my-vash-meryl-stuff · 10 months
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I'm not going to tag the person who made these tags, because you guys can find them easily in the Rem and Vash post... but wow, someone woke up feeling passive-aggressive right?
I do know jpn artists hate reposting their stuff, meaning stuff they made, like artwork, videos etc. This is a photo of an art gallery, you know a public one, and the profiles of the bandai page are also public, so the point is moot in this case.
Sorry for wanting to provide a bit more of context in a site that's infamous for making up sources and misinformation, just wanted to help, but sure I have low media literacy right? Really mature of you 🙄
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my-vash-meryl-stuff · 10 months
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I'm not going to tag the person who made these tags, because you guys can find them easily in the Rem and Vash post... but wow, someone woke up feeling passive-aggressive right?
I do know jpn artists hate reposting their stuff, meaning stuff they made, like artwork, videos etc. This is a photo of an art gallery, you know a public one, and the profiles of the bandai page are also public, so the point is moot in this case.
Sorry for wanting to provide a bit more of context in a site that's infamous for making up sources and misinformation, just wanted to help, but sure I have low media literacy right? Really mature of you 🙄
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my-vash-meryl-stuff · 10 months
I'm not OP, but I want to clear it up because I did checks the sources before rebloging it:
The first comment about Rem being Vash's mother and "lover" is in a short profile about Rem in the bottom of the second image of the tweet:
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I'm not fluent in japanese, so take this with a grain of salt but the particular word that can be translated as "lover" or 「恋人」can be translated in many ways... and most of them do have either sexual or romantic connotations (girlfriend, lover, sweetheart, etc.), however, the one possible meaning that also calls my attention is the "heroine" one, which may sound better as "Vash's mother and heroine..." buuut, the word is often used in japanese, specially in manga terms, as a heroine, which generally has the connotation of the main heroine who is set up to be a romantic partner with the protagonist in the long run... so yeah, again, just throwing it out there.
As for the other comments, those are actually character profiles that are available in the Bandai page about the 98 anime, you have to scroll down and there's more menus that you have to click on to open, one of them is a bunch of character profiles, and here are the ones used in the post, Rem's and Vash's:
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And Rem's profile in specific is the one using that other term 「彼女」 which is a very feminine pronoun, more so than a simple "her", as it's often used to refer to a beloved woman, and like the other, more often than not, used with romantic connotations.
While Vash's profile uses 「恋人」 once again, when talking about how important is Rem for him.
That being said, it is true that Nightow's comment is neither romantic or sexual in connotation, at most he explains that he conceived Rem as more "motherly" and then he changed her to be more "spunky" (or fiercer as OP also translated) which is not a common attribute for mothers, at least not in Japan at the time, and more often than not, used for younger women in dating age, rather than being already married/mothers. (Japan is VERY specific about the different language used for single women and married women)
My guess is that the staff and/or marketing team of the 98 anime played up the "lost lenore" aspect of Rem, the same way they played up the romance between Vash and Meryl, but again, don't take my word for it, it's just a guess.
I think there’s a lot to be said about how Vash talks about his mom like she’s his dead girlfriend and how Knives talks about his mom like a jilted lover but are we, as a society, ready to unpack that?
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my-vash-meryl-stuff · 11 months
I think there’s a lot to be said about how Vash talks about his mom like she’s his dead girlfriend and how Knives talks about his mom like a jilted lover but are we, as a society, ready to unpack that?
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i have said this maybe one billion times but i will say it again people only think vamery is boring bc they dont know what to do with female characters.
maybe if u understood that they have sloppy clingy sweaty wet animal sex you wouldnt be so foolish
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what love means for the Humanoid Typhoon.
this came to me in a dream, I had to draw it out. Trimax keeps haunting me; if you've not read it yet i highly recommend it 😭
i couldn't resist the call of both Stampede and Maximum's designs so i mixed them a little :)
EDIT: THANK YOU @princess-of-purple-prose for the ID tags!!!
[ID: A Trigun Stampede comic with some design elements from the Trigun manga.
First, Rem hugs young Vash and Knives, who both smile at her. They're captioned "Love is... family and safety in a mother's hug. But also--"
Next, Vash and Wolfwood fight together, Vash looking strained with effort and some black feathers emerging while Wolfwood grins. "Being in sync, a deep trust in having each other's backs in battle."
