njmcvlt · 15 days
first vacation together || suh johnny
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bf!johnny x reader
wc: 1330
cw: slightly suggestive
an: this was originally written with [redacted] member in mind but i skimmed through and made some quick edits, so apologies if i missed something.
Today was finally the day! You gathered all of your bags and made your way out the apartment door after getting a text from your boyfriend Johnny. This would be the first time you see each other in a month. Not only would you two be seeing each other, but you were going on vacation together for the first time.
Johnny had been extremely busy preparing for 127's comeback. It made him sad that he wasn't able to see you much so he decided to plan a week long getaway for the two of you. You offered to help him plan but he denied it so this whole trip would be a surprise to you. You walked out the front door and was greeted by the 6-foot tall man you called your boyfriend.
“My Love!! I've missed you so much,” he said pulling you into a big hug and kissing your forehead. “Hi baby! I missed you too,” you said grinning wide like a child. Once settled in the car you couldn't help but bombard Johnny with questions about where you were going. He giggled at you enthusiasm “You'll find out as soon as we get there.” You both arrived at the train station and boarded the train. You were so excited about the trip you couldn't keep still, bouncing in your seat. Johnny couldn't help but smile at his adorable partner.
4 hours later you arrived at the destination. Stepping off the train you breathed in the salty air of the seaside city of Busan. You were beyond excited, this was your first time outside of Seoul since moving to Korea. What made it even better was that you'd get to experience it with the love of you life. “Soo... what do you think?” Johnny asked nervously. “I love it! You remembered, I've always wanted to come here.” You smiled up at him and grabbed onto his hand. The two of you left the station hand in hand, walking through the city to your hotel.
At the hotel, Johnny opened the door to your room. You gasped at its large size then immediately ran over to the window to admire the view of the city below. Your room was on the top floor of the hotel which made it perfect to look over top of the buildings. It was starting to get darker outside and the lights on the buildings began to sparkle. Walking over to you and placing his arm around your waist, he turns you to face the bed. “Did you see the size of the bed?” he said with a smirk on his face, implying some naughty activities you two would be getting into later. “Johnnyyy”, you said whining and playfully smacking his arm. He let out a little chuckle. “Come on now, let's go before we're late for our dinner reservation.”
Once at the restaurant, the front desk host leads you through the restaurant to your table right on the water. It was perfect, just like a scene in a movie. Johnny was somehow able to reserve the entire patio juts for the two of you. The table was lit by candlelight and all that could be heard was the sound of crashing waves. Johnny held your hand from across the table, admiring your beauty in the candlelight and you both sat in silence, enjoying the relaxing atmosphere. The food was amazing, as expected, and you shared a little cake for dessert. After dinner you two decided to walk around the city a bit and stumbled across a street market. You thought it would be the perfect place to find souvenirs for yourself and friends back in Seoul. Johnny walked past a small jewelry stall and saw a matching ring set that caught his eye. It was perfect, just your style. He thought it would be the perfect gift to remember this trip so he bought it, becoming giddy at the thought of how much you'll love it. You both continued to walk through the market, looking at the trinkets in all of the stalls and trying food sample. After buying a few souvenirs you made your way back to the hotel with arms linked together.
Suddenly Johnny pulls you aside to sit on a nearby bench and gives you a quick kiss on the cheek. He looks a bit nervous after pulling away and you take notice. “What's wrong baby, is everything okay?” He forms a light smile not wanting to worry you any further, “You know I love you so much. I just want to make this trip special. I feel so bad about not being able to spend time with you. My job takes up so much of my time, I don't want you to think I'm ignoring you. I just want this to be perfect.” You gently place your hand on top of his for reassurance. “It's okay baby. I understand that your job is very time consuming but you love what you do. That's one of my favorites things about you, you're so passionate. Just know I will always be there waiting for you and cheering you on,” you said placing a kiss on his cheek. Johnny smiled at your words and started to pull out a small box from his pocket. “I have something for you,” he said placing the ring on your finger. Tears began to form in your eyes at how sweet he was. “Thank you so much. I love it!” you said giving him a quick kiss. “It's starting to get cold, let’s hurry and head back,” he said drawing his jacket over your shoulders. He wrapped his arm around your shoulder and you rested your head on his arm, walking back to the hotel in silence, just enjoying the moment.
