nekosenseisworld · 5 years
Приболела. И отменила все занятия на сегодня. Не, я бы смогла их провести, но заражать учеников как-то не хочется.
Очень хочется посмотреть дорамку. А еще надо бы заниматься. Но все лень.
Вчера опять вместо того, чтобы учиться, читала 이야기로 배우는 한국어. На удивление, в этой истории пока все живы и здоровы. А то в предыдущих кто-то обязательно умирал.
Надо бы открыть 서울대 한국어. В этот раз юнит несложный, почти вся грамматика уже знакома. Но мне все равно лень...
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nekosenseisworld · 5 years
Все же не люблю я тему спорта... ни в одном языке она у меня не идет... Вот потому я так медленно и продвигаюсь по учебнику х) хотя, казалось бы, надо поскорее закончить этот юнит и перейти к теме поинтереснее.
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nekosenseisworld · 5 years
One Korean girl asked me to write in 한글 how to say 안녕하세요 in Russian. That will be sound like "Zdrastvujte' and it's pretty long. I wrote that and I was about to cry, cause I thought that will be really duffucult for her. So I sent her a voice message.
People who are studying Russian, you are my heroes!
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nekosenseisworld · 5 years
Общение с корейцами
Сегодня одна кореянка попросила меня хангылью написать ей, как по-русски будет 안녕하세요.
Пока написала, аж расплакалась: стало ее жалко. Подумала-подумала и отправила голосовухой то, как я это произношу. Девчонка рассыпалась в благодарностях.
Надеюсь, она отлично проведет время во Владивостоке.
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nekosenseisworld · 5 years
It's 23:40. And it's time for... learning Korean pronunciation 😅
23:40. Самое время изучать корейскую фонетику и совершенствовать произношение
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nekosenseisworld · 5 years
[Korean learners' mistakes] Grammar villain_Do not use '-에요?' form when asking or talking to yourself (rhetorical question 수사 의문문/반어 의문문)
[Note] If you think that the information of this post is incorrect, please feel free to give feedback. It wasn’t easy at all to find correct information about Korean rhetorical question forms
Hello. This is the Korean Grammar Doctor. Long time no see.
안녕하세요. 한국어 문법 의사입니다. 정말 오랜만입니다.
I have been so busy at work, so I haven’t been able to write anything these days (I started working for a new company.) Sorry about that.
Almost every Korean learners, who I have ever met, repetitively made this mistake regardless of their nationality: rhetorical question.
For example) - I thought “why should I do this?“
-> They tend to say ‘내가 이걸 왜 해야 돼요?'라고 생각했어요. However, it is grammatically incorrect. The correct sentence is ‘내가 이걸 왜 해야 되지?’라고 생각했어요 OR 내가 (굳이) 이걸 해야 하나 싶더라고요. / 싶었어요
- What am I doing right now?
-> 내가 지금 뭘 하고 있는 거예요? (X, awkward)
-> 내가 지금 뭘 하고 있는 거지? / 걸까?
I have corrected their mistakes with my native speaker sense, but I hadn’t been able to explain why their mistakes were incorrect. Now, the time has come.
What is 'Rhetorical question’ 수사 의문문 / 반어 의문문?
- According to the Wikipedia(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhetorical_question), a rhetorical question is a figure of speech in the form of a question that is asked to make a point rather than to elicit an answer. Though a rhetorical question does not require a direct answer, in many cases it may be intended to start a discussion or at least draw an acknowledgement that the listener understands the intended message.
- According to Google,
문장의 형식은 물음을 나타내나 답변을 요구하지 않고, 표면의 의미와 반대되는 의미를 강하게 지니는 의문문. 가령, "내가 너한테 옷 한 벌 못 사 주랴?"와 같은 문장. `사 줄 수 있다'는 뜻을 나타냄.
