moraldiva · 8 years
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Something good in this world…
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moraldiva · 8 years
Pseudo Justice #10: Gazi Kodzo, AKA GodGazi, AKA Smiletone
Celeste: Here we are again, this one was inevitable from the beginning of this. Gazi Kodzo is an loose associate of the very first subject I covered, Curves in Color, having recieved reblogs and mentions on the others blog.
However, since I began and started planning on doing a takedown on Gazi, he’s suddenly gained tons of infamy, his videos have generated dozens of responses and has been made fun of on dozens of websites. So I can’t let all the rest of you have fun insulting this racial supremacist without me, here goes nothing, without further ado, the wonderful ball of sunshine himself, Gazi Kodzo:
Gazi: “Black people can not appropriate white culture. We can only assimilate white culture because white culture is the dominant culture in white supremacy capitalism patriarchy imperialism, girl, how you don’t know that Lucy!”
“White women make 78 cents to the white man’s dollar but black women make 65 cents to the white man’s dollar, Patty! Patty, I think yo’  22 cents are gon’ to have to wait, the sisters are a little busy.” 
“We are one human species but we’re all based off of different histories and our histories form us and your history shows your people haven’t experienced the golden age without oppressing and conquering others.” 
“Only #BlackLivesMatter to me and I have no shame in saying that. Because MY People are going through a worldwide genocide.”
“You want to know why I call white Jews fake? Because they are currently killing the original black Jews (Ethiopians) who taught them everything about their religion! How can u be real when u killing the original? Anyways if u a white jew and wanna get on the right side of the question give reparations to all the indigenous people you have colonized and oppressed.Also everyone should read about Shark Island and how white jews murdered millions of Africans just for “research”.“
Celeste: And now you can probably see why this guy’s earned the nickname of “Black Hitler” right? I certainly hope you do. But if you don’t get it, let me spell it out. With responses to his quotes.
1) Prove, with evidence please (and not circular reasoning), that capitalism is tied to white supremacy and patriarchy, and that our current culture doesn’t actively despise white supremacists like David Duke. Oh wait you can’t Gazi, because it’s all a big conspiracy to you.
2) The “wage gap” as described by mainstream feminists doesn’t reflect why it’s actually the way it is. Under current US law it is illegal to pay people less based on gender or ethnicity, etc. My research has shown that it is merely the average of all one group taken together, without regards to where their careers tend to be. It’s a really misleading statistic.
And that’s not even considering that fact that if you accept the stat as currently used and truly believe in racial and gender equality, Gazi’s comments about white women at the end of it come off as just a liiiitle bit racist.
3) No people has reached a “Golden Age” without some form of oppression going on under their watch. Have you ever heard of somebody called “Genghis Khan” Gazi?
4) Only his people matter to him, same position that Adolf Hitler held.
5) More conspiracy theories about how “Blacks are the real Jews” and “Jews have constantly colonized and oppressed” his people.
That sounds a lot like a modern day Hitler speech. Or one from a neo-Nazi. All he needs to do is start going on long tangents about how ZOG controls everything and his conversion to literal neo-nazism is just about complete. lol.
And just when you thought the crazies were enveloping BLM from the inside, they burst out and start the “Uhuru Movement” under Black Hitler’s guidance.
Here is what he said recently on his facebook about BLM meeting with Presidential Candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Gazi: “Only the neo-colonized sellout can participate in a meeting with the oppressor that has stolen our land, stolen our bodies, stolen our history, stolen our language, enslaved us, cut off our hands, lynched our men, raped women, murdered our children, put our adults through mass incarceration, put our children through the school to prison pipeline, poisoned our waters, droned and bombed our mother land, assassinated our leaders,  given us AIDS, Ebola, Cholera Virus, the list goes on…”
source: http://archive.is/Jk3RZ
That’s right, it’s wrong to go out and make peaceful reforms via meetings with political candidates to make sure that bad things try and stop happening to your communities.
But the real kicker here isn’t the accurate stuff (slavery, lynchings, mass incarceration) but the insane conspiracy gobbledygook he mixed it in with.
Here we have a man blaming AIDS and Ebola on a white conspiracy.
