Blog #4: Enjoying the Finer Things
The other night my daughter refused to go to bed. Nothing I was doing was working. I felt myself getting more and more stressed out by the second. And the more stressed out I got, the more stressed out she got. 
It took about an hour before I gave up on sleep training an picked her up and rocked her. Fifteen minutes later she was asleep in my arms with a smile on her sweet little face. 
Sometimes I forget how little she is. Sometimes I forget how she needs me and depends on me. Sometimes I forget how much I love her and I just want to run away. And then something like this happens and she turns my world upside down. 
I think we all need to take a step back sometimes and realize how small our children are and that sooner or later they aren’t going to need us like this.
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Blog #3: The Hardest Part of Parenting
My daughter is now seven months old now and it has occurred to me that people who are not parents do not realize what being a parent entails. 
Before I became a mom, I thought like most other people that the hardest part would be the cost, the diapers and the spit up. Now that I have been doing this for awhile I can say I was wrong. 
The hard parts of parenting are learning your babies cues as they grow, trying not to take offense to those around you that believe they could do it better, trying not to freak out with all of the “rules” you are given, remembering to cherish as many moments as you can because you know that they won’t stay little for long, letting them make mistakes so they can learn and learning when to step in and step back. But the absolute hardest part of being a mom to me is accepting that my little baby that I worked so hard to grow is needing me less and less as she gets older and never knowing I could love someone so much. 
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Blog #2: What I Wish I Knew About Being a Stay at Home Mom
My daughter A just turned 6 months old and she is absolutely beautiful. She is a great baby and I couldn’t ask for more in that area. Being a stay at home mom to my daughter has been one of the hardest and most rewarding things I have ever done but there are a lot of things no one told me were part of the package. So here are a few things I had wish I’d known. 
1. You don’t ever get a break. When my significant other is home he does help me around the house and with my daughter but I am still on mom duty full time. I find sometimes that he has more fun with her because he gets up every day, leaves the house and then when he comes home work is at work. I never leave so my work is constantly surrounding me. Though I love it, it can be a bit much at times. 
2. Going out in public is really hard. You are used to being home with your baby. If you are anything like me you work your butt off to get your little one on a schedule so you have a few minutes during the day to yourself, but when you go out you are often times forced to be spontaneous. You have to pry over tired baby out of Grandma’s hands so you can get them down for a nap.
3. You will be told you are doing it wrong. Not just staying at home, people will tell you that you aren’t parenting right regardless of how great you are. Try not to let it bother you.
4. You may start to lose part of your identity. If you were an out and about type of person before, staying at home with your child is going to be really hard. You spend all day dedicated to this beautiful tiny human you have created. When people come to visit they are usually not there to see you but to see the baby. You are no longer the person you were before.
5. You will be exhausted. You will get dirty even doing nothing. You will cherish bathroom breaks and showers by yourself. You will cry at least once.
6. You spend most of the day with someone touching you. If you have a child who spits up a lot then you might spend most of the day covered in someone else’s bodily fluids.
7. Having a routine is great, but it can get boring and redundant after awhile. You get up change the baby, feed the baby, love the baby, play with the baby, the baby naps, they get up wash rinse repeat.
8. If you get caught up in your routine and all the hard parts you may miss some of the wonderful moments that are happening before your eyes.
9. You will feel like a super hero. Sometimes I am so tired I can’t focus but then I look down and out of nowhere and for no particular reason, my beautiful little girl is smiling at me.Then all of a sudden I am a super hero and I can do anything.
10. You will get frustrated. There will be days when you try your absolute hardest to make your baby happy and comfortable and they are just fussy. It’s normal and it happens just remember not to take your frustration out on your baby. If you feel yourself getting really aggravated then it is best to lay them down someplace safe and walk away until you can calmly take care of them. 
Being a stay at home mom is a hard and often times thankless job but it can also be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. It’s not for everyone but it is most definitely worth trying if you have the ability. 
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Blog #1: About Me!
Hi potential readers! My name is Krissy and I am a 22 year old stay at home mom. My daughter is now 5 months old and I have no time where the time has gone. 
I want to help other mommies (and daddies) figure out this whole parenting thing while I navigate it on my own. So every week I will post a blog about a topic I think needs to be addressed, and give my opinion but also do some research to discover the pros and cons of each topic. Hopefully this will help parents make more informed decisions and help make this whole parenting thing just a little better. 
Full Disclosure: I haven’t fully decided exactly what I want this blog to be yet. I want to write honest pieces that people can relate to and about interesting topics people want to read about.
I love feed back! I want this to become a community where we can all learn and grow together! It’s time to stop mommy shaming and start helping each other.
If you have any ideas about what I should write about in my next blog feel free to let me know!
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