Over the next few days you enjoyed all of the attractions Busan had to offer. You guys went to the beach, explored the city, visited local temples, and rode in the sky canals. You were having such a fun time you didn't want it to end. On the last day of your trip Johnny wakes up and stretches his arms above his head and looks down to smile at your sleeping figure next to him. He gently gets out of bed trying not to wake you and steps over to the window to open the curtains. To his surprise it was dark and gloomy outside and rain started to drizzle. Visibly upset he thought “it wasn't supposed to rain at all this week. This was supposed to be their perfect vacation. I hope they're not to upset.” Lost in thought, he was startled by your voice. “Good Morning baby! What's wrong.” “It's raining today. Our plans are ruined.” He said sitting down on the edge of the bed and placing his head in his hands. “Let's just have a lazy day!” you said, “We can just lay in bed, cuddle, watch movies, and order room service.” Happy to see that you weren't upset, he tackles you down on the bed and covers you in kisses. ”Let's do it!” You both crawl back in bed and snuggle into each other. While you pick something to watch on Netflix, Johnny is busy ordering breakfast to be delivered to your room. For the next few hours you two would be comfortable in each others embrace.
”Hey look baby, the rain stopped. Did you want to go out?” You were enjoying the quiet time you were spending with Johnny. It had been so long since the two of you got to relax like this. You didn't want it to end. “Can we just stay like this?” you spoke softly. “Of course we can princess.” He said placing a kiss on your forehead. You wrapped your arms around Johnny’s bare torso and snuggled closer to him.
”Thank you for the vacation baby. I had a really good time. I love you.” you said smiling before slowly drifting off to sleep.
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njmcvlt · 15 days
jealous boyfriend || na jaemin
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idol!jaemin x idol!reader
wc: 1024
"Thanks to everyone at home watching"
"Make sure to see us again next week"
You continued to smile and wave at the camera until you heard the director yell CUT. You let out a sigh of relief as you felt your nerves come crashing down. Feeling a hand reach out and touch your shoulder you turn around, it was your co-mc Jeno. "You did great," he said giving you his infamous eye smile. "Not too bad yourself," you said playfully punching his arm. You and Jeno had just finished recording your first episode of Music Core as the new mcs. It was your first time being on TV like this so you were nervous but also excited to be trying something new.
You make your way backstage into the dressing room and there awaited your loving boyfriend, Jaemin. He stood up from his seat on the couch when he noticed you coming in. "Princess, you did amazing. I'm so proud of you." He said as he pulled you into his warm embrace.
You changed into some more comfortable clothes then sat with Jaemin while waiting for Jeno since you’d be going back to NCT Dream's dorm with them. Once everyone was ready, you all grabbed your bags and headed to the van out front. Jaemin held you hand all through the studio up until you got outside where the fans were waiting to see you leave. Your relationship with Jaemin was kept a secret from the public since you were both idols. You each valued your privacy and felt that the relationship should be kept for just the two of you.
At the boy's dorm, you chatted with the rest of the dreamies for a bit until you started to feel tired. Your eyes started to feel heavy and a yawn escaped you mouth as you rested you head on Jaemin's shoulder. He took notice and picked you up, bringing you into his room. He placed you on his bed and then cuddled into you. He gave you soft kisses on your forehead and stroked his fingers through you hair while giving you sweet words of affirmation. The feeling was so soothing, you slowly drifted off to sleep.
An hour or two had passed and Jaemin began to wake you up with soft kisses on your cheek. "Wake up princess, you don't want to miss the dinner reservation do you?" Since it was you and Jeno's first time as mc's, you and the dreamies planned to go out for dinner to celebrate. You all got dressed into nicer but concealing clothes and started to head out the door. The restaurant was only a few minutes away from the dorm so you all decided to walk there. Since you'd be in public you couldn't hold Jaemin’s hand but you still stood by him. "The show should be airing now. Let's see what people are saying about us," Jeno says as he pulls out his phone to read comments from viewers.
