know you were coming to apologise but can you blame me for the confusion?"
His icy blue eyes sharply turned and looked at her. Her arms were covered in goosebumps and the small hairs on the back of her neck rose.
"You shouldn't add but to an apology. It makes it completely pointless" His voice was low. She gulped slightly and nodded "I am sorry though" her shoulders fell. She watched his features, not even a twitch. Sighing she stood up. Being a little shorter she had to make a slight little jump off of the stool, her foot didn't land properly causing her to slightly fall before a large hand rested on her back, keeping her from going any further. Draco's one hand held up her weight, bringing her up closer to him. Hailee looked at him, her lips slightly parted in shock. He looked at her, his eyes now analysing each of her features, from her deep brown eyes to the small freckle just below her lip. Hailee's chest quickened in pace, staying silent. He made sure she was upright before placing money on the bar. Grabbing his coat he left the young woman standing in shock, not looking back.
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