And don’t even get me started on the “stolen history” thing when many colleges have AFRICAN STUDIES departments. Gee, I wonder what those are about. It certainly can’t be African people’s history, can it?
BONUS FUN, please view this youtube video remixing this guys racism into a catchy electronic beat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5M-xvJ67adg
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moraldiva · 8 years
Pseudo Justice #10: Gazi Kodzo, AKA GodGazi, AKA Smiletone
Celeste: Here we are again, this one was inevitable from the beginning of this. Gazi Kodzo is an loose associate of the very first subject I covered, Curves in Color, having recieved reblogs and mentions on the others blog.
However, since I began and started planning on doing a takedown on Gazi, he’s suddenly gained tons of infamy, his videos have generated dozens of responses and has been made fun of on dozens of websites. So I can’t let all the rest of you have fun insulting this racial supremacist without me, here goes nothing, without further ado, the wonderful ball of sunshine himself, Gazi Kodzo:
Gazi: “Black people can not appropriate white culture. We can only assimilate white culture because white culture is the dominant culture in white supremacy capitalism patriarchy imperialism, girl, how you don’t know that Lucy!”
“White women make 78 cents to the white man’s dollar but black women make 65 cents to the white man’s dollar, Patty! Patty, I think yo’  22 cents are gon’ to have to wait, the sisters are a little busy.” 
“We are one human species but we’re all based off of different histories and our histories form us and your history shows your people haven’t experienced the golden age without oppressing and conquering others.” 
“Only #BlackLivesMatter to me and I have no shame in saying that. Because MY People are going through a worldwide genocide.”
“You want to know why I call white Jews fake? Because they are currently killing the original black Jews (Ethiopians) who taught them everything about their religion! How can u be real when u killing the original? Anyways if u a white jew and wanna get on the right side of the question give reparations to all the indigenous people you have colonized and oppressed.Also everyone should read about Shark Island and how white jews murdered millions of Africans just for “research”.“
Celeste: And now you can probably see why this guy’s earned the nickname of “Black Hitler” right? I certainly hope you do. But if you don’t get it, let me spell it out. With responses to his quotes.
1) Prove, with evidence please (and not circular reasoning), that capitalism is tied to white supremacy and patriarchy, and that our current culture doesn’t actively despise white supremacists like David Duke. Oh wait you can’t Gazi, because it’s all a big conspiracy to you.
2) The “wage gap” as described by mainstream feminists doesn’t reflect why it’s actually the way it is. Under current US law it is illegal to pay people less based on gender or ethnicity, etc. My research has shown that it is merely the average of all one group taken together, without regards to where their careers tend to be. It’s a really misleading statistic.
And that’s not even considering that fact that if you accept the stat as currently used and truly believe in racial and gender equality, Gazi’s comments about white women at the end of it come off as just a liiiitle bit racist.
3) No people has reached a “Golden Age” without some form of oppression going on under their watch. Have you ever heard of somebody called “Genghis Khan” Gazi?
4) Only his people matter to him, same position that Adolf Hitler held.
5) More conspiracy theories about how “Blacks are the real Jews” and “Jews have constantly colonized and oppressed” his people.
That sounds a lot like a modern day Hitler speech. Or one from a neo-Nazi. All he needs to do is start going on long tangents about how ZOG controls everything and his conversion to literal neo-nazism is just about complete. lol.
And just when you thought the crazies were enveloping BLM from the inside, they burst out and start the “Uhuru Movement” under Black Hitler’s guidance.
Here is what he said recently on his facebook about BLM meeting with Presidential Candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Gazi: “Only the neo-colonized sellout can participate in a meeting with the oppressor that has stolen our land, stolen our bodies, stolen our history, stolen our language, enslaved us, cut off our hands, lynched our men, raped women, murdered our children, put our adults through mass incarceration, put our children through the school to prison pipeline, poisoned our waters, droned and bombed our mother land, assassinated our leaders,  given us AIDS, Ebola, Cholera Virus, the list goes on…”
source: http://archive.is/Jk3RZ
That’s right, it’s wrong to go out and make peaceful reforms via meetings with political candidates to make sure that bad things try and stop happening to your communities.