"Y/N and Jeno look so good together"
"They have such good chemistry with each other. They'd be such a cute couple"
"I love them together so much"
"Let me see," you said, pulling away from your boyfriend and leaning over Jeno's shoulder to read the comments on his phone. "I guess they like us!" You said laughing at how cringe some of the shipping comments were. You and Jeno were great friends. You hung out with him many times whenever you went to Dream's dorm to see Jaemin, so being comfortable and playful with him wasn't anything out of the ordinary. You two just naturally got along well. For the rest of the walk, you stayed by Jeno to read more comment and talk about the show, leaving your boyfriend behind. Jaemin was quiet during the walk and stayed at the back of the group. Hearing those comment made him start to overthink. He watched you and saw a big smile on your face while with Jeno. Anger and jealousy started to bubble up thinking about how everyone was so approving of the idea of his best friend and his girlfriend being together. He also hated the fact that you payed more attention to Jeno than him on the walk to the restaurant but being the non-confrontational person his is, he didn't say anything about it.
At the restaurant you sat at the end of the table with Jaemin seated next to you and Jeno right across from you. Through out the dinner Jaemin kept to himself and only spoke with Jisung and Chenle, he didn't even listening to anything Jeno had to say. You'd try talking to him but he'd only give you a "mhm" as a response. Many times throughout the night you go to hold his hand or scoot closer to him and hug his arm but he showed no interest in any skinship, leaving you confused.
The walk back to the dorm was extremely quiet. You tried to think of reasons Jaemin might be upset with you to explain his behavior at the restaurant, but nothing came to mind. You were spending the night at the dorm so you washed up and got dressed in your pj's. You laid down on Jaemin's bed and scrolled through your phone then Jaemin came back in the room after taking a shower. He sat down on the edge of the bed, back turned to you and broke the silence, "Y/N. How do you feel towards Jeno?" His question caught you off guard, leaving you in a state of confusion.
"Do you think he'd be a better boyfriend to you?" he said turning to face you. You finally started to understand why his mood was off all night.
"Baby, is this about those comment earlier? Cause they're right. Jeno and I do get along well, but only because we're friends. You're the one I love Jaemin. More than anything in the entire world. Don't worry about any of their comments because you're the only one for me!"
You pulled him down in a hug, smothering his face in kisses leaving him a grinning mess.
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njmcvlt · 23 days
accidentally revealing your relationship || lee jeno
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idol!jeno x gamer!reader
wc: 435
an: hi! this is my first post here, i originally posted this on insta years ago but i recently shut that account down and didn't want these writings to disappear. i have a couple more older writings to post here and a few ideas of more things to write, so i'll see you all later!
After finishing setting up your stream, you messaged your friends letting them know you were about to log in. You were a pretty popular Twitch streamer with fan from all across the world. Before going live, you quickly texted your boyfriend Jeno telling him not to interrupt you during your livestream. You and Jeno have been dating for 8 months but have decided to keep your relationship private since you were both in the public eye. You didn't mind keeping it a secret and actually preferred it to be. You liked your privacy and keeping your personal life separate from your online persona. Jeno was staying at your apartment this weekend since he had some time off and it had been a long time since you both spent time together. You sat perfectly in frame with your bookshelf and bedroom door behind you. After starting the livestream you greeted everyone while waiting for the view count to go up. "Hi everyone! Welcome in. Today we're gonna be playing some Among Us with a few friends."
The stream was going great, you were interacting with the chat and even reached a new record of 60k viewers. This round you were the imposter and you were trying to come up with a strategy to win. You followed the other crewmates around, faking tasks and trying to blend in when suddenly your bedroom door swings open and you hear a familiar voice. "Baby I'm home. I missed you so much." Startled by the voice, you jumped in your seat and accidentally vented in front of everyone. "Aahhh! Jeno get out, I'm live right now."
"I'm sorry. I didn't know"
" I texted you earlier. Did you not see it?"
He looked down at his phone and saw one unread message from you. "Oops" he said laughing nervously and scratching the back of his head. Your eyes filled with fear knowing that over 60 thousand people saw what just happened. The chat immediately started asking questions like,
"Is that your boyfriend?"
"OMFG y/n are you dating Jeno?"
Fans quickly turned to Twitter and started sharing video clips of what just happened. The news spread like wildfire and soon became a trending topic. Surprisingly the response from fans was extremely positive and people were happy for the both of you. Clearly embarrassed, you hid your face and started to sink down into your chair. Jeno made his way over to you and placed a soft kiss on your cheek. "It's alright baby. Now that the news is out I can finally show the world how much I love you."
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