newyearsanxiety · 4 years
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yeah Hades, that’s not what you gonna say the next time 😏
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newyearsanxiety · 4 years
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Hello Star Wars fans, shippers, and Reylos! It’s scary times we’re living in but even a little help goes a long way. 
I am offering a personalized fic (whatever ship/trope/genre wanted) to whoever donates any sum to BLM charities such as ActBlue, Reclaim the Block, or any state bail funds. 
Black Lives Matter Fanfiction Drive Information and donation submission/fic request
I accept all fic requests. I do not have any personal triggers and am willing to write whatever comes in. This is mainly for the large Reylo fandom but I will accept other ships as well.  
If you do not have the funds to donate please reblog and share. If you’re a writer offer to do the same! We need as many donations as we can get. 
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newyearsanxiety · 4 years
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newyearsanxiety · 4 years
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Kylo and Darth 05/01-02/20
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newyearsanxiety · 4 years
It’s important to understand in TLJ that we see Ben through Rey’s perspective, and he is 100% shown to be her love interest.
Shots like these
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are literally shown
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from Rey’s perspective.
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Her view of Ben is intentionally emphasized throughout the entire movie because when compared to other scenes of Ben, when Rey is absent, he is not shown as gentle as this.
I highlight the word gentle here because allow me to introduce the shots of Ben when he’s not seen from Rey’s perspective.
Shots like these
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Are not shown from Rey’s perspective.
There is a clear distinction between how the rest of the galaxy sees Ben and how Rey sees Ben.
So that’s why when we see this scene:
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We are absolutely heartbroken because for Rey—after seeing Ben so gentle and soft—she now sees the man that the rest of the galaxy sees.
The worst part for her, though, is that she knows this is not who Ben truly is. She knows that he’s still conflicted.
He’s her love interest your honor. They have a romantic connection to each other and somehow have to navigate it while being on opposite sides of a war.
This is why Rey hesitates to take his hand—why she desperately wants to even though she knows he’s still conflicted.
To everyone else, when Ben is angry, he doesn’t get the reaction of complete heartbreak. He is feared. But Rey has seen Ben at his core, and so she could never be scared of him because she knows it’s all a mask. She knows he defends himself with a rigid outer shell to hide his vulnerability and compassion.
It’s why she even says it so clearly in TROS:
“I see through the cracks in your mask.”
It’s why we’re given hope at the end of TLJ when the bond flickers back to life and we see this shot:
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Because this is Rey’s perspective, and the man she fell for is not angry anymore, but full of regret.
The last time Rey sees Ben in TLJ is a reminder that he is not truly gone, and he can still come back.
In fact, this scene reassures her that not all hope is gone.
So when she closes the door on him, it’s only a warning. A warning that she will not be as easy on him next time. A warning that he won’t be met with forgiveness right away.
Rey sets her boundaries, but she doesn’t give up because it all implies that there will be a next time—that she doesn’t intend to leave Ben alone.
She knows there will be a resolution.
He is the love interest, after all...
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newyearsanxiety · 4 years
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newyearsanxiety · 4 years
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Persephone said:
“Black Mail 🧚✨🌈🌟🦋”
and we’re not stopping her
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newyearsanxiety · 4 years
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Same energy
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newyearsanxiety · 4 years
i love that persephone has a dark side and i’m not talking about the red eyed mirror image i’m talking about this
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blackmail???????? YOU GO GIRL
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newyearsanxiety · 4 years
lmao i was SO NAIVE I HATE IT HERE 😡
so i was reading age of resistance: general hux and 
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since we all know our baby boi kylo is not the smartest cookie, i’m pretty sure this means hux will def lead an uprising within the first order (probably guided by palps)
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newyearsanxiety · 4 years
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Angry Persephone appreciation post!
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newyearsanxiety · 4 years
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i mean this is the hottest thing ever i don’t make the rules
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newyearsanxiety · 4 years
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I will never be over the fact that
On most occasions, Hades refers to Persephone by her original name, Kore
Hades doesn’t like others calling him by his original name, Aidoneus
Hades dreams that Kore will call him Aidoneus one day
This poor boy wants to be known. He wants to be loved for who he is. And he dreams of the day his love will call him by the name his mother once called him by. The one by which he knew the last time he was truly understood.
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newyearsanxiety · 4 years
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In which all of Hades’ fears were unfounded and he realized that he was, in fact, deserving of love
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newyearsanxiety · 4 years
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knock, knock, knockin’ on heaven’s door
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newyearsanxiety · 4 years
Fans: hey so since this is fantasy can we get a happy ending please? Can we get some hope for the future? The world is shit and we really need escapism rn...
Creators: oh I got you don't worry. You want the message that nothing ever changes and you can only fix yourself through death. You want edgy, gritty artistiqueTM stories because life is Not Like The Stories. You want us to be Original and Cutting edge and make a brand new never before made Hot Take showing that Real Life doesn't have happy endings.
Fans: what the fuck no!?
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newyearsanxiety · 4 years
The only positive way I can view the idea of Ben giving his life to save Rey is this (keep in mind I still don’t believe this AT ALL, but I can at least try to find meaning):
In a way, Ben giving his life to Rey would mirror the end of ROTS when Padme’s life, without choice, is used to save Anakin.
Palpatine essentially kills padme, the love of Anakin. Palpatine then kills Rey, the love of Ben Solo, but doesn’t win because Ben does what Anakin couldn’t:
Save the one he loves from death.
It is by choice for Ben to give his own life to save Rey’s.
Palpatine claimed to know how to save someone from dying, but we never really found out how until now. The answer would be literally pouring your life force into the one you love, reviving them, but killing yourself as a result.
And so Rey lives on with the life of Ben Solo within her. In a sense he isn’t apart from her because he basically lives through her. Her life is a continuation of his, and so she isn’t alone in that aspect.
That is the only way I can really put together what it would mean if this spoiler is true. Simply put, it’s not the worst, but it’s disappointing and doesn’t do justice to BOTH characters. Both Rey and Ben together makes more sense and is much more satisfying and meaningful to the skywalker saga.
I just wanted to shed a little bit of light on maybe how this can be viewed not in such a negative way... IF it is true. We just have to wait and see.
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