nattyontherun · 3 hours
I cannot believe there's absolutely no way to watch free shows and movies anymore, there are too many paid streaming platforms and pirating websites have viruses and ads preventing you from watching it uninterrupted((.)) id rather follow the rules and purchase media moving forward because it is too inconvenient. Seriously, free and no ads or viruses with 1080p streaming is DEAD.
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nattyontherun · 11 hours
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working on something secret to be released... relatively soon, hopefully!!!
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nattyontherun · 9 days
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peace at last.
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nattyontherun · 9 days
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hi!! I'm ada, an illustrator and fine arts graduate still learning! nature and bts are some of the things that inspire me most ✨🍃
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nattyontherun · 9 days
You know,, if the story was told from Sasuke's point of view literally nobody would actually expect or want him to return to the village. And like, I get why it's a touchy thing for a lot of Naruto fans. The circumstances for Sasuke's departure and the entire Valley of the End fight were upsetting. Bad time all around, yes, but that doesn't mean leaving Konoha was the wrong choice for Sasuke to make. Avenging the clan was like the only thing keeping him alive at that point, so expecting Sasuke to just sit back and let the Curse Mark slowly kill him without having achieved any sort of justice for his family is ludicrous actually. But besides that, learning the truth about the Uchiha's genocide is like the ultimate determinant that Sasuke has no obligation to the village whatsoever. Like at some point, no matter how much you dislike or resent him as a character, you have to realise that everything Konoha did to Sasuke and the rest of his family was absolutely despicable and he genuinely does not owe that place anything.
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nattyontherun · 9 days
It's absolutely hypocritical bullshit that Shikamaru is allowed to take his revenge on Hidan because Hidan killed his TEACHER and that is viewed as okay because he lets his friends from Konoha help him (even though he basically straight up told Tsunade he was going to do it anyway when she discovered him sneaking out), but Sasuke is villainized for trying to avenge his MOTHER AND FATHER and ENTIRE CLAN who were killed by his brother in a (revealed later) orchestrated genocide. It's also absolute hypocritical bullshit that people in the fandom laud Shikamaru for killing Hidan and view it as being "cool", but say Sasuke is "emo" and a piece of shit because he wants to get justice for his family his own way and, once he learns the truth, wants to hold a fascist government responsible for their LITERAL crimes against humanity.
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nattyontherun · 9 days
naruto, first arc: the shinobi system is exploratory and deeply flawed and profits by literal child soldiers and adults fighting for causes they don’t believe in, they are stripped of their humanity and discarded the moment they aren’t valuable anymore, having their worth measured based on what you can get from them and being treated as mere tools, either working for rich independent people or governments, contributing to maintain the wealthy and powerful wealthier and more powerful, it also exposes these people to traumatic experiences from a very young age
naruto, last arc: haha jk it’s aliens
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nattyontherun · 9 days
fanboys will say they hate danzo but then refuse to throw some respect on sasuke's name. like, excuse me, but WHICH of your bootlicker favs would have murdered their government official for the crimes he committed that you say are unforgivable????? which other character in the damn series had the ability, the skill, the motivation, the disregard for his political power to do the damn deed???????? shikamaru??????????? get fucked
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nattyontherun · 9 days
🦷 Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're dreading to write (but is necessary to your plot)? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
ohh fun question! i have a bunch of WIPs lying around ngl, though since I've become busy with work, a lot of them I've put on the "back burner" save for like... two. Anyways!
Since ik you follow me mostly for my KKSS fic, we can focus on that!!
When it comes to writing, although I do make "skeletons" of my fics, so a very summarized bullet point list of what I want to happen, I actually plan out chapters as they happen? The minutiae is all very up in the air as far as planning goes, all I know, really, is the ending and the major shakeup's I wanna incorporate.
In the case of To Oblivion, my current (and very definitely LONGEST) WIP in the docket, I kinda have a very specific but ultimately small... anxiousness... towards a scene i've planned for the next chapter, and a much, much broader, definitely more potent dread towards the fic as a whole.
In terms of specifics? I have this scene planned where I'm going to introduce two "new" characters, one of whom will be important to the plot, from a perspective of a canon character I don't actually know (as is, and how to write) that well. I'm not sure that I can pull it off exactly correctly, and my refusal (and really, lack of time) to go cavern crawling through canon to figure things out isn't doing me any favors. Considering I could very much say the same for Sai, and that worked out okay-ish last time? Well, it's an AU anyways so!! I'll figure it out!!!
As for the broader dread... I cannot overstate this: to oblivion is NOT kind. HF is like the best most squeaky clean fixer upper version of this "AU" that i coulda come up with and to oblivion is far and away from that.
I'm gonna be blunt, I have a very certain view of the world and my views reflect very much in the way I write whether I intend it to or not,,,, so I'm kinda leaning into that for this fic, really allowing my thought process to shine through. I'm not interested on making the characters sympathetic so much as believable in how they act and react to the story as it unfolds.
Part of this dread, I'll admit, is simply because I'm not really good at plots? Actually I'm awful at them lmaooo, I don't do the /overarching and makes sense/ sorta narratives, I've just never found the inspiration to go at those so long when all I really wanna do is throw characters at each other so they can cry dramatically about their lives or whatever.
The other part is just that Naruto is a very old IP with a very old fandom and it's because of this that many of us here have a very fixed view of how characters are like, whether that's canon or simply our interpretation of them. I don't think I'm gonna be making a lot of people happy with how I plan to let the story play out - in fact, I restricted the comments from chapter one FOR A REASON! I just... I do not see a world where we finally get to the crux of why I even wrote this fic, and everybody reading will just be fine and dandy with how I make things play out.
If you think that one Shisui-POV fic /Like Stars/ is challenging and frustrating,,,, to oblivion will set your eyes on fire :\
I say this not to scare of readership but I really don't want ppl coming into the fic thinking I'm deadset on a warm, hopeful ending like I was with HF. While we're not heading towards an unhappy or even Bad ending, I just feel like it's important to set the expectation that I wrote this fic not just to challenge myself and the characters but also those who decide to read it to see my perspective of where canon went wrong with the framework of the Uchiha massacre and Konoha's handling of it. It's gonna be very hard on not just Sasuke and Shisui but Kakashi as Hokage, Naruto, Sakura, Shikamaru, Sai and basically everyone who'll end up showing their faces in the fic.
Hopefully it's digestible?????????
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nattyontherun · 9 days
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Hello Zukki Nation, please let me in
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nattyontherun · 10 days
Naruto (as a series, not the manga) gets a lot of flak for the time when it's animation is bad. That's fair (and I've joined in on the fun) because sometimes the animation WAS complete shit, but when the animation was good it was REALLY good, especially when it comes to fight choreography. The way the animators incorporated real martial arts techniques into the fights they expanded on when adapting the manga to the anime and how they would pay tribute to fight scenes from other media that they liked: pure fire!
For example, let's talk real martial arts. A lot of the characters in Naruto have fighting styles that consist of elements from different disciplines. From boxing to taekwondo to muy thai to capoeira to wing chun, there are a lot of instances of real techniques being used. And the thing that really makes me geek out is when the characters use the right form when executing a move! The attention to detail is so fucking incredible!
For example, here's Sakura throwing a overhead hook and fucking NAILING IT:
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I mean, goddamn! The punch starts in her legs LIKE IT'S SUPPOSED TO (that's why she has her feet planted firmly on the ground and lunges slightly while swiveling her hips) and she twists her body to where it's facing outward. This adds so much force to the punch because it's proper boxing form! See below:
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Then there's shit like this, where Sasuke is just out here throwing those perfect Muay Thai kicks:
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This is the proper form for a Muay Thai kick. He's kicking with his shin, not his foot. He's using the momentum from his arms. It makes the kick more powerful. I LOVE IT. Real life execution for reference:
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And, even though I HATE Boruto, I still have to acknowledge that the animators went all out in this same way in episode 65, and it was good. Here's what looks to me to be a heavily Wing Chun inspired part of the fight where Naruto is straight refusing to catch those hands:
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His form is narrow, he keeps his elbows tucked close to his sides, he's blocking with his feet and using low kicks. Here it is in physical practice:
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I MEAN, not to be such a nerd, but I've started rewatching Naruto recently and I've noticed so much more of this than I ever did before and it gets me so hype. This kind of attention to detail makes you feel like the character actually knows what they're doing; that they ARE a fighter, that they worked hard to be one! It helps immerse you in the universe. So much anime, and even a lot of live action media, focuses only on close-ups, fast cuts, or just unfocused, crazy strong punching, flashy, energy-based moves, or unrealistic weapons. Naruto is guilty of that sometimes, too, but it also gave us so many incredibly well-animated fights using real techniques. And there are so many great details if you watch these scenes closely enough to notice.
Things like at the end of this clip, when Sasuke fakes a punch so that Naruto focuses on blocking and allows himself to be kicked:
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And the hand to hand combat between Kakashi and Obito (when he kicks the kunai into his face!!!):
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Or the weapon fighting between Itachi and Sasuke (complete with rad sword block!):
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As for how awesome it is to see tributes to fights from other media reproduced by the animators of Naruto: they're some of the most fun Easter eggs to find. They've included fight choreography from Cowboy Bebop and Captain America: Winter Soldier for instance (wish I could include these here, but for some reason Tumblr won't let me).
The animated fights in Naruto are so well-known for how good they are that other shows have paid tribute to them as well! Like when The Boondocks paid tribute to the Orochimaru vs Sasuke fight in the Forest of Death:
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Anyway, to sum up, even though Naruto has it's failings, I'm absolutely convinced that no other anime has better or more realistic fight scenes than it does. And in this house we stan.
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nattyontherun · 10 days
Writer Goal Ask List for a New Year 🎉
These writer asks are always so fun to both ask and answer. Fanfic or original fiction writers, reblog away! These are asks based in new goals for a new year.
💖 What is your primary writing goal for this year?
🛳 Are there any new ships you want to write for? (Platonic, romantic, or anything in between.)
🤔 Are there any new characters you want to write about?
🥸 Does anyone in IRL know you write fanfic or original fiction? If not, do you plan on telling anyone this year?
🥵 Any plans to write steamy or spicy content this year?
👻 Is there a new genre you'd like to write?
🦄 Is there a new POV you'd like to try writing?
🐌 What is one of your smallest writing goals?
🦖 Are there any fandoms you wrote for in the past that you'd like to return to?
🍄 Are there any fandoms you've never written for but want to try?
🌈 What research do you plan on doing for your writing?
✨What's one area of your writing that you think needs the least amount of improvement?
🥕 What's one area of your writing that you think needs the most amount of improvement?
🫘 Spill the beans. What's a new project you're doing this year?
🥳 How are you going to celebrate when you achieve one of your writing goals?
🎃 Do you plan on writing any seasonal fics?
🐾 Do you plan on writing for any fests or competitions?
✍️ Which stat matters most to you (if at all!): subscriptions, kudos/favorites, comments, bookmarks, word count, or hits?
👾 Do you have any "bad" writing habits you want to break?
🤖 Are you looking to change your current writing setup? (Or establish one, if you don't have one?)
🦷 Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're dreading to write (but is necessary to your plot)? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
💥Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're most excited to write? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
🍕Will you be making any changes to your posting schedule (if you have one)? (Or do you want to establish a posting schedule?)
🛏 Is there a new trope you'd like to write this year?
🪩 Do you have any "good" writing habits you want to cultivate?
🎉 How are you going to be kind to yourself if you don't meet your goals?
💌 Are you willing to take requests or prompts for writing?
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nattyontherun · 13 days
Another Update Regarding "No Fandom" tags
AO3 Tag Wranglers recently began testing processes for updating canonical tags (tags that appear in the autocomplete and the filters) that don’t belong to any particular fandom (commonly known as No Fandom tags). We have already begun implementing some of the decisions made during the earliest discussions. By the time this post is published, you may have already noticed some changes we have made.  Several canonical tags are slated to be created or renamed, and we will also be adjusting the subtag and metatag relationships between some tags to better aid Archive users in filtering.  Please keep in mind that many of these changes are large and require a lot of work to identify and attach relevant tags, so it will likely take some time to complete. We ask that you please be patient with us while we work! While we will not be detailing every change we make under the new process, we will be making periodic posts with updates on those changes we believe are most likely to prove helpful for users looking to tag or filter works with the new or revised tags and to avoid confusion as to why changes are being made. 
New Canonicals!
1. COVID-19
Due to long-standing demand, we will be creating a number of new canonicals related to COVID-19. These canonicals include:
COVID-19 Pandemic, which will be subtagged to both COVID-19 and Pandemics
Alternate Universe - No COVID-19, which will be subtagged to Alternate Universe
Post-COVID-19 Pandemic 
COVID-19 Lockdown
Created During COVID-19 Lockdown 
How to Use These To Filter For/Filter Out Works Tagged as relating to COVID-19 ❌ Filtering Out: To filter out all works that use tags referring to COVID-19, the COVID-19 pandemic, or the COVID-19 Lockdown, add COVID-19 to the “Other tags to exclude” field in the works filter. This will also exclude works making use of the subtag COVID-19 Pandemic. If you’d also like to filter out COVID-19 Lockdown, you would need to exclude that tag as well.
☑️ Filtering For: Add COVID-19 to the “Other tags to include” field in the works filter. This will also automatically include the works making use of the subtags COVID-19 Pandemic. If you wish to filter for only the pandemic or the lockdown, you can do so by including either COVID-19 Pandemic or COVID-19 Lockdown only.
2. Isekai and Transmigration
Given the similarities of the concepts, we will be creating a single canonical tag to cover both concepts to allow for easier filtering. Additionally, we will also be creating a canonical for the concept of Reverse Isekai and Reverse Transmigration. This tag will be subtagged to Isekai and Transmigration.
As with the COVID-19 canonicals above, you will be able to use these tags in the works filter to filter for or filter out these concepts. If you filter for/out Isekai and Transmigration it will filter for/out both Isekai and Transmigration as well as Reverse Isekai and Reverse Transmigration. If you would like to only filter for/out Reverse Isekai and Reverse Transmigration, you can just filter for that tag instead.
3. Mommy Kink
This oft-requested canonical will be canonized as Mommy Kink.
4. There Was Only One Bed
The ever-popular trope is now getting its very own canonical and all relevant synonym tags from Sharing a Bed will be moved over to this canonical, which will be canonized as: There Was Only One Bed.
Renaming Outdated Canonicals!
The Archive has been around for a long time, which means there are a lot of canonicals that make use of old and outdated terminology.
6. Asperger Syndrome
One of these canonicals is Asperger Syndrome, which is an outdated medical term which is no longer acceptable, and so will be de-canonized and made a synonym of Autism Spectrum.
7. Fantastic Racism
In the early days of the archive, the tag Fantastic Racism was canonized as a tag that was meant to represent Racism specifically concerning Fantasy or Science Fiction races (e.g. Elves, Orcs, Goblins, Vulcans, Phoenocats, etc.). To correct this particular issue, this tag will be renamed to Fantasy and Fictional Setting Racism to clarify the actual purpose of the tag and will remain subtagged to Racism. Fantastic Racism in particular is a case of exceptionally poor choice of phrasing for what should have been a relatively straightforward concept. The tag wrangling committee is working hard to continue to develop a robust and sustainable collaborative discussion format for making decisions in regards to the canonization of canonicals which are not specific to any fandom in the hopes of avoiding such mistakes in the future.
Reorganization of the Gender Tree and Genderswap/Genderbend Freeform Canonicals!
We will also be re-organizing a number of tags related to the concept of Gender in the coming weeks. The early days of the Archive saw the canonization of a lot of similar concepts which makes searching and filtering for these concepts needlessly complicated and difficult to navigate. 
To help eliminate one such complication, we will be merging Genderbending, Genderswap, Gender or Sex Swap, and Sexswap into a single canonical and renaming this new canonical to Changes to Gender or Sex. 
Similarly, we will be making a number of other similar renames to bring related canonicals in line with this change:
Alternate Universe - Always a Different Sex will become Alternate Universe - Always a Different Gender or Sex.
Canon Genderbending will be renamed to Canon-Typical Changes to Gender or Sex
We will also create a new canonical for the concept of temporary gender or sex changes: Temporary Changes to Gender or Sex.
Other gender-related changes freeform tags we will be making in the next few weeks include:
Transgender, Transexual, and Alternate Universe - Trans will be de-canonized and made synonyms of the Trans canonical. 
A canonical will be created for Medical Transition.
These are just some of the freeform tag changes being implemented. While we won’t be announcing every change, you can expect similar updates in the future as we continue to work toward improving the Archive experience. You can also check out some of the other recent changes we have made in our previous update on No Fandom tags. Feel free to follow us on Twitter @ao3_wranglers or keep an eye on this Tumblr for future announcements. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue our work!
(From time to time, ao3org posts announcements of recent or upcoming wrangling changes on behalf of the Tag Wrangling Committee.)
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nattyontherun · 21 days
Guys, if you read on AO3 please try to create an account. So many of us writers are going to be forced to lock down our fics to registered users out of necessity to help keep AI away, and it kills us because we don’t want to stop any of you from reading.
AO3 is invite only. So if you know an AO3 user, ask if they have an invitation to give you (we’re given invite codes to share with others who want to join) because that’s an easy way to get in. If you don’t know someone you can ask, this is AO3’s instructions for requesting one from them…
I know this seems like an extra step and maybe you don’t think you need it and can just read from people who haven’t locked their fics. But this isn’t just about you as the reader. If you enjoy fics and you want to keep them coming, this is how you support your favorite writers! If our stats and comments plummet, I guarantee writing is going to start going down as well. Nobody wants that! So please consider making an account and signal boosting this as well! 🙏🏻
**NOTE: AO3 indicates (as of today) there’s 48k some people in the queue for invites and they’re sending out about 5k per day. That’s not a bad wait at all!!**
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nattyontherun · 21 days
More On To Oblivion:
hi-ho, can't sleep so since i've posted the fic already, short as it is right now, i thought hey! lemme just do some explaining for why the fuck it's the way it is?? that way i make my job less hard with the writer-y bits!
(i can't sleep so i'm talking,,,, shhh i didn't say that)
On the Rating:
thinking of changing that, actually . next chapter, so ch3, will be more of the same - build up for the plot at large which is, ngl, a wee bit more complicated than i thought it would be in writing ch1. i don't have a hard and fast, bullet pointed skeleton for every chapter but i've got a very generalized outline of things i want happening... and the fic being rated for Teens feels lacking. no it absolutely is lacking.
would it be disingenuous to leave it at T until the plot changes up enough to warrant a level up? or should i change the rating now and leave everyone to wonder at my justification as the fic (very slowly, UGH) progresses? questions, questions and no answers in sight as yet.
the cast!
unlike in HF where we really did just have like, two MAIN main characters in shisui and sasuke, to oblivion has an ensemble cast🙏 the taggings are listed in order of both how much of the character we'll see in-fic and how much we'll focus on them. where HF was all about growth and healing with minimal outside interference, this fic is... well it has a plot🥹
in one of those oneshots i wrote after HF, there's this scene where shisui rants up a storm at sasuke about konoha, how rotten it can get yk? just, having to live in the village knowing that the truth of your family's murder has been suppressed to keep the peace - when the "peace" used to justify that extermination didn't even last more than a handful of years. this fic directly confronts that. actually, it's specifically because every single character engages in the village whether as the leader, in kks' case, or as proponents to its growth and success post-war, its kind of a necessity that everybody has an opinion about what goes on yk?
i feel like ppl who came into the fic expecting romance and fucking are gonna be disappointed by that sjshsjshshsh there's gonna be SOME of that, but very minimally, and right at the end lmao. fic subscribes to the idea that there is no room for personal growth within self and relationships in an environment in perpetual turmoil lmao
the polycule 💃
it's still happened lmaooooo, like i just get crazier about the idea the more i sit with it! though, i forgot to say in the AN, and i'm too much of a sleepy cat to go back and edit it in, but i meant to mention that kakashisasu(???!!!ship name???!!!) isn't gonna be like a right angle. like... the dots connect in all directions despite how things are playing out rn! 🙏
i will say, however, that development for each relationship on a personal, one on one level, is different between each pairing because yk, they enter the story in different stages of their lives with different agendas and opinions abt each other. kkss are halfway in love already, but kkshs probably need to fight it out for another several dozen chapters before they can even stand to look each other in the eye without wanting to kill smth and that's not even touching shsasu who haven't!! even!! met up yet!!! (gawd what did i get myself into?? lmao😭)
the timeline
woof. the timeline! WOOF! HF had the benefit of sticking incredibly close to just one stream of happenings in a very linear format,,,, to oblivion? not so much. the past, whether it's ten years ago, during the fourth war or even just prior to the fic happening is AS important to the story as the story itself, unfolding. if i decided to tell this fic in a linear fashion, a, it would be very boring and retrace too much of canon and b, it would be very LONG. like staggeringly long, enough that i'd probably tire of writing the fic long before i even reached where we are right now in the fic - there is SO MUCH yet to uncover
what i will say is that canon largely stays the same except for some staple fanons of mine, some seen in HF, and others very specifically for this AU. for the obvs staples, there's madara is final baddie and no VOTE2 so no losing arms for either of my babies - god forbid. the major deviation from HF is that i've reduced how debilitating Ssk's mental health issues (if you will) can be in presenting themselves, though we do have some of it cropping up within the fic if you're the type who reads very line by line. there's also, ofc, the fact that shisui has been ALIVE for all this time - but i'll save all the explaining for that to shisui when the time is appropriate.
but yes, it's because the past matters SO MUCH for how this fic develops that i really saw no other way to progress with it than mixing everything up. and i do mean EVERYTHING. what i will say is that there are certain periods where we can kinda cluster scenes together to form an idea of how all this shit is happening only Now.
war/between canon era: so far we only got one scene from here, from ch2
pre-tribunal, post-war - a LOT of scenes fall here, so it's broken up even further into two periods: 1. while sasuke is incarcerated post 4th war and 2. after he's left incarceration but before the tribunal (ch1 has a LOT of afterward scenes, in particular)
pre-massacre: these scenes will tend to be more kkshs focused so happy hunting for when there's more of them!
pre-trial, present day after shisui appears: this is the main storyline and will be the easiest to follow, go figure!
pre-trial, immediately post-tribunal: i've only written perhaps a scene or two(?) from this period, i don't see it cropping up as much as the others because it's only there specifically for relationship and character building. i'm squeezing a lot of post-canon pre-fic character development in to explain away why some of our faves may be acting a wee ooc, and i can't begin to explain how consequential the tribunal is, personally and politically for all of team seven oh lawd😭
i can't stress enough that i drafted much of the bedrock of this fic immediately after HF,,,, but while my intention (heh, hehe) (translate what the characters before "to oblivion" stand for, okay, its funny i swear!) remains the same as what it was then, my focus has become more... hm, exacting. sharpened.
writing is an inherently personal affair, i think. to write is to put meaning to the thoughts that swim around your head, whether that's by poetry or prose, through the guise of imagery or character work. i write fic because i like writing fic, and wanna be able to read work that satisfies me personally. i've got an itch in my brain and to oblivion has become, essentially, an outlet for my thought process. so if there's anything you find in it that speaks of a very particular kinda way of thinking, shall we say, keep poking at it. i very much am having a conversation with you.
and that's a wrap, i have a shift in seven hours and i desperately need sleep sjsjsshhsshsh
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nattyontherun · 24 days
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how do you live?
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nattyontherun · 24 days
@Fanfic writers:
My friend send me this link, is a series on a profile on Ao3 (tumblr) that has different tutorials to insert things to fanfics via html code, I thought I would share bc it’s really cool
Lists of tutorials:
How to make images fit in mobile browsers
This is a tutorial/live example on how to make large images fit on mobile browsers but remain normal size on desktop browsers.
How to mimic letters, fliers, and stationery without using images
This is a tutorial/live example on how to mimic the look of letters, fliers, and stationery (as well as other forms of written media) without using images. For all your epistolary fic needs.
How to make a “choose your own adventure” Fic
This is a tutorial/live example on how to create a "Choose Your Own Adventure" fic. While this has been explained before (see here), this particular tutorial shows you how to use a work skin to hide the next parts from the reader until they click through to get to them.
How to make linked footnotes on Ao3
This is a live example of how an author can create linked footnotes in their work with only a little bit of HTML and no workskins required. This is best viewed by clicking "Entire Work". While I've included the actual coding in bold and italic once you click "Hide Creator's Style", there's a more detailed explanation here.
How to change text on Ao3 when the cursor is hovering over it (or clicked on mobile)
This a tutorial/live example on how to have text change or appear once a cursor is hovering over it. Helpful for pop-up spoilers, language translations, quick author's notes, etc.
How to mimic author’s notes and Kudos/Comment buttons
Anonymous on tumblr: do you have a skin that would mimic the author’s notes and review/kudos buttons section from the end of a fic? the desired effect being that the fic could go on after the “end” of the fic, so after the author’s notes and review/kudos buttons
Here's a tutorial/live example to do just that, with some of the buttons actually functioning. I'll explain more inside!
How to wrap text around images
This is a tutorial/live example on how to align images to the left or right of the screen and have text wrap around them.
How to mimic email windows
This is a tutorial/live example on how to mimic email windows on AO3 without the need to use images.
How to make ios text messages on Ao3
This is a tutorial/live example on how to mimic iOS text messages on AO3 without the need to use images. There's also a chapter on how to have emojis displayed on AO3 as well.
How to make Customized page deviders
Bored with the default page dividers? This is a tutorial/live example on how customize your page dividers with no images needed (though I do show you how you could use images if you wanted to do such a thing).
How to make invisible text (That can be highlighted)
This is a live example how to make invisible text that can only be seen by highlighting the text. Tutorial is included in text, and you can always leave comments about questions you may have.
MOBILE USERS: Sadly, this probably won't work for you, since highlighting in a mobile browser is different than web. I've tried correcting this, but have yet to find a solution.
How to make a rounded playlist
Original coding and design is from layouttest. I make no claims for it, just tweaked it so it will work on AO3.
How to create notebook lined paper on Ao3
This is a live example of my AO3 skin that allows the author to recreate the look of lined notebook paper in their work. To learn more about it, you can find the tutorial here.
Sticky notes on Ao3 without using images
This is a live example of my AO3 skin that allows the author to recreate the look of sticky notes (aka Post-Its) in their fic. To learn more about it, you can find the tutorial here.
How to make deadpool’s thinking thinking boxes on Ao3
This is a live example of my AO3 skin that allows the author to recreate the look of Deadpool's thinking boxes in their fic. To learn more about it, you can find the tutorial here.
How to make newspaper articles on Ao3
This is a live example of my AO3 skin that allows the author to recreate the look of a newspaper article in their work. To learn more about it, you can find the tutorial here.
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