But the real kicker here isn’t the accurate stuff (slavery, lynchings, mass incarceration) but the insane conspiracy gobbledygook he mixed it in with.
Here we have a man blaming AIDS and Ebola on a white conspiracy.
And don’t even get me started on the “stolen history” thing when many colleges have AFRICAN STUDIES departments. Gee, I wonder what those are about. It certainly can’t be African people’s history, can it?
BONUS FUN, please view this youtube video remixing this guys racism into a catchy electronic beat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5M-xvJ67adg
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moraldiva · 8 years
Saved this lil guy yesterday. #AllHailBehemoth
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moraldiva · 8 years
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moraldiva · 8 years
Baby bobcat on the hunt.
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moraldiva · 8 years
“HA!  The Ghostbusters reboot made back it’s budget!  It’s a huge success!  SUCK IT, NERDS!”
No, it hasn’t, and it isn’t.
YOU: “I can’t wait for the sequel!”
There won’t be one.
YOU: “It’s the best one of Paul Feig’s movies has ever done!!”
Not really.
It’s not even doing as well as his other films.
No “blockbuster” has this many empty theaters on opening weekend, and these pictures all came from people who were actively supporting the film, and outraged at the number of empty seats.
YOU: “Sony has already made a lot of money from it!”
Wrong.  The box office sales don’t go solely to the company, so technically, they didn’t even really make back their budget yet.  Theaters receive a percentage of the cut, which increases the longer a film is in theaters, meaning that going to re-view it now is literally useless.  By the fourth week, the theaters are receiving 80% of ticket sales.
YOU: “It’s a milestone that’s going to create more jobs in the industry!”
Exactly the opposite.  Sony has been laying off workers, and the film was directly named as partially responsible for the layoffs.
YOU: “B-but…this movie was made for women!”
No, it wasn’t.
In fact, it was someone else’s movie that was taken from them (Ivan Reitman was forced out of the project, yet they still used his name without him just to give the film credibility), and taken over by A SINGLE EXECUTIVE (Amy Pascal).
YOU: “It’s for the little girls!”
YOU: “But, it’s a feminist movie!”
Not, really.  Especially not for black women.  And Sony was forced to recant a public show of support for a political candidate–a completely unethical and unscrupulous move for a marketing team in the first place.
YOU: “Only giant manbabies are against this reboot!”
Wrong again!  But thanks for assuming women are a hivemind incapable of thinking for ourselves.
YOU: “The original actors all gave it glowing recommendations!  They wouldn’t be in it if they didn’t want to!”
That’s funny, because Ernie Hudson previously spoke out against it, and an information leak showed that Sony was threatening to sue Bill Murray if he didn’t agree to be in it.  Dan Aykroyd, meanwhile, has been conveniently neglecting to mention that he’s an executive producer on the reboot, and has also been trying to push for a “genuine” third Ghostbusters film, so he’s basically acting in his own interests.  Like, no shit one of the guys who created it wants to keep making money off of it.
YOU: “It hasn’t even opened in some places!  Overseas markets will save it!”
No, they won’t.  They won’t even have THE largest market in the world, and comedies are a hard sell overseas, because–surprise!–what Americans think is funny isn’t necessarily what the rest of the world thinks is funny, and vice-versa.  Their movies don’t do well over here–what kind of ethnocentric fuck thinks ours will automatically succeed over there?
YOU: “Sony said the numbers others are reporting are incorrect!”
Sony also paid a dude to make a positive video review to draw attention away from an unbiased negative review that went viral.  They’d previously stooped to making up an entirely fake “critic” to promote another movie years earlier.  Not exactly a trustworthy source of information.
http://archive.is/wH7lS  (archive, as original article was suspiciously removed)
Nobody even wants the game for the movie.  Tie-in games are often a big hit with kids, yet the game only sold 2,000 units.  That’s less units than the Japanese Ghostbusters pachinko game, which is a huge fuckin’ machine, and only exists in Japan.
YOU, in light of all of the above evidence:  “This is all a meninist conspiracy!  Everyone else is wrong!  All of those sites are trolls!  The media has something against women!”
Maybe it’s time to grow the fuck up, and realize that IT’S JUST A FUCKING MOVIE, AND IT’S NOT THE END OF THE WORLD IF NOT EVERYONE ENJOYS IT AS MUCH AS YOU DO.  It’s time to stop being delusional, and just accept that it’s not a hit, and there’s no “conspiracy” that has kept it from being a hit.
Maybe if you didn’t treat honest criticism of a film’s flaws as a “conspiracy”, or blamed it all on “sexism”, more people would have been willing to give the film a chance.  YOU DON’T FUCKING TRY TO GUILT AND SHAME PEOPLE INTO A SUPPORTING A MOVIE THEY HAVE NO INTEREST IN JUST BECAUSE YOU’VE ATTACHED A SOCIAL AGENDA TO ITS EXISTENCE.  Nobody forced any of you to go see Pixels or some equally dumbass movie, so don’t think you have license to force anyone else to see what YOU want them to see.  That’s just you being an emotionally manipulative asshole.
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moraldiva · 8 years
From @baxter_chibi: “Love is having a BFF to take catnaps with (until your creeper mom wakes you up). #busterandroxy🐱🐱” #catsofinstagram [source: http://ift.tt/2b5QHcs ]
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moraldiva · 8 years
jessie from pokemon is such an upsetting character bc her life has been a failure since the very beginning
she is a broken person
unlike for james, who could quit at any time and return to a comfortable life, for jessie, team rocket is everything she has.
she lived in poverty, with a mother who was a criminal, and they were so poor they ate snow
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her mother disappeared, looking for mew. there was never a mention of jessie having a father
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she wanted to be an actress, and decided to take that route instead of going with a boy she loved, but she ended up losing both as her audition didn’t go through
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she wanted to be a nurse, but failed
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and now she keeps failing trying to catch that god damned pikachu
as much as i like dawn i almost want jessie to win all the ribbons because she fucking deserves to be happy and she deserves those victories and she deserves a friend like james
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*wipes a tear* u go girl
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moraldiva · 8 years
I believe that any mother who dresses up her son as a girls, hates him and wishes he was born a girl.
Any mother who dresses her daughter up as a boy, hates her and wishes she was born a boy.
This isn't your child being genderfluid or trans, this is you secretly hating the gender your child is born with. You notice that single fathers and non cucked men aren't doing this to their kids, its the single moms or high feminist moms who are doing this.
women are weaker than men. For the past 6 years we let these women, these feminist, in charge and look at what has happened to our men, our sons. Now you have moms who think if their 2 year old son likes Pinkie Pie than "He must be trans". No hell he isn't! When I was 10, I liked Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles but that doesn't mean I was trans. I grew out of it and started liking Lisa Frank and Hello Kitty. No 2 year old has ever declared "Im gay, trans, bi, or  genderfluid". Almost everyone I know who is gay or trans said they became confident in declaring themselves that when they were in their teens. Ask any of them. So bullshit on this "My new born daughter like her blue socks. She's trans." No you're a fuck up mother!
These feminist hate men, they hate everything that makes men,men. So of course they want to destroy the male image by fucking it up. No woman, hell even most gay men, will never date a man wearing a frilly dress and a beard, yet alone have sex with him. Why? Because to any sane woman, that man is a weirdo. Not trans but a fucking weirdo and they can't see themselves with someone they deem to be fucking crazy. Why do you think hetero women also go after men who fucking look like men! Even some lesbians go for the manly looking chicks. Hell those lesbians who don't like girls who look like girls.
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moraldiva · 8 years
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moraldiva · 8 years
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moraldiva · 8 years
セミ捕りがしたくてしょうがない。 そしてやっぱり至近距離でなくセミは、ムービーに撮ると体に悪そうなパルス音をだしてる。
#猫 #ねこ #ネコ #neko #cat #ラグもどき #リヤン #おちつけ #セミ #アブラゼミ
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moraldiva · 8 years
I’m fucking sick of you, Tumblr. 
There are so many innocent black people who were shot unjustifiably in situations that escalated in ways that they shouldn’t have. People that were minding their business and essentially were murdered by police because of prejudice.
And then we have Korryn Gaines.
Korryn failed to appear in court to pay fines for traffic violations. It seems she was part of something called Sovereign Citizens. They are people who have ‘denounced’ their citizenship and think they are above the law. The fines she needed to pay were because she had put a sign saying she was a ‘sovereign citizen’ instead of a license plate on her car, and got (no shit, right?) pulled over.
So, police came to her apartment legally with a warrant for her arrest to bring her to court to pay the fines because she missed her court date. She would not answer the door, and when they finally did get inside–there she was with a shotgun and her child, pointing it at the officers (who retreated into the hallway) 
There was a stand-off for over five hours as they tried to convince her to put down the gun and slide it over to them. They even brought in negotiations experts. She would not surrender. 
Korryn, instead, pointed her shotgun at police and threatened to kill them. 
An officer fired one round.
She opened fire.
So, obviously, they began to shoot back. The child she was holding was either hit by shrapnel or a bullet. He is fine, and expected to make a full recovery. 
And, somehow, Tumblr seems to think the cops are in the wrong, that we need to rally behind her just because she’s black.
What the FUCK.
This is where I drop the ball.
She’s black and had a confrontation with police. A great deal of Tumblr obviously thinks we need to stand behind her because of that. 
No, Tumblr, no we fucking don’t. 
Blindly rallying behind her will only hurt the cause, not help it. What you’re doing is not fucking equality. What she did is inexcusable. She put the lives of everyone around her in danger. 
She was not killed out of prejudice. She was killed behind she was a fucking fool.
I will fight to the death for equality. As a Native American, I and my people know what it feels like to get stepped on. But I cannot fight for what Korryn did. 
On what planet did this stupid-ass woman think this whole event was going to end well if she pointed a fucking shotgun at police while sitting next to her fucking child? You could have all the racial equality in the entire fucking universe and still come out with the same result.
You can provide video and articles where white people did something similar and lived? Good fucking job. I can provide articles and video where they DIDN’T. 
All these other innocent poc who didn’t put themselves in harm’s way and point weapons at police, and this idiot is the person you rally behind like it’s mind-blowing she got fucking shot?
People who spend a fucking 5+ hours negotiating with someone after bringing experts in to put their freaking gun down aren’t itching to kill them. 
Let me tell you. You’re right. Her death was fucking unjustified, and you know why? Because Korryn Gaines would still be alive today if she slid that fucking shotgun over to them and surrendered. She would still be alive if she answered the fucking door without that shotgun and just payed the traffic fines she owed. She cannot justify her fucking actions. 
Because of her, her child was unnecessarily put in harm’s way over a legal arrest over traffic violations. 
You do not point a weapon at police, especially one capable of blowing clear through walls. Any person who survives doing something like that is an incredibly lucky moron. 
Karryn is not a martyr. She doesn’t deserve a hashtag. She is not the face of why we fight for equality. She is the prime example of what you don’t do when dealing with police. The man in the apartment who fled was taken in ALIVE and WELL. He didn’t threaten police.
You’re absolutely right. She did NOT have to die over traffic violations. But you’re telling that to the wrong person. The only one who should hear about it is now DEAD because she pointed a gun at cops over traffic violations caused when she LITERALLY decided the law didn’t apply to her.
The only true victim here is the boy she put in harm’s way. 
What the fuck  
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moraldiva · 8 years
Militant Baker's Body Love Conference is Dead
Militant Baker’s Body Love Conference is Dead
Yep that didn’t take long! After just 2 years the body love conference is finished. I can’t say I’m surprised considering the well documented failure it turned out to be. This is just another in the many failures from Jes Baker who had attempted to cash in on fat acceptance in the guise of “professional activist”. Once it was obvious that she wasn’t going to turn a buck on this shit show she…
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moraldiva · 8 years
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My 16 year old cat adopted at 14. Nonresponsive tonight hoping she makes it through the night. Hopefully you all appreciate her beauty like I did via http://ift.tt/29KELz0 http://ift.tt/29LpBp7 - Follow me http://ift.tt/Roy1qi
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moraldiva · 8 years
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This is crystal, she’s 12 now. She’s very sick and has to be put down soon, I figured she deserved a little minute of fame before she went to the kitty afterlife. I’m gonna miss her
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