narc-angel-thoughts · 2 months
On an NPD high, might fuck around and make out with my reflection.
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narc-angel-thoughts · 8 months
Don't you all just love when your ex twists how everything went down just so they can appear superior on a social media site? I ask for examples, they don't give a single one. Isn't that funny?
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narc-angel-thoughts · 9 months
The ASPD urge to vaguepost about the ex who broke up with us during a breakdown instead of asking if we were okay or for any details about the situation that we were worried about. Tip for everyone dating mentally ill people: Not everything is as it seems. For the mentally ill people: It's very normal to think that you are the perpetrator in a situation that you were forced into. It does not mean that you are one.
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narc-angel-thoughts · 9 months
It's called fun.
I despise every single person who believes in disorders causing abusers. 99% of the time, these so called "empaths" are also likely to be abusive. Get help and stop projecting.
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I swing from two extremes when it comes to compassion:
You're a shallow acquaintance? Your problems are your problems. Not mine. I'll only care about you if it's profitable for me to do so. You are not entitled to me giving a shit.
You're one of my people? Well now I have an excessive need to take care of you. You're under my wings. Let me help you in whatever way I can. Will I go too far with this? Probably.
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my hot take is that self-proclaimed empaths are more likely to be emotional abusers than people with npd
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in accordance with my last reblog, i want everyone to know (but especially my aspd bitches)
you are not your thoughts, whether conscious or intrusive. you are not your urges. you are not your intentions. you are not your past. and you are certainly not what some assholes on the internet think of you.
you’re all amazing actually, and i’ll fight anyone who says otherwise
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I can fix everyone's problems. And if I can't, yes, I can.
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I can do every single skill the first time. If I fail, it doesn't count. The first try is whatever try I succeed.
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The way that I show love would be very immoral in the eyes of society. Genuinely relating to Stalker's Tango and People Eater, even in a metaphorical sense, is typically seen as insane or dangerous. No one would believe that someone like me could love healthily, yet I can.
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I despise every single person who believes in disorders causing abusers. 99% of the time, these so called "empaths" are also likely to be abusive. Get help and stop projecting.
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Call me Angel. She/they. 18.
Host of DID system. We will be posting under the same name.
Posts about my own ASPD and NPD thoughts will contain the tag "narcangel's immorality". Reposts will not have this tag.
Believe in "[insert disorder] abuse". Get help.
Believe that any disorder makes someone inherently abusive. Don't be hypocritical.
If you believe empathy or good intentions to be necessary while doing good things.
Anti-self diagnosis. The medical field is shit.
Endogenics and their supporters. This includes the appropriation of Tulpas. As of current research, systems can only be formed by trauma disrupting the formation of a single identity. This is too dangerous to spread otherwise without scientific evidence.
Xenogender/neopronoun antis. Get a life.
Proshippers. Go to therapy.
DDLG/DDLB/MDLG/MDLB blogs and "MAPs". Get help. For everyone's benefit.
I will not be masking. Don't tone police.
I will not be glamorising ASPD or NPD, but I will be being honest about what it's like.
Young minors interact with caution.
Don't claim to have ASPD without reasonable evidence and fitting the diagnostic criteria. I'm not going to check or call you out, because that is not my business, but you might want to stay away from this blog if you do claim without any reason.
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