- According to Naver dictionary
언어 문장의 형식은 물음을 나타내나 답변을 요구하지 아니하고 강한 긍정 진술을 내포하고 있는 의문문. 예를 들어 "철수한테 책 한 권 못 사 줄까?"의 ‘못 사 줄까’는 ‘사 줄 수 있다’는 뜻을 나타낸다.
In short, people ask rhetorical questions to make a point or express their feelings rather than to require a specific answer from listeners.
There are some rules that you need to remember when you ask rhetorical questions.
You can’t end sentences with ’–해요/돼요/세요?’ when you ask a rhetorical question to yourself. You have to end sentences with ’–까? / –지? / –나?‘ form.
What should I say?
- 뭐라고 해야 돼요? / 뭐라고 해야 할까요? / 뭐라고 해야 될까요? (When you ask a question to a listener)
- 뭐라고 해야 되지?(되지요?) 뭐라고 해야 하나?(하나요?)​ 뭐라고 말해야 할까?(할까요?). (When you ask yourself or focus on expressing your feelings / emotions)
Why have I made so many grammar mistakes?
- 저는 왜 이렇게 문법 실수를 많이 하는 거예요?/걸까요? / 하는 거죠?
(When you ask a question to a listener)
- 나는 왜 이렇게 문법 실수를 많이 하는 거지? / 걸까?
(When you ask yourself or focus on expressing your feelings / emotions)
Should I take the exam to enter the university?
- 대학에 들어가기 위해서는(= 대학에 들어가려면) 시험을 봐야 해요? / 봐야 돼요? / 봐야 하나요? / 봐야 되나요? (When you ask a question to a listener)
- 대학에 들어가려면 시험을 꼭 봐야 하나? / 시험이 꼭 필요한가? / 봐야 하는 건가? / 봐야 되는 건가? (When you ask yourself or focus on expressing your feelings / emotions)
2) When you want to use 'I thought + a rhetorical question to yourself’, then you can use ’–라(하)는 생각이 들었어요 / 건가 싶었어요 / 건가 싶더라고요 form.’
Ex) I thought (I asked myself) 'Is it really important?‘
- 이게 진짜 중요한 건가라는 생각이 들었어요.
- 이게 진짜 중요한 건가 싶었어요.
- 이게 진짜 중요한 건가 싶더라고요.
I thought 'why am I so bad at Korean?‘
- (난) 왜 이렇게 한국어를 못하나 하는 생각이 들었어요.
- (난) 왜 이렇게 한국어를 못하는 건가 싶었어요.
- (난) 왜 이렇게 한국어를 못하나 싶더라고요.
If you have any feedback or questions, please let me know. Thank you.
The Korean grammar doctor will always be at Korean learner’s side! Stay TTTempting!
한국어 문법 의사는 언제나 한국어 학습자 곁에 있습니다! Stay TTTempting!
Good to read (I haven’t read them all yet.)
한국어와 중국어의 수사의문문 대조연구 = A Contrastive Study on the Rhetoric Questions in Korean and Chinese
한국어 교육을 위한 수사의문문 양상 연구 : 문어와 구어 텍스트의 비교를 중심으로 = A Study on the Use of Rhetorical Questions in Korean Education : Focusing on Comparing Texts of Written and Spoken Text
한·중 수사의문문의 실현 방법 대조 연구
한·중 수사의문문의 대조 연구
수사적 표현의 번역 방법에 관한 연구 : 영한 성경 번역을 중심으로 = (A) Study on Translating Methods of Figures of Speech : An analysis of the English and Korean Versions of Bible
한국어와 영어의 의문문 대조연구 = A Contrastive Study on Interrogative Sentences
국어 의문문의 연구 = (A) Study of interrogatives in the Korean language
한·중 의문문의 대조 연구
수사의문문 해석에 관한 연구 : 논증이론과 관여성이론을 중심으로
수사의문문의 영한 자막 번역에 관한 연구 = (A) Study on English-Korean Subtitling of Rhetorical Questions
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nekosenseisworld · 5 years
Кто опять вместо того, чтобы следовать плану и добивать 서울대 한국어 3B занимается по 이야기로 배우는 한국어? По крайней мере, рассказы там интересные... Но для меня эти тексты уже легкие.