Vash wraps his torso with a sad expression. "It isn't always reciprocated, but it is also a love for humanity, despite the deep scars it leaves."
Vash smiling as he eats a donut. "Sometimes it is in a donut."
Vash cooks stir fry with a somber expression and almost fully black hair while Livio looks at him with shame from the dining table. "Sometimes it's feeding a brother in the wake of shared grief."
Vash and Meryl kiss their knuckles, smiling at each other as Meryl cries. "To be just a little selfish. Promising your future to another, to return home. To ask for them: 'Please wait for me.'"
Vash and Knives supporting each other post-final battle, their single wings spreading out together. "It is also sparing your brother, despite. It is in saving each other." End ID]
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I have been thinking.
Besides the reveal that Meryl will get Milly as a newbie, they also have her boss jokingly telling her that "she will get demoted to the Insurance dept" (not exact words, sorry) which shrugs off with a laugh.
At first I thought it was just a callback to both the manga and the 98 anime, but lately I've been wondering if maybe in s2, she will end up becoming an "insurance girl" again.
Why? Who knows, maybe when she, Nick and Milly finally catch up to Vash, there will obviously be new problems that they'll deal with, and at some point Meryl will do something that will be so dangerous and against company policy, or will be involved into some new disaster next to Vash that she will indeed get demoted to the Insurance brand.
It would be funny if it would be presented as a sort of punishment for a journalist like "see? Now instead of doing field word, you're gonna be tied to your desk" only for Meryl to unofficially take the og route of "Oh, is that so? In that case I'm gonna go follow the Humanoid Typhoon so he doesn't causes more damages" and she and Milly both go on their merry way to form the squad along with Vash and Wolfwood.
Dunno if this would be like a s2 finale, sinxe we know that IF the s2 does well, we could have a s3, so I think we can assume that the next season will be at somewhat open to a new development, but it could also happen in the middle, who knows?
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Little vashmeryl moment in Trimax
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from eden
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Thank you for the sweet VashMeryl @mint-mango !
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Really happy I found your Patreon to help fuel my VashMeryl heart
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the first thing i'm going to post on this website after almost 5 years is going to be vashmeryl
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*Throws this into the pot*
I have nothing to say other than... Enjoy this trigun shitpost animatic—
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The best antidepressant✨
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I want Stampede!Milly to be taller than absolutely everyone, with fluffy hair. 😌
This is what I want from the Final Phase......just the four of them hanging out.....nothing bad happening ever....
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What do you think they're talking about? 🥺
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VashMeryl for MerMay~
By now, this scenario has evolved into a whole AU story, which I hope I will be able to explain to you guys, going forward! There’s going to be merfolk, witches, whalers… and more!
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Was reading thru trimax and it hit me that Meryl really is his anchor across all versions of Trigun, and specifically her voice is an anchor. There’s that moment after he kills Legato in trimax where Vash ends up dreaming/seeing visions of all the people he’s loved who have died, Wolfwood and Rem too, and you really get the feeling that Vash wouldn’t mind if he never woke up. But somehow he overhears Meryl giving that speech about how they (she) fights for and alongside Vash the Stampede, and that’s what wakes him up.
Y-yeah....:'))) Every time, the themes are consistent. (Meryl's so important guys!) Cause god, when he's suffering through his very worst--even through all the ugly, violent, horrifying parts, spiraling at his lowest emotional point, teetering on the very edge of giving up or completely losing (faith in) himself, she's there...to find and catch him when he falls. To Remind him that he's not lost or struggling alone in this too. ;o; And that is so......like the tender love inherent in their connection, softly restoring that faith in humanity and empowering his resolve to keep going without losing hope, is so gently anchoring and beautiful. <3
Like here, the way she gently holds his hand cradling his head on her lap, feeling (crying) his pain for him as he's struggling in half-awareness, encouraging and reminding him of that.
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And here, the moment you described: the way he literally pulls himself out of that dark, aimless, unconscious abyss, gripping with his clenched fist (of revived determination) onto the anchoring sound (light) of her voice beside him bringing him all the way back to the world of the living. :')
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(She's chosen to stand together, with him at his side, to help relieve the burden of his fight's long suffering, before he resolves to take the next necessary steps as a bridge connecting the hurt hearts of Plants & humanity.)
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[Flowers that began to bloom]
VashMeryl AU where flowers begin to bloom from her.
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