muscularhair-blog 7 years
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hi i made a gamejam game i think
if you care here is the link i guess
if you dont care then oh
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muscularhair-blog 7 years
i remember someone telling me that the demo was uncontrollable on keyboard for some people with non-us keyboards so i鈥檝e set up rebindable keyboard controls (wow i said keyboard a lot). i have literally no idea if it works properly for non-us keys (like accent keys, different currencies, different punctuation) but ive tried to get all the standard us keys working, so its a start at least.
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muscularhair-blog 7 years
by upgrade i mean sub weapon.
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muscularhair-blog 7 years
hello. i am not dead. i have not dropped the game but i also have not been developing at all since the demo.
so i have a massive problem: i am not a good designer and i am all out of ideas. unfortunately that means that helleton is suffering for it because i have absolutely no idea what direction to take it in. instead of following in the shadow of castlevania so closely, i should have instead taken inspiration from it to allow breathing room, as i have practically no room for innovation at this time.
so here鈥檚 what i鈥檓 gonna do: make the third level, polish the game a bit, fix bugs, add a few settings (keyboard rebinding in mind for non-QWERTY keyboards) and wrap this up. i was originally thinking of just letting this go but i really just need to finish something.
if you do not hear from me after this regarding helleton, then assume the flame died out. but ill give it a good shot
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muscularhair-blog 7 years
Hey I just wanted to say that I played through the first boss fight and its honestly so well done it's better then playing this then platformers as a kid. keep up the amazing work!
Thank you very much! I鈥檓 happy to hear that you enjoyed it!
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muscularhair-blog 7 years
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Demo is here!
If you are interesting in giving it a little play, the link is here:聽https://muscularhair.itch.io/helleton
Please let me know what you think on the itch.io page! If you don鈥檛 have an account then you can reply to this post if you would like to.
Thank you! Now I go back to bed because illness can go to Hell.
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muscularhair-blog 7 years
i apologize for lack of progress. i am currently very ill. i will still get the demo out tomorrow but i will most likely not be in any kind of position to make bug fixes. if there is a gamebreaking glitch or the game doesnt work properly, i will try to fix it but otherwise i will most likely be sleeping throughout the day.
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muscularhair-blog 7 years
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I was gifted this beautiful piece of fanart of the main character yesterday and I would love to share it.
Sheriff Harper is now the cutest husbando you can find (I鈥檓 not sure if I鈥檝e mentioned his name here or not).
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muscularhair-blog 7 years
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Happy New Year!
Demo (hopefully) on the 8th!
Edit: I just realized the hole for the hat is bigger than the hat itself. Did I mention I cannot draw?
Edit 2: Fixed it because apparantly I can edit photos after you post them. woah dude
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muscularhair-blog 7 years
Is... is your icon 8-bit Jesus?
Hahaha! No, it鈥檚 me. But my nickname in highschool was JC (Jesus Christ), so technically yes?
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muscularhair-blog 7 years
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been working on tileset art. it鈥檚 hell (no pun intended) for me because trying to make art as a musician is like trying to rewire your entire house when you only have a certification in plumbing.
will probably end up replacing the replacements to the placeholders. at least the copyrighted assets are slowly being weeded out.
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muscularhair-blog 7 years
Short Version: So, this video is from the 23rd, though I didn鈥檛 post it here because I ran into horrible bugs about five minutes after I made it and finally got around to fixing them today. Reworked the stairs system. First third of the video shows the old version, the rest shows the new version.
Slightly Longer Version: I reworked the stairs system after putting it off since I literally started the game (was the second system I wrote, right after the basic movement system). Basically, you could only attack or change direction when standing still on a stair. There was also a few frames where you could stop on a stair, which made it very jittery (and frustrating to dodge enemies or projectiles while on stairs). Now it鈥檚 silky smooth and you can attack and change direction whenever you want. You still snap to a stair but only if you鈥檙e not holding a movement button. It still has a lot of kinks to work out, however the overall system is much better. It may look like a small change but it feels a lot better.
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muscularhair-blog 7 years
Merry (Belated) Christmas!
Sorry, didn鈥檛 have time to make a post on Christmas day or yesterday. I鈥檝e been taking a small break from development, but now it鈥檚 time to go back to work. Full sails set for Demo Day!
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muscularhair-blog 7 years
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checking in. been almost exclusively working on menus and under the hood stuff, so not much to show.
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muscularhair-blog 7 years
good for speedrunning
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muscularhair-blog 7 years
made the credits theme for the end of the demo. the song will be reworked when i have more stages and thus more leitmotifs to include
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muscularhair-blog 7 years
i dont have a stage 3 even conceptualized yet but heres the music i just made for it sorry its a bit darude-y
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