I'm studying by 이야기로 배우는 한국어 instead of following my learning plan and finishing 서울대 한국어 3B.
Still, the stories from 이야기로 배우는 한국어 are interesting, so I learn Korean with fun. But these stories are not so hard for me.
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nekosenseisworld · 5 years
Сначала думала пойти поспать, чтобы как следует выспаться перед завтрашним занятием с моими студентами, но тут в учебнике по корейскому языку очень интересная тема начинается, и хочется её разобрать... Кажется, я все же не высплюсь... I wanted to have a good sleep before tomorrow’s lesson with my students, but the following theme in my Korean textbook is too interestig, so I want to learn it now. Well, tomorrow I’ll be sleepy...
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nekosenseisworld · 5 years
Знакомый японец из Саппоро, с которым мы познакомились на Фейсбуке, внезапно спросил у меня Инсту 😅
Просто мы давно не переписывались. Ну да ладно. Будем фолловить друг друга.
Мне вот до сих пор интересно, по какому принципу он ко мне в друзья добавился?
Зато нам с мужем есть теперь, с кем на Хоккайдо пить ビルク😅😅😅 К слову, об этом напитке мне рассказала одна из моих студенток в своем докладе 😅😅😅 И да, я ей поставила отлично!
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nekosenseisworld · 5 years
Челлендж по корейским песням: день 2
Это перевод поста ниже. Я продолжаю выполнять челлендж от koreanstudynetwork​
И сегодня у меня в программе грустная песня. Я выбрала песню своей любимой группы Nell - 조금은 슬픈 이야기.
Это была не очень сложная песня. Но и текста там тоже не так много оказалось. Ну, в общем, что есть, то есть.
1) 한없이 - бесконечно, безгранично; 2) 채우다 - заполнять; 3) 허전하다 - пустой, опустошенный; отсюда 허전함 - пустота; 4) 아파하다 - болеть (страдать от физической или душевной боли); 5) 아련하다 - тусклый, неясный; 6) 늘 - вечно, всегда, постоянно; 7) 애처롭다 - жалкий, вызывающий жалость. 
В следующий раз будет разбор песни, напоминающей мне о весне или лете )
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nekosenseisworld · 5 years
Korean Music Vocabulary Challenge: Day 2
I continue doing the challenge from @koreanstudynetwork. Today’s theme is ‘A Sad Song’. I’ve chosen this one.
It wasn’t too hard and there wasn’t a lot of new words. And there wasn’t too much lyrics here. But here is my vocabulary list:
1) 한없이 - endlessly, infinitely;2) 채우다 - fill;3) 허전하다 - empty;허전함 - emptiness;4) 아파하다 - be in pain (phisical or mental);5) 아련하다 - faint, dim;6) 늘 - always, all the time;7) 애처롭다 - pitiful
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nekosenseisworld · 5 years
My Korean Learning plan for this month
1) Finishing 서울대 한국어 3B;
2) Finishing the 2nd part of Korean Pronunciation Guide;
3) A book about Writing in Korean (I don’t know its title but it’s pretty good): chapter 1-3, 1-4;
Это мой план по изучению корейского до конца этого месяца. Не так много, но все же.
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nekosenseisworld · 5 years
Korean Songs Vocabulary Challenge Day 1
Текст на русском ниже 👇
Hi, everyone! Since today I'll participate in Korean Songs Vocabulary Challenge from @koreanstudynetwork. And today's theme is 'A Happy Song'.
And I've chosen SF9 - Mamma Mia.
It wasn't a hard song for me and I haven't learnt new grammar, but I've found here some new words. I'll write here a list and I'll give you English and Russian translation.
