narwhal-chan · 4 years
Me: *reading my presentation aloud in class*
My friend: *private chat* your read well
Me: *body shaking*
*scared as hell*
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narwhal-chan · 4 years
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narwhal-chan · 4 years
A Harry Potter and Ducktales (17) crossover?
I was reading a fanfiction earlier when the sudden thought of a Ducktales and a HP crossover suddenly popped into my mind. Okay, as a Slytherin I can proudly say that Louie and Lena would definitely be Slytherins. Like, those two are such a dynamic Slytherin Duo.
Despite Huey's favorite color being red, I imagine him as the perfect Ravenclaw along with Violet. Another dynamic duo.
Now, Dewey is definitely a Gryffindor. Brave? Check. Chivalrous? Check. A certain need go find trouble? Check. Honestly, he's literally the definition a Gryffindor.
Webby was a hard one for me because of her personality, she's not exactly cunning so I don't really think of her as a Slytherin despite her ambition. Ravenclaw also seemed like a good choice because of her thirst for knowledge but again, I just don't see her as enjoying studying. She loves learning, yes, but she seems like the type to enjoy learning by experiencing not just a book.
That left Gryffindor and Huffflepuff. My first thought was definitely Gryffindor but I realized that Webby has more of a civilized stature and doesn't exactly value being brave. So this got me thinking, what does Webbu value and the answer literally slammed into my face. Because of Webby's lack of friends when she was younger, Webby values the bonds that she's created. This is also another reason why she takes Lena's betrayal so hard, because she values their friendship. Webby is also very loyal and would rather die than betray the ones she loves. (Best girl right here💖)
On another note, does anyone see Lena adopting Webby as her Hufflebuddy? After all, every Slytherin has one. Louie has yet to adopt one. Maybe Louie will adopt one?
Any ideas for Donald, Della, and Scrooge? Cause I've got none.
BTW: I think Beakley is a Ravenclaw. Launchpad is a Hufflepuff.
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narwhal-chan · 4 years
fun fact: if you've seen season 3 episode 1 you'd know that Violet's parents are actually gay!
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Drake Mallard from Darkwing Duck is Disney’s First Gay Character!
Requested by @stim-pak
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