С сегодняшнего дня я начинаю участвовать в челлендже по словам из песен на корейском. И сегодняшняя песня - SF9 - Mamma Mia.
Песня не такая сложная с точки зрения грамматики, но мне попались новые слова. Список будет представлен ниже с переводом на английский и на русский.
1. 눈에 띄다 - appear - появляться, бросаться в глаза.
2. 유난히 - especially, unusually - необычно, особенно
3. 사막 - desert - пустыня
4. 반드시 - surely - обязательно, непременно
5. 깃띵작 - the best masterpiece as if it was made by God - высшее произведение искусства, словно оно было создано самим Господом Богом
6. 화려하다 - glamorous - роскошный, пышный
7. 홀리다 - be bewitched - быть заколдованным
8. 불안하다 - anxious - взволнованный
9. 조심스럽다 - cautious - осторожный, настороженный
That's all for this song. The next theme is 'A Sad Song' and it will by Nell - 조금은 슬픈 이야기. Let it be a little bit sad song 😅
Это все для данной песни. Следующая тема - грустная песня и мой выбор пал на Nell - 조금 슬픈은 이야기. Пусть это будет немного грустная песня 😅
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nekosenseisworld · 5 years
ㅋㅋ ♡ “kk” sound of giggling/laughing
ㅠㅠ, ㅜㅜ ♡ crying/sad eyes
흑 ♡ sobbing sound
ㅎㅎ (하���) ♡ “haha” sound of laughing
ㅍㅎㅎ ♡ “puhaha” sound of laughing
ㅇㅇ (응) ♡ uh, yeah
ㅇㅋ (오키) ♡ okay
ㄱㅅ (감사) ♡ thank you
ㅊㅋ (축하) ♡ congrats
ㄴㄴ (노노) ♡ no
ㅈㅅ (죄송) ♡ sorry
ㄱㄷ (기다려) ♡ wait
ㄱㄱ (고고) ♡ gogo, let’s go
ㅂㅂ (바이바이) ♡ bye bye /or/ ㅂㅇ (바이) ♡ bye
ㅅㄱ (수고) ♡ good job
ㅇㄷ (어디) ♡ where
 ㅗㅗ ♡ 🖕🏼 lol
ㅎㅇ (하이) ♡ hi
ㅎㄹ ♡ hello
ㄱㅊ (괜찮아) ♡ it’s fine
ㄷㅊ (닥쳐) ♡ shut up
ㅡㅡ ♡ to express displeasure
낼 (내일) ♡ tomorrow
짐 (지금) ♡ now
담 (다음) ♡ next
첨 (처음) ♡ first
넘 (너무) ♡ very
좀 (조금) ♡ a little
울 (우리) ♡ we
걍 (그냥) ♡ just
어케 (어떻게) ♡ how
글고 (그리고) ♡ and
젤 (제일) ♡ most, best
먄 (미안) ♡ sorry
짱나 (짜증나) ♡ annoying
글쿤 (그렇구나) ♡ i see
열공 (열심히 공부해) ♡ study hard
재밌다 (재미있다) ♡ to be fun, interesting
알써 (알겠어) ♡ i understand, get i
몰겠어 (모르겠어) ♡ i don’t know
올만이네 (오랜만이네) ♡ long time no see
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nekosenseisworld · 5 years
Ordering at a Cafe in Korean
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I’m going to go through the average conversation I have at a cafe here in Korea. Refer to Cafe Drink Vocabulary to say more specific drinks~
BARISTA: 어서오세요/안녕하세요 | Welcome/Hello
CUSTOMER: 네 안녕하세요 | Hello
BARISTA: 주문하시겠어요? | Are you ready to order?
CUSTOMER: ___ 한잔 주세요 | I’ll have a ___.
커피 | coffee
아메리카노 | americano
카페라떼 | cafe latte
두잔 | 2 cups/glasses
세잔 | 3 cups
네잔 | 4 cups (keep going like that with Native Korean numbers. After 4, you do not shorten the number)
BARISTA: 어떤 사이즈로 드릴까요? | What size?
CUSTOMER: ___ 주세요. | A ___, please.
스몰 | small
미디엄 | medium
레귤러 | regular
라지 | large
BARISTA: 더 필요하신거 있어요? | Do you need anything else?
아니요. 그거면 되요. | No that’s all.
네. 초코케이크도 하나 주세요. | Yes. Please give me a slice of cake as well.
네. 아이스바닐라라떼 한잔 하고 딸기 마카롱 두개 주세요 | Yes. Please give me an iced vanilla latte and 2 strawberry macarons.
BARISTA: 여기서 드실거예요? | Are you eating here?
네 여기서 마실거예요. | Yes, I’ll drink it here.
아니요. 가져갈거예요. | No I’m taking it out.
아니요. 포장해주세요. | No, please wrap it up (to-go, usually for food or food/drink).
아니요. 테이크아웃이에요. | No, it’s take-out.
BARISTA: 오천 사백원입니다. | It’s 5,400 won. (Use Sino Korean numbers with money)
CUSTOMER: 카드 받으세요? | Do you take card?
네 받습니다 | yes
죄송합니다 현금만 받습니다 | Sorry we only take cash
BARISTA: 영수증 드릴까요? | Would you like the receipt?
네 영수증 주세요 | yes please give me the receipt
아니요 괜찮아요 | no I’m okay
BARISTA: 감사합니다. 잠시만 기다려주세요. | Thank you. Please wait a moment.
CUSTOMER: 감사합니다 | thank you.
Try to place an order for one of the pictures below
1) Sangria Ade, 2) Iced americano and a scone, 3) Tiramisu cake (I think) and a latte, or 4) Affogato
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nekosenseisworld · 5 years
Тоже поучаствую!
I'm with you, guys!
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Hello, everyone!! Here we are with another challenge. This one is to encourage learning Korean vocabulary (and maybe a little grammar, you guys decide), but this time using music. Since a lot of people started learning Korean because of music, especially k-pop, I thought it was a nice idea to use that to learn more.
How will this challenge work? I’m going to list a few categories of song and for each category, you will have to pick a song that fits, read the lyrics and learn about the vocabulary on that song. If you wanna focus only on vocab, that’s ok. If you know a little more of Korean and want to focus on grammar you found on the lyrics too, that’s ok as well. It doesn’t have to be only k-pop (in case you’re learning Korean but don’t like k-pop lol), it only has to be a song in Korean.
Do I have to do the challenge every day? Nope. Unlike our last challenge, with this one, you guys are free to decide how you will do it. If you want to do it one song per day, one per week, all songs in one day, that’s up to you.
If you guys make posts with the vocab you learned here on tumblr, use the tag #koreanstudynetwork so we can see it and reblog.
A happy song
A sad song
A song that reminds you of summer or spring
A song that reminds you of autumn or winter
A song that makes you wanna dance
A song you like to sing along
The first song in korean you listened to
A song that has a special meaning to you
A song by your favorite group/artist
A song you discovered this month
(under the cut there’s info for the members of the network)
Читать дальше
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nekosenseisworld · 5 years
English is below 👇
Всем привет! Зовите меня Нэко-сенсей.
Я уже более 5 лет преподаю иностранные языки, и очень люблю это. Надеюсь, вам будет интересно в моем блоге. В основном он будет посвящен корейскому языку, который я сейчас активно изучаю, готовясь к сдаче на 4гып. Надеюсь, мы с вами подружимся.
Hi, everyone! Call me Neko-sensei. I'm a teacher and I teach foreign languages for more than 5 years. I can teach you Russian if you need. Just write me!
Here is my blog. And I will write here about Korean because this is the language I'm studying hard now. And I'm getting ready to pass TOPIK exam (4 급).
I hope, we'll become good friends. Just